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08-17 投稿


diffuse 发音

英:[d?'fju?z]  美:[d?'fjus]

英:  美:

diffuse 中文意思翻译




diffuse 短语词组

1、diffuse abscess ─── [医] 弥漫性脓肿

2、diffuse coding ─── [计] 散布编码

3、acute diffuse appendicitis ─── [医] 急性弥漫性阑尾炎

4、diffuse goiter ─── [医] 弥散性甲状腺肿

5、diffuse choroiditis ─── [医] 弥散性脉络膜炎, 播散性脉络膜炎

6、diffuse epithelioma ─── [医] 弥漫性上皮瘤, 浸润性上皮瘤

7、diffuse arteriosclerosis ─── [医] 弥漫性动脉硬化, 动脉毛细管纤维变性

8、diffuse ganglia ─── [医] 弥漫性腱鞘囊肿

9、calcinosis diffuse ─── [医] 弥漫性钙质沉着

10、diffuse atrophy ─── [医] 弥漫性萎缩

11、diffuse arterial ectasia ─── [医] 蜿蜒状动脉瘤

12、diffuse hyperplastic sclerosis ─── [医] 弥漫性增生性动脉硬化

13、diffuse calcific degeneration ─── [医] 弥漫性钙化

14、chronic diffuse nephritis ─── [医] 慢性弥漫性肾炎

15、diffuse band absorption ─── [化] 漫射光带吸收

16、diffuse aneurysm ─── [医] 弥漫性动脉瘤, 假动脉瘤

17、diffuse double layer ─── [化] 扩散双层

18、diffuse glosis ─── [医] 弥漫性神经胶质增生

19、diffuse disease ─── [医] ─── [脊髓]弥漫性病

diffuse 词性/词形变化,diffuse变形

动词过去分词: diffused |副词: diffusely |名词: diffuseness |动词过去式: diffused |动词现在分词: diffusing |动词第三人称单数: diffuses |

diffuse 相似词语短语

1、diffusers ─── n.[机]扩散器(diffuser的复数形式);柔光镜

2、diffusive ─── adj.普及的;散布性的;冗长的

3、diffusate ─── n.扩散物;[化学]渗出液

4、diffuser ─── n.[机]扩散器;散布者;[航][机]扩压器

5、diffused ─── adj.散布的,扩散的;普及的;v.散布,传播(diffuse的过去分词);使分散

6、diffusor ─── n.扩散器;散布者;扩散体

7、diffusely ─── adv.广泛地;扩散地

8、defuse ─── vt.平息;去掉…的雷管;使除去危险性

9、diffuses ─── adj.弥漫的;散开的;vt.扩散;传播;漫射;vi.传播;四散

diffuse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Slitless rainbow holography with one-dimensional diffuse screen[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王取泉,答孝义.

2、To pour or diffuse around; spread. ─── 向周围泼洒或散发;散布

3、The light from the sky is very diffuse with soft shadows. ─── 光从天空那里非常与柔软的阴影一起扩散。

4、Andromeda is frequently referred to as M31 since it is the 31st object on Messier's list of diffuse sky objects. ─── 仙女座经常被称为M31,自从它被梅西耶列为第31个弥漫天空物体。

5、The diffuse spectacle accompanies the abundance of commodities, the undisturbed development of modern capitalism. ─── 弥散的景观与商品的丰裕相联系,与现代资本主义不受干扰的发展相联系。

6、Calculation of direct solar and diffuse radiation in Israel. ─── 以色列直接太阳辐射和漫射辐射的计算。

7、Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma versus Atypical Burkitt Lymphoma? ─── 弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL)/Burkitt淋巴瘤(ABL)?

