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08-17 投稿


sculptor 发音

英:['sk?lpt?]  美:['sk?lpt?]

英:  美:

sculptor 中文意思翻译



sculptor 短语词组

1、body sculptor ─── 人体雕刻师

2、sculptor void ─── 雕塑家虚空

3、sculptor auguste rodin ─── 雕塑家奥古斯特·罗丁

4、clay sculptor ─── 粘土雕塑家

5、sculptor capital ─── 雕塑家资本

6、sculptor capital management ─── 雕塑家资本管理

7、sculptor cabernet ─── 雕刻家赤霞珠

8、Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy ─── 雕塑家矮人银河

9、sculptor jobs ─── 雕塑家工作

10、catch pieces by modern sculptor ─── 现代雕塑家的经典作品

11、sculptor artists ─── 雕塑家

12、sculptor auguste ─── 雕塑家奥古斯特

13、Sculptor (constellation) ─── 雕塑(星座)

14、master sculptor ─── 雕塑家大师

15、Sculptor Galaxy ─── 雕塑家银河

16、sculptor crossword ─── 雕刻家纵横字谜

17、hunchbacked sculptor ─── 驼背雕塑家

sculptor 词性/词形变化,sculptor变形

动词过去式: sculpted |动词过去分词: sculpted |动词现在分词: sculpting |动词第三人称单数: sculpts |

sculptor 相似词语短语

1、Sculptor ─── n.雕刻家

2、sculpts ─── vt.造型;雕刻;vi.造型;雕刻;n.雕刻品;n.(Sculpt)人名;(英)斯卡尔普特

3、sculptors ─── n.雕刻家

4、sculpture ─── n.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vt.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vi.从事雕刻

5、sculpt ─── vt.造型;雕刻;vi.造型;雕刻;n.雕刻品;n.(Sculpt)人名;(英)斯卡尔普特

6、Sculptoris ─── 雕塑家

7、sculptural ─── adj.雕刻的;雕刻般的

8、sculpted ─── adj.雕刻般的,雕塑般的(指外观线条清晰、表面光滑);v.雕刻,雕塑;使具有某种形状,使成形(sculpt的过去式和过去分词)

9、osculatory ─── adj.接吻的;密切接触的

sculptor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A frustrated sculptor strangles his beautiful girlfriend and entombs her body into a lifelike doll. ─── 一个失败的雕塑家掐死了漂亮的女友,把尸体埋藏到栩栩如生的玩偶里面。她的灵魂停留在新的身体里,从一个主人转到另一个主人,勾引男人并把他们带向死亡。

2、Learn step by step from sculptor Mark Alfrey how to create a human head in clay from armature to the final detailing. ─── 你将学习到最关键的技术难点:基于黏土的特性,通过运用正确恰当的雕塑技巧运用石油或蜡.

3、A sculptor back on her own ground after experiments with painting. ─── 在进行了绘画方面的探索之后又回到自己领域的雕塑家

4、Undeterred, he crept into the cemetery under cloak of darkness with a bemused sculptor in tow. ─── 丹东并未就此罢休,借着夜色的掩护,他拖着一位困惑的雕刻家潜入墓地。

5、Up-and-coming sculptor and architect, Filippo Brunelleschi, was one of those artists. ─── 雕塑家、建筑师菲利波·布鲁内莱斯基很有发展前途,也是这些积极参与工程建设的艺术家中的一员。

6、His American wife is a sculptor and designer. ─── 他的美籍妻子是雕刻家和设计师。

7、We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carve a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 我们可以把神秘、不可知的未来塑造成我们想象中的任何模样,犹如雕刻家将未成形的石头刻成雕像。

8、A sophisticated sculptor, Hemi, and 4 other people are invited to a gallery of dolls. ─── 五位年轻男女应邀到一所美术馆参予制作人形玩偶的项目。

9、Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David. ─── 多那太罗意大利雕塑家,是文艺复兴风格的先驱者,以其生动自然、形象逼真的人物像著名,代表作有青铜雕像大卫象

10、For trees that grow on mountaintops near Cape Town, South Africa, wind can be a magnificent sculptor. ─── 意译:极端的地球图片集。为了树木的生长在山顶上接近南非的海角镇,风力能够成为一个伟大的雕刻家。

11、The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was carved by the Greek sculptor in 433 BC. ─── 宙斯神像在公元前433年由希腊雕刻家雕刻的。

12、I'm the best sculptor in this tribe. ─── 我可是这个部落最好的画像师喔!

