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08-17 投稿


rosa 发音

英:[?ro?z?]  美:[?r??z?]

英:  美:

rosa 中文意思翻译



rosa 短语词组

1、Rosa gallica L. ─── [医] 法国蔷薇

2、Rosa chinensis ─── [网络] 月季;月季花;中国月季

3、Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ─── [网络] 扶桑;朱槿;大红花

4、Rosa alba L. ─── [医] 白蔷薇

5、Rosa centifolia L. ─── [医] 洋蔷薇

6、Rosa bella Rehd. et Wils. ─── [医] 山刺玫

7、Rosa laevigata ─── [网络] 金樱子;金樱根;蔷薇科的金樱子

8、Rosa damascena Mueller ─── [医] 大马士革蔷薇

9、Rosa canina L. ─── [医] 狗牙蔷薇

10、Rosa canina ─── [网络] 犬蔷薇;狗牙蔷薇;狗蔷薇

11、rosa asturica ─── [医] 糙皮病, 蜀黍红斑, 陪拉格

12、Rosa Parks ─── 罗莎·帕克斯(女子名)

13、genus Rosa ─── [网络] 蔷薇属;类罗莎

14、Rosa cymosa Tratt. ─── [医] 小果蔷薇

15、Rosa banksia ─── [网络] 罗莎银行

16、Rosa eglanteria ─── [网络] 香叶蔷薇;多花蔷薇;多花野蔷薇

17、Rosa damascena ─── [网络] 大马士革蔷薇;大马士革玫瑰;保加利亚玫瑰

18、mal de la rosa ─── [医] 蜀黍红斑, 糙皮病, 陪拉格

19、Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. ─── [医] 朱槿, 扶桑

rosa 相似词语短语

1、rose ─── n.玫瑰花;玫瑰红葡萄酒;玫瑰色;红润的肤色;莲蓬式喷嘴;玫瑰花形纹章;adj.玫瑰的;玫瑰色的,粉红色的;v.上升;达到较高水平;起立;起床;升起(rise的过去式)

2、roosa ─── n.(Roosa)人名;(英)鲁萨

3、rosace ─── n.蔷薇花饰;圆花窗;圆浮雕

4、rosy ─── adj.蔷薇色的,玫瑰红色的;美好的;乐观的;涨红脸的;n.(Rosy)人名;(罗、意、瑞、典)罗茜(女名),罗西;(英)罗茜

5、rasa ─── n.拉莎(古典印度曲风的新世纪组合)

6、rona ─── abbr.净资产回报率(returnonnetassets);n.(Rona)人名;(土、罗)罗娜(女名),罗纳

7、rosé ─── 玫瑰红葡萄酒

8、Rosa ─── n.罗莎(女子名)

9、dosa ─── n.印度玛撒拉香料卷饼,多莎饼;n.(Dosa)(意、俄、罗、赛)多莎,多萨(人名)

rosa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A systematic study of Rosa sericea (Rosaceae) complex: Are R. omeiensis and R. sericea conspecific? ─── - 绢毛蔷薇复合体的分类学研究:峨眉蔷薇与绢毛蔷薇同种吗?

2、Rosa rugosa, Rugosa Rose, Ramanas Rose... ─── “玫,石之美者,瑰,珠圆好者”。

3、Surfer Rosa contains many of the themes present in the Pixies' earlier output, including Spanish lyrics and references to Puerto Rico. ─── 冲浪者罗莎在小精灵的更加早期的产品包含当前许多题材,包括西班牙抒情诗和参考向波多里哥。

4、Objective: The cancer prevention activity of tannins in Rosa davurica Pall. was studied. ─── 摘要目的:研究刺玫果鞣质的预防肿瘤作用。

5、Rosa in the deepening gloom looks down upon the ground, half frightened and half shy. ─── 在越来越浓的暮色中,罗莎低头看着地面,有点害怕,也有点害羞。

6、If Raikkonen does head elsewhere there is always a chance that Juan Pablo Montoya's stand-in, Pedro de la Rosa may stay on as race driver for 2007. ─── 如果雷克南同意去了别的车队,胡安-帕布鲁-蒙托亚的替身就有了机会,也就是说佩德罗-德-拉-罗萨有可能在2007年担任车队的比赛车手。

7、If Rosa were like this in thirty years, it would suit Gordon. He would be no oil painting himself by that time. ─── 如果30年后,罗莎还是这样子,那就很配戈登了。到那时他自己的相貌也不过尔尔了。

8、Good afternoon, I am Junko Hara. Mr. Rosa's secretary, calling from hart land incorporated. ─── 午安,我是哈兰公司罗沙先生的秘书原顺子。

9、Extraction of Taxifolin From the Stem of Rosa davurica Pall. ─── 刺玫蔷薇茎中二氢槲皮素的提取。

10、Revue Thommen Cricket Date cassa in acciaio, lunetta e corone in oro rosa massiccio, Edizione Limita... ─── 成色 1 (新);金/钢;手动上弦;新;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 意大利, Rome;

11、Rosa Parks whose refusal to give up her bus seat to a white man sparked the modern Civil Rights movement dies of natural causes. She was92. ─── 拒绝在公交车上给一名白人男子让座而引发当代民权运动的罗莎.帕克斯安然去世,享年92岁。

12、Cuervo Y Sobrino Prominente in oro rosa con doppio fuso orario pari al nuoovo completo di scatola in... ─── 成色 1 (新);Pink gold;自动上弦;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 意大利, alassio;

13、Fruit of Rosa davurica Pall. ─── 刺玫果

14、She wouldn't let Mist' Gerald come in hyah, nor Rosa nor Teena, nobody but me, kase Ah done had de typhoy. ─── 也不让罗莎和丁娜来,除了我谁也不让进,因为我是害过伤寒病的。

15、"Mrs. Rosa Sandoval, 1129 G Street." Homer said. ─── “G大街1129号罗莎难能可贵瓦尔太太的,”霍默说。

16、Title: Effect of Epibrassinolide on Some Physiological Indexes Related with Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Cutting Flower of Rose (Rosa hybrida L. ─── 关键词:月季切花;表油菜素内酯;膜脂过氧化;超氧物歧化酶;丙二醛

17、His parents are called Rosa and Guglielmo. ─── 他的父母叫罗萨和古列尔莫。

18、As a Jewish woman, Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimination that underlay social attitudes in late 19th-century Europe. ─── 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎·卢森堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感。

19、Rosa is from Spain. She lives in a small flat in Madrid with her mother. ─── 罗沙是西班牙人。她和她母亲住在马德里的一个小镇里。

20、Donna Rosa: When it comes to bed, there's no difference between a poet, a priest, or a communist! ─── 当出现在床第的时候,无论是诗人、牧师还是共产主义者,都没有区别。

21、This is Rosa's big day. Her first day in England. ─── 对于罗沙来说,这是重要的一天,这是她在英国的第一天。

22、Rosa Rivero says they chose tobacco because it has big leaves. ─── RosaRivero说他们选择烟草是因为它具有大的叶子。

23、Yeah, yeah. . . You know what, you know what. Unlike Rosa Parks, you mum loused in the