8、The method can be used for measurement study of the characteristics of the object surface with the characteristic of diffuse reflection. ─── 本发明可以用于具有漫反射特性的物体表面特征的测量研究。

9、Around the cluster is a huge vague diffuse nebulae. ─── 围绕该星团的是一个巨大的模糊的弥漫星云。

10、He resolved to diffuse the special knowledge that he possessed. ─── 他决心要传播他所具有的特别的知识。

11、Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not. ─── 宗教是一个容易引起无休止争论的弥散型话题,而有神论则不是。

12、Professor Huggins cut off their diffuse speech and agreed to help them. ─── 哈金斯教授打断他们冗长的演讲,答应帮助他们。

13、Total diffuse and indirect illumination. ─── 全漫反射和间接光照。

14、In an attempt to diffuse the tension I suggested that we break off for lunch. ─── 为了消除紧张感,我建议我们停下来吃午饭。

15、However, the nitric oxide can diffuse into fat and then react with oxygen to form nitrosoamine generating chemicals. ─── 但是生成的一氧化氮能扩散到脂肪中,然后通过和氧气反应而形成能产生亚硝胺的化学物质。

16、Translucence gives the material the ability to transmit and diffuse light. ─── 半透明给予材质以传送和散播光的能力。

17、The morphological hallmark of primary FSGS is diffuse effacement of podocyte foot processes. ─── 原发性FSGS的形态学标志是足突细胞的足突弥漫性融合。

18、It supports the same kinds of diffuse surface shading that standard material does. ─── 它支持同标准材质同一类型的漫反射表面着色。

19、Then I used only diffuse and bumps to texture the column. ─── 在柱子的材质上我只使用了过度色和凹凸两种贴图。

20、Strengthen the cognition of its pathologic growth characteristics is the premise for correct diagnosis of diffuse ... ─── 加深对弥漫性星形细胞瘤病理生长特性的认识是正确诊断的前提。

21、We will be discussing only point lights and the diffuse lighting model in this document. ─── 在此文中,我们仅会正讨论点光源及漫射光照模型。

22、For the sake of simplicity only the diffuse component will be taken into account. ─── 为了追求简洁,这里我们只考虑漫反射部分。

23、It allows nicotine to diffuse slowly and steadily into the bloodstream. ─── 它使尼古丁缓慢、稳步地扩散到血液当中。

24、The gold in the oceans is too diffuse to be extractable at a profit. ─── 但海洋中的黄金太分散,提炼赚不了钱。

25、Rayleigh scatter determines the upwelling diffuse flux which can be absorbed. ─── Rayleigh散射决定了能被吸收的向外的漫射通量。

26、I would set out in the dim light of the rising sun and watch the morning fog diffuse as the sun came up. ─── 伴着黎明微弱的阳光我就出发了,一路上看着太阳升起、大雾散去。

27、Much of the added heat will therefore diffuse outwards into the surrounding material. ─── 很多加给的热量也因此向外扩散进人周围的物质。

28、When the water contains a high concentration of ions, the diffuse layer would obviously be compacted. ─── 当水中含有高浓度离子时,扩散层会明显收缩。

29、A diffuse, pear-shaped image of a point source. ─── 基于一点呈散开的、梨状的一种表现形式

30、The complete scene should be composed of a specular pass, a diffuse pass and an ambient pass. ─── 一个完整的场景应该包括镜面反射(高光)层,本色层和环境层。

31、Two RCT have shown that methotrexate improves skin score in early diffuse SSc. ─── 2项RCT研究表明,甲氨蝶呤可改善早期弥漫型的皮肤评分,但对其他器官病变的益处尚未确定。

32、Light up the entire glove in a diffuse floodlight, or both. ─── 它有若干电话共用一条外线,适用于中、小型企业,也可用于住宅和秘书电话。

33、His talk was so diffuse that I missed his point. ─── 他的谈话漫无边际, 我抓不住他的要点。

34、Where does light come from? How does it diffuse? ─── 光从哪里来?它是怎样传播的?

35、problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy. ─── 问题在于如何将权力分散而不造成无政府状态。

36、Develop a Wen Shuizao, diffuse in iciness warmth and enjoy. ─── 冲个温水澡,冰冷中弥漫温情和享受。

37、Antibiotic therapy for diffuse cellulitis should be aggressive. ─── 弥漫性蜂窝织炎的抗菌素治疗应是强有力的。

38、One of diffuse malignant mesothelioma of the chest tumor one of the worst prognosis. ─── 其中弥漫型恶性间皮瘤是胸部预后最坏的肿瘤之一。

39、The boat kept on floating on the lake as the mist began to diffuse. ─── 小船继续在湖面上漂着,雾气初开。

