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08-17 投稿


orbicular 发音

英:[??'b?kj?l?]  美:[?r'b?kj?l?]

英:  美:

orbicular 中文意思翻译



orbicular 短语词组

1、orbicular def ─── 圆形定义

2、orbicular geode ─── 圆形测地线

3、cochleo-orbicular reflex ─── [医] 耳蜗眼睑反射

4、orbicular zone ─── [医]轮匝带

5、orbicular area ─── 轮匝区

6、orbicular granite ─── 球状花岗岩

7、orbicular leaf ─── 圆形叶

8、orbicular geode puzzle ─── 圆形大地拼图

9、orbicular muscle ─── 轮匝肌

10、orbicular bone ─── [医] 豆状突(砧骨), 豌豆骨

11、orbicular ligament ─── 轮匝韧带

12、orbicular surfboards ─── 圆形冲浪板

13、orbicular ligament elbow ─── 肘轮匝韧带

14、orbicular spot ─── 中圆点(夜蛾翅)

15、orbicular ligaments ─── [医] 桡骨环韧带

orbicular 词性/词形变化,orbicular变形

名词: orbicularity |副词: orbicularly |

orbicular 相似词语短语

1、orbicularly ─── 圆形

2、oracular ─── adj.神谕的;谜似的;玄妙深奥的

3、articular ─── adj.[解剖]关节的

4、orbiculares ─── 轮匝

5、corbicula ─── n.[昆]粉筐;蚬

6、orbicularis ─── n.轮匝肌

7、vorticular ─── 旋涡

8、corbiculae ─── n.粉筐;蚬(corbicula的变形)

9、orbiculate ─── adj.完整的;球状的

orbicular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lateral sepals 2, orbicular, ca. 4 mm in diam., 5-7-veined, inequilateral. ─── 侧生萼片2,圆形,直径约4毫米,5-7脉,不等侧。

2、Upper petal cucullate, orbicular, 0.7-1.2 cm, abaxial midvein thickened, narrowly carinate; ─── 旗瓣兜状,圆形,0.7-1.2厘米,背面中脉加厚,狭龙骨状突起;

3、Leaf blade broadly ovate to orbicular, papery, adaxially sparsely puberulent, base rounded, apex abruptly acuminate. ─── 叶片宽卵形的到圆形,纸质,疏生微柔毛,基部圆形,突然渐尖的先端。

4、Cotyledons broadly orbicular or unequally obcordate-ovate, thin. ─── 子叶宽圆形或不等的倒心形卵形,瘦;

5、An orbicular industry chain is the foremost factor for cartoon industry development, in which every tache is dynamic and orbicular itself. ─── 动画产业最重要的点就是要有完整的产业链,产业链的各个环节是动态的,完整的。

6、2(1) Bracteoles and sepals not leaflike, bracteoles broadly ovate to subcordate and apex obtuse, outer 2 sepals orbicular or reniform and apex rounded. ─── 和先端圆形的不叶状的小苞片和萼片,小苞片宽卵形到近心形和先端钝,外部2萼片球状的或肾形。

7、basal lobes orbicular, apex narrowed, involute, long mucronulate for ca. 4 cm; ─── 基部裂片圆形,先端缩小,内卷,具长的小短尖约4厘米的;

8、Leaf blade elliptic or rhombic to ovate or reniform, rarely nearly orbicular; corolla white or yellowish; stigma obtrapeziform, 0.3-0.9 mm, 2-lobed. ─── 叶片椭圆形或菱形到卵形或肾形,很少近圆形;花冠白色或淡黄;柱头倒梯形,0.3-0.9毫米,2裂。(5

9、Pedunculated orbicular muscle translocation operation to treat severity lower eyelid entropion and trichiasis ─── 带蒂轮匝肌转位术治疗严重下睑内翻倒睫

10、Branchlets gray to yellowish brown scurfy pubescent or tomentose, lenticels orbicular. ─── 小枝具灰色的到黄棕色具鳞屑短柔毛或被绒毛,皮孔圆形。

11、Upper petal orbicular or obcordate, ca. 9 mm, abaxial midvein fine, carinate below apex; ─── 旗瓣圆形或倒心形的,约9毫米,背面中脉细,下面先端具龙骨状隆起;

12、;persistent calyx explanate, ca. 3 mm in diam., shallow lobes broadly orbicular, ciliate; ─── 平展的宿存花萼,直径约3毫米,浅的裂片宽的圆形,具缘毛;

