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08-17 投稿


compoundable 发音

英:[[k?m'pa?nde?bl]]  美:[[k?m'pa?nde?bl]]

英:  美:

compoundable 中文意思翻译



compoundable 短语词组

1、compoundable offence ─── 复合犯

2、compoundable interest ─── 复合利益

3、compoundable offence crpc ─── 复合犯

4、compoundable definition ─── 可组合定义

5、compoundable ipc ─── 组合式工控机

6、compoundable meaning ─── 复合意义

compoundable 相似词语短语

1、decompoundable ─── 可分解的

2、impoundable ─── 无能的

3、confoundable ─── 可混淆的

4、commendable ─── adj.值得赞扬的;adv.值得赞扬地

5、compostable ─── 可用作堆肥(混合肥料)的;可以制作成肥料的

6、commandable ─── adj.可指挥的

7、commonable ─── adj.共有的;公用的;可在公地放牧的

8、compensable ─── adj.可补偿的;应予以补偿的

9、companiable ─── 兼容的

compoundable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He compound with his creditor for a postponement of payment. ─── 他与债权人达成协议延期付款。

2、The chemistry teacher weighed out one ounce of the compound . ─── 化学老师称出一盎司化合物。


4、Chemistry To add a tracer to (a compound). ─── 使示踪:向(一个复合物)加示踪剂

5、Location :Sarawak Museum compound, Kuching. ─── 地点:古晋砂拉越博物馆。

6、The wounded founder bought a pound of compound. ─── 受伤的奠基人买了一磅化合物。

7、Theobromine is a key compound in chocolate. ─── 可可碱是巧克力的重要成分。

8、A building or compound housing a mission. ─── 传教机构的房舍,传教所传教团的房舍或混合居留地

9、The iron in the chemical compound must be purged . ─── 化学混合物中的铁必须清除。

10、The stalk of a leaflet of a compound leaf. ─── 复叶中小叶的叶柄。

11、A clathrate compound, such as urea. ─── 包合物一种笼状化合物,如尿素

12、The Storage Compound, huh? What's In there? ─── 储藏区?那里有什么?

13、A cock crowed in the compound. ─── 围场上一只公鸡啼起来了。

14、Therefore,they are of polygenetic compound. ─── 因此,它们是多因复成的。

15、To treat or combine with mercury or a mercury compound. ─── 使汞化用水银或水银化合物处理或与之混合

16、A specific crystalline form of a compound that can crystallize in different forms. ─── 多晶形(物)一种能以不同形式结晶的化合物的特殊晶形

17、To remove nitrogen or nitrogen groups from(a compound). ─── 使脱硝,使脱氮(从化合物中)去掉氮或硝酸盐

18、A chemical compound consisting of such molecules. ─── 二聚化合物这种聚合物形成化合物

19、Products: compound fertilizer, globefish, clover. ─── 主要产品:复合肥、河豚、秧草。

20、Of or relating to a compound leaf not terminating in a leaflet. ─── 不终止于叶柄的复叶的属于或关于一种不终止于叶柄的复叶的

21、Leaves basal and cauline, 1-ternately compound. ─── 叶基生和茎生,1三出复合。

22、 双语使用场景

23、They used lumps of nitre, a sodium compound from the ship. ─── 他们使用了船上的硝石块-钠的一种化合物。

24、The main axis of a compound leaf. ─── 复叶的主轴。

25、Leaves simple or palmately compound. ─── 单叶或掌状复叶。

26、The soldier let the tank into the compound. ─── 士兵让坦克开进了院子。

27、A polymeric compound consisting of a number of nucleotides. ─── 多(聚)核苷核由许多核苷酸构成的一种聚合化合物

28、To remove oxygen from(a compound); reduce. ─── 去氧,脱氧从(混合物中)除去氧气;减少

29、If you want to decompose an organic compound,apply heat. ─── 如果你想分解一个有机化合物,加热即可。

30、"Broad-shouldered" is a compound word. ─── "Broad-shouldered"是个复合字。

31、Any of various derivatives of this compound. ─── 吲哚类产品任何一种由这种化合物制造出来的产品

32、Compound leaves are composed of several lobes. ─── 复叶由几个圆瓣组成。

33、A sulfide compound containing at least two sulfur atoms per molecule. ─── 多硫化物每个分子中至少含有两个硫原子的一种硫化物

34、The compound butyl rubber is calendered. ─── 将混制成的丁基橡胶进行精压。

35、A compound containing three chlorine atoms per molecule. ─── 三氯化物每个分子中含有三个氯原子的化合物

