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08-17 投稿


Luther 发音

英:[?lu?θ?]  美:[?luθ?r]

英:  美:

Luther 中文意思翻译



Luther 短语词组

1、Eugene Luther Vidal ─── [网络] 尤金·路德·维达(Eugene Luther Vidal)

2、Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday ─── [网络] 马丁·路德·金生日快乐

3、Colin luther Powell ─── [网络] 科林·卢瑟·鲍威尔;克林·卢瑟·鲍威尔;国务卿科林·鲍威尔

4、Martin Luther ─── [网络] 马丁路德;马丁路得;路德马丁

5、Martin Luther King Jr. ─── [网络] 马丁路德金;金恩博士;马丁路德金恩

6、Martin Luther King, Jr ─── 小马丁·路德·金

7、Martin Luther King Day ─── [网络] 马丁·路德·金纪念日;马丁路德纪念日;马丁路德金日

8、martin luther king is a who ─── 马丁·路德·金是世界卫生组织

9、luther king ─── 路德金

10、martin luther king jr ─── 马丁·路德·金

11、Martin Luther King ─── [网络] 马丁·路德·金;金恩博士;马丁路德金恩

12、martin luther king i have a dream speech ─── 马丁·路德·金我有一个梦想演讲

13、martin luther king is a ─── 马丁·路德·金是

14、Luther Burbank ─── [网络] 路德伯班;伯班克;卢瑟·伯班克

15、luther college ─── 路德学院

16、martin luther king was a black ─── 马丁·路德·金是黑人

17、John Luther Jones ─── [网络] 约翰·路德·琼斯

18、martin luther king civil rights movement ─── 马丁·路德·金民权运动

19、luther Vandross ─── 路德·范德罗斯

Luther 词性/词形变化,Luther变形


Luther 相似词语短语

1、luthern ─── 老虎天窗;屋顶窗

2、wuther ─── 乌瑟

3、luthier ─── n.弦乐器制作者,拨弦乐器制作匠;n.(Luthier)(法、瑞、土、美)吕提爱尔(人名)

4、lutherns ─── 老虎天窗;屋顶窗

5、Luther ─── n.卢瑟(男子名)

6、lither ─── 柔软的;轻盈;轻巧自如的

7、luthiers ─── n.弦乐器制作者,拨弦乐器制作匠;n.(Luthier)(法、瑞、土、美)吕提爱尔(人名)

8、Gunther ─── n.巩特尔(《尼伯龙之歌》中的勃艮第王)

9、lather ─── n.肥皂泡;激动;vt.涂以肥皂泡;使紧张;狠狠地打;vi.起泡沫;n.(Lather)人名;(英)拉瑟

Luther 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Against this background Luther sought spiritual peace with God. ─── 在这种背景下,路德寻求与上帝的精神和平。

2、As Martin Luther King once said, "I have a dream". ─── 就如马丁路德金说过的“我有一个梦想”。

3、Luther's ball handling is still OK to me. ─── 在我看来,海德的控球还算过得去。

4、Sharpton was joined by a number of leading black radio hosts, and by Martin Luther King III, the son of the slain civil rights leader. ─── 同时很多黑人电台主持人以及马丁路德金三世--被害的民权运动领袖的儿子。

5、There were many other factors affecting stocks at that time.The assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy. ─── 当时影响股市的还有其他许多因素,如:马丁?路德?金和罗伯特?肯尼迪遇刺。

6、It is believed that Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, was the first to add lighted candles to the tree. ─── 一般认为是新教改革家马丁路德第一个点亮了书上的烛光。

7、Who was he ? He was Dr. Martin Luther King. ─── 他是谁?他就是马丁.路德.金。

8、The preaching of God's law "drives the sinner to Christ" to look for refuge (the Second or Pedagogical Use of God's law, Luther). ─── 上帝律法的宣讲“促使罪人走向基督”,寻求避难所(这是律法的第二功用)。

9、In December 1520 Luther received his Papal Bull of excommunication and then later burned it. ─── 1520年,路德收到革出教会令,之后便烧毁了教谕。

10、In Martin Luther King's dream,not only was the lion going to lie down with the lamb,but white was going to be brother to black. ─── 在马丁·路德·金的梦想中,不仅人与人之间和平共处,而且白人也要成为黑人的兄弟。

11、King, Martin Luther Jr. "Letter From A Birmingham Jail." pp. 617-631. ─── 一封从伯明罕监狱来的信〉第617-631页。

12、If there was no revenge there wouldn't be resistance,then there wouldn't have the "I Have a Dream" of Martin Luther King. ─── 如果没有复仇心理,就没有反抗,那么也就没有了马丁.路得金的.