13、Twigs terete, ca. 1 mm in diam., with sparse orbicular lenticels. ─── 小枝圆柱状,直径约1毫米,具稀的圆形皮孔。

14、Lateral sepals 2, obliquely orbicular, curved-veined, apex acuminate or aristate. ─── 侧生萼片2,斜圆形,弄弯脉,先端渐尖或具芒。

15、Upper petal cucullate, orbicular, 8-9 mm, apex mucronulate, abaxial midvein thickened, carinate; ─── 旗瓣兜状,圆形,8-9毫米,先端具小短尖,背面加厚,具龙骨状隆起;

16、Seeds uniseriate or biseriate, wingless, oblong, ovate, reniform, orbicular, ovoid, lenticular, elliptic, ellipsoid, or globose, slightly flattened; ─── 双列的种子单列或,无翅,长圆形,卵形,,圆形,卵球形,透镜状,椭圆形,椭圆形,或球状,稍扁平;

17、petals creamy white with purplish veining around edges, orbicular to obovate. ─── 乳白色的花瓣具略带紫色脉序在周围边缘,圆形对倒卵形。

18、Leaf blade ovate to orbicular, indumentum thick, woolly, fawn to whitish, especially on adaxial surface. ─── 叶片卵形到圆形,毛被厚,具绵状毛,特别在正面上摇尾乞怜带白色。

19、;persistent calyx explanate, patelliform, ca. 2 mm in diam., shallowly 4-lobed, lobes orbicular, ciliate; ─── 宿存花萼平展,小盘状的,直径约2毫米,浅4裂,裂片圆形,纤毛;

20、basal lobes spotted, orbicular or subtriangular; ─── 基部裂片斑点,球状或近三角形;

21、Leaf blade elliptic-oblong or broadly elliptic to orbicular, thickly leathery, margin laxly spinose dentate; calyx and pedicels glabrous. ─── 椭圆状长圆形的叶片或宽椭圆形到圆形,厚革质,边缘稀松的具牙齿;花萼和花梗无毛。

22、basal lobes orbicular, ca. 5 mm in diam., leathery;distal lobes dolabriform, larger, apically retuse; ─── 基部裂片圆形,直径约5毫米,革质上部裂片斧形,大,顶部微凹;

23、the 360 degree of orbicular hallway is for allowing cooler air from the nearby mountain; ─── 你关于空间的经验在这个春天被轻轻摊开,以不可思议的方式解构、重组、再生。

24、Branchlets of current year glabrous. Pedicels glabrous. Calyx tube purple, glaucous. Petals suborbicular, overlapping for most of their length and forming an almost orbicular disc. ─── 当年小枝无毛。花梗无毛。萼筒紫色,有白霜。花瓣近圆形,为大多数其长度重叠并且形成一几乎圆形花盘。

25、Orbicular structure in granite; ─── 花岗岩中的球状构造;

26、Leaf blade usually orbicular, base triangular or suborbicular, 3-5-lobed, lobes lanceolate or subovate. ─── 叶片通常圆形,基部三角形的或近圆形,3-5浅裂,裂片披针形或近卵形。

27、Lateral sepals 2, obliquely orbicular, inequilateral, leathery, base downward-saccate. ─── 侧生萼片2,斜圆形,不等侧,革质,基部向下的囊状。

28、An orbicular industry chain is the foremost factor for cartoon industry development, in which every tache is dynamic and orbicular itself. ─── 动画产业最重要的点就是要有完整的产业链,产业链的各个环节是动态的,完整的。

29、Seeds uniseriate, broadly winged, oblong or orbicular, strongly flattened; ─── 单列的种子,具宽翅,长圆形或圆形,强烈扁平;

30、Orbicular Interference Stripe Determination Method Based on Image Intensity Distribution ─── 基于图象亮度分布的环形干涉条纹判读法

31、Keywords double-eyelid;orbicular muscle of eye;orbital septum; ─── 关键词重睑;眼轮匝肌;眶隔;

32、Keywords Epicanthal folds;Double-lid blepharoplasty;Z-plasty;Ocular orbicular muscle; ─── 内眦赘皮;重睑成形术;“Z”成形术;眼轮匝肌;

33、Wishing our blessedness like the orbicular moon. ─── 愿我们的幸福如天上美满的月亮.

