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08-17 投稿


emigration 发音

英:[,em?'gre??n]  美:[,?m?'gre??n]

英:  美:

emigration 中文意思翻译



emigration 同义词

migrate | trek | leave | travel | evacuate | relocate | move away

emigration 反义词


emigration 词性/词形变化,emigration变形

名词: emigration |动词过去分词: emigrated |动词第三人称单数: emigrates |动词过去式: emigrated |动词现在分词: emigrating |

emigration 短语词组

1、emigration of capital ─── 资本外流

2、compulsive emigration ─── 强迫移民

3、emigration policy ─── 移民政策

4、emigration control ─── 移民控制

5、brownist emigration ─── 布朗主义移民

6、emigration migration ─── 移民 ─── 移徙

7、emigration is ─── 移民是

8、emigration officer ─── 移民官员

9、emigration vs immigration ─── 移民与 ─── 移民

10、emigration define ─── 移民定义

11、emigration definition ─── 移民定义

12、emigration papers ─── [法] 出境证件

13、emigration officers ─── [法] 移民局官员

emigration 相似词语短语

1、remigrations ─── n.再迁移;重新移植;再移民

2、emigrations ─── n.移民;移民出境;移居外国

3、demigrations ─── 除雾

4、denigration ─── n.诋毁

5、emigrational ─── 移民

6、migration ─── n.迁移;移民;移动

7、demigration ─── 反偏移

8、premigration ─── n.预迁移

9、remigration ─── n.再迁移;重新移植;再移民

emigration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、” He and his friendswork in odd jobs in the informal economy, as they dream of emigration. ─── 他和他的朋友们都在非正规经济中打零工,因为他们梦想着移民。

2、emigration control ─── 出境检查

3、The likelihood of a net fiscal drain from emigration is raised by the life-cycle patterns of public goods and migration. ─── 公益设施和移民的生命周期模式,使得由出境移居而造成财政净流出的可能性增大了。

4、He is taliking about emigration. ─── 他正在谈论移居国外的事.

5、"The Moot sits tonight, and it is possible Corolini will present his Forced Emigration Bill. ─── 她站起身,轻拍着封好刚刚写好的信。

6、An analysis on support function of the social relationship network in the rural emigration resettlement ─── 乡镇移民安置与社会网络支持

7、The company provides consultations and services for Chinese regarding investment, study in oversea, immigration and emigration, etc. ─── 为华人提供投资、留学、移民等方面的咨询与服务是王子潮公司的主要业务。

8、Emigration - Switzerland - Information ─── 对外移民-瑞士信息

9、All from the Same Root: Emigration and the Traditional Chinese Civilzation ─── 四海同根:移民与中国传统文化

10、One is a 19th-century story of forced emigration from the Middle Kingdom and the other a parable about the future direction of modern China. ─── 一个是19世纪的中央王国的强迫移民处境,另一个是关于现代中国的未来方向的寓言故事。

11、However, the recent rising unemployment does not seem to have given rise to increased emigration. ─── 不过,近期失业率上升,似乎并未引致港人移居外地的数目增加。

12、emigration from Europe to America ─── 从欧洲移居到美洲

13、emigration to a Jewish state in Palestine? ─── 一个犹太国建在哪里?是巴勒斯坦吗?

14、Because of a long tradition of emigration and the massacres and expulsions during the last decades of Ottoman rule, most speakers of West Armenian live outside Anatolia. ─── 东亚美尼亚语,以外高加索亚美尼亚人所说的语言为基础。

15、We have remained them of circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. ─── 我们也曾将些地移民和定居的种种实情告诉他们。

16、He called for a halt to the recent wave of emigration. ─── 他呼吁停止近期的移民潮。

17、And a strange penultimate chapter on the Irish potato famine in which the potato blight is the villain, responsible for many deaths and massive emigration (shades of McNeill?). ─── 奇怪的是倒数第二章写道大规模的移民应对爱尔兰的马铃薯饥荒造成更多人饿死而负责。

