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08-17 投稿


lafayette 发音

英:[lɑ:fe?'et]  美:[?lɑ:f?'(j)et]

英:  美:

lafayette 中文意思翻译



lafayette 短语词组

1、lafayette college qs ─── 拉斐特学院qs

2、lafayette hamilton ─── 拉斐特·汉密尔顿

3、city of lafayette ─── 拉斐特市

4、lafayette square ─── 拉斐特广场

5、marquis lafayette ─── 拉斐特侯爵

6、Lafayette Square (New Orleans) ─── 特广场(新奥尔良)

7、straightway cult lafayette tn ─── 拉斐特直道邪教

8、West Lafayette n. ─── 西拉斐特

9、lafayette college us news ─── 拉斐特学院美国新闻

10、diocese of lafayette indiana ─── 印第安纳州拉斐特教区

11、lafayette 148 dresses ─── 拉斐特148连衣裙

12、budges lafayette ─── 拉法叶鹦鹉

13、buckles feed lafayette in ─── 扣子把拉斐特喂了进来

14、tipcat lafayette public library ─── 拉斐特公共图书馆

15、lafayette diocese ─── 拉斐特教区

16、Lafayette's mixture ─── [医] 拉菲德氏合剂, 复方古巴香胶合剂

17、farmyard darlings lafayette ─── 农场宠儿拉斐特

18、Marquis de Lafayette ─── [网络] 拉法叶将军;拉斐特;拉法叶候爵

19、lafayette la ─── 拉斐特酒店

lafayette 相似词语短语

1、La Fayette ─── n.拉斐特(美国地名)

2、ladette ─── n.男性化的年轻女子,野丫头

3、landaulette ─── 兰道莱特

4、languette ─── n.像舌头的东西;簧舌

5、Lafayette ─── n.拉斐特(美国印地安纳州西部城市);老佛爷(法国百货公司);三刺光鲳;n.(Lafayette)人名;(英、法、西、葡)拉斐特

6、layette ─── n.婴儿的全套服装;初生婴儿的全套用品

7、layettes ─── n.婴儿的全套服装;初生婴儿的全套用品

8、lazarette ─── n.检疫船;传染病院(等于lazaretto)

9、essayette ─── n.短散文

lafayette 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shumaker, 54, a writer who lives in Lafayette, Calif. ─── 她是一名作家,生活在加州拉法耶特。

2、Lee, K.H., 1985. Influence of Supplemental Lighting on Pubertal Development in Boars. Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN., U.S.A. ─── 李坤雄,1978。菜鸭甲状腺功能对睪丸发育之影响。台湾大学畜牧学研究所硕士论文,台北。

3、family walked down West Lafayette Street. ─── 一家沿着西拉斐特街一路下行。

4、Marquis de Lafayette attempts to enter the American military as a major general. ─── 年,拉斐特侯爵试图直接作为重要将军之一的身价加入美国军队。

5、.. auto business auto trader marietta georgia auto rate lowest lafayette auto auctions checker auto fredericksburg ... ─── 广州摄影-彩丽影-商业摄影-个性摄影-画册设计-网站设计 .

6、This fictional county is very similar to Lafayette County, Mississippi where Faulkner lived, just as the setting of his town of Oxford, Mississippi, provides many elements for the fictional surroundings used in Faulkner' work. ─── 这个虚构的地方和福克纳生活的密西西比州拉斐特县极为相似,正如他居住的密西西比州牛津镇一样给他作品中的虚构环境提供了许多素材。

7、N.B.Hoonchateon, Feasibility of Decomposing One-Minute Average Area Control Error for Apportioning Load-Frequency Regulation Costs, Ph.D. dissertation, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2000. ─── 罗建升、张简乐仁,“利用系统控制误差演算法于自动发电控制的效能评估,”第二十五届电力工程研讨会,2004年11月,台南。

8、Instead, the 17-year-old has moved into a luxury two-bedroom condo at the corner of Lafayette and Spring Streets, reports the New York Post. ─── 据《纽约邮报》报导,这个17岁的女生已搬进位于Lafayette和Spring大街交汇处的一间豪华的两居室公寓。

