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08-17 投稿


longshoreman 发音

英:[?l??????rm?n]  美:[?l?????m?n]

英:  美:

longshoreman 中文意思翻译



longshoreman 网络释义

n. (美)港口工人;码头装卸工人

longshoreman 词性/词形变化,longshoreman变形


longshoreman 短语词组

1、longshoreman docker ─── 码头工人

longshoreman 相似词语短语

1、longhorn ─── n.音乐探测器;长角牛

2、alongshoremen ─── n.码头工人;装卸工人

3、longbowman ─── n.大弓手,使用大弓的人

4、alongshore ─── adv.沿着岸,近岸;adj.沿岸的

5、longshore ─── adj.在海岸的,沿海岸活动的

6、longshoremen ─── n.码头工人,港口装卸工(longshoreman的复数)

7、offshoreman ─── 离岸的

8、longshorewoman ─── 码头妇女

9、alongshoreman ─── n.码头工人;装卸工人

longshoreman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Steve is a middle school dropout who teamed up with Pierre when a strike cost HIM his job as a longshoreman ─── 史蒂夫中学时便辍学了,由于罢工丢了码头工人的工作,他便与皮埃尔合作一起干。

2、A dockworker; a longshoreman. ─── 码头工人;港口工人

3、Federal mediators say they've worked out a tentative agreement between longshoreman and the operators of fifteen ports along the east coast. ─── 联邦调解员表示,他们已经制定出一份实验性的协议,解决东海岸15个港口的码头工人和经营者之间的问题。

4、a loader; a stevedore; a docker; a longshoreman ─── 装卸工

5、Enjolras hastily quitted the urchin and murmured a few words in a very low tone to a longshoreman from the winedocks who chanced to be at hand. ─── 安灼拉立即离开了那野孩,旁边正有一个酒码头的工人,他以极小的声音对那工人说了几句话。

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