36、It is a compound of aluminum, silica, and fluorine. ─── 它是铝、硅和氟的化合物。

37、A metal compound,such as Ni(CO)4,containing the CO group. ─── 含羰基的金属化合物,如Ni(CO)4

38、To bring a butyl group into(a compound). ─── 丁基化将丁基组引入(某化合物)

39、She is living in the central compound of this complex. ─── 她现在住在这个小区的中心区域。

40、A compound derived from one of these isomers. ─── 三嗪衍生物由这几种三嗪衍生而来的化合物

41、Melamine is a small polar triazine compound. ─── 三聚氰胺是一种三嗪类含氮杂环有机化合物。

42、Ankang Area Compound Fertilizers Factory. ─── 安康地区复混肥厂。

43、Is it a compound or a complex sentence? ─── 它是并列句还是复合句?

44、One of the segments of a compound leaf. ─── 小叶复叶的一小部分

45、Comparison and Applications of Compound Sentences. ─── 复句对比与应用。

46、The compound RVT can be found in some plant types. ─── RVT成分可在某些品种的植物中发现。

47、A film or layer of a compound one molecule thick. ─── 单分子层一分子厚度化合物的膜或层

48、A compound tariff is a combination of a specific and an ad valorem tariff. ─── 复合关税是从价税与从量税两种关税相结合所征收的关税。

49、A kind of compound interest law. ─── 一种复利法则。

50、A compound metal is more useful. ─── 合金更加有用。

51、The prisoners horded together in the compound. ─── 囚犯群集在围墙里。

53、PVC cable compound series for low smoke, low logen. ─── 低烟低卤电缆料系列。

54、A compound sentence contains two or more clauses. ─── 复合句包含两个或多个从句。

55、A compound having five atoms of oxygen combined with another element or radical. ─── 五氧化物由五个氧原子和其它元素或基组成的化合物

56、If you want to decompose an organic compound ,apply heat . ─── 如果你想分解一个有机化合物,加热即可。

57、Thus, an azeotrope can readily be distinguished from a compound. ─── 因此很容易区别共沸物和化合物。

58、The compound so represented. ─── 分子分子式所表示的化合物

59、Compound Betamethasone Injection. ─── 复方倍他米松注射液

60、A new phenolic compound from Crinum asiaticum L. ─── Zhang Wei-dong(通讯作者),et al.

61、TPR compound is also available for chosen. ─── 另有TPR橡胶粒可供选择。

62、To make of the fruiter compound manage more.. ─── 为了使果树的复合经营更...

63、Stimulative policies compound the issue. ─── 刺激政策加剧了这个问题。

64、A compound with two oxygen atoms per molecule. ─── 二氧化物分子式中含有两个氧原子的化合物

65、PU compound board for auto inner decoration. ─── PU汽车内饰隔热复合板材。

66、Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound. ─── 几台暗藏的摄像机把院子里的每一个角落都拍了进去。

67、Compounded or consisting of things or parts that are already compound. ─── 与混合物混合的包括已成为混合物的东西或部分已混合的

68、Any of the ultimate leaflets of a bipinnately compound leaf. ─── 小羽片,二回羽片二回羽片结构的一种根本小叶

69、How to accelerate skin cut compound? ? ─── 如何加快皮肤伤口复合??

70、It is the most pervasive compound on earth. ─── 它是地球上最普遍的化合物。

71、Compound type duplex air release va. ─── 复合式双口排气阀。

72、One of the lenslike visual units of a compound eye,as of an insect. ─── 小眼面复眼的像透镜的视觉单位,如昆虫的

73、An organic compound containing many double bonds. ─── 多烯一种包含许多双键的有机化合物

74、To remove an amino group,NH2,from(an organic compound). ─── 去氨基从(化合物)中脱去氨基NH2

75、A chemical compound that contains the group N3. ─── 叠氮化物一种化合物,包含基团N3

76、Packaging:Plastic compound bags or Paper bags. ─── 包装:编织袋或纸袋。

77、An excess or deficiency of any compound may be equally disastrous. ─── 任何化合物的过多或缺乏都可造成灾难。

78、The chemist managed to isolate the compound. ─── 化学家设法分离出了这种化合物。

79、If anyone steps outside this compound, shoot! ─── 任何人敢于跨出这个区域一步,格杀勿论!

80、To add one or more alkyl groups to(a compound). ─── 使烷基化在(一种化合物)中添加一个或多个烷基团

81、To introduce the ethyl group into(a compound). ─── 使乙基化把乙基引入(一化合物)

82、Fingerprint' is a compound word. ─── ‘Fingerprint’(指纹)是一个复合词。

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