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08-17 投稿


prop 发音

英:[prɑ?p]  美:[pr?p]

英:  美:

prop 中文意思翻译




prop 词性/词形变化,prop变形


prop 短语词组

prop up

1. 扶持; 支持

The government does not intend to prop up declining industries.


1、turbo-prop n. ─── 涡轮螺桨发动机

2、prop root ─── 支柱根

3、Dir. prop. ─── [医] 适当用法

4、the main prop of a state ─── 国家的栋梁

5、prop up ─── 支撑, ─── 支持

6、jaw-prop ─── [医] 支颌器

7、prop sth with ─── 用…支撑某物

8、prop-jet ─── [机] 螺旋浆喷气

9、pit prop n. ─── 矿柱, 支护, 岩钉; 坑木

10、double-prop ─── [网络] 双支撑

11、prop cells ─── [医] 浦肯野氏细胞(小脑皮质中层内)

12、single prop ─── 单体支柱

13、jaw prop ─── [医] 支领器

14、prop forward ─── [体]第一排边锋

15、agit-prop abbr. agitation and propaganda ─── 煽动和宣传

16、mouth-prop ─── [医] 支口器

17、prop sth against ─── 把靠在…上面

18、twin-prop ─── [网络] 双桅杆

19、mouth prop ─── [医] 张口器

prop 常用词组

prop up ─── v. 支撑;支持

prop 习惯用语

1、prop up ─── 撑住, 顶住; 支持, 撑持

prop 特殊用法

1、rock prop ─── 岩石支柱

2、bottom prop ─── (炉底)支柱

3、friction prop ─── 摩擦支柱

4、mine prop ─── 【采矿】矿柱

5、turbo prop ─── 涡轮螺(旋)桨发动机, 涡轮螺桨飞机

6、telescopic prop ─── 可伸缩支柱

7、yielding steel prop ─── 【采矿】让压可缩性钢支柱

8、hydraulic prop ─── 液压支柱

9、hollow prop ─── 空心金属支柱

10、raking prop ─── 【采矿】斜支柱, 斜支撑

11、pit prop ─── 坑道支柱

12、breaking prop ─── 复式支架

13、non-yielding prop ─── 刚性支承

14、signalling prop ─── 【采矿】警戒木柱

15、mechanical yielding prop ─── 【采矿】机械让压支柱

16、friction yielding prop ─── 【采矿】摩擦让压支柱

prop 相似词语短语

1、drop ─── v.推动;帮助;宣扬;下降;终止;n.滴;落下;空投;微量;滴剂

2、pop ─── n.流行音乐;流行文化;(尤用作称呼)爸,爹;汽水;砰声;枪击;(迅速打上的)记号;批评;通俗古典乐;v.突然出现;突然地行动;爆开;射击;瞪大眼;(使)发出爆裂声;迅速放置;速去;耳压发生变化;(过度)服药;;adj.流行的;通俗的,热门的;adv.突然;砰地;爆裂;int.砰的爆炸声;abbr.邮局协议(postofficeprotocol);人口(population);n.(Pop)(罗)波普(人名)

3、propr ─── abbr.业主,所有人(proprietor)

4、plop ─── n.(物体落入水的)扑通声;掉下的声音;v.扑通落下;扑通一声把……放入(尤指液体);重重地坐下,躺下;adv.扑通一声地;n.(Plop)(罗马尼亚、摩尔多瓦、俄)普洛普(人名)

5、prep ─── n.预备;预习;准备功课;vi.上预备学校;作好准备;vt.使准备好;使(病人)准备接受手术;abbr.准备(preparation);预备的(preparatory);前置词(preposition);n.(Prep)人名;(俄)普列普

6、poop ─── n.船尾;傻子;内幕消息;vt.使精疲力尽;使船尾受击;vi.疲乏;排便

7、props ─── n.[矿业]支柱;小道具;后盾(prop的复数);v.支撑;维持(prop的第三人称单数)

8、pro ─── n.职业选手;益处;妓女;赞成者;赞成的意见;adj.(非正式)专业的,职业的;prep.赞成的;adv.赞成地;n.(Pro)(俄、美、意、印、西)普罗(人名)

9、crop ─── n.产量;农作物;庄稼;平头;vt.种植;收割;修剪;剪短;vi.收获

prop 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Additional, the sarcous eye sphere that exercises the eyeball that prop up holds a method also can be successful. ─── 另外,锻炼支撑眼球的肌肉的眼球体操方法也能奏效。

2、No longer will your prop be just a bedspring with fur. ─── 反而, 您将学会怎麽做这个热闹的支柱似乎承担它自己的生活。

3、What lies behind Israel's determination to prop up Abbas' quisling leadership? ─── 在以色列极力扶持阿巴斯傀儡政权的决心背后,隐藏的是什么?

