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cytogenetic 发音

英:[sa?to?d???net?k]  美:[?sa?t??d???net?k]

英:  美:

cytogenetic 中文意思翻译



cytogenetic 短语词组

1、cytogenetic marker ─── 细胞遗传学标记

2、cytogenetic pdf ─── 细胞遗传学pdf

3、cytogenetic genome research ─── 细胞遗传学基因组研究

4、cytogenetic mds ─── 细胞遗传学mds

5、cytogenetic aml ─── 细胞遗传学aml

6、Cytogenetic notation ─── 细胞遗传学表示法

7、cytogenetic technology ─── 细胞遗传学技术

8、cytogenetic change ─── 细胞遗传学改变

9、cytogenetic cll ─── 细胞遗传学cll

10、cytogenetic map ─── 细胞遗传学图

cytogenetic 词性/词形变化,cytogenetic变形


cytogenetic 相似词语短语

1、cytogenesis ─── n.细胞发生;细胞生成

2、cenogenetic ─── adj.新性状发生的,新生变态的

3、cytogenetics ─── n.细胞遗传学

4、cytokinetic ─── 细胞动力学的

5、autogenetic ─── adj.自生的;无生源说的;单性生殖的

6、ectogenetic ─── adj.体外发育的

7、cyanogenetic ─── 氰化物

8、phytogenetic ─── adj.植物起源的

9、cytogenetical ─── adj.细胞遗传学的

cytogenetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cytogenetic typing showed the chromosome numbers were 28 in developed coral larvae for all the four Acropora species. ─── 因此建议往后探讨珊瑚演化的相关机制时,必须同时考虑生态、行为、生殖和分子遗传的证据。


3、The Agronomy Characters and Cytogenetic Behavior of the Hybrid between A utotetraploid Sorghum and Halepenseand the Subsequent Generation ─── 同源四倍体高粱与约翰逊草杂交后代的生物学特性与细胞遗传学行为

4、Cytogenetic analysis of Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt ─── 俄罗斯鲟的细胞遗传学分析

5、Cytogenetic analysis of patients with severe spermatogenesis failure before assisted reproductive intervention ─── 严重生精功能障碍患者助孕前遗传学检查的意义

6、Detection on genetic diseases of a Simmental breeder bull was made by cytogenetic diagnostic technology, the results showed that thebull was Positive for both 1 /29 & 14/20 Robertsonian translocation. ─── 应用细胞遗传学诊断技术对西门塔尔公牛进行遗传病检查,结果表明该公牛同时为1/29和14/20罗伯逊易位阳性。

7、Report of a Case on 46,XX t(6;18) Karyotype with Cytogenetic Analysis ─── 一例46,XXt(6;18)病例的细胞遗传学分析

8、AML1-ETO fusion transcripts positive were found in all patients with t (8;21) chromosome, 3 cases without t (8;21) chromosome and 2 cases undetected by Cytogenetic analysis. ─── t(8:21)‘AML组12例伴t(8:21)染色体易位者、3例无t(8:21)异常核型者一和2例未行染色体分析者,AMLI一ETO融合基因均为阳性,而对照组28例患者无一例阳性。

9、The morphological, immunophenotypical and cytogenetic characteristics study of blast crisis in chronic myeloid leukemia ─── 慢性髓细胞白血病急变期形态学及免疫学和细胞遗传学特征研究

10、Cytogenetic TechnologistsTechnologist (Cytogenetic) should have good general laboratory skills, experience with ...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海美华妇产服务工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-17

11、Objective To investigate the morphologic and cytogenetic characteristics of the bone marrow cells erythroleukemia (EL). ─── 摘要目的探讨急性红白血病(EL)的骨髓细胞形态学及细胞遗传学特征。

12、The Studies on Molecular Cytogenetic Alterations in Human Lung Carcinomas ─── 人肺癌分子细胞遗传学异常改变的研究