9、Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette. ─── 史密斯先生,又名拉斐尔先生。

10、The results of her work are still visible in Lafayette Square, across from the White House in Washington, D. C. ─── 她的工作成果仍然可以在华盛顿白宫对面的拉斐特广场看到。

11、"Where is the track team?" a Lafayette student asked. ─── “田径队在哪儿?”一位拉斐德的学生问道。

12、Faulkner wrote mostly about his hometown of Oxford, in Lafayette County. ─── 他的作品多写自己的家乡密西西比州拉法叶特郡的牛津镇。

13、But on 24th, here people also to call Lafayette Egyptian Vander Fatt to cheer heartfeltly. ─── 但24日,这里的人们则也为叫拉法埃尔的范德法特而由衷喝彩。

14、Teachers at the Writing Center writing center at the Purdue University in West Lafeyette Lafayette, Indiana work with student students to improve their writing. ─── 印第安那西拉斐特的普度大学写作中心的教师帮助学生改善他们的写作能力。

15、We were married at Unitarian Universalist Church in Lafayette, Indiana, because I liked the ideology of this church practice: Respecting each individual's own belief and promoting harmony and peace. ─── 我们是在印第安那州拉法叶市的UnitarianUniversalist教堂成婚的。之所以选择这个教堂,是因为我喜欢这个教堂的主张:尊重个人信仰,宣导和谐与和平。

16、WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue University researchers are developing two inexpensive technologies that may be able to prevent future food-borne illness, such as the recent outbreak of E. coli in contaminated spinach. ─── 普度大学研究者开发了两项廉价技术可以用来对付食源性疾病,比如最近爆发的污染菠菜的大肠杆菌。

17、Sotelino, E.D., “A Survey of Parallel Algorithms in Computation Mechanics” , Structural Engineering Technical Report, CE-STR-91-38, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, November 1991, 31 pp. ─── 张逢杰,“非弹性结构大变形分析之数值模式”,硕士论文,国立成功大学,1998.

18、Holiday Inn Express Breaux Bridge (Lafayette Area): Official Site. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

19、The Lafayette students shook their heads in wonder. ─── 拉斐德的学生们诧异地摇摇头。

20、John's Church, just across Lafayette Park from the White House, for the Episcopal service. ─── 他们从白宫经过拉法耶特公园到圣约翰教堂参加仪式。

21、Purdue University - West Lafayette ─── n. 普渡大学-西拉法叶(美)

22、Under this view, Lafayette was only devoted to the ideals of political liberty that underlay the American Revolution, but was not specifically patriotic for America. ─── 从这个角度看,拉法叶不过是投身于美国革命所蕴含的政治自由理念,而非对美国怀有特殊的爱国之情。

23、The bribery case in 1991 involving the sale of 6 French Lafayette frigates to Taiwan authorities. ─── 这起受贿案涉及1991年法国出售6艘拉法叶舰给台湾当局。

24、the galevies Lafayette in paris ─── 巴黎拉法耶特商场

25、Cindy Nakatsu(Department of Agronomy, P urdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907,USA ─── 王建武,骆世明,冯远娇(华南农业大学热带亚热带生态研究所,广州,510642

26、The other schools in the top 5were the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. ─── 排在前五位的学校还有伊利诺伊香槟分校和位于印第安纳州西拉法叶市的普渡大学。

27、In the town, a t-shirt with the text "Lafayette - the all American city", is being sold. ─── 他们生活里最重要的事情是看电视和摆脱处男之身。)

28、Other academic entrants,such as the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, remain closer to theamateur spirit. ─── 其它院校的参赛者,如路易斯安那州立大学拉斐特分校,仍然更接近业余水准。

29、Hunt Private Equity Group also manages The Lafayette Investment Fund, LP. (LIF). ─── 亨特私募股权集团还管理着拉斐特投资基金。

30、Eric graduated from Lafayette College in 1987 and Fordham University School of Law in 1990. ─── Eric 1987年毕业于Lafayette学院,1990年在Fordham大学法学院毕业。