13、A sculptor of great artistry. ─── 一位艺术杰出的雕塑家

14、After 6 years, Tang Chunfu became a skilled sculptor and left Huading Temple to make wood Buddha statues for temples across China. ─── 六年过去了,精通了佛教造像艺术的汤春甫走出了华顶寺的山门。二十年前,正值宗教信仰政策全面恢复,宗教寺院重新建立,汤春甫开始为寺院制作佛像。

15、I am in that sense a sculptor, but I have only a 5000th of a second to build my sculpture. ─── 在某种意义上说我也是一个雕塑家,只是我必须在五千分之一秒内完成我的雕塑。

16、He has the face as though an Aztec sculptor had attempted a portrait of Seba stian. ─── 他的脸,好象墨西哥印第安人(阿兹台克人)雕刻家试着刻出来的塞巴斯蒂安的雕像。

17、Remains of the huge statue of Zeus at Olympia bear the signature of Phidias, the famous Athenian sculptor and architect. ─── 奥林匹亚残存的宙斯的巨型雕像上,著名雅典雕塑家、建筑师菲迪亚斯的签名仍然清晰可辨。

18、Make sculptures;be a sculptor? ─── 做雕塑;作雕塑师

19、This is what the sculptor? must do. ─── 上面这一点,是雕刻家一定要做到的。

20、He is eminent both as a sculptor? and as a portrait painter. ─── 他既是著名的雕刻家又是杰出的肖像画家.

21、Weihai art in the park together many of today s artists such as sculptor, photographer, art celebrities. ─── 威海路艺术园内聚集当今众多画家摄影家雕塑家等艺术名流.

22、Man cannot remake himself without self-imposed consequences, for he is both the marble and the sculptor. ─── 如果缺乏某种强加的后果,人们将很难重塑自己,因为,他既是大理石,也是雕刻家。

23、It was designed by a French sculptor and was presented to the American people as a token of friendship from the people of France. ─── 它是由一位法国雕塑家设计的,在1886年法国人民把它作为友谊的象征赠送给美国人民。

24、The unknown sculptor who made them obviously had a profound understanding of people, for these very different figures are amazingly lifelike. ─── 无名的雕塑家对年龄和面貌的差异有很深的认识,形象才会这样栩栩如生。 不是年轻人提醒我该走了,我还会欣赏下去的。

25、What a paunch for a sculptor to tackle! ─── 何谓肚了雕塑家解决!

26、Sculptor Isamu Noguchi's coffee table joins a curved, solid wood base with a freeform glass top. ─── 1948年,日本裔设计师野口勇设计了这张闻名于世的咖啡桌。

27、He turned his artistic gift to good account by becoming a sculptor. ─── 他发挥艺术天才成了雕刻家。

28、Unlike the sculptor, the architect or planner do not attempt to create an object that will endure unchanged through time. ─── 并不像雕塑家,建筑师和城市规划者并不企图塑造出很久不变的事物。

29、Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor. ─── 吉利斯把整形外科医生看作是雕塑家。

30、He and Bartholdi, a sculptor, began to discuss the idea of presenting the United States with a monument to memorialize independence and human liberty. ─── 之后,他和巴斯尔德这位雕塑家一起讨论这一想法,即在美国树立一座纪念碑以纪念美国独立和人类的自由精神。

31、He is a famous modern ceramist and sculptor at home and abroad. ─── 国内外著名现代陶艺家、雕塑家。

32、Canova:Italian sculptor who was an important figure in the development of neoclassicism. ─── 卡诺瓦:意大利雕塑家,是发展新古典主义的一个重要人物.

