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08-17 投稿


substantive 发音

英:[?s?bst?nt?v]  美:[s?b?st?nt?v]

英:  美:

substantive 中文意思翻译




substantive 短语词组

1、substantive agreement ─── [经] 实质性协议

2、substantive input ─── [计] 直接输入

3、substantive right ─── [法]实体权利

4、substantive law ─── [经] 实体法

5、substantive matter ─── [法] 实质问题

6、substantive issue ─── [法] 实质性问题

7、substantive provision ─── [法] 实质性规定

8、substantive justice ─── [法] 实体主义

9、substantive tests ─── [经] 大量测试

10、substantive requirements of form ─── [法] 刑式要求

11、substantive audit tests ─── [经] 大量审计测试

12、substantive punishment ─── [法] 主刑, 实体刑

13、substantive motion ─── [法] 实质性动议

14、substantive evidence ─── [法] 主证据, 可确定系争事实存在的证据

15、substantive crime ─── [法] 实质性犯罪, 实体罪

16、substantive natural law ─── [法] 实体自然法

17、substantive staining ─── [医] 直接染色法

18、substantive dye ─── [机] 直接染料

19、substantive hearing ─── [法] 实体审理

substantive 常用词组

substantive law ─── 实体法

substantive characteristics ─── 本质特征

substantive right ─── 实体权利;基本人权

substantive 词性/词形变化,substantive变形

复数--substantives;比较级--more substantive;最高级--most substantive。

substantive 相似词语短语

1、substantives ─── adj.有实质的;大量的;真实的;独立存在的;n.名词性实词;独立存在的实体

2、substantivise ─── 实质性

3、substantively ─── adv.实质上

4、substantial ─── adj.大量的;实质的;内容充实的;n.本质;重要材料

5、substantiative ─── 表示存在的

6、substantiate ─── vt.证实;使实体化

7、substrative ─── 根基

8、substantivize ─── v.使名词化,使体词化

9、substantival ─── adj.名词的;实词的

substantive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Concerning the internal logic relations, the procedural law is not able to formulate or develope substantive law. ─── 从内部逻辑关系看,程序法不具有创制或发展实体法的功能;

2、Carlson valued substantive conflict but tried to keep personal conflict to a minimum. ─── 卡尔森重视实质性的冲突,但是设法把人的冲突限制到最低程度。

3、Over the centuries Chinese calligraphers have devoted substantive attention to the study of the forms, law and theories that are pertinent to the art of calligraphy. ─── 千百年来中国许多书家潜心研究书艺术的形式、规则及理论。

4、Substantive testing is concerned with the accuracy and completeness of outputs rather than the adequacy of controls. ─── 与实质性测试相关的是结果的准确性和完整性,而非控制程序的恰当性。

5、The majority view was apparently that NEPA does impose substantive limits on agencies and that agency action is subject to judicial review if it transgresses these limits. ─── 大多数观点认为,《国家环境政策法》确实把实质性的限制强加给了机构,如果机构违犯了这些限制的话,机构的行为必然受到司法审查。

6、An affixation compound is composed of a substantive morpheme and an empty morpheme. ─── 在词的构成成分中,实语素叫词根,虚语素叫词缀。

7、The concept of substantive due process refers to the basic fairness of laws that may deprive an individual of his or her liberty or property. ─── 实质性的正当程序的概念主要是指那些可能会被剥夺公民个人的自由或者财产的法律的基本的公正。

8、They came to substantive problems. ─── 他们开始讨论实质性问题。

9、There is too much American trust in increasing the clarity in communication between people, especially when their disagreements are substantive. ─── 在增加人们之间信息交流的明确性方面,美国人寄予过多的希望,特别是当他们的意见分歧很大时。

10、On syntactical layer,its main functions are: modifying verb-like elements after it and modifying elements like adjective,substantive and clause. ─── 在句法平面上,限定副词“就”的主要功能是对其后的动词性成分起限制作用,有时也用在形容词性成分、体词性成分、分句前起限制作用。