31、He spoke to small business owners in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania this afternoon. ─── 今天下午,他在宾夕法尼亚州的拉斐特与当地的小企业主座谈。

32、If this big fellow was the whole Carlisle track team, he would be competing against an entire Lafayette squad. ─── 如果卡莱尔田径队就只有大个子一人,那他就得和整个拉斐德田径队比试高低了。

33、Sohu sports news Lafayette - Beinitesi supports Loby - Kean today, hoped him, in following several week Torres misses in the day, can for the Liverpool supplement firepower. ─── 搜狐体育讯拉法-贝尼特斯今天支持罗比-基恩,希望他在接下来几周托雷斯缺阵的日子里,能够为利物浦补充火力.在西班牙男孩因为肌腱撕裂将会缺席10到15天的时候...

34、SUZY LAFAYETTE:as soon as she has no cards in hand, she draws a card.SUZYLAFAYETTE:assoonasshehasnocardsinhand,shedrawsacard. ─── 效用:当你没有手牌时!你可以从抽牌堆上抽一张卡.效用:当你没有手牌时!你可以从抽牌堆上抽一张卡.

35、18.Students from Lafayette College were crowding onto the train platform eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Carlisle Indian School's track and field squad. ─── 拉斐德学院的学生们一齐拥上月台,热切地等待着卡莱尔印第安人学校田径队的归来。

36、On the first day of an American history class at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., the professor assigned five chapters on civil rights. ─── 在印第安纳拉法埃脱西部的珀多大学,头一天上历史课时,教授就公民权指定了5章阅读材料。

37、Yun, Y.M. (1994)., Design and analysis of 2-D structural concrete with strut-tie model, PhD thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. ─── 苏颖香(2006),应用最佳化设计系统于板、壳结构,国立台湾大学土木工程学研究所硕士论文。

38、Teachers at the writing center at purdue university Purdue University in west West Lafayette, Indiana work with students to improve their writing. ─── 印第安南州南拉菲特的普渡大学写作中心的老师们和同学们一起工作从而提高他们的写作能力。

39、Galeries Lafayette is planning to open a store next year in Beijing, where the name is a brand. ─── 老佛爷正在准备明年在北京开一家分公司,在北京,老佛爷就是品牌。

40、Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146,USA ─── 中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院,北京100083;

41、A faith-based disaster response group out of Ruston has set up camp in the Lafayette area and is reaching out to storm victims. ─── 目前公司所主营的松下产品如下:一、电材类产品:主要包括松下照明灯具和开关、插座、住宅配电箱、漏电断路器等产品。

42、It is because she makes a noise and keeps her cause before the people that other people go to her help.It was the sword of Washington that gave Independence the sword of Lafayette. ─── 伟大的奥康内尔曾经说过爱尔兰的历史可以像在人群中通过血迹追寻一个伤员那样追溯到过去。

43、Elissa Cohen, who has twins at Lafayette Elementary School, doesn't like the fact that the third-grade students in elementary schools are asked to write about 25 book summaries a year. ─── “他们重复做着同样的事情,而并没有真正把思考书本与思考阅读和写作的方法结合起来。”

44、If he is so concerned about corruption, why hasn't he spoken out in the past on Soong's Chung Hsin case, or the issue of KMT party property?Or the Lafayette case? ─── 如果施如此嫌恶贪污,那麽,他过去为何从不对宋处瑜的兴票案、国民党的党产问题或拉法叶说过半句话?

45、The congress commissioned Lafayette a Major General. ─── 国会任命拉斐特为大将军。

46、French consumer spending has been stable throughout the recession. See scenes from in and around department stores Galeries Lafayette and Le Printemps in Paris's IX arrondissement Thursday. ─── 在整个经济衰退期中,法国消费者还一直保持稳定的支出。来看看巴黎第九区的老佛爷百货公司和巴黎春天。

47、In 1825, the Marquis de Lafayette, the French hero of the American Revolution, bade farewell to President John Quincy Adams at the White House. ─── 1825年,美国独立战争中的法国英雄拉菲亚特候爵在白宫向美国总统约翰·昆西·亚当斯辞行。