4、Hence, the laws implicitly require the loosehead prop to be on the left side of the scrum. ─── 因此,规则暗示松头支柱球员应位于正集团冲锋阵的左侧。

5、Affection is life prop up, when justice and affection crisscross, how should choose again? ─── 情感是生命的支撑,当正义与情感交错,又该如何抉择?

6、He can't always expect his colleagues to prop him up. ─── 他不能总是指望他的同事来支持他。

7、I don't think so. The government has decided to prop up the market with pension funds. There should be a small upturn. ─── 我想不会。政府已经决定用退休基金来支撑股市,股市应该会回升一点。

8、Her daughter was a prop to her during her illness. ─── 她生病时全靠他女儿当支柱。

9、Introduce a pressure characteristic of working face with the usage of hydraulic breaking-off prop. ─── 介绍切顶支柱使用情况下的工作面矿压特性,分析切顶支柱对顶板管理的作用。

10、Housing industry is a prop industry with great potential, but it is restricted by shortage of funds. ─── 住宅产业是一个具有巨大发展潜力的支柱产业 ,但资金短缺问题已成为制约该产业发展的一个瓶颈。

11、I took all the sock of the buffet, then I just prop up at bed, didn't want to move, and also didn't to phone, I was unable to go to urge to stay again. ─── 小卖部的零食被我吃了个遍,然后撑在床上不想动,也没打电话过去,我再也无力去挽留了。

12、The "hua" would hold a folding fan and a handkerchief, while the other three roles hold another kind of stage prop. ─── 各角色除"花"持折扇、手帕表演外,其它三者持同名道具。

13、A worker put a prop against the wall of the tunnel to keep it from falling. ─── 一名工人用东西支撑住隧道壁好使它不会倒塌。

14、Punctuation, then, is a civic prop, a pillar that holds society upright. ─── 如此说来,标点乃是百姓的支柱,是支撑社会不至于垮掉的栋梁。

15、Germany's schemes to prop up demand for cars and car workers have the same weakness. ─── 德国刺激购车需求及汽车企业用工需求的计划也存在上述弊病。

16、However, they all hang together on the basis of food and shelter as universal instinct and artist's prop. ─── 同时,这些作品也提出了这两个问题:消费动机和环境保护道德之间的关系是什么?

17、The pit - prop fell on his head and knocked him out. ─── 坑木掉在他头上,把他打昏过去。

18、What you really mustn't do is, is to try and feel sorry for a retailer, trying to prop it up in some way. ─── 你真的不能做的是为一家零售商难过,尝试以某种方式支撑它。

19、If say your spiritual prop fell? ─── 假如说你的精神支柱倒了?

20、Nobody gets to be an octogenarian without sometimes feeling heavy-limbed and in need of a prop (usually in the form of a chair). ─── 没有人在耄耋之年不会时而手脚笨拙,也不需要支撑物(通常是椅子)的。

21、We will now add a prop model with physics properties. ─── 我们现在添加有物理性的道具模型。

22、It will not prop up your ego or console you when you are down. ─── 当你倒下时它不能支撑起你的自我或拯救你。

23、But I am not writing to flatter parental egotism, to echo cant, or prop up humbug. ─── 可是我写作并不是为了迎合父亲的自私心理,并不是为了人云亦云地作违心之论,也不是为了支持骗人的空话。

24、Today, people tie the chopsticks together with a small rope and decorate it with red silks, thus making it an exquisite stage prop. ─── 后来,专门把筷子的一端用小绳穿起来,又缀以红绸,遂成为精美的道具,

25、They prop up the gate open with a brick. ─── 他们用砖挡住门,防止门被关上。

26、We should prop up the fence. ─── 我们应该用东西支撑住这栅栏。

27、Her daughter was the only prop to the old lady during her illness. ─── 她女儿是老太太病中唯一的依靠。

28、You can either use a table and prop your board somewhat, or an upright easel. ─── 您能或使用表和扶植,或一个挺直画架。

29、Meantime, a Pasadena church says they will ignore the Prop 8, and continue to perform same sex marriages. ─── 同时,帕萨迪纳一家教堂说他们会忽略第8号提案,并继续为同性婚姻举行婚礼。

30、Despite this, China helps prop up its repellent regime even as it offers some of its victims sanctuary. ─── 尽管如此,中国依旧支持着这个排外政权,并给他的受害者提供避难场所。

31、I had to use bricks to prop up my broken bed. ─── 我的床坏了,必须用砖头支撑起来。

32、He is our cinema world spiritual prop. ─── 他是我们电影圈的精神支柱。

33、Is the person to rely on what will mental mood prop up? ─── 人是靠精神情绪来支撑的吗?

