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08-17 投稿


formularies 发音

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formularies 中文意思翻译




formularies 短语词组

1、formularies pictures ─── 公式化图片

2、formularies pizza ─── 配方比萨饼

3、formularies medicare ─── 医疗保险处方

4、formularies church ─── 公式派教堂

5、formularies define ─── 公式定义

6、formularies meaning ─── 公式化意义

7、formularies def ─── 处方表定义

formularies 词性/词形变化,formularies变形

名词复数: formularies |

formularies 相似词语短语

1、formularize ─── vt.使公式化;以形式表示

2、formularizer ─── 公式化器

3、formularised ─── 公式化

4、formularizes ─── vt.使公式化;以形式表示

5、formularise ─── 使公式化

6、formulariser ─── 形式

7、formularises ─── 使公式化

8、formularized ─── vt.使公式化;以形式表示

9、formicaries ─── n.蚁窝

formularies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The development of drug formularies unique to each plan sponsor, mandated by the MMA, clearly also has implications for managed care decision makers. ─── 药品处方集的研制都由MMA指定的唯一的每一个计划发起者制定,也清楚地同管理式医疗决策者有关联。

2、This study may change how managed care companies decide which drug they're going to put on their formularies. ─── 本研究可能会改变照护公司决定哪些药物要放到处方集之中。

3、are no formularies for romance, perhaps those cares and loves are romance in the real sense. ─── 浪漫是没有定式的,或许那些实实在在地呵护和关爱才是真正的浪漫。

4、There are no formularies for romance, perhaps those cares and loves are romance in the real sense. ─── 浪漫是没有定式的,或许那些实实在在地呵护和关爱才是真正的浪漫。

5、Keywords Formularies of the Bureau of People s Welfare Pharmacies;Ramulus Cinnamomi;Usage Diversity; ─── 桂枝;运用变化;太平惠民和剂局方;

6、Private insurers do use formularies; they already negotiate with drugmakers. ─── 私人保险也用此处方药物一览表;他们已经与药品生产者磋商。

7、The design principles, calculating formularies, as well as actual example are proposed. ─── 本文给出了其设计准则及计算公式并进行了实例计算。

8、With simplifying the theoretical formularies, then present the specific designing methods: calculating method and experience method. ─── 通过对相关公式做简化处理,提出了计算法和经验法相结合的生产设计方法。

9、Moreover, insurance companies restrict the drugs that can be prescribed through the use of formularies. ─── 配药产业是与多数产业不同因为产品由消费者不选择或通常不被支付由消费者。

10、I also worked with drug formularies that were aimed at cost containment. ─── 我也负责旨在多花费的药方。

11、But he encouraged those who control the preferred-drug lists known as formularies to make the comparison for themseles. ─── 但他鼓励那些药典编纂人员亲自对这两种药进行比较。

12、So it is useful to the development of modern pharmacology of TCM by studying the two types of formularies. ─── 我们可从对这两类方书特点的探讨得到有益于现代方剂学发展的启示。

13、Private insurers do use formularies; they already negotiate with drug makers. ─── 私人保险也用此处方药物一览表;他们已经与药品生产者磋商。

14、History of Drug Treatments Including Formularies, Current Situation and Strategy ─── 应用处方集进行药物治疗的历史、现状和对策

15、Based on ancient formularies,the two "zhen zhu "were confusedly used to a great extent. ─── 但二者自古至今多有相混。

16、The formularies and can be received and used to describe the influence of the placed time of sawed test piece to the plywood formaldehyde emission. ─── 凯尔文模型较好地模拟了胶合板甲醛粘弹性释放特征;

17、it has always been assumed that formularies are cost effective but no convincing evidence supports this assumption ─── 处方集通常被认为物有所值,但至今尚无有力证据。

18、Provement and Application of Two Formularies of Volume of Solid of Rotation ─── 旋转体体积的两个公式的证明及应用

19、Formularies of the Bureau of People's Welfare Pharmacies ─── 《太平惠民和济局方》

20、With simplifying the theoretical formularies, then present the specific designing methods: calculating method and experience method. ─── 通过对相关公式做简化处理,提出了计算法和经验法相结合的生产设计方法。

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