48、Hotel Lafayette Nice : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

49、When Timmy found out three hours later, he dumped Helen and the basket with me in it on the service road of Interstate 10, near Lafayette. ─── 当提米三个小时后发现真相时,他在10号州级公路的服务点抛弃了海伦和我,这个地方靠近拉法叶特。

50、Lafayette's mixture ─── [医] 拉菲德氏合剂, 复方古巴香胶合剂

51、Teachers at the writing center at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana work with students to improve their writing. ─── 位于印第安那州普渡大学西拉法叶分校的写作中心的老师们与学生们一起提高他们的写作水平。

52、Willie Edwards, a trucker for Edwards Tra ort of Houston, was cited for reckle driving, said Cpl. Mark Francis of the Lafayette Police Department. ─── 拉斐特市警察局的马克·弗朗西斯警官表示,本次事故的肇事者名叫威利·爱德华兹,他是休斯顿市爱德华兹运输公司的一名卡车司机,他已因卤莽驾驶而被当地警方传唤。

53、Ephedra lafayette la.Ephedra. ─── 摘要: Lipodrene with ephedra.

54、In 1991, the Taiwan authorities from the French defense company Thomson CSF (later renamed the "Thales" Group) to buy a 6 Lafayette warships. ─── 1991年,台湾当局从法国汤姆森CSF防务公司(后来改名“泰勒斯”集团)购买了6艘拉法叶军舰。

55、They went to St.John's Church, just across Lafayette Park from the White House, for the Episcopal service. ─── 他们去了圣约翰大教堂参加主教仪式,该教堂与白宫就隔了来发耶特公园。

56、F.E.Regnier(Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN47907, USA. E-mail: xdgeng@nwu.edu.cn ─── 耿信笃,王彦(西北大学现代分离科学研究所

57、Mr.Vetterlein, now in his 80s, was inspired by Lafayette Morehouse, a controversial 40-year-old community still in existence in suburban Lafayette, Calif. ─── Vetterlein先生年过八旬,他的灵感来自已经有40年历史但却颇受争议的社区LafayetteMorehouse。

58、Lafayette park ─── n. 拉斐特公园

59、Willie Edwards, a trucker for Edwards Transport of Houston, was cited for reckless driving, said Cpl. Mark Francis of the Lafayette Police Department. ─── 拉斐特市警察局的马克·朗西斯警官表示,本次事故的肇事者名叫威利·德华兹,他是休斯顿市爱德华兹运输公司的一名卡车司机,他已因卤莽驾驶而被当地警方传唤。

60、The major shopping centre Galleries Lafayette is just a ten minute walk down the road from this hotel. ─── 历史最悠久的购物中心拉法叶百货公司从酒店所属的路段步行只要十分钟就能到达。

61、The Lafayette students shook their heads in wonder.Somebody must be playing a joke on them.If this big fellow was the whole Carlisle track team,he would be competing against an entire Lafayette squad。 ─── 拉斐德的学生们诧异地摇摇头。一定有人在和他们开玩笑。如果卡莱尔田径队就只有大个子一人,那他就得和整个拉斐德田径队比试高低了。

62、And she was taking me shopping to Galeries Lafayette. ─── 那一次,她还带我去老佛爷百货公司购物。

63、Students from Lafayette College were crowding onto the train platform eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Carlisle Indian School's track and field squad. ─── 拉斐德学院的学生们一齐拥上站台,热切地等待着卡莱尔印地安人学校田径队的到来。

64、All that glitters seems to be gold in the upscale Galeries Lafayette shopping center, in the Mitte district. ─── 意译:柏林地标图片。所有闪光的金色的似乎是在高档购物中心老佛爷百货公司,在米特区。

65、SUZY LAFAYETTE:as soon as she has no cards in hand, she draws a card. ─── 效用:当你没有手牌时!你可以从抽牌堆上抽一张卡.