13、Cull - Landry 16 point 6 backboard, Arab League prosperous - Brooks first round, 15 points, Luther - Hyde 13 points. ─── 卡尔-兰德里16分6个篮板,阿隆-布鲁克斯首发,得了15分,卢瑟-海德13分。

14、The Luther gold is a main initiator who cancels the racial segregation. ─── 卢瑟金子是一位取消种族隔离的主要创始人。

15、Take your time. We are going to convert Luther Head to a Larry Bird, and with wings. ─── 别急。我们会把鲁瑟海德变成拉里伯德的,当然是带翅膀的。

16、He walked with Martin Luther King and talked with Yasser Arafat. ─── 他曾与马丁·路德·金共事,曾与阿拉法特会谈。

17、An angry Martin Luther nailed95 theocrats to a church door. ─── 怒火中烧的马丁·德把95个神学人员钉到教堂门上。

18、The following day, April 4, 1968, as he was leaving his motel room, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.was shot and killed. ─── ”次日,即1968年4月4日,当他离开汽车旅馆时,小马丁.路德.金博士遇刺身亡。

19、"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality" (Martin Luther King, Jr.). ─── “我没有武装的真理与没有条件的爱在现实生活中是最有发言权的” (小马丁· 路德·金)。

20、How much formal authority did Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have? ─── 甘地和马丁。路得金有多少权力?

21、After being rejected of his thoughts on October 31, 1517, Luther posted his ninety- five theses of the front door of the church in Wittenberg. ─── 在1517年他的理论被批驳之后,路德在维滕贝格城教堂的前门张贴了他的九十五条论纲。

22、But Martin Luther also proved that religious reforms did not by any means require the support of a spirit of liberalism. ─── 但马丁·路德证明了宗教改革从未依赖于自由主义精神的支持。

23、Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. --- Martin Luther King, Jr., "Letter from Birmingham Jail". ─── 另一方面,正义又是不屈的勇士,虽经重重威胁而终究并不毁灭。

24、He was a follower of Martin Luther, and made bold attempts to introduce a new Protestant art. ─── 他是马丁.路德的追随者,他在引入新的新教艺术上做出了大胆的尝试。

25、Luther had a new perception of the Bible. ─── 对这事的看法,他还是跟人家不一样的。

26、The president-elect Barack Obama will attend the re-amenity work in Washington to commemorate Martin Luther, the man who is assassination in 1968. ─── 奥巴马将在华盛顿参与一项重整市容工作,以纪念在1968年遇刺死亡的马丁路德。

27、Luther himself has several of these escaped nuns living with him. But he does not intend to marry. ─── 路德自己就收留了若干个这样逃出来的修女和他住在一起,但是从不打算结婚。

28、Toward the end of the disputation, Luther offered some theses which seem (in typical Luther fashion) nonsensical, or at least obscure. ─── 在辩论快要结束时,路德提出了一些(路德式)的议题,这些议题看起来似乎是荒谬、暧昧难解的。

29、Luther’s reformation: sola gratia, sola fide, soli Deo Gloria and also sola Scriptua. ─── (路德的宗教改革:唯独恩典,唯独信心,荣耀归神,且唯独圣经。

30、With this faith we will beable to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.(Martin Luther King, Jr. ─── 怀着这个信念,我们就将能够将我国刺耳的喧嚣声,变为一首优美的友爱交响曲。

31、No one could have expected that the Reformation would be launched by Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses against Indulgences in October 1517. ─── 其实,在1517年九月四日,在驳斥经院神学的辩论中,他曾提出更具争议性的议题:他整体性地批判中世纪神学几个世纪以来所使用的方法。

32、Our nation owes a lot to Martin Luther King Jr. ─── 我们国家欠小马丁?路德?金太多了。

33、Within a philosophical context Luther kept the traditional trichotomy of body, soul, and spirit. ─── 在一个哲学的范畴中,路得保持的传统的体、魂、和灵的三元论。

34、Barkley is an idiot, the 3's we were taking were most WIDE open. I mean Shane, Luther, Rafer, jeez, how wide open do u want to be ? ─── 巴克利是个白痴,我们投的三分大多数都是很大的空档。我的意思是巴蒂尔,海德和斯通,哎,要多大的空档你们才投得进啊?