34、The equipment of diversiform game prop, full of beautiful things in eyes, it is each animated temptation. ─── 多样的游戏道具、琳琅满目的装备,都是一个个活生生的诱惑。

35、An ornate stage prop makes a dramatic exit through the window of Venice's La Fenice Opera House. ─── 图中这个华丽的舞台道具经威尼斯凤凰歌剧院的窗户引人注目的退场了。

36、He used a box to prop the door open. ─── 他用盒子顶住门,让门开著。

37、An attempt to prop up Ireland's banks last year sucked deposits out of Britain's. ─── 去年的一项救助爱尔兰银行的计划就把英国银行的存款给吸走了。

38、Has contained a kind of stage prop in all bottom carriage's charge stage prop. ─── 在所有下架的收费道具中包含了类道具。

39、Front row players: Scrum. The forward players who are the loose-head prop, the hooker and the tight-head prop. ─── 前排球员:由松头支柱、钩球员与紧头支柱所组成的前锋球员。

40、Some palms, mangroves and other tropical trees form woody prop roots, often called stilt roots. ─── 一些棕榈、红树和其他热带树木形成木质支柱根,通常称为升高根。

41、Burns' sole prop was his trademark cigar, which he would consider and draw on between anecdotes. ─── 伯恩斯的唯一道具是作为他舞台标记的雪茄烟。在趣闻轶事的说白间,他时而对它神凝思虑,时而吸上几口。

42、The body weighed a ton, and it was all he could do to heave him up again on to the bed and prop his head on the pillow. ─── 那孩子忙抢上扶住,这人身子极重,奋力将他扶正,将他脑袋放在枕上。

43、We need others to recognize our strengths or some times just to prop us up in the places where we tend to lean a little. ─── 我们需要别人认可自己的长处,在我们将要灰心的时候助一臂之力。

44、Mom seemed to see through my mind, she told me that the other papers too thick wind prop it up. ─── 妈妈好像看透了我的心思,她又告诉我因为其它纸太厚了风托不起来。

45、I shoved the prop control forward for full rpm and reset the trim tabs to takeoff settings in case of a waveoff. ─── 我把螺旋桨转速选择杆推到最前、重新把配平调到起飞位置,以备复飞。

46、"I am a loiterer, but to elder brother dissimilarity, so big Hong door, also want you to prop up! ─── “我是闲人,而向兄不同,偌大的洪门,还要你支撑呢!

47、Mr Shaimiev has become a useful prop in the Kremlin's Arab diplomacy. ─── 在克里姆林宫的阿拉伯外交中,沙伊米耶夫已经成为一个有用的支持者。

48、And yet the bank is still holding rates close to zero, and is pursuing a second round of QE to prop up asset prices. ─── 尽管现在银行汇率一直接近零,美联储仍然在继续实行第二轮定量宽松政策以支持资产价格。

49、Of course, besides prop, desktop game also have higher demand to counterjumper. ─── 当然,除了道具之外,桌面游戏吧对店员也有较高的要求。

50、Single fibre or small bunch of fibres may become common prop of foam structure and give reinforcing effect. ─── 单丝及小丝束可以成为泡沫结构的共同支柱而起增强作用,在小束丝附近出现密集泡孔,发生少量树脂积聚。

51、To prop(something) from below. ─── 从下面支撑(某物)

52、What retrorse link indexes in search the weight that prop up is the doubt that do not have commonplace is tall. ─── 反向链接在搜索引擎的权重是无庸质疑的高。

53、To prop(something)from below. ─── 从下面支撑(某物)

54、She uses a clothes prop to prevent the washing on her clothes line from touching the ground. ─── 她用一根撑棍把晾衣绳子撑起来,使衣服不致触及地面。

55、The structure,work principle and application of single arm prop in shaft collar construction are introduced. ─── 介绍了单臂支杆的结构、工作原理及在井颈施工中的应用。

56、Kate: And I was like, I don't have a prop. ─── 我就像是,我没有道具耶。

57、The changed tigar’s prop appears in the past story. ─── 化虎道具,在以往故事中即有。

58、He is the only prop of mine. ─── 他是我的唯一的支柱。

59、Stents are small, mesh tubes that prop open narrowed arteries. ─── 心脏支架是小的网状管道以撑开狭窄的动脉。

60、I lie still for a minute until I can breathe normally, then stretch my arms out to prop myself up. ─── 我静静地躺了一会儿直到我能正常呼吸,然后伸出胳膊把自己支撑起来。