18、emigration of rural labor emigration ─── 农村劳动力流动

19、Click on the left to see emigration from the selected country or click on the right to see where people have immigrated from. ─── 点击左边的国家,可以看到该国移民出境的情况;点击右边,可以看到人们是从哪里来。

20、Some developing countries are losing talent by emigration. ─── 一些发展中国家因为向外移民而流失了人才。

21、Restriction Factors of Emigration Resettlement in Three-gorges Reservoir Area ─── 三峡库区移民外迁安置的制约因素

22、macrophage emigration inhibitory factor ─── 巨噬细胞移动抑制因子

23、Years of droughts in this country made for the emigration of its people to the neighboring countries. ─── 常年干旱致使这个国家的人民纷纷移民到邻国。


25、To encourage this emigration from Britain, it was necessary for these destinations to offer attractive opportunities and living standards at least comparable to those of the working class in Britain. ─── 为了鼓励从英国向外移民,移民对象国应当提供有吸引力的机会,生活水准也应至少和国内的劳动阶层相当。

26、Broughton is another ecclesia that has been affected by emigration. ─── 布劳顿是另外一家受到移民影响的教会。

27、However, the recent rising unemployment does not seem to have given rise to increased emigration. ─── 不过,近期失业率上升,似乎并未引致港人移居外地的数目增加。

28、Colonization and Emigration of the Reproductive Population of Heron at Jiuli Hill in Xuzhou City and Yaowan Town in Xinyi City ─── 徐州九里山和新沂窑湾鹭鸟繁殖种群的建群与迁出

29、We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and sett lement here. ─── 我们也曾把我们移民来这里和在这里定居的情形告诉他们。

30、emigration of labor ─── 劳动力转移

31、If It does not ga? tea? guarantee that emigration an immigration officer will permit permit you to enter the country. ─── 但也并不表明移民局关于允许你进入这个国家。

32、For those who are not happy with their prospects, he says, "the policy option here is not protectionism, it's emigration. ─── 关于那些对前景表示不快的国民,他说:“贸易保护政策是行不通的,我们只有移民。”

33、Experts say about 55% of new population growth has resulted from emigration, including the children of emigrants. ─── 专家称,新增加的人口中有55%都是移民产生,包括移民的子女。

34、In doing so we stemmed the haemorrhage of emigration which affected the country at that time. ─── 在这么做的同时,我们阻止了当时正在影响爱尔兰的大规模迁移外境的行为。

35、Her family move to canada at the height of emigration. ─── 在移民高峰时期她家搬到加拿大去了。

36、There is very little emigration of immigration of elephants. ─── 很少发生象本身移入移出该公园的事。

37、Increase in population made emigration necessary. ─── 人口的增加使向外移民成为必要。

38、Stars emigration to abroad is no longer odd news, but such news happens frequently is inevitable to be focused by the public. ─── 明星移民国外不是新鲜事,但是隔三岔五地出来这样的新闻,还是免不了被公众大加讨伐一番。

39、She herself considered emigration after her son was badly beaten up by skinheads. ─── 促使她自己考虑移民是因为儿子被光头党[3]打了。

40、The largest emigration from Europe came to the United States in 1970. ─── 一九七零年,人数最多的一批欧洲移民来到美国。

41、The idea of a Super League has resurfaced (even though Galliani has categorically denied this now). Is it worth continuing in this football or is Eco's emigration idea more than just a joke? ─── 一个超级联赛的想法已经浮出水面(即使现在加利亚尼已经断然否认了这点)。你值得在这个足球圈内继续吗?或者埃科的迁移想法只不过是一个玩笑?

42、An emigration consultant and six applicants were charged for alleged scams to use forged documents to apply for emigration to Canada. ─── 廉政公署落案起诉一名移民顾问及六名申请者,怀疑他们串谋伪造文件,向加拿大领事馆提出移民申请。

43、You've sold your house before you've got your emigration clearance to go to Australia? ─── 你还没办好去澳大利亚的移民签证就把房子卖了?