11、Substantive state of stagflation will also return to the Russian economy dollarization. ─── 实质性的滞涨状态也将使俄罗斯经济重回美元化。

12、It exists in formal constitution or substantive constitution and constitutional text is the main form of the concept. ─── 它既可存在于形式宪法中,也可存在于实质宪法中,其中宪法文本是宪法概念最主要的表现形式。

13、Policy under the guidance of future market prospects and, hence, have benefited from the concept of substantive policy. ─── 在政策引导下未来市场前景乐观,因此具备实质性政策受益概念。

14、Even if substantive review were allowed, the arbitrary and capricious test would require only that the agency present a "reasoned explanation" for its decision. ─── 即使允许实质性复审,武断而多变的检验也仅能要求机构提交一份对自己决议的“合理的解释”。

15、It has malice to think much of formal reason than substantive reason in legal practices. ─── 它恶意认为很多法律的做法中,很多正式的原因都不是客观存在因素。

16、Said Lu Xinshe, vice minister of land and resources, it marked the two years of land acquisition brewing system reform has taken a substantive step. ─── 国土资源部副部长鹿心社说,此举标志着酝酿了两年之久的征地制度改革迈出了实质性的一步。

17、The IIM had not discussed substantive matters, and it would not be appropriate to prejudge the outcome of the discussion of a particular proposal in this regard. ─── IIM并未讨论实质问题,因此,不宜过早判断对这方面的具体提案进行讨论的结果。

18、In a way, the PCDA was attempting to inject a significant dose of reform into the substantive work of WIPO. ─── PCDA试图向WIPO的实质性工作注入相当剂量的改革。

19、The Fed chairman said“we stand ready to take substantive additional action as needed to support growth and to provide additional insurance against downside risks”. ─── 伯南克表示:“我们已做好准备,在必要时采取大量附加行动,以支持经济增长,并提供额外保障,以防范下行风险。”

20、"We do think the Budget Control Act was a pretty substantive commitment, " said David Riley of Fitch Ratings in London. ─── “我们确实认为,预算控制法(BudgetControlAct)是一个颇具实质意义的承诺,”惠誉常驻伦敦的戴维?赖利(DavidRiley)说。

21、Substantive research had been done on the Stripping failure, section bearing capacity, crack and deformation of RC eccentrically-loaded member. ─── 以往已做了大量研究工作,包括剥离破坏、截面承载力、裂缝与变形研究。

22、CCIM ethics regulations by CCIM Institute, the regulations established vocational qualifications with the substantive standards and to ensure integrity. ─── CCIM受CCIM协会道德条例的约束,这一条例制订了职业实务标准并确保资格拥有的诚信。

23、The Delegation indicated that it would not go into the substantive issues at that stage, but hoped that all the proposals would be included. ─── 代表团指出它不会探究现阶段的大量问题,只是希望所有的提案都被包括在内。

24、He said that he came not to campaign but to deliver a “substantive address” on the pointy-headed subject of trans-Atlantic relations. ─── 他说他此行的目的并不是要举行竞选活动,而是要发表一场实质性的演讲,主题十分明确,是关于大西洋两岸的关系的。

25、The substantive laws of India shall be applicable to this arbitration clause. ─── 实质性印度法律应适用于本仲裁条款。

26、They plan to meet again in Rome very soon to begin substantive negotiations. ─── 他们计划很快在罗马再次会面以开始实质性的谈判。

27、The Delegation said that the last IIM session had witnessed an unnecessarily protracted procedural discussion, which prevented deliberations on substantive issues. ─── 代表团说,上届会议用了过长的时间讨论程序问题,从而妨碍了对实质性问题的审议。

28、Some files contained little or no data at all.There are just two individuals in TSD who have full substantive knowledge of the program and most of that knowledge is unrecorded. ─── 一些文件保留着很少数据或跟没有数据,并且大多数的知识没有被记录。