40、In most women with androgenic alopecia the frontal hairline remains intact despite diffuse hair loss. ─── 在许多雄激素性脱发的女性中,虽然发生弥漫性脱发,但前发际线还是完整的。

41、Clouds are translucent, which means that they let light pass through them, but in a diffuse manner. ─── 云是半透明的,这表明他们让轻的通道通过他们,但是用一扩散方式。

42、As the water heats to a boil from the lit candle underneath, the smell of the essential oils diffuse filling the room. ─── 当水被底下的蜡烛加热到沸腾时,精油的气味就能扩散弥漫到整个房间之中。

43、Colonic polyps in children may be solitary, multiple, or diffuse. ─── 小儿结肠息肉可以单发,多发或呈弥漫性。

44、Strong and diffuse S100 immunoreactivity is probably the diagnostic clincher of this case. ─── S100弥漫强阳性可能是本例强有力的诊断线索。

45、Technologies diffuse rapidly. ─── 技术普及非常快。

46、It is broken down into categories such as Diffuse, Limited, CREST, and Overlap. ─── 分为弥漫性硬皮病、局限性硬皮病、CREST综合症和复合型。

47、Diffuse alveolar damage appeared in lung of PALI pigs. ─── PALI组猪肺组织出现弥漫性肺泡损伤,总病理评分达(15±2.45)分;

48、A diffuse dictionary should not be used in a library. ─── 图书馆里不应使用繁冗的词典。

49、The key is embolic infarction is a focal change, whereas autolytic change is global and diffuse. ─── 关键是脑梗死是局灶改变,而脑组织自溶是全脑的弥漫性改变。

50、In Vermeer, light creates mood, be it diffuse, direct or reflected, soft or lam-bent, cold and still or warmly radiant. ─── 在弗米尔的作品中,光能创造出气氛,无论是四处弥散的,直接的或是反射的,柔和的或闪烁的,冷色调静的或暖色调光芒四射的。

51、In sharing the sufferings of others we indirectly diffuse joy. ─── 分担苦难,间接也就散布喜乐。

52、The pathological study showed diffuse muscle fiber atrophy predominating in PM and perimysium atrophy in DM. ─── PM的病理改变主要表现为散在肌纤维萎缩;DM以束周萎缩多见。

53、Coronary angiography showed triple-vessel disease, coronary artery aneurysms, and diffuse ectasia. ─── 冠状动脉摄影显示三条冠状动脉疾病,冠状动脉瘤和冠状动脉扩张。

54、Eventually, unless the light energy decays within the material, it emerges from the surface as a diffuse reflection. ─── 最终,只要光能在介质中不被完全衰减,它就会作为漫反射透出表面。

55、Assign placeholder texture maps to the diffuse and bump material slots for each of your models. ─── 分配占位符纹理地图到散开和爆沸物质槽孔为每一个您的模型。

56、At least you'll laugh or smile, and that may be enough to diffuse the situation and feel better. ─── 至少你会开怀大笑或窃喜一下,也许这就够你缓和心境,感觉舒畅了吧!

57、Findings on urography include encasement or amputation of calyces and diffuse enlargement of kidney. ─── 在超音波图,可见肾脏弥漫性的肿大、不正常的肾实质回音及肾中心窦回音的消失;

58、The heat diffuse can be considered as temperature oscillation under limiting damp, as well heat can be transfersed by the wave way. ─── 热扩散可以被看成是一种极限温度阻尼振荡问题;而热可以以波动形式传输。

59、Diffuse the sunlight, do not block it out. ─── 不要遮住扩散的阳光。

60、I got lost in your rather diffuse essay. ─── 你的文章行文冗赘,弄得 我有点糊涂了.