44、There were times when emigration bottleneck was extremely rigid and nobody was allowed to leave the country out of his personal preference. ─── 过去有过这种情况:移民限制极为严格,不允许任何人出于个人考虑而迁居他国。

45、As many of these people brought their families with them, their departure resembled an emigration . ─── 在他们中间,许多人把家眷也带来了,简直是大规模的移民。

46、emigration officers ─── [法] 移民局官员

47、He needs no longer weigh reasons for and against his emigration . ─── 他不必再去考虑要不要离开故乡的问题了。

48、But it is not easy to run a managed "emigration" policy. ─── 但是管理好移民政策甚是不易。

49、Research on Emigration Difficulties and Emigrant Psychological State in Three Gorges Reservoir Area ─── 三峡库区外迁移民难点及移民心态研究

50、To Manage the Relationships in Monitoring Emigration Due to Reservoir Construction ─── 处理好水库移民监理中的几个关系

51、international law of emigration ─── 国际移民法

52、This year, after netting off emigration, we expect more than 80,000 people to come back from overseas to live and work in Hong Kong, higher than the balance of more than 60,000 last year. ─── 今年,除去移居外地的人数不计,我们预料有超过八万人从海外回流返港定居及工作,较去年的六万多人还要多。

53、The History of the World Reservoir Emigration and the Survey of Millions of Emigrants in the Three Gorges Area ─── 世界水库移民历史及三峡百万移民特点考察

54、For Ren, emigration happened when he had outlived an ardent age. ─── 任兄始寓美国,已逾花酒盛年。

55、immigration and emigration management ─── 出入国管理

56、New Trend of Immigration and Emigration in the World ─── 世界人口移民新态势

57、However the emigration is faced with such dangers as worsening the ecological environment, putting the emigration in poverty, disappearing of diversity of traditional culture. ─── 但是,生态移民目标的双重性,使它面临生态环境影响、移民贫困化、传统文化多样性流失的风险。

58、Historical emigration - Switzerland - Information ─── 历史移民-瑞士信息

59、A 1990 constitution favored native Melanesian control of Fiji, but led to heavy Indian emigration; ─── 1970年10月10日独立,并成为英联邦成员。

60、emigration papers ─── [法] 出境证件

61、Emigration of Agricultural Labor and Income Gap between City and Country ─── 农村劳动力转移与城乡收入差距

62、evicted from their lands by the enclosures. These peasant farmers were forced to look for work in towns. Enclosure led to mass emigration, particularly to the New World; ─── 圈地对佃家而言是场灾难,他们被赶出土地,被迫到城镇找工作。圈地运动导致了大规模的移民,尤其是移民至新大陆。

63、Waves of drought in Cape Verde prompted massive emigration throughout the 20th century, to the point more Cape Verdeans now live outside the country than in it. ─── 20世纪佛得角的大干旱使得大量居民移民,现在大多数的佛得角的人住在国外比国内的多。

64、In the burst of emigration from Ireland in the 1840s, the potato famine provided the push ─── 十九世纪四十年代爱尔兰突然掀起向国外移民的高潮,系由马铃薯的歉收所引起。

65、Abstract:This article is based on the life of the emigration from the SanXiain a certain settlement . ─── 发生在非自愿迁移基础上的冲突有其特殊性,同时也具有上层社会与底层社会互动中的一般特点。

66、Emigration to the West reached a peak in the 1830's. ─── 西部迁移的行为在19世纪30年代达到顶峰。

67、We lost the carrot in the debate over Jewish emigration that undercut the 1972 trade agreement with the Soviet Union ─── 关于犹太人移民的辩论导致了削减一九七二年同苏联的贸易协议,我们在这场辩论中丢失了胡萝卜。