29、Substantive law defines rights, and procedural law establishes the procedures by which these rights are enforced and protected. ─── 实体法界定权利,而程序法确认施行和保护这些权利的程序。

30、The key is not in the rheto ric but in the substantive reality of what is being proposed. ─── 关键不在于措辞,而在于所提议的实质现实。

31、In terms of legislative patterns, it is necessary to adopt the pattern of substantive criminal law on the basis of bettering the formal criminal law. ─── 在立法模式上,在完备现有形式刑法前提下,有必要兼采实质刑法的模式;

32、Once they had reached agreement, they would proceed to engage in any substantive discussion related to all the proposals presented so far. ─── 一旦代表团们达成一致,他们会继续参加与目前为止提交的所有提案相关的任何实质性讨论。

33、Substantive progress was made in restructuring the management system of monopoly industries. ─── 垄断行业管理体制改革迈出实质性步伐。

34、In applying the concept of substantive due process, we usually say that the government cannot act arbitrarily and capriciously. ─── 在实质性正当程序概念的运用过程中,我们经常说,政府不能专断和反复无常。

35、The Fed chairman said “we stand ready to take substantive additional action as needed to support growthto provide additional insurance against downside risks”. ─── 伯南克表示:“已做好准备,在必要时采取大量附加行动,以支持经济增长,并提供额外保障,以防范下行风险。”

36、Substantive progress has been made in the transformation of the ways to achieve economic growth. ─── 二、转变经济增长方式取得实质性进展。

37、The report concluded that no substantive changes were necessary. ─── 报告的结论是,无须作任何重大变更。

38、The procedural testification, relative to the substantive testification, system provides the theory support and explanation to the investigator testifies in the court. ─── 与实体性作证相对应的作证制度,程序性作证为侦查人员出庭作证提供了理论支持和阐释。

39、Subrogation is a kind of substantive right, it is established on special basis, and the purpose of it is not to protect all the creditors' rights. ─── 代位权是一种实体性权利,它在我国的确立有其特殊的基础,其设立的目的并不在于保护所有债权人的一般债权。

40、In substantive relations, diffuse obligations can run within the family and neighbors and intimate friends, while contract governs those in a wider circle. ─── 在实际关系,家庭,邻居和亲密朋友之间的是松散的义务关系,而在更大的范围内通行的则是契约关系。

41、Cases are tried strictly in accordance with substantive and procedural laws. ─── 严格按照实体法和程序法办案。

42、In a bizarre memorandum in early 1971 Haldeman instructed the staff not to pay too much attention to substantive details in our records of Presidential conversations. ─── 在1971年初的一份奇怪的备忘录中,霍尔德曼指示工作人员不要过多注意总统谈话记录中的实质性细节。

43、As in the Hot Oil case, the Court was concerned by the lack of both substantive and procedural standards. ─── 和“热油”案一样,因为既没有实质上的也没有程序上的标准。

44、Philip Blumberg, The Law of Corporate Groups, Bd 1, Substantive Law,2000 Supplement .USA, Aspen Law and Business. 2000. ─── 吴越.论对母子公司之法律调整-中国、德国与美国之比较,北京:清华法律评论,2002(4).

45、Unicom yesterday insisted that it had not started any negotiations with respect to any substantive and legally binding agreements. ─── 中国联通昨日坚称,尚未与相关方就任何具体且有法律约束力的协议开始谈判。

46、The public interests should be effectively realized from the establishment of substantive law and procedural law in our country. ─── 在我国法律制度的建构上,也必须从实体法和程序法两个方面促成公共利益的有效实现。

47、It seems to me that they do so on the understanding that these problems that perplex us are deep, substantive, and really matter. ─── 在我看来,他们之所以关心此类问题,正是因为这些困扰我们的问题是如此的深邃、实在,而且很关键。

48、That is, is NEPA only a procedural requirement imposing additional paperwork on agencies, or does it also impose substantive limits on agency decisions? ─── 也就是说,《国家环境政策法》仅仅是强加给机构的额外程序要求,使机构多做一份文本工作,抑或是对机构的决定还施加一些实质性限制?