13、From the cytogenetic perspective, only a small proportion of fish species have heteromorphic sex chromosomes. ─── 几十年的细胞遗传学研究表明,鱼类性别决定几乎包括了动物的所有性染色体类型。

14、Gmitter F.G., Deng X. X. and J.C. Hearn, 1994. Cytogenetic mechanisms underlying reduced fertility and seedlessness in Citrus. Proc.Inter Soc. of Citriculture. Vol 1:125-129 ─── 刘继红,邓秀新。原生质体融合得到柑桔与澳洲指桔属间体细胞杂种。柑桔种间原生质体非对称融合再生植株。(1999,郑州,中国细胞生物学会第七届全国大会)

15、Mitelman F, edtor. ISCN 1995: An international system for human cytogenetic nomenclature[M].Basel: S. Karger,1995.1-114. ─── 张之南,主编.血液病诊断及疗效标准[M].第2版.北京:科学技术出版社,1998.171-179

16、Cytogenetic studies in patients with primary amenorrhea ─── 原发闭经患者的染色体核型分析

17、Cytogenetic Studies on BGC-823 Human Gastric Cancer Cell Line ─── 人胃癌细胞系(BGC-823)的细胞遗传学研究

18、Abstract: Objective: To analyse the cytogenetic examinations and their clinical significance for patients with amenorrhea. ─── 摘 要: 目的:分析闭经患者细胞遗传学的检查结果及其临床意义。

19、Keywords multiple myeloma;cytogenetic;karyotyping;fluorescence in situ hybridization;clinical significance; ─── 多发性骨髓瘤;细胞遗传学;核型分析;荧光原位杂交;临床意义;

20、Cytogenetic analysis and bcr/abl mRNA detection in chronic myeloid leukemia ─── 慢性髓系白血病Ph染色体分析与bcr/abl mRNA检测

21、Application and Diagnostic Value of Cytogenetic and Molecular Techniques in Soft Tissue Small Round Cell Tumor ─── 分子生物学技术在软组织小圆细胞肿瘤疑难病例中的诊断价值

22、Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis and Quality Characteristics Identification of an Introduced Octoploid Trititrigia ─── 一个八倍体小偃麦染色体组成的分子细胞学分析及品质特性鉴定

23、“About half of the patients on the study continue to receive imatinib and 40 percent are in complete cytogenetic response,” said Dr. ─── “研究中大约半数的病人继续使用伊马替尼,40%的患者获得完全细胞遗传学缓解。”

24、However, the consequent transmission of sperm cytogenetic defects and genetic defects to the offspring has aroused considerable concern. ─── 然而,精子的遗传学异常所带来的遗传风险引起了较大的关注。

25、This review summarizes the morphological,immunophenotypic,cytogenetic and molecular genetic features of DLBCL relevant to the precise prognostic previsions. ─── 作者综述DLBCL的形态学、免疫组化、分子生物学特点及与预后的关系。

26、Overall survival rates and avoidance of disease progression were strongly correlated with cytogenetic response by 12 months; those with a minimal or no cytogenetic response within the first year faired poorly. ─── 总体生存率和病情恶化停止与患者服药12个月后细胞遗传学反应密切相关,那些在第一年里没有或只有很小细胞遗传学反应的患者预后较差。

27、conventional cytogenetic ─── 常规细胞遗传学

28、Molecular Cytogenetic Study on Genome Constitutions of Octoploid Tritileymus. ─── 八倍体小滨麦染色体组构成的分子细胞遗传学研究。

29、Na_2SeO_3 Cytogenetic Damages to the Root Tips of Vicia faba ─── Na_2SeO_3对蚕豆根尖细胞遗传损伤作用的研究

30、Philadelphia chromosome was detected in 26 of 28 patients (92.9%)by cytogenetic study. ─── 28例慢粒患者作细胞遗传学检查,26例Ph染色体阳性,2例Ph染色体阴性,阳性率为92.9%;