34、mouth vertical.Upper petal orbicular or broadly ovate, 6-7 mm in diam., abaxial midvein thickened, with a small sac or triangular cristate; ─── 口垂直旗瓣圆形或者宽卵形,直径的6-7毫米,背面中脉加厚,具一小的囊或三角形鸡冠状的;

35、The household ruin was thus full and orbicular. ─── 这家就这样地完全没落了。

36、The cosmos has solemn order and orbicular harmony. ─── 宇宙具有严整的秩序,圆满的和谐。

37、orbicular bone ─── [医] 豆状突(砧骨), 豌豆骨

38、7(6) Tendrils racemosely 3-5-branched; leaflets oval or nearly orbicular, margin with rounded teeth, abaxially pubescent. ─── 卷须总状分枝3-5分开;小叶卵圆形的或近圆形,边缘具圆形的齿,背面具短柔毛。

39、anthers reniform to cordate-orbicular, with locules confluent and dehiscent by an apical valve. ─── 花药肾形的到心形圆形,具汇合的室和顶端裂爿开裂。

40、Upper petal cucullate, orbicular, 1-1.2 cm wide, apex slightly emarginate, abaxial midvein thickened, cristate above middle, crista long, elephant-trunk-shaped; ─── 旗瓣兜状,圆形,1-1.2厘米宽,先端稍微缺,背面中脉加厚,鸡冠状的在中部以上,鸡冠状突起长,象鼻状;

41、Petals free, white, blue, purple, or greenish yellow, sometimes spotted, ovate-elliptic, ovate-orbicular, or obovate, sometimes clawed. ─── 花瓣离生,白色,蓝色,紫色,或黄绿色,有时斑点,卵状椭圆形,卵圆形,或倒卵形,有时瓣爪。

42、Seeds uniseriate or biseriate, broadly winged, proximally margined, or wingless, oblong or orbicular, flattened; ─── 双列的种子单列或,具宽翅,下部边缘,或无翅,长圆形或圆形,扁平;

43、Lateral sepals 2, orbicular, 7-9 mm in diam., base inequilateral, apex obtuse, mucronulate, abaxial midvein thickened below middle. ─── 侧生萼片2,圆形,毫米直径,基部不等侧,先端钝,具小短尖,背面的中脉的加厚的中间以下。

44、Methods Totally 106 cases(146 eyes)of severe lower eyelid entropion had undergone pediculated orbicular muscle grafting surgery at outpatient department in our hospital. ─── 方法对我院门诊诊断严重下睑睑内翻106例(146眼)行带蒂眼轮匝肌翻转术。

45、Leaf blade orbicular to oblong-elliptic, both surfaces glabrous at maturity, sometimes with scattered fasciculate hairs on abaxial surface that are restricted to the lateral veins. ─── 叶片圆形到长圆形椭圆形,成熟时两面无毛,有时具星散束状毛在背面,但仅分布于侧脉。

46、mericarp flattened dorsally, orbicular in cross section. ─── 分果爿背面扁平,球状的在横断面上。

47、Leaves entire, dentate to dentate-sinuate, rarely subpinnatifid or repand; fruit (3.5-)4-7 mm wide; style 0.5-1.5(-3) mm; seeds orbicular or suborbicular. ─── 全缘,对具深波状牙齿,残波状的近羽状半裂或的很少来说具牙齿的叶;果(3.5-)4-7毫米宽;花柱0.5-1.5(-3)毫米;种子圆形或近圆形。(3

48、Orbicular muscular-mucous advancement flap for repairing the lower lip loss after lip cancer ─── 口轮匝肌肌黏膜瓣推进修复下唇缺损

49、Disk slightly orbicular, lobe triangular. ─── 圆形的花盘稍,三角形的裂片。

50、orbicular muscle of mouth ─── 口轮匝肌

51、The anatomical reconstitution of orbicular muscle of mouth in bilateral cheiloschisis ─── 先天性双侧唇裂口轮匝肌解剖学修复

52、Leaf blade orbicular, suborbicular, or cordate, 5- or 7-lobed, to middle or shallowly lobed, abaxially with short upright hairs throughout. ─── 叶片圆形,近圆形,或心形的,5-或7浅裂,到中或浅裂,背面全部具短直立毛。

53、Upper petal cucullate, orbicular, ca. 5 mm, abaxial midvein thickened, apically cristate; ─── 旗瓣兜状,圆形,约5毫米,背面中脉加厚,鸡冠状;

54、Lateral sepals 2, orbicular, ca. 8 mm in diam., apex mucronulate, abaxial midvein narrowly cristate. ─── 侧生萼片2,圆形,直径约8毫米,先端具小短尖,背面狭。