49、Nevertheless, some media still hold the view that his visit lacked substantive results. ─── 也有媒体认为,布什此次访华并没有取得实质性成果,对此您有何评价?

50、Can be seen that quantitative easing may have slow deflation are effective, but the substantive question of the current solution is not strong force. ─── 可见,数量型放松可能对于减缓通缩是有效的,但对眼下的实质性问题的解决力却不强。

51、The position has traditionally been more symbolic than substantive. ─── 传统上,这个位子比较是象徵性的,不具实质意义。

52、I've never had any sustained, substantive correspondence with another businessman poet, for example. ─── 例如,我从未同另一位经商的诗人有过长期的、实质的交往。

53、Diplomats say the private meeting was devoted mostly to procedural issues and that substantive negotiations will begin early next month. ─── 外交人士说私下会谈将导致程序的制订,但实质性的谈判将在下个月初开始.

54、But according to actual effect, a great deal of questions existing in our country's corporate governance does not get substantive improvement yet. ─── 但从实际效果来看,我国公司治理中存在的诸多问题仍然没有得到实质性的改善。

55、If places in the Shilegongsi behavior loves, achieves the ultimate good, that even if cannot gain helping the substantive profit, they... ─── 如果把施乐行为都放在爱里,做到至善,那么,即使受助者不能从中获取实质的益处,他们...

56、China urges Japan to start the substantive destruction and at the earliest date possible,in accordance with the principles and provisions set forth in the Memorandum. ─── 中方希望日方能够切实按照备忘录的有关原则和规定,尽早启动实质性销毁工作。

57、As coming to an agreement,we maked a substantive progress in solving pendent trouble. ─── 在达成共识后,我们在解决悬而未决的问题时取得了一个实质性进步。

58、He engages her in a substantive manner. ─── 他用一种实在的方式吸引她。

59、However, due to the substantive differences between the horizons of western law systems and Chinese traditional culture, it is difficult to fuse them together. ─── 但中国传统文化的视域难与近代以来西方法律制度的视域融合,因为二者有着实质性差异;

60、Mr Netanyahu's supporters say that he is simply trying to shore up his right flank before embarking on substantive negotiations. ─── 内塔尼亚胡先生的拥护者说在进行实质性的谈判之前他只是在试着巩固他的右翼。

61、The Committee gave the go ahead for the second stage of a comprehensive survey on various industrial design registration systems, covering questions of substantive design law. ─── 委员会批准开始工业品外观设计注册制度全面调查的第二阶段,这一阶段将调查外观设计实体法的各种问题。

62、Vice-chancellor has the massive substantive management power such as personnel power, academic power and the financial power linked with this position. ─── 副校长拥有大量实质性的管理权力,主要有任免权力、学术权力和财务权力,这些权力来源于副校长的职位。

63、We stand ready to take substantive additional action as needed to support growth, and provide adequate insurance against downside risks. ─── 我们将采取实质性的措施来支持增长,并提供充足的保险来应对下滑的危险。

64、These multiword utterances are usually the “substantive” or “content” words that carry the main message. ─── 存在于多语句中的通常是一些表达主要信息的实词。

65、Oh,I see. Then,what about the applicable substantive law? ─── 哦,我明白了。那适用什么实体法呢?