35、However, Luther made no concessions to usury and persisted in traditional viewpoint. ─── 但是,对于高利贷,路德并未做出妥协,仍然坚持传统观点。

36、By contrast, the modernists have not sought to deface the image of Luther in the same way. ─── 对照之下,现代主义者并没有以同样的方式来尝试污蔑路德。

37、He gave a speech that was worthy of Martin Luther King. ─── 他作了一次典型的马丁 路德 金式的演讲。

38、Feberary America celebrates the birth of one of the greatest men ever born, Matin Luther King Jr. ─── 二月美国在纪念一位伟大的人的诞辰---马丁路德金。

39、Ugh, bad, bad things happen when Luther is running the point. Ugly possession ends in a TO. ─── 头头的跑位太烂了,丑陋的结束了这次进攻!

40、Damien Pierce Rockets. Com Staff Write HOUSTON -- During his college career at Illinois, Luther Head was never nervous about taking a last-second shot. ─── 在伊利诺的大学时代,怒射·头从来不会为了投最后一秒的关键球而感到紧张。

41、In 1520, Pope Leo the Tenth threatened to excommunicate Martin Luther if he did not recant his religious beliefs. ─── 1520年的今天,教皇利奥十世威胁说如果马丁.路德不宣布放弃他的宗教信仰就要将他逐出教会。

42、As a pitcher,Luther is better than James by a long chalk. ─── 作为一名棒球投手,卢瑟比詹姆斯高明得多。

43、Luther Head man, one day you love him, the next day he has a boneheaded play in the clutch that could cost the team the game. ─── 卢瑟海德,头一天你喜爱他,后一天他就会在关键时刻来一个不该有的失误,抵消了球队整场比赛的努力。

44、Luther: Sorry, but this is a Biocyte facility, a storage structure. I'll have it up in a minute. OK, take a look at this. ─── 卢瑟:抱歉,但这的确是生化药厂,储存库。我马上就做好了。好了,看一下吧。

45、Martin Luther King,Jr. was born on January 15,1929 in Atlanta,Georgia. ─── 小马丁·路德·金1929年1月15日出生于佐治亚州的亚特兰大。

46、Deeds of violence, brutalities, contusions, fractures; this is the work of the revolutions from Luther to Mirabeau. ─── 万般作践、肆虐、挫伤、砸碎,那是从路德直至米拉博历次革命的业迹;

47、When the Reformation came, Martin Luther and the other Reformers recovered the Biblical view of work. ─── 宗教改革的时候,马丁路德和其它的改教者恢复了对工作的圣经看法。

48、All of us thought Luther was the person. ─── 我们一致认为卢瑟是合适人选。

49、Yao is a beast but there is no way we win this game without luther too! ─── 姚明是野兽,但是如果想赢得比赛,没有海德没门!

50、Based on Luther's reformation , Germany's state Church . ─── 基于路德的改革运动,目前是德国的国家教会。

51、You speak like Martin Luther King, Jr., not like Forrest Gump or Elmer Fudd. ─── 你要像马丁.路德.金那样雄辩,而决不能像ForrestGump或是ElmerFudd那样。

52、Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -Martin Luther King Jr. ─── 世界上再也没有比纯粹的无知和认真的愚蠢更危险的了。-小马丁.路德.金

53、Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. ─── 小马

54、He gave a speech that was worthy of Martin Luther King. ─── 他作了一次典型的马丁?路德?金式的演讲。

55、When MARTIN LUTHER nailed his theses on the door of the cathedral, he was a lonesome minority --but he won! ─── 当马丁路得在大教堂贴上反罗马教庭的宣言,他是寂寞的少数...但他是对的,宗教改革成功。

56、Wir haben einen Text uber Martin Luther gelernt.Das ist eine Dichtung von ihm. ─── In die chinesishe Sprache ubersetzt sie 我们的上帝是坚强的堡垒.

57、In 1886 a French botanist produced the first double, and in 1920 Luther Burbank, an American, produced the first dahlia type zinnia. ─── 1886年法国植物学家培育出第一株重瓣百日菊,之后在1920年美国人卢瑟伯班克培育出第一株似大丽花的百日菊。

58、His heroes are Martin Luther King Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, Pablo Picasso, and John Coltrane. ─── 他心目中的英雄是马丁路德金,甘地,毕加索和约翰柯川。

59、In a word, the humanistic spirit glimmered on Luther himself everywhere, and he was named as a prominent humanist. ─── 总之,路德身上处处闪烁着人文主义精神,堪称为杰出的人文主义者。

60、At a breakfast on Martin Luther King Day her suggestion that voting for her would keep the great man's dream alive received a frosty reception. ─── 在马丁路德金日的一次早餐上,她说给她投票可以延续这位伟人的梦想,遭到大家冷对。

61、Luther &Maelzer enjoys high reputation in worldwide. ─── 在全球享有盛誉。

62、Luther's beliefs brought him into direct conflict with the Church over the question of how people could be pardoned for sins. ─── 在怎样才能使人们脱离罪恶得到宽恕的问题上,路德的信念使他陷入与教堂的正面冲突中。

63、Martin Luther's Small catechism:a handbook of Christian doctrine. ─── 书名/作者 A short explanation of Dr.

