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08-17 投稿


adjusting 发音

英:[??d??st??]  美:[??d??st??]

英:  美:

adjusting 中文意思翻译



adjusting 短语词组

1、adjusting gear ─── [机] 调整装置

2、adjusting key ─── [计] 调准键, 定位键 ─── [化] 调整键; 定位键

3、adjusting needle ─── [机] 调整针

4、adjusting entry ─── 调整记录

5、adjusting lock nut ─── [化] 调节锁紧螺母

6、adjusting cones ─── [医] 调节锥(测量眼轴距离)

7、adjusting device ─── [机] 调整装置

8、adjusting mark ─── [化] 安装标记; 调整标记

9、adjusting plane ─── [机] 调整面

10、adjusting handle ─── [化] 调节手轮; 调节柄; 调整柄

11、adjusting entries ─── [经] 调整分录

12、adjusting block ─── [机] 调整块

13、adjusting entries from bank reconciliation ─── [经] 根据银行往来调节的调整分录

14、adjusting ring ─── [化] 调整环

15、adjusting pin ─── [化] 调整销

16、adjusting plate ─── [机] 调整板

17、adjusting nut ─── [化] 调节螺母

18、adjusting mechanism ─── [机] 调整机构

19、adjusting bolt ─── [化] 调节螺栓

adjusting 常用词组

adjusting mechanism ─── 调整机构

adjusting device ─── 调整装置;蝶装置;校正装置

adjusting range ─── 调整范围

adjusting 词性/词形变化,adjusting变形

原型:adjust 现在分词:adjusting

adjusting 相似词语短语

1、adjustive ─── adj.调节的;调整的

2、dusting ─── v.除去……上的灰尘;(把粉等)撒在……上;把(粉状物)撒于;(非正式)痛打,杀死;(使)布满灰尘;击败(dust的现在分词);n.打扫;少量;击打;薄层

3、adjuring ─── vt.恳请,恳求;起誓;(以起誓或诅咒等形式)命令

4、adjustment ─── n.调整,调节;调节器

5、misadjusting ─── 失调

6、adjudging ─── vt.宣判;判决;认为

7、adjourning ─── v.休会,休庭;(一群人)换地方;延迟(adjourn的现在分词)

8、preadjusting ─── 预调

9、readjusting ─── vi.再调整;重新适应;vt.使…重新调整;使…重新适应

adjusting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Regulate the height by adjusting the wire to the desired length. ─── 可通过将电线调整到所需要的长度来调整高度。

2、Just as a liar is unable to reverse the order of events in a falsehood, he also has trouble adjusting when one component is disproven. ─── 正如撒谎的人没办法倒着讲述一个谎话,当证明不了某句话时,同样地他也没办法调整过来。

3、Could you help me adjust the air flow? ─── 您能不能帮我调整一下这个气流?

4、Do you give me a hand in adjusting the derrick? ─── 你看是否能把我们的安排通知领班?

5、Select it to activate the slider bar on the right, then use the leave and right arrows to adjust the volume. ─── 使用时先选择该项,激活右边的滑动条,然后用左箭头或右箭头来进行音量调整。

6、We must adjust to the bad economic situation. ─── 我们必须调整以适应恶劣的经济形势。

7、the inlet of the air inducing fan is additionally provided with an air adjusting pipe. ─── 在引风机的入口处增设了调风管。

8、Our costs, including wages, are adjusting. ─── 我们的成本,包括工资,正在调整;

9、We do not deny the class struggle, we adjust it. ─── 我们不是否认它,而是调节它。

10、Easy to adjust to the desired length. ─── 可随意调节长度。

11、You should adjust yourself in the school. ─── 你必须适应学校生活。

12、He could not adjust to the cold climate. ─── 他不习惯寒冷的气候。

13、VOGAD? Voice Operated Gain Adjusting Device? ─── 声控增益调节器?

14、Low table by adjusting the outlet pressure control screw. ─── 低压表的出口压力可由调节螺杆控制。

15、You may want to adjust the backup process priority. ─── 您可以调节备份进程优先级。

16、Regulate the height by adjusting the wires to the desired length. ─── 可通过调整线绳至理想长度调节高度。

17、Could I adjust to Chinese life at72? ─── 七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?

18、Adjust the display unit to the position desired. ─── 将显示组件扳到您所希望的位置

19、There is no call for us to adjust the price. ─── 我们无需调整价格。

20、A foot more to the left. Adjust legs again. ─── 再往左移一英尺,再调整架腿。

21、The adjusting method are alsodiscussed. ─── 并分析了分布式系统运行调节的方法。

22、You adjust the percentages by moving sliders. ─── 可以通过移动滑块来调整百分比。

23、Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. ─── 宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。

24、You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life. ─── 你将很快适应学生生活。

25、Obviously, it's the matter of adjusting to the accent. ─── 很明显,这是调整口音的问题。

26、He should adjust his starting blocks. ─── 他应当调整一下起跑器。

27、The operation of preparing a form for printing by adjusting and leveling the plates to ensure a clear impression. ─── 垫版印刷过程中的一个准备步骤,即通过调理和平整版面以确保印刷清晰

28、You can adjust that by adjusting the texture coordinates. ─── 你可以通过调整纹理的坐标来调整这些。

29、Would you tell me how to adjust this seat belt? ─── 你能告诉我怎么调节安全带吗?

30、He had no problems in adjusting at the new school. ─── 他在适应新学校方面没有问题。

31、Animals adjust themselves to their environment. ─── 动物能适应自己生活的环境。

32、You can adjust the belt to the size you want. ─── 你可以根据自己的需要调整安全带。

33、Are you adjusting the instrument? ─── 你在调试仪器吗?