66、But so far the answers have been more boilerplate sloganeering and propaganda campaigns than anything substantive and honest. ─── 但到目前为止,回应更多的仅限于口号和宣传,而不是真诚和实在。

67、The ASEAN Regional Forum has made substantive achievements in the transition from confidence-building measures to preventive diplomacy. ─── 东盟地区论坛从建立信任措施向预防性外交阶段的过渡取得实质性成果。

68、A Bridging Visa comes into effect when it is granted, unless you hold a substantive visa in which case it comes into effect when that visa ceases. ─── 因为你朋友现在的学生签证还未到期,因此该过桥签证还未生效。

69、Your vision must be real, substantive, and something people can believe in. ─── 你所绘制的蓝图必须是现实可行、实质性的,能让人相信是可以实现的。

70、They moved forward from a period of fence mending to substantive changes in the country. ─── 他们从修补关系的时期一直发展到整个国家发生实质性变化。

71、Although recent censure of corporate boards of directors as "passive" and "supine" may be excessive, those who criticize board performance have plenty of substantive ammunition. ─── 尽管最近对公司董事会“被动”和“懒散”的指责可能有些过分,但那些批评董事会业绩的人有充足的实质性证据。

72、A president needs substantive advice, but he also requires emotional succor. ─── 一个总统需要实质性的建议,但也需要感情上的支持。

73、An agency, however, typically has much wider substantive policymaking authority than a court. ─── 可行政机关比法院拥有宽泛得多的实体决策权。

74、Ban is planning "a substantive visit to China" instead, Okabe said. ─── 但是“潘基文会在单独的时间去访问中国。”

75、Therefore, we believe that than Disney, the concept of the Expo, the Shanghai state-owned enterprise restructuring more substantive meaning and value. ─── 因此我们认为,较迪士尼、世博概念而言,上海国企重组更具有实质性意义和价值。

76、Substantive law defines rights, and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced. ─── 实体法界定权利,程序法则确立保护权利并使其生效的程序。

77、After he gets it under substantive law, the insurer can exercise this right by an action at law if he wants to be indemnified. ─── 保险人为维护自己的利益,在满足实体法规定的条件取得代位求偿权后,可以通过诉讼的途径行使该项权利。

78、Words person, if only obtains from the spoken language form itself, then often cannot extrapolate the information the substantive content. ─── 受话人如果仅从言语形式本身入手,则往往不能推测出信息的实质内容。

79、Thus, from China's point of view, whether or not a country grants MES to it has little substantive value. ─── 因此,从中国的观点来看,是否被授予市场经济地位没有什么实质性的价值。

80、The inclusion of other topics at this stage was likely to jeopardize the truly international approach to harmonization of substantive patent law and its potential benefits. ─── 在这一阶段纳入其他主题,可能危及实体专利法协调方面真正的国际方针及潜在的收益。

81、Around this new institution a whole new branch of substantive law was to grow. ─── 围绕着这个崭新的制度,一个全新的实体法分支开始发展起来。

82、The details of substantive issues could be clarified through discussions in the diplomatic conference. ─── 实质性问题的细节,可通过在外交会议上进行讨论加以澄清。

83、The judicial function does not extend to substantive revision of regulatory policy. ─── 司法职能不能扩大到管制政策的实质修正。

84、These substantive problems of administrative regulation are important and interesting, but they are largely beyond the scope of this text. ─── 上述行政管理的实质问题重要且有趣,但大部分超出了本书的范围。

85、Substantive testing, therefore, should have a limited role to play in systems auditing. ─── 实质性测试在整个审计程序中只是被有限度的采用。

86、The substantive Senate vote (which requires only a simple majority, now that the “cloture” vote has gone through) should be a formality when it takes place later on Tuesday. ─── 在下周二举行的独立的参议员投票是一道必要的程序。由于结束议案的投票已经批准了,只要大部分人同意就可以了。

87、You may think that you can just spout lots of substantive material and facts without using anecdotes. ─── 你也许认为你可以滔滔不绝地举出很多数据而不是一些轶事。

88、While continuing to speed up development of east and central regions, the great development of the west region should take substantive steps. ─── 在继续加快东部和中部地区发展的同时,西部地区大开发要迈出实质性步伐。

89、In the absence of directives to the contrary in an agency's enabling legislation, the APA's informal rulemaking procedures will apply whenever the agency issues substantive rules. ─── 在行政机关的授权立法方面,如果没有相反的指示,每当机关发布实体规则时,都将适用《行政程序法》的非正式规则制定程序。

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