55、Methods According to flap design, modified frontal muscle with orbicular muscle flap was sutured to the tendon of levator muscle of upper lid. ─── 方法针对其操作较复杂损伤额肌瓣生理功能而影响手术效果的特点,改良形成了额肌眼轮匝肌瓣直接缝合于睑板上缘的提上睑肌腱上联合手术。

56、The invention discloses a cambered or orbicular sound box body and a forming method thereof, which belongs to the sound box technical field. ─── 本发明公开了一种弧面及球形音箱箱体及其成型的方法,属音箱技术领域。

57、Oh?It pretty likes my orbicular scourge!It is earlier than what you said. ─── 哦?真像俺那枝圆鞭啊!年份是可以再靠前。

58、Reconstruct the form of unilateral cleft lip ala nasi and upper lip with improved Tennsion method to repair the function of orbicular muscle of mouth ─── 改进Tennsion法设计重建单侧唇裂鼻翼及上唇形态修复口轮匝肌功能

59、The study on fraunhofer's orbicular slot diffraction ─── 夫琅和费圆缝衍射的研究

60、;persistent calyx patelliform, explanate, ca. 4 mm in diam., 4- or 5-lobed, lobes orbicular, very shortly ciliate; ─── 宿存花萼小盘状,平展的,直径约4毫米,4或5裂,裂片圆形,非常短的具缘毛;

61、Methods Totally 106 cases (146 eyes) of severe lower eyelid entropion had undergone pediculated orbicular muscle grafting surgery at outpatient department in our hospital. ─── 方法对我院门诊诊断严重下睑睑内翻106例(146眼)行带蒂眼轮匝肌翻转术。

62、Capsule orbicular, ca. 3 mm in diam., base with disk and scars of perianth, winged, apex incised. ─── 圆形的蒴果,直径约3毫米,基部具花盘和花被痕,具翅,先端锐裂。

63、Upper petal orbicular, ca. 1 cm in diam., apex retuse, abaxial midvein obtusely cornute below middle. ─── 圆形的上部花瓣,直径约1厘米,先端微凹,背面钝具角状突起在中间以下。

64、Upper petal cucullate, orbicular, abaxial midvein thickened, slightly cristate middle; ─── 旗瓣兜状,圆形,背面中脉被加厚,有点鸡冠状的中间;

65、"Omid was launched on a 50-day mission to test satellite-based orbicular guidance systems as well as remote sensing, satellite telemetry, and geographic information system technology," said Ommi. ─── 卫星在寿命终结时将在地球大气中燃尽,由此来消除废物和维护临近卫星的安全。

66、Leaf blade ovate to obovate or orbicular; corolla campanulate, broadly campanulate, rarely funnelform, with or without deeply colored spots. ─── 叶片卵形到倒卵形或圆形;花冠钟状,宽钟状,很少漏斗状,有或没有深深染色的斑点。(29

67、a Eurasian mint(Mentha pulegium) having small lilac-blue flowers and ovate or nearly orbicular leaves that yield a useful,aromatic oil ─── 一种欧亚薄荷(唇萼薄荷薄荷属),长有丁香紫蓝色花朵和卵形或近似圆形的叶子,其叶子可生产出一种有用和芳香的油

68、Petals usually white, occasionally pinkish or purplish, rarely pale yellow, orbicular to obovate, with a narrow inflexed apex. ─── 通常白色的花瓣,偶有带粉红色或略带紫色,很少浅黄的,圆形到倒卵形,具一个狭窄的内折的顶。

69、Leaf blade generally as wide as long, cordate to orbicular (rarely ovate); veins palmate, basal veins 5-7. ─── 叶片一般长宽相等,心形到圆形(很少卵形);掌状脉,基出脉5-7。(32

70、Leaves linear to orbicular or obovate, apex rounded to long acuminate, very rarely truncate to retuse; corolla lobes valvate; stigma head discoid, 5-angled, shorter than anther appendages. ─── 叶线形到圆形或倒卵形,先端圆形的到长渐尖,极少截形到微凹;花冠裂片镊合状;盘状的柱头头状花序,具5个角,短于花药附属物。(13

71、Lateral sepals 2, broadly ovate to orbicular, 6-8 mm, membranous, 4-8-veined, inequilateral, apex obtuse, mucronulate. ─── 侧生萼片2,宽卵形到圆形,6-8毫米,膜质,4-8脉,不等侧,先端钝,具小短尖。

72、Upper petal orbicular, ca. 1 cm in diam., apex rostellate, abaxial midvein carinate; ─── 圆形的上部花瓣,直径约1厘米,先端具小喙,背轴的中脉龙骨状突起;