33、INTRODUCTION : Dexterows and graceful skater comes from far away bringing friendly greetings from the sculptor's home, Holland ,and whole East Europe. ─── 作品简介:作品通过轻盈的滑雪者带来来自作者家乡荷兰及整个东欧的友好问候。

34、We can thake the mysterious ,hazy futere and carve out of it anything that we can imagine ,just as a sculptor carves a ststue from shapeless. ─── 我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出我们所能想象的任何东西,一如雕刻家可将未成型的石头刻出雕像一样.

35、As we approached a mirror Dr. Bledsoe stopped and composed his angry face like a sculptor, making it a bland mask. ─── 我们走到一面镜子前,布莱索博士站住了,他象雕刻家一样,使他愤怒的脸平静了下来,把它变成了一副毫无表情的面具。

36、He brought together three unique artistic talents, Phidias the sculptor, and architects Ictinus and Callicrates. ─── 他请来了三位不同凡响的艺术天才-雕刻家斐迪亚斯,建筑师艾士提努、卡利克拉提斯。

37、Wind as a sculptor of landforms is frequently given more credit than it deserves. ─── 人们往往把风对地形所起的刻蚀作用估计过高。

38、A maiden who was originally a statue carved by Pygmalion and who was brought to life by Aphrodite in answer to the sculptor's pleas. ─── 加拉提亚一位少女,起初是皮格莱恩雕刻的塑像,后来在雕刻家的请求下阿佛洛狄给予了她生命

39、I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist. ─── 我知道有个雕塑家用她自己的作品去换一位著名画家的画作。

40、French-born American sculptor known for his large nude figures, including Standing Woman. ─── 拉歇兹,加斯东1882-1935法国裔美国雕塑家,以其巨型裸体雕塑闻名,作品包括站立的女人

41、As an artist, Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor. ─── 整形术大师吉利斯把整形外科医生看作是雕塑家。

42、Italian writer and sculptor who is known for his Autobiography and his sculpture of Perseus. ─── 切利尼,贝温尤托1500-1571意大利作家及雕塑家,以其作品自传和柏尔修斯的雕塑而闻名

43、An engineer and sculptor, Calder's challenge was creating his own “artistic stamp” on something that he did not produce and sculpt himself. ─── 一名工程师和雕塑家,尔德的挑战是创造自己的"艺术邮票",就表示,他不生产和雕塑自己。

44、A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Tucana and Sculptor. ─── 凤凰座在南半球,靠近图科纳和斯柯普特的一个星座

45、Pygmalion,King of Cyprus,was a famous sculptor. ─── 塞浦路斯的国王皮格马利翁是一位有名的雕塑家。

46、Still, even as I pursued a career as a sculptor, I was sure I'd get into the air somehow. ─── 但,即使开始了雕刻生涯以后,我仍然坚信我会飞向高空。

47、Work of Li-ta-ku, Haucha's last sculptor, can still be found in his former residence in Old Haucha. ─── 好茶村最后一位雕刻师力大古的作品,仍留存在他的旧好茶故居。

48、He longed so much to be a sculptor he would steal limestone from abandoned buildings because he was too poor to buy his own materials. ─── 他极渴望成为一名雕刻家,经常从废弃的建筑物里偷取石灰石,因为他太穷,买不起这些材料。

49、Because her work was popular with European royally, Harriet Goodhue Hosmer became financial successful as a sculptor in the mid-eighteen hundreds. ─── 参考译文:20世纪以前的北美大陆上,许多防御工事是当时建筑物当中功能最为齐全且最为美观的.