35、The frog keeps on adjusting with the increase in temperature. ─── 青蛙不断在随着温度的升高适应环境。

36、He has difficulty in adjusting to group living. ─── 他很难适应集体生活。

37、"Speaking with your doctor about adjusting your dose or switching medications is often a simple solution, " says Small. ─── 斯默尔说:“跟医生谈谈改改剂量或者换换药都是简单有效的办法。”

38、DEPENDABILITY. Self adjusting drum brake. ─── 可靠性:自我调节鼓式制动器。

39、He was reminding China that it is not the responsibility of the U. S. to help China avoid adjusting its exchange rate. ─── 他提醒中国,美国没有责任帮助中国避免调整其汇率。

40、We have to adjust the selling price accordingly. ─── 我们不得不相应调整售价。

41、We do not deny the class struggle,we adjust it. ─── 我们不是否认阶级斗争,而是调节它。

42、Adjust the set value on the OZAT? CFS to 0%. ─── 将CFS臭氧发生器的设定值设为0%。

43、The high step moves from under the adjusting screw. ─── 使高点从调节螺钉下移动。

44、After that, you should adjust the volume. ─── 做完那,你得调节一下音量。

45、Could I adjust to Chinese life at 72? ─── 七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?

46、After Nigel left his academic post and went into business, it took him quite a while adjust to the rat race. ─── 奈杰尔弃学从商后,过了很长时期才使他适应于那种竞争激烈的环境。

47、Is Necessary to Adjust the Personal Income Tax? ─── 个人所得税需要调整吗?

48、You must adjust yourself to new conditions. ─── 你必须使自己适应新的环境。

49、Could you teach me how to adjust the iris of the camera? ─── 你能教我怎么调照相机的光圈吗?


51、She found it hard to adjust to working at night. ─── 她发现很难适应夜间工作。

52、Over the years, we all learned to adjust, to become more comfortable with each other, and to adapt to our new family arrangement. ─── 年复一年,我们都学会了调整自己,学会了彼此宽容,学会了适应我们新的家庭规则。

53、We have to adjust the price in a large scale. ─── 回复:怎么用英语翻译:我们不得不大幅调整产品价格。

54、My eyes were adjusting and I began to realize there was light coming from somewhere. ─── 我的眼睛正在调整,而且我开始有光某处来自。

55、Could you give me a hand in adjusting the derrick? ─── 你是否能帮我调整一下吊杆?

56、I found it quite hard to adjust at first. ─── 我发现刚开始很难调整。

57、May I adjust this frame for you? ─── 我可以给您调整一下镜架吗?

58、The adjusting and testing program used at the Buyer's site. ─── 在买方现场进行的调试程序。

59、How do I adjust font size on internet browser? ─── 如何调整浏览器内的字体大小?

60、When the mood is bad, how to adjust oneself mood? ! ─── 在心情不好的时候,怎样调节自己的情绪?!

61、Promptly adjusting ray path system. ─── 可快速调整的光路系统。

62、Adjusting the needle thread tension. ─── 上线张力的调节。

63、You can adjust the height of the chair. ─── 你可以调节椅子的高度。

64、He can't adjust himself to the whirl of modern life in this big city. ─── 他无法适应这个大都市的现代生活的忙碌。

65、I must adjust my watch, it's slow. ─── 我得调整我的表,它慢了。

66、Can adjust the seat to the height of a person. ─── 你可根据一个人的高度调节这个座位。

67、He can't adjust easily to the life in North China. ─── 他不容易适应中国北方的生活。

68、From this month,the company will adjust my stipend. ─── 从这一个月开始公司将对我的薪金作调整。

69、Thus, by adjusting the tightness of the union nut, the squeeze of the seats against the ball would be maintained. ─── 因此,在调节管接螺母的紧固度时,阀座对球体的压力就一直存在着。

70、You should adjust your expenditure to your income . ─── 你应该量入为出。

71、I must adjust my watch,it's slow. ─── 我得调整我的表,它慢了。

72、DEPENDABILITY. Self adjusting hydraulic disc brakes. ─── 可靠性:自我调节式液压盘式制动器。

73、Insurers also will have to adjust to the wave of change. ─── 保险公司也要随变化而适时调整。

74、Yes, but I am still adjusting to the new time zone. ─── 喜欢,不过我还在适应这新的时区。

75、The act of adjusting, arranging, or shifting characters to the left or right to fit a prescribed pattern. ─── 为了适合规定的格式,将字符向左或向右进行调整、排列或移位的动作。

76、It took Wayne almost a year to adjust to army life. ─── Wayne花了将近一年的时间才适应军中生活。

77、Adjust the riser tensioners as required. ─── 将隔水管张力装置调整到所需张力。

78、To adjust(a garment) for a better fit. ─── 修改衣服改(服装)使之更为合身

79、She must learn to adjust herself to English life. ─── 她必须学会适应英国的生活。

80、How to look over and adjust the real clock time? ─── 怎样查看和调整实时钟时间?

81、This button is for adjusting the volume. ─── 这个按钮是调节音量的。

82、Do you want to adjust the air conditioner? ─── 你要调冷气吗?

83、Could you install and adjust for me? ─── 你可以替我安装调试吗?

84、We will need some time to adjust our mentality to its normal state. ─── 我们还得经过一段时期的心理建设,才可能恢复常态。

85、She will have to adjust herself to new conditions . ─── 她必须使自己适应新的环境。

86、ACC1-ACC2 adjust the filter pass band width. ─── ACC2调整过滤器通路波段的贷款。

87、You can adjust the room temperature by yourself. ─── 您可以自己调节一下房间的温度。

88、Should China Adjust RMB Exchange Rate? ─── 中国需要调整人民币汇率吗?

89、One cat,however,seemed to adjust perfectly. ─── 可是有一只猫似乎自我调整得很好。

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