31、Cytogenetic Studies on One Case with a Balanced de novo Translocation of Chromosomes 12 and 16 ─── 一例新生的平衡易位t(12;16)的细胞遗传学研究

32、Molecular Cytogenetic Study of Short Arm Aberrations in Human D and G Group Chromosomes ─── 人类D、G组染色体短臂异常的分子细胞遗传学研究

33、Cytogenetic characteristic analysis of acute myelocytic leukemia and its diagnosis and prognosis value ─── 急性髓细胞白血病的细胞遗传学特征分析及其诊断预后价值

34、use of data (e.g. cytogenetic or biochemical) to assess taxonomic relations especially within an evolutionary framework. ─── 应用(细胞发生或生化的)数据估计进化框架中的分类关系。

35、Cytogenetic Effects of Attenuated Live Measles Vaccine on Male Mice ─── 减毒麻疹活疫苗对小鼠的细胞遗传学效应

36、The intrinsic mechanism of cytogenetic adaptive response to low dose radiation ─── 低剂量辐射的细胞遗传适应性反应机理研究现状

37、Cytogenetic Study of A Case of t(13;14)Robertsonian Translocation ─── 一例t(13:14)岁伯逊易位的细胞遗传学研究

38、use of data (e.g. cytogenetic or biochemical) to assess taxonomic relations especially within an evolutionary framework ─── 应用(细胞发生或生化的)数据估计进化框架中的分类关系

39、Many factors can result in male infertility,and a number of studies have indicated that reproductive difficulties are associated intimately with cytogenetic abnormalities. ─── 引起男性不育因素很多,大量研究已经表明男性不育与细胞遗传学异常有关。

40、Effects of drinking water with different background radiation levels on cytogenetic and reproduction function in mice ─── 放射性比活度不同的饮水对小鼠生殖及细胞遗传功能的影响

41、For this purpose, he has analyzed, by means of statistical methods, the cytogenetic changes in a group of patients with MM. ─── 鉴于这个目的,他通过统计学方法对一群多发性骨髓瘤病人的细胞发生的变化进行了分析。

42、For the positive sample (Turner syndrome), the result analyzed by CGH was the same to the conventional cytogenetic analysis. ─── 在对阳性标本行所建立的方法进行检测,通过软件分析,所得出结果与传统细胞遗传学方法相一致。

43、Cytogenetic damage at mitotic stages of Vicia faba root cells induced by sodium bisulfite[J].Chinese Journal of Applied &Environmental Biology,2002,8(4):383-386. ─── SO2衍生物对蚕豆根尖细胞不同分裂阶段的遗传损伤[J].应用与环境生物学报,2002,8(4):383-386.

44、International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature(ISCN) ─── 人类细胞遗传学的国际命名体制

45、Establishment and Cytogenetic Characterization of A Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Strain from the Embolus in Portal Vein ─── 从门静脉癌栓建立肝癌细胞株及对其细胞遗传特征的研究

46、Keywords Spectral karyotyping;Fluorescence in situ hybridization;Cytogenetic;Gene; ─── 光谱核型分析;荧光原位杂交;细胞遗传学;基因;

47、Cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes of occupational workers in Anqing area ─── 安庆地区放射工作人员淋巴细胞遗传学分析

48、Toxicity and Cytogenetic Effects Of 50% Chong Man Jing ─── 50%虫螨净乳剂的毒性及遗传学效应

49、The sample can also be used for cytogenetic analysis and immunophenotyping. ─── 此外,细胞样品也可用于细胞遗传学分析和免疫表型分析。

50、Cytogenetic analysis and phenotype location analysis on the karyotype of a ring chromosome 21 syndrome ─── 一例21号环状染色体综合征的细胞遗传学和表型定位分析

51、The Classification of Morphological Immunological Cytogenetic and Molecular Biology in AML-M2b Patients ─── 应用形态学、核型、免疫学和分子生物学方法联合检测急性髓细胞性白血病M_(2b)的研究

