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08-17 投稿


imposture 发音

英:[?m?pɑ?st??r]  美:[?m?p?st??(r)]

英:  美:

imposture 中文意思翻译



imposture 网络释义

n. 欺诈,欺骗;冒牌

imposture 短语词组

1、imposture define ─── 冒充定义

2、imposture wiki ─── 冒充维基

3、imposture system ─── 冒充制度

4、imposture verb ─── 冒充动词

5、imposture means ─── 冒充手段

6、imposture antonym ─── 冒充反义词

7、imposture definition ─── 冒名定义

8、imposture show ─── 冒充秀

imposture 词性/词形变化,imposture变形


imposture 相似词语短语

1、impostures ─── n.欺诈,欺骗;冒牌

2、importune ─── vi.强求;胡搅蛮缠;vt.强求;一再向某人要求

3、impostumes ─── n.脓肿;道德败坏

4、impostume ─── n.脓肿;道德败坏

5、imposthume ─── 冒充

6、imposure ─── n.征收;强加

7、impostumed ─── 阳痿

8、composture ─── 堆肥

9、exposture ─── 暴露

imposture 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And what kind of apology are you going to make to me and to this insulted house for the imposture which you have attempted to play here?" ─── 还想蒙人呢,说说你到底打算怎么给我赔罪,给在场受侮辱的诸位赎罪吧?"

2、Well, here we have in flesh and blood the most egregious imposture I have ever witnessed! What's your name? Madeleine or C閟ar? ─── 哦,这是我亲眼见证过的最为真实而惊人的假冒本领。你叫什么?玛德琳还是塞萨?

3、The war, therefore, if we judge it by the standards of previous wars, is merely an imposture ─── 因此,按以前的战争标准来看,现在的战争完全是假的。

4、This last imposture would be worse than the first. ─── 那最后的骗局就比先前的更坏了!

5、The report is invalid when anything of the following happens - illegal transfer, reproduce, embezzlement, imposture, modification or tampering in any media form. ─── 私自转让、复制、盗用、冒用、涂改、或以任何媒体形式篡改的报告书无效。

6、What has been the case, gentlemen, since wecast off the superstition of protection, since we discarded the imposture of protection? ─── 先生们,自从我们抛弃了对保护的迷信,扔掉保护这种欺骗行为之后,情况怎么样了呢?

7、And what kind of apology are you going to make to me and to this insulted house for the imposture which you have attempted to play here? ─── 还想蒙人呢,说说你到底打算怎么给我赔罪,给在场受侮辱的诸位赎罪吧?

8、But then where is the imposture? ─── 但是那么欺诈在哪里呢?

9、Soiled by her imposture she remains silent. ─── 她背着冒名顶替者的黑锅却一直沉默。

10、imposture vehicle and driver ─── “黑车非驾”

11、For the most part their enthusiasm is adopted to suit the time and opportunity - to practise imposture upon the British and Austrian millionaires. ─── 在绘画和珠宝方面,弗图纳多和他的同胞一样,江湖骗子一个。

12、I think that becoming aware of this general imposture that concerns all of us would ease our love relationships. ─── 我觉得,越来越意识到这种一般的冒用性,这样的忧虑就得以缓解我们的恋爱关系。

13、It shall be forbidden to hire other perso to donate blood by imposture. ─── 禁止雇用他人冒名献血。

14、After all, the university on imposture other, it is a dispute establishs sentenced business, no matter how affect public opinion, cannot alter this fact, so we are done not have necessary too afraid. ─── 不管怎么说,冒名顶替他人上大学,都是一个是非立判的事情,无论怎么影响舆论,都改变不了这个事实,所以我们没必要太担心。

15、The war, therefore, if we judge it by the standards of previous wars, is merely an imposture. ─── 因此,按以前的战争标准来看,现在的战争不过是假的。

16、Say objectively, be in " imposture " in incident, wang Jiajun is not should get the boy or girl friend that criticize most. ─── 客观地说,在“冒名顶替”事件中,王佳俊并不是最该受指责的对象。

17、' This last imposture would be worse than the first. ─── 那最后的骗局就比先前的更坏了!”

18、The township governments is the most basic of regime organization and is at the end of the government power transfer, which is formed transmit orders and imposture working for quite some time. ─── 乡镇政府是我国最基层的政权组织,是我国政府权力传递体系的末端,长期以来形成了传指令、收税费、包村组的工作方式,随着农村税费改革的深入。

19、This article observes that imposture in Copyright Law is the infringement of the right of signature of authors. ─── 对争议中的冒名行为,笔者认为乃是属于侵害作者署名权的行为。

20、last imposture would be worse than the first. ─── 最后的骗局就比先前的更坏了!

21、What most afflicted him with the sense of nightmare was that he had never clearly understood why the huge imposture was undertaken ─── 有一件事情最让他觉得噩梦般骇人,便是他从来闹不清楚,为什么要这般大张旗鼓地搞欺骗。

22、What most afflicted him with the sense of nightmare was that he had never clearly understood why the huge imposture was undertaken. ─── 有一件事情最让他觉得噩梦般骇人,便是他从来闹不清楚,为什么要这般大张旗鼓地搞欺骗。

23、TMSK is the only restaurant that combines Chinese Colored Graze, Chinese catering service, Chinese stage art, tradition and fashion, quietness and imposture, and varied color. ─── 透明思考餐厅是世界唯一的汇合了中国琉璃、中国餐饮文化、中国舞台艺术,融传统与时尚、沉静凝重与色彩斑斓的新颖餐饮空间。

24、The certification is invalid when anything of the following happens - illegal transfer, reproduction, embezzlement, imposture, modification or tampering in any media form. ─── 本鉴定书私自转让、复制、盗用、冒用、涂改、或以任何媒体形式篡改的均属无效。

25、And to go further in my formulae, I would say that because of this fact in the kingdom of the man there is always some imposture present. ─── 为了继续探讨我的公式,我会说,因为在男人的国度,总是有某种的诈欺存在。

26、What are tithes and tricks but an imposition, all a confounded imposture? -and I can prove it. ─── 什么是宗教税,什么是宗教礼节,都是骗人的,乱七八糟的事,我并且可以证实。

27、observes that imposture in Copyright Law is the infringement of the right of signature of authors. ─── 争议中的冒名行为,笔者认为乃是属于侵害作者署名权的行为。

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