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08-17 投稿


intelligibly 发音

英:[?n?tel?d??bli]  美:[?n?tel?d??bli]

英:  美:

intelligibly 中文意思翻译



intelligibly 词性/词形变化,intelligibly变形

名词: intelligibility |副词: intelligibly |

intelligibly 短语词组

1、intelligibly antonym ─── 易懂的反义词

2、intelligibly synonym ─── 可理解的同义词

3、intelligibly pronunciation ─── 发音清晰

4、intelligibly meaning ─── 明白的意思

5、intelligibly def ─── 可理解地定义

6、intelligibly vs intelligently ─── 明白与聪 ─── 明

intelligibly 反义词


intelligibly 同义词

plainly | aloud | logically | lucidly | clearly | comprehensibly |simply | understandably

intelligibly 相似词语短语

1、unintelligibly ─── adv.难以理解地

2、unintelligibility ─── n.不清晰度

3、ineligible ─── adj.不合格的;不适任的;无被选资格的;n.无被选资格的人

4、unintelligible ─── adj.莫名其妙的;无法了解的

5、intelligibility ─── n.[通信]可懂度;可理解性;可理解的事物

6、intelligently ─── adv.聪明地,明智地

7、ineligibly ─── 不合格

8、negligibly ─── adv.可忽视地

9、intelligible ─── adj.可理解的;明了的;仅能用智力了解的

intelligibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Artificial- intellig ence brokers will translate your expertise into software. ─── 人工智能经纪人将把你的专门知识变为软件。

2、What makes insensible things intelligibly describable is analogy, notably the special form of analogy known as extrapolation. ─── 无法感觉到的事物之所以能得到清楚的描述,是靠了类比,尤其是靠了外推这样一种特殊的类比。

3、relevant facts with clients, and advising as clearly and intelligibly as possible; ─── 在提供专业风水服务时,须具开放及透明性,对顾客须告之一切已知事实;

4、he articulated, far more intelligibly than before now that he felt sure of being understood. ─── 然后,他发出的声音比先前好多了,更清楚些了,他确信,大家已经了解他了。

5、The situation made her unable to speak intelligibly. ─── 当时的情况使她不能够清晰地讲话。

6、Logically or intelligibly ordered or presented; coherent. ─── 有逻辑或理性地排列或表现的;协调的.

7、I do not know whether I express myself intelligibly. ─── 我不知道我是否已把这点表达清楚。


9、The marketplace will start to reward modular books that can be intelligibly split into standalone chapters. ─── 市场将会给那些可以拆分成独立章节的模块式书籍丰厚回报。

10、The desig n and realiz-ing process for the hard circuit and software of intellig ent node of DCS based on CAN BUS are discussed in detail. ─── 并较详细的介绍了基于CAN总线分布式控制系统智能节点硬件和软件的设计以及实现过程。

11、Learning intelligibly is one of the characteristics that distinguish humans from other animals. ─── 有知觉的学习是区别人类和其它动物的特征之一;

12、Three is it can intelligibly clear the relations between the academic significance economic law and civil law, administrative law, criminal law and so on other legal departments. ─── 三是明确了学术意义上的经济法的与民商法、行政法、刑法等其他法律部门的关系。

13、And I hope that I have now stated my message regarding the basic experience-distant theory of psychoanalysis clearly and intelligibly. ─── 我希望,我现在清楚而明白地陈述我的讯息,关于精神分析学基本的远距经验理论。

14、Overall: The Overall score of the test represents the ability to understand spoken English and speak it intelligibly at a native conversational pace on everyday topics. ─── 总分表示的是考生听懂有关日常话题的英语交谈的能力,以及按本地人士的交谈语速说出可被他人听懂的英语口语的能力。

15、Learning intelligibly is one of the characteristics that distinguish humans from other animals. ─── 有知觉的学习是区别人类和其他动物的特徵之一;

16、Cavadas said the patient will need to learn to eat and speak intelligibly again after more than a decade of not being able to, but he saw himself in a mirror and was so happy he smiled. ─── 卡瓦达斯说,由于有十多年不能吃东西和说话了,显然病人还须重新学习吃饭和说话。但是当他看到镜中的自己时,他开心的笑了。

17、Ability to communicate readily and intelligibly. ─── 良好的沟通能力。

18、Learning intelligibly is one of the characteristicsthat distinguish hum ans from other animals. ─── 有知觉的学习是区别人类和其它动物的特征之一;

19、Without God to relate the facts and laws intelligibly to one another, knowledge is impossible. ─── 若上帝没有将事实和定律有意义地互相连接,知识不可能存在。

20、He did not walk erect, could not speak intelligibly, nor could he related to people. ─── 这个男孩不会直立走路,不会讲人类的话,也不能与人们相处。

21、Without God to relate the facts and laws intelligibly to one another, knowledge is impossible. ─── 若上帝没有将事实和定律有意义地互相连接,知识不可能存在。

22、I shall argue that some of the jobs punishment does, and some of the conceptual problems it raises,cannot be intelligibly described unless (1) is true; ─── 我主张,惩罚解决了一些问题,但它提出的一些概念问题不可能被描述得清楚,除非(1)成立。由于忽视了(2)的作用,我们熟悉的报应理论的构成出现了混乱。

23、Early people's hawk and vulture on the ground to the mountain, albatrosses, gulls on the sea surface, can float to fly in the vast sky , could not be regarded as intelligibly. ─── 早期人们对山地上的鹰和鹫,海面上的信天翁、海鸥,能在长空飘飞,认为是不可理解的。

24、The marketplace will start to reward modular books that can be intelligibly split into standalone chapters. ─── 市场将会给那些可以拆分成独立章节的模块式书籍丰厚回报。

25、11 Of whom we have much to say, and hard to be intelligibly uttered: because you are become weak to hear. ─── 关于这事,我们还有许多话要说,但是难以说明,因为你们听不入耳。

26、foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly. ─── 外国人对我们讲的话理解很好。

27、the foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly. ─── 这个外国人对我们讲的话很好理解。

28、I do not know whether I express myself intelligibly. ─── 我不知道我是否已把这点表达清楚。

29、Development of Sing le-chip Microcomputer Based and Intellig ent Control Device of Telephone ─── 单片机在电话智能控制器中的应用

30、I really hate it when I come across a sentence I’m sure I understand perfectly well in Chinese but just can’t find a way to express intelligibly in English. ─── Case in point: “昨天,在市发改委发布会上,区县处相关负责人表示,届时,北京周边将形成森林公园、新城滨河公园、中心城区郊野公园三个体系相连的公园景观。

31、The Application of Remote Intellig ent I/O in Computer Supervising and Control System of Power Plant ─── 远程智能I/O在火电厂计算机监控系统中的应用

32、The situation made her unable to speak intelligibly. ─── 当时的情况使她不能够清晰地讲话。

33、On the Model Technique and Research Trends of Intellig ent Decision Support System ─── 智能决策支持系统的模型技术及研究趋势

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