52、Identification of Ditelosome 7Ai-1L of the Chromosome Arm in Thinopyrum intermedium by Cytogenetic Methods and its Microdissection and Microcloning ─── 中间偃麦草染色体臂7Ai-1L端体的细胞遗传学鉴定及显微分离与克隆

53、The cytogenetic effect of demulsifer AE_(121) on human body ─── AE_(121)破乳剂对人体的细胞遗传学效应

54、Between the two groups, the total effective rates of the hematologic remission and cytogenetic response was significant difference. ─── 两组间血液学缓解和细胞遗传学缓解总有效率差异均有统计学意义。

55、Cytogenetic analysis of 232 couples with at least twice spontaneous abortions in Anhui province ─── 安徽省232对两次以上自然流产夫妇的细胞遗传学分析

56、Keywords Selenite;Vicia faba;Cytogenetic damage;Oxidative damage; ─── 亚硒酸盐;蚕豆;遗传损伤;氧化损伤;

57、Cytogenetic study of CML at blast crisis ─── 慢性粒细胞性白血病急变期的细胞遗传学研究

58、Monoclonal B cells were further characterized by means of cytogenetic and molecular analyses. ─── 单克隆B细胞再进一步通过细胞遗传学和分子分析来明确。

59、Cytogenetic studies on their progenies of women used Silastic capsules of levonorgestrel subdermal implants. ─── 应用左炔诺孕酮硅胶棒避孕者后代细胞遗传学研究

60、TATS has a differentiation inducing effect on untreated and recurrent APL, with haematological CR and cytogenetic CR achieved. ─── TATS对初治及复发APL有一定的诱导分化作用 ,单药TATS治疗初治及复发APL患者可达到血液学和细胞遗传学缓解。

61、Advanced molecular and cytogenetic technologies in birth defect diagnosis and prevention ─── 分子和细胞遗传学新技术在出生缺陷诊断及防治中的应用


63、For the positive sample (Turner syndrome), the result analyzed by CGH was the same to the conventional cytogenetic analysis. ─── 在对阳性标本行所建立的方法进行检测,通过软件分析,所得出结果与传统细胞遗传学方法相一致。

64、Dual FISH technique provides specific, sensitive and direct evidence for molecular cytogenetic evaluation of gene deletion in tumors. ─── 双色FISH技术为评估基因的缺失提供了特异、敏感、直观的分子细胞遗传学证据。

65、Cytogenetic adaptive response induced by low dose radiation and its mechanisms ─── 低水平辐射诱导细胞遗传学适应性反应及其机制探讨

66、Immunophenotypic and Cytogenetic Characteristics of the Blast Crisis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia ─── 慢性髓细胞白血病急变期的免疫表型和细胞遗传学研究

67、Objective To investigate the morphologic and cytogenetic characteristics of the bone marrow cells erythroleukemia (EL). ─── 目的探讨急性红白血病(EL)的骨髓细胞形态学及细胞遗传学特征。

68、International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature ─── 国际人类细胞遗传学术语命名法

69、This the first report of cytogenetic study of flag leaf position in common wheat ,Triticum aestivum L. ─── 摘要 本文首次对小麦旗叶姿态进行了比较系统的细胞遗传学研究。

70、One Uncommon Case of Syndrome with INV(9)and DUP(16) and its Cytogenetic Analysis ─── 一例罕见的INV(9)并DUP(16)综合征及其细胞遗传学分析

71、Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is an effective and accurate molecular cytogenetic tool for mapping specific DNA sequences on chromosomes, interphase nuclei and DNA fibers. ─── 摘要荧光原位杂交(FISH)是在染色体、间期核和DNA纤维上定位特定DNA序列的一种有效而精确的分子细胞遗传学方法。