61、Equally, fiscal policy will be a prop. ─── 同样的,财政政策也是一种工具。

62、Because at that time because bedspring is long-term use, already cannot offer to the body prop up in good conditionly. ─── 因为这时候弹簧因长期使用,已无法给身体提供完好的支撑。

63、Summer comes, sunglass is sunshine of our keep out least of all but little prop. ─── 夏日来临,太阳镜是我们遮挡阳光最不可少的道具。

64、I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains. ─── 我有一台三角钢琴来支撑我临终的躯壳。

65、A prop placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright. ─── 书档放在一排书的末端以使书本直立的支撑物

66、It not only is the clothing the constituent, simultaneously, in the dance also is the stage prop. ─── 它既是服饰的组成部分,同时,在舞蹈中又是道具。

67、Other sellers attempted to disguise the true contents of the packages by labelling them as a gift or a prop . ─── 其他卖主试图通过把他们说成是一件礼物或一个道具掩盖真实的方案内容.

68、He was for several years the main prop and animator of Roosevelt himself. ─── 他有几年是罗斯福本人的主要支持者和鼓舞者。

69、To guarantee a perfect crop, Workers offer their entire prop, Working like a team, To produce beautiful beans. ─── 为确保完美的收成,大家全力以赴,像团队般工作,保护着美丽的果实。

70、Enterprise culture is the soul and spiritual prop of enterprise survival and development. ─── 企业文化是企业生存、发展的灵魂和精神支柱。

71、That prop will go. ─── 那个道具将会消逝。

72、China's decision to prop up the dollar is not going to be affected by the size of the US budget deficit. ─── 美国缩减了财政赤字,中国人为地让美元维持在高位的决心不会因此而受影响。

73、With the Fed's help, low mortgage rates have fueled a refinancing boomlet this year, a nice prop for the economy. ─── 在美联储的帮助下,偏低的抵押贷款利率今年引发了一波再融资热潮,这对经济是一个积极的支撑。

74、You need to kill the specific process and this will permitthe system to function prop erly. ─── 您需要删除某些特定的进程,这会使系统 的功能正常。该应用程序需要一个补丁。

75、After getting Mom to lie down on the couch, I remove her shoes, prop her feet up on a pillow and put a cold pack on her legs. ─── 母亲躺进了沙发,我挪开她的鞋,用枕头支起她的脚,在她腿上敷上冰袋。

76、Mr. Helton was the hope and the prop of the family. ─── 希尔顿先生成了一家的希望和支柱。

77、They had to prop up the tree with long poles under the branches. ─── 他们得用长杆支着大树枝把树撑住。

78、You need pure running under DOS, the importation prop surface, discs, No. sector. ─── 你需要在纯DOS下运行,输入拄面号,盘片号,扇区号。

79、Can I guess that you are relying on zincs near the prop shaft?That would be the ONLY reason the pitting was not severe. ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

80、She'd bring back a prop man or whoever to her tent. ─── 她会带回来一个道具管理员或别的人去她的帐蓬。

81、He can not always expect his colleagues to prop him up . ─── 他不能老期望他的同事们支持他。

82、Sex is used by histrionics to prop up their self-esteem and to regulate their labile sense of self-worth. ─── 伪装性人格紊乱患者通过性活动来提升他们的自尊,规范自己的自我价值感。

83、Extend left foot to prop up the body, right leg still genuflect is in place. ─── 伸出左脚支撑身体,右脚仍跪在原地。

84、Several color, prop, texture, normal map and effects adjustments throughout the game. ─── 一些颜色,设置,材质,法线贴图的修改。

85、However, with Lehman, the Fed believed the system was better prepared for the shock and wanted to show it would not always prop up brokers. ─── 然而,到雷曼出问题的时候,美联储认为金融体系已经对冲击有了更充分的准备,同时希望向外界表明,它不会总是支持经纪公司。

86、Munitions, business most prosperous stage prop. ─── 军火,生意最兴隆的道具了。

87、It's just a prop to piss you off. ─── 它只是一个让你们失望的道具.

88、Japan, having earmarked a slew of funds to prop up various private sector entities, is now mulling plans to buy shares. ─── 已投入大批专项资金支持各类私人部门实体的日本,如今正考虑买入股票的计划。

89、You can't always expect your colleagues to prop you up. ─── 你总不能老是指望你的同事们支持你。


单词:support翻译:support [s?'p?:t]:vt.支持,支撑,支援;扶持,帮助;赡养,供养;n.支持,维持;支援,供养;支持者,支撑物反义词:oppose;nonsupport


support的反义词是: oppose

The man in the street is opposed to this idea .


The two opposing armies are locked in battle .


Persist in progress and oppose retrogression !


Henry was always opposed to these meetings .


However, there are opposing philosophies .


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