64、We are not makers of history. We are made by history."-- Martin Luther King, Jr. ─── 我们不是历史的始作俑者,而是顺应历史潮流之人。

65、Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ----Martin Luther King Jr. ─── 世界上再也没有比纯粹的无知和认真的愚蠢更。

66、The young Martin Luther King started elementary school at the age of six. ─── 小马丁六岁上小学。

67、Mrs. Luther remarried since his husband has been dead and gone. ─── 丈夫死了好长时间以后,路德夫人改嫁了。

68、Sophocles, Antigone. Martin Luther King, Letter from a Birmingham Jail. ─── 2索佛克里斯《安提冈尼》,马丁路德金《伯明翰监狱来鸿》。

69、He came to believe that Christ had felt the alienation Luther felt, and endured the judgement Luther feared. ─── 他开始相信基督已感受到了路德所感受到的异化,并且容忍了路德所担心的判断。

70、An angry Martin Luther nailed 95 theocrats to a church door. ─── 怒火中烧的马丁·路德把95个神学人员钉到教堂门上。

71、Who was he? He was Dr. Martin Luther King. ─── 他是谁?他就是马丁。路德。金。

72、Luther:Nekhorvich was a molecular biologist.Why was he going on about an old Greek myth? ─── 卢瑟:奈科维克是一个分子生物学家。他和一个古老的希腊神话有什么关系?

73、Although I tried,at first Luther would not hear to it. ─── 尽管我竭力地讲,起初卢瑟就是听不进去。

74、Luther rose slowly from the chair. ─── 卢瑟慢慢从椅子上站起身来。

75、It is the story of Paul, Luther, Savonarola, Knox, Wesley, and all the rest of the mighty army. ─── 他们都从患难进入掌权的地位。

76、In Martin Luther King's dream, not only was the lion going to lie down with the lamb, but white was going to be brother to black. ─── 在马丁 路德 金的梦想中,不仅人与人之间和平共处,而且白人也要成为黑人的兄弟。

77、Not only did the Rockets win a thriller( thanks to Luther and Rafer) after playing sloppy defense, but the Mavericks lost their2 nd game in a row. ─── 不仅是因为火箭在防守很松散的情况下还惊险地赢得了胜利(谢海德和阿尔斯通)而且小牛2连败了。

78、Tyrone Luther Hadnott in the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl in Okinawa has sparked outrage in Japan, which is host to some 50,000 U. ─── 17日、18日,两名美海军陆战队士兵分别因酒后驾车和私闯民宅被逮捕;3月2日,又有一名驻冲绳美国空军上等兵因私闯建筑物被日本警方逮捕。

79、"Ready access to technology, he adds, is "an equalizer, a leveler -- exactly what Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream was. ─── 哈珀说,“通往技术的便捷通道就是一种均衡和调平,正如马丁.路德.金所梦想的那样。”

80、Martin Luther King Jr. Is a famous historical figure. ─── 小马丁·路德·金是个著名的历史人物。

81、Martin Luther King told us something we need to hear anew. ─── 小马丁 - 路德 - 金说过的一段话,我们有必要再听一遍。

82、What do you think of Martin Luther King? ─── 你认为马丁·路得·金怎样?

83、In his preface to the "Larger Catechism," Luther wrote: "We know that our defence lies in prayer. ─── 在他的“大要理问答”的前言中,路德写到:“我们知道我们的保护来自祷告。

84、Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. ─── 就马丁·路德·金遇刺事件评论。

85、He illustrated his argument with quotations from Martin Luther King Jr. ─── 他引用小马丁·路德·金的话阐述了自己的观点。

86、Great reformers from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King have urged America to live up to its ideal of “freedom”. ─── 从亚伯拉罕?林肯到马丁?路德?金,历代改革家们都敦促美国实践其自由之理想。

87、In the backcourt, the Rockets have Rafer Alston, Aaron Brooks and Luther Head (among others) to complement McGrady. ─── 在后场方面,火箭拥有街球王阿尔斯通、布鲁克斯,还有海德(除了别的以外)都是麦迪很好的支援和补充。

88、Reciting speeches by JFK and Martin Luther King was the beginning of my English career. ─── 其实,背诵美国总统和名人的演讲就是我英语教学生涯的起点。

89、It was also in Atlanta that one of the great leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. was born. ─── 伟大的民权运动领袖之一,马丁路德·博士也正是诞生在亚特兰大.

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