72、cytogenetic and molecular techniques ─── 分子生物学技术

73、Effect of tenuazonic acid on micronucleus and karyokinesis of Vicia faba root tip cells was investigated to evaluate its cytogenetic toxicity. ─── 利用蚕豆根尖为材料,研究了链格孢菌毒素细交链孢菌酮酸对细胞微核和有丝分裂的影响,以评价其细胞遗传毒性。

74、Cytogenetic Studies on a Human Cecum Adenocarcinoma Cell Line(ECe-8693) ─── 人盲肠未分化腺癌细胞系(HCe-8693)的细胞遗传学研究

75、Detection and Analysis of Cytogenetic Effect among the Radiation - Exposed Occupational Population ─── 放射性职业人群细胞遗传学效应检测与分析

76、Of 155 cases,101 patients(65.2%) had cytogenetic abnormalities. The incidences of cytogenetic abnormalities in FAB subtypes were M577.3%,M365.9%,M263.9%,M462.5%,M660%,and M142.9%. ─── 155例AML中,异常核型101例(65·2%),各亚型的异常率为:M577·3%,M365·9%,M263·9%,M462·5%,M660·0%,M142·9%。

77、Trichlorfon, an organophosphate pesticide,was evaluated for its ability to induce cytogenetic damage in preimplantation from dams treated with trichlorfon. ─── 妊娠初期有机磷农药暴露对着床前期胚胎的细胞遗传学及生长发育有明显影响。

78、Molecular cytogenetic characteristics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia ─── 慢性淋巴细胞白血病的分子遗传学特点

79、They stand out as well-described and separate disorders on the basis of their clinical, immunophenotypic and cytogenetic properties. ─── 他们脱颖而出以及描述和单独的疾病的基础上,其临床,免疫和细胞遗传学特性。

80、Wu J.G., C.H.Shi , X.W.Lin, Z.Y.Li and T.D.Fu, Morphology groups and cytogenetic analysis in progenies from hybrids between Brassica napus and Orychophragmus violaceus. ─── 吴建国、石春海、蔺兴武、李再云和傅廷栋,甘蓝型油菜与诸葛菜属间杂种后代亚倍体类型的形态学及细胞遗传学研究。

81、Cytogenetic Effect of Oral Contraceptives and Its Observational Targets ─── 口服避孕药的细胞遗传学效应及其观察指标

82、Somaclonal variation will play an important role in crop improvement with utilization of molecular cytogenetic techniques. ─── 随着分子细胞遗传学技术的应用,必将使体细胞变异在作物改良中发挥巨大的作用。

83、Molecular cytogenetic analysis for a familial complex chromosomal rearrangement ─── 家族性染色体复杂重排的分子细胞遗传学研究

84、Molecular Cytogenetic analysis of Chinese winter wheat germplasm Aimengniu ─── 冬小麦种质“矮孟牛”的分子细胞遗传学研究

85、22) risk categories," Dr.Willman said."However, striking differences are observed in patients with the same cytogenetic profiles or within the same risk classification group. ─── 22)风险的类别,然而,在具有相同细胞生长的判定或在相同风险分类群组中的病患中仍观察到显著的差异。

86、mammalian germ-cell cytogenetic test ─── 哺乳动物性细胞遗传学试验

87、BACKGROUND &AIM: To follow the late effects of victim in a radiation injury accident and observe the cytogenetic characteristics of continual irradiation. ─── 摘要背景与目的:对广州放射性伤害事故受照者进行远后效应随访,观察迁延照射的细胞遗传学损伤特点。

88、Analysis of the related factors of aplastic anemia patients to follow the cytogenetic abnormalities treated with immunosuppressive theropy ─── 再生障碍性贫血患者细胞遗传学异常的相关因素分析

89、Keywords Allium cepa;detergent;micronucleus;cytogenetic damage;mitotic index; ─── 关键词洋葱;洗涤剂;微核;遗传损伤;有丝分裂指数;

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