73、Through studying the orbicular vibration in the borizontal surface,the paper establishes a new DOF mechanicalmodel of vibraton system in which processed materials are an important vibrating part. ─── 并从系统的主振动形式出发,建立了二自由度的惯性式贺锥破机物料参振系统力学模型。

74、Seeds biseriate, wingless or rarely narrowly winged, elliptic or orbicular, flattened; ─── 双列的种子,无翅或很少狭翅,椭圆形或圆形,扁平;

75、outer petals 2-4, nearly distinct, orbicular to broadly obovate, 3-3.5 cm, both surfaces white farinose-velutinous; ─── 外部花瓣2-4,近离生,圆形到宽倒卵形,3-3.5厘米,两面白色的被粉的短绒毛的;

76、Lateral sepals 2, orbicular or broadly ovate, 6-8 mm, membranous, reticulate veined, apex mucronulate. ─── 侧生萼片2,圆形或宽卵形,6-8毫米,膜质,网状的脉,先端具小短尖。

77、Branchlets of current year villous. Pedicels villous. Calyx tube purple, glaucous. Petals ovate-suborbicular, overlapping for most of their length and forming an almost orbicular disc. ─── 当年小枝具长柔毛。花梗具长柔毛。萼筒紫色,有白霜。近圆形花瓣卵形,为大多数其长度重叠并且形成一几乎圆形花盘。

78、Mature berry yellow, globose or ovoid, sometimes oblique, 3-5 cm in diam., smooth or sometimes with orbicular lenticels, apiculate, sepals and staminal bundles usually persistent. ─── 成熟浆果黄,球状或卵球形,有时偏斜的,直径3-5厘米,平滑或有时具圆形皮孔,具细尖,萼片和雄蕊束通常宿存。

79、Labellum white with reddish base and yellow middle, orbicular, ca. 1.7 cm in diam., concave, base shortly clawed, apex entire. ─── 唇瓣白色具带红色基部和黄中间,圆形,1.7厘米直径的约,凹,基部具短爪,先端全缘。

80、;persistent calyx patelliform, explanate, deeply 5- or 6-lobed, lobes orbicular, membranous at margin, ciliate; ─── 小盘状的宿存花萼,平展,深深5-或6浅裂的,裂片圆形,在边缘膜质的,具缘毛;

81、Sepals ovate or oblong, rarely orbicular, base of lateral pair not saccate. ─── 或长圆形的萼片卵形,圆形,不囊状的侧对的基部的很少。

82、Leaf blade orbicular, broadly ovate, or obovate, margin subentire, obscurely crenate, dentate, serrate, or doubly serrate, ciliate; petals subspatulate, elliptic, or orbicular. ─── 叶片圆形,宽卵形,或倒卵形,边缘近全缘,具圆齿,具牙齿的不明显,有锯齿,或重锯齿,具缘毛;近匙形的花瓣,椭圆形,或圆形。(5

83、distal lobes clawed, orbicular or broadly dolabriform, apex slightly acute; ─── 上部裂片瓣爪,圆形或宽斧形,先端稍锐尖;

84、Stems 5-20(-35) cm tall, yellow-green when dry. Leaves and bracts ovate-orbicular to orbicular, base subtruncate, margin teeth obtuse to acute. Corolla 6-8 mm on dorsal side. Fl. Jul-Aug. ─── 干燥时的茎5-20(-35)厘米高,黄绿色。叶和苞片卵圆形到圆形,基部近截形,边缘齿钝到锐尖。花冠6-8毫米在背侧面上。花期7-8月。

85、32(31) Current year branchlets reddish brown; sepals orbicular, outside pubescent, margin ciliolate, apex emarginate; fruit globose. ─── 当年小枝红棕色;萼片圆形,外面被短柔毛,边缘具短缘毛,先端微缺;果球状

86、2 fruit sepals winglike, linear, or all orbicular or ovate, subequal. ─── 2果萼片翼状的,线形,或全部圆形或卵形的,近等长。

87、leaf blade orbicular to subreniform, 2-4(-6) cm, subleathery, pubescent, base truncate or shallowly cordate; ─── 叶片圆形对近肾形,2-4(-6)厘米,近革质,短柔毛,基部截形或浅心形;

88、orbicular ligaments ─── [医] 桡骨环韧带

89、distal lobes reflexed, orbicular or broadly dolabriform, large, apex rounded; ─── 上部裂片反折,圆形或者宽斧形,大,先端圆形;

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