50、Through him I got to know a spiritual minded individual named Kruger, who was a sculptor and painter. ─── 通过这个摄影师我认识了一个唯灵论者,他叫克鲁格,是一位雕刻家兼画家。

51、I saw my dad run his handover the truck like a sculptor checking his work. ─── 我看见他像个雕塑家检查自己作品那样用手抚摸那车。

52、The heads by Lin Jia-wei are an interesting attempt by a Chinese sculptor to make likenesses of Western subjects. ─── 我个人的评论:最成功的肖像是狄更斯,与我所知的他的肖像接近,该作品对人物的塑造很传神。

53、Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. ─── 今天在等待着我,今天在等待我来创造.因此我在此,创造我的今天,正如雕刻家创造他的作品。

54、He is eminent both as a sculptor and as a portrait painter. ─── 他既是著名的雕刻家又是杰出的肖像画家。

55、French painter and sculptor noted especially for his fluid studies of ballet dancers. ─── 德加,(西莱尔·热尔曼)埃德加1834-1917法国画家、雕塑家,尤以擅长于描绘芭蕾舞演员优美细腻的舞姿而闻名

56、Also up for auction are important works by Toulouse-Lautrec, Modigliani, Sisley, Renoir, sculptor Henry Moore, Matisse and Van Dongen. ─── 佳士得负责人称,该画作有望拍得1500万英镑。

57、A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Sculptor and Eridanus. ─── 天炉座一个位于南半球星空的星座,靠近玉夫座和波江座

58、He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a sculptor. ─── 他发挥艺术天才,成了雕刻家。

59、From 1977 he started his career as an clay sculptor,and later in 1983 he entered Tianjin Rrts College for further study. ─── 1977年开始走上创作生涯。1983年进入天津美术学院深造。

60、A chisel and a hammer are indispensable tools for a sculptor. ─── 对一个雕刻家来说,錾子和铁锤是不可缺少的工具。

61、A common block of wood became a wonderful work of art through the careful and precise carving of this sculptor?. ─── 一块平常的木头,经过这位雕刻家的精雕细刻,成了一件绝妙艺术品。

62、To Michelangelo, the master sculptor's job was to clear away what was not the image and reveal the masterpiece inside the stone. ─── 对于米开朗基罗来说,雕刻大师的任务就是把那些不属于形象的部分清理掉去揭露出石头内部的那个杰作。

63、Only at the end does, he mention, almost incidentally, that he is a good painter and sculptor. ─── 只是在信的末尾他才几乎顺便地提到他是一名好的画家和雕塑家。

64、Then, with his knife, he began to carve all sorts of objects in wood ; it was thus that Pinelli, the famous sculptor, had commenced. ─── 然后他又用小刀来雕刻各样的木头东西,大名鼎鼎的雕刻家庇尼里也就是这样开始的。

65、American abstract painter and sculptor whose works are characterized by flat color areas with sharply defined edges. ─── 凯利,埃尔斯沃思生于1923美国抽象画家和雕塑家,其作品以颜色区较平并有界线极分明的边为标志

66、We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone... ─── 我们可以把神秘莫测的未来想象成任何模样,如同雕刻家可以把不成形的石头刻成任何雕像一样。

67、He has the face as though an Aztec sculptor had attempted a portrait of Sebastian. ─── 他的脸好象阿兹台克雕刻家试着刻出来的塞巴斯蒂安的雕像。

68、She complained that the sculptor kept her awake all night kissing her.And then there was no hot water for her douches. ─── 她抱怨说雕刻家不停地吻她,弄得她一夜睡不成觉,而且没有热水,无法使用灌洗器。

69、There was a great demand for engravings of his portrait, and his head was being modelled by an admiring sculptor. ─── 人们强烈要求要帮他做一个雕塑,一位有名的雕刻家正在把他的头像做成模型。

70、Like a Master sculptor She shaped every answer in accordance to the sincerity of the questioners. ─── 师父就像一位雕刻大师,依发问者的诚心而雕塑每一个答案。