68、My parents came to the United State with the latest Jewis emigration from Russia. ─── 我父母与最近一批犹太移民一起从俄国来到美国。

69、Thus the emigration to Abyssinia made the feelings of unity among Muslims even stronger, whether they were among the emigrants or those who stayed behind. ─── 为何比俩里被他释放之后没有觉得需要迁徙,而他却要迁徙?对于这个问题,如果说仅仅是为了让受压迫者逃避压迫,难以让人满意,让圣门第子迁徙,其远景必定更加广阔。

70、If It does not ga? tea? guarantee that emigration an immigration officer will premit permit you to enter the country. ─── 但也并不表明移民局关于允许你进入这个国家。

71、Unemployed POPs, since they do not have a salary, will quickly run out of cash, lose the ability to purchase their desired goods, and become unhappy, leading to revolts or emigration. ─── 失业人群由于没有工资会很快的用尽手中的现金,丧失购买日用品的能力,从而不满增加以至移民或发动叛乱。

72、Keywords Three-Gorge reservoir area;emigration's environmental capacity;indi-cator system; ─── 三峡库区;移民环境容量;指标体系;

73、IN SOVIET times, one escape for freedom-loving types was “internal emigration”. ─── 在前苏联时代,一种寻求自由的方式是‘内部移民‘。

74、But, to doing this loses the significance of emigration. ─── 3但是,这样做就失去了移民的意义。

75、Keywords land use change;ecosystem service value;geographic information systems(GIS);Karst;environment-forced emigration;Huanjiang County; ─── 土地利用变化;生态系统服务价值;地理信息系统;喀斯特;环境移民;环江县;

76、international of Emigration ─── 国际移民

77、The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration. ─── 当局到目前为止还未能通过一项允许自由移民出境的法律。

78、Rural Labor Emigration ─── 农村劳动力转移

79、Where certain years' right of using the equipment after recovering the construction is sold out, the investors shall have the priority in obtaining the compensation fee of emigration. ─── 对恢复建设后的设施出卖一定年限使用权的,优先拨付移民补偿资金。

80、Italian emigration to the United States began slowly in 1880's and reached important proportions about 1900 ─── 到美国来的意大利移民,在十九世纪八十年代开始时速度较慢,1900年前后成为重要部分。

81、countryside-to-city emigration ─── 乡城流动

82、village's old emigration ─── 农村老年移民

83、Emigration is more than a light-hearted tour of sightseeing abroad. Relatives and friends,both those leaving and those left behind,feel sad about the separation. ─── 因为到底不像出国旅游观光那样轻松自在,留下来的和走的人,都是“受伤者”。

84、But with the development of commerce, transportation, intercommunication, and emigration, countries like the United States are composed of a combination of different groups with different traditional customs. ─── 但是,随着商业、运输、交通和移民事业的发展,像美国这样的国家,由具有各种传统习惯的群体联合组成。

85、Then there is emigration, encouraged by low pay, poor working conditions and bad public services. ─── 低收入、简陋的工作条件以及糟糕的公共服务使得两国都有不少人移居国外。

86、He would have been pronounced a preceptor in some good family, returned from the emigration. ─── 他很象一个侨居国外归国在大户人家当私塾老师的人。

87、Famines in China can be permanently cured only by better methods of agriculture combined with emigration or birth-control on a large scale. ─── 中国只要改进农业生产技术,同时结合移民和大规模的控制生育,是可以永远消除饥荒的。

88、leukocytic emigration factor ─── 中性白细胞游走因子

89、The Irish Poor Law of 1838,the enclosure movement of land, and finally crops and brought incalculable misery and starvation to millions ,combined to increase emigration. ─── 1838年的贫困法,圈地运动,还有最后,19世纪40年代末,因害虫毁灭了土豆使数百万人承受无法计算的痛苦与饥饿的大饥荒,(所有这些)结合在一起增加了移民.

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