66、A protester stands outside the Department of Environment and Natural Resources during a protest against Lafayette Mining Ltd. in Quezon City, Manila February 7, 2007. ─── 反对拉法叶矿业公司的抗议者,站在菲律宾马尼拉奎松市的环境与天然资源部前。

67、Nobody was following me. I started walking leisurely toward the Place Lafayette. ─── 没有人跟着我,我便懒洋洋地朝拉斐特广场走去。

68、19.If this big fellow was the whole Carlisle track team, he would be competing against an entire Lafayette squad. ─── 如果卡莱尔田径队就只有大个子一人,那他就得与整个拉斐尔德田径队比一比高低了。

69、McGowan holds a bachelor's degree from Lafayette College and received his MBA from the University of Oxford. ─── 习惯二:成功者下决定迅速果断,之后若要改变决定,则慎思熟虑。

70、Han JY (2006) Time-variant transformations for modern terrestrial reference frames, Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. ─── 韩仁毓(1998)台电核能电厂水准监测网灵敏度分析,国立台湾大学硕士论文。

71、University of Louisiana at Lafayette. ─── 路易斯安娜大学拉斐特分校。

72、Wendy Hill, professor of psychology at Lafayette College, Pennsylvania began the research to find out why the mundane physical activity of rubbing lips can elicit such a gratifying emotional response. ─── 宾夕法尼亚拉法叶大学心理学教授,开始研究为什么摩擦嘴唇样的身体活动可以引起愉悦的情感反应.

73、Lafayette is gay but we also see more about who he is because for me being gay is not enough for a character, is not that interesting. ─── 拉法耶是个同性恋,但他身上还有别的故事,因为在我看来一个角色仅有同性取向是远远不够的,不够有趣。

74、The carriage in which sat Lafayette advanced to them, their ranks opened and allowed it to pass, and then closed behind it. ─── 拉斐德坐的马车直到他们面前,他们向两旁让出一条路,让马车通过,继又合拢。

75、Went to Opera and Lafayette in the evening. ─── 晚上去了歌剧院和老佛爷商场。

76、'I cried all the way home,' says Ms. Shumaker, 54, a writer who lives in Lafayette, Calif. ─── 54岁的舒梅克说,我当时一路哭回家。她是一名作家,生活在加州拉法耶特。

77、University Park Campus Purdue University, West Lafayette ─── 普渡大学西拉法叶校区

78、West Lafayette is located in north-central Indiana - just an hour from Indianapolis to the southeast, 2 hours from Chicago to the northwest and 90 minutes from Bloomington, home of Indiana University. ─── 西拉法耶特座落于印第安纳州中北部,向东南1小时即可到达印第安纳波利斯,向西北2小时即可到达芝加哥,离印第安纳布鲁明顿大学90分钟车程。

79、G. T. Heydt, Electric Power Quality, Stars in a Circle Publications, West LaFayette, IN,1991. ─── 江荣城、严世雄、刘志放,电力系统谐波量测与谐波管制办法检讨,台湾电力公司八十二年度研究发展专题。

80、Teachers at the writing center at Purdue University in west West Lafayette, Indiana .Work work with students to improve their writing. ─── 位于印第安纳州拉菲特西部的普渡大学的写作中心的老师们和学生们一起努力来提高学生的写作能力。

81、“I have defeated Luojie, Lafayette and Novak, but I knew that I leave the world first three to be very also far. ─── “我打败过罗杰、拉法和诺瓦克,但是我知道我离世界前三还很远。”

82、The men who were dragging Lafayette suddenly caught sight of them at the corner of the quay and shouted: "The dragoons!" ─── 挽着拉斐德的人群在河沿拐弯处,突然看见他们,便喊道:“龙骑兵!

83、Lafayette turned aside his head. ─── 拉斐德转过头来。

84、TeacherTeachers at the write writing center at Purdue university University in west Lofiate West Lafayette, Indiana work with students to improve their writing. ─── 印第安纳普渡大学西拉菲特分校的协作中心的老师和学生一起努力提高他们的写作水平。

85、Visiting Scholar of Petroleum Engineering Department, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. ─── 美国路易斯安那大学拉斐特分校石油工程系访问学者.

86、Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier Lafayette ─── 拉斐德侯爵(1757-1834),法国人,贵族,曾参加美国革命。

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