71、French painter and sculptor Georges Braque died at 80 on August 31. ─── 1963年8月31日,法国画家、雕刻家乔治·勃拉克逝世,享年80岁。

72、We can take the mysterious, hazy futurecarve out of it anything that we can imagine,like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出所能想象的任何东西,一如雕刻家将未成型的石头刻出雕像一样。

73、One local artist who struggles to be recognized at face value is passionate sculptor Kevin Okello. ─── 凯文是一名当地富有热情的雕刻家,他的价值却还没有办法被认同。

74、We can take the mysterious, haze future and carve out of itanything that we can imagine,just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出我们所能想象的任何东西,一如雕像家可以将一块没有形状的石头刻成雕像一样。

75、The young Bostonian, one of the dead sculptor's pupils who had come with the body, looked about him helplessly. ─── 年轻的波士顿人——送雕塑家遗体过来的学生,无可奈何地举目四顾。

76、Today sreetches ahead of me, waiting to bie shaped.And here I am , the sculptor who gets to do the shaping . ─── 今天因为不得不做家务,我可以唉声叹气,但这是上帝赐予我的避风港,我又深感荣耀。

77、A sculptor was devoting himself in carving an unshaped marble, with head and shoulder coming into shape, then a beautiful angle sculpted. ─── 一个雕刻家在细心雕刻一块尚未成形的大理石,头部、肩膀都已雕刻成形,雕成了一个美丽的天使。

78、Such as: the same Guanyin, the sculptor in his image different: a note of Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy Mannan, Xiyao Guanyin, and so on. ─── 如:同是观音,在雕刻家的手下,形象各不相同:有悉面观音、甘露观音、细腰观音等等。

79、Today he is remembered as a great sculptor, painter, and architect. ─── 作为一个伟大的雕塑家,画家和建筑师,他今天仍然为人们所纪念。

80、He said he himself was not a sculptor, but his works were carriers for people to understand the universe. ─── 他说自己不是什么雕塑家,但他的雕塑是引导人们认知宇宙的载体。

81、Undeterred, he crept into the cemetery under the cloak of darkness with a bemused sculptor in tow. ─── 他没有被吓住,在黑暗的掩护下,拖着一个困惑的雕刻家,蹑手蹑脚地走进墓地。

82、He felt very strange and asked the sculptor, "Why are you making two same sculptures?" ─── 他感到很奇怪,就问雕刻家:“你为什么要做两个一样的雕塑?”

83、The sartorial artist no less than the sculptor, the painter and the musician dreams of creations that will awaken a response in the soul of the world. ─── 好裁缝跟雕塑家、画家和音乐家一样,梦想着能在世人灵魂中引起反响的作品。

84、Santiago Calatrava is a great master of architect, structural engineer and sculptor. ─── 摘要圣地亚哥?卡拉特拉瓦是集建筑师、结构工程师和雕塑家于一身的大家。

85、The bronze statue was donated by the Chinese National General Labor Union, and sculptured carefully by famous sculptor Liu Kaiqu and Cheng Yunxian. ─── 刘少奇铜像由中华全国总工会捐建,由著名雕塑大师刘开渠,程允贤精心雕塑而成。

86、Will Etherium Sculptor make Firewild Borderpost cost just a land bounce? ─── 乙金塑师是否会让界碑费用仅仅只需要弹一张地回来呢?

87、We can take the mysterious,hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine,just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 我们可以把神秘莫测的未来想象成任何模样,如同雕刻家可以把不成形的石头雕刻成任何雕像一样。

88、He drew pictures for books, and was also a sculptor and a photographer. ─── 他也为图书画插图,还是一名雕刻家和摄影家。

89、He is a god-maker, a sculptor with a gift for turning dead wood into protective saints for use in prayer. ─── 他是一个天才雕刻家,拥有一双上帝之手,能化朽木为神灵。然而那是在1917年,一战已经蔓延到遥远的立陶宛。


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