61、Are you in the habit has been shouting our story, let air gradually diffuse Our belongs to you a flavor. ─── 习惯了有你在,一直高喊我们的故事,让空气渐渐弥漫一咱属于你们的味道。

62、Anything left behind became ever more diffuse. ─── 任何残留之物则变得更为分散。

63、When faced with a leadership position, tend to actively accept that role rather than diffuse it among others. ─── 如果遇到一个管理职位提升机会,我更愿意接受而不转给他人。

64、Direct laryngoscopy revealed narrowing of the glottis with diffuse ulcerative necrotic tissue. ─── 以直达式喉镜发现声门狭窄与广泛性溃疡坏死组识。

65、The diffuse LEED and the holographic LEED. ─── 弥散LEED和全息LEED;

66、CT imaging showed protrusions toward oavities in 6 cases, diffuse thickening of tracheal wall in 5 cases. ─── 主要CT表现为向腔内突出的结节6例,局部气管壁弥漫性增厚5例。

67、"They need to diffuse the controversy, or they could get bogged down globally. ─── "他们必须扩散争议,否则他们可能会陷入全球性的动弹不得.

68、Diffuse lesions, herpes zoster, oral and pharyngeal mucosa inflammation and ulceration. ─── 弥漫性丘疹、带状疱疹、口腔和咽部粘膜炎症及溃烂。

69、To pour or diffuse(a liquid, for example) over or through something. ─── 倾泻把某物(如液体)倾倒或覆盖在某物上

70、Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell through all our days. ─── 享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。

71、Discomfort in the medial or lateral tibiofemoral compartments is suggestive of more diffuse pathology. ─── 中间和侧边的胫骨股骨间隙的不适暗示更加广泛的病理学。

72、Schools and libraries and many television programs diffuse knowledge . ─── 学校、图书馆和很多电视节目都传播知识。

73、The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge. ─── 印刷品有助于传播科学知识。

74、Sum of direct solar radiation and diffuse sky radiation received by unit horizontal surface. ─── 在平面上单位面积所受的太阳直接辐射和天空漫射辐射的总和。

75、Shrubs evergreen, epiphytic, many diffuse or pendulous branched. ─── 常绿灌木,附生的,很多铺散的或下垂分枝。

76、Chemical sunscreens on the other hand, merely diffuse rays, usually just UVB. ─── 化学防晒霜另一方面,仅仅弥漫射线,通常只是紫外线。

77、Use whatever tactics you can in order to diffuse the situation. ─── 不管用什么战术,你可以以弥漫的情况。

78、Francois Sillion and Clande Puech,“A General Two-Pass Method Integrating Specular and Diffus Reflection”, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol 23, No. 3, pp.335-344, 1989. ─── 张忠宝、陈利琮、王宗铭,“提高蒙地卡罗直接照明法效能的两种技巧”,中兴大学工程学刊第十二卷,第一期,民国九十一年三月.

79、Impurity doped during epitaxy will diffuse in the epitaxial layer and even into the substrate. ─── 在半导体器件制造的外延工艺中,外延生长时通常要掺入杂质。

80、Electrons in atoms are visualized as diffuse clouds surrounding the nucleus. ─── 原子中的电子可以想像为弥漫在原子核周围的电子云。

81、Diffuse papillomatosis refers to the formation of multiple papillomas. ─── 弥漫性乳头状瘤病指构成复杂乳头状瘤.

82、She developed malaise, fever and myalgia followed by a diffuse nonpruritic exanthem. ─── 她出现不适,发热,肌痛,继之全身出现非瘙痒性皮疹。

83、Cang jungle foliage such as the black cap, Zhetianbiri, forest diffuse the aromatic resin. ─── 原始森林枝叶苍黑如盖,遮天蔽日,林中弥漫树脂的芳香。

84、The experimental study of expression of vascular endothelial growth actor in diffuse brain injury. ─── 大鼠弥漫性脑损伤中血管内皮生长因子表达变化的实验研究

85、The diagnosis of focal or diffuse disease was correct in 23 cases (96%) and equiocal in one case. ─── 对病灶或弥散性疾病的诊断,在23例(96%)病例中是正确的,一例诊断模糊。

86、Among 10 cases of diffuse form of BAC, 6 were mucous type. ─── 10例弥散型BAC中6例为粘液型。

87、Diffuse crepitus of the arm, extending to the left chest wall, was noted. ─── 弥漫性的捻发音从胳膊延伸至左侧胸壁。

88、Use the diffuse vertex color. ─── 使用漫射顶点颜色。

89、However, growing numbers of patients with diffuse stenoses are not amenable to PCI and CABG. ─── 但是,针对弥漫性血管病变患者,上述两种治疗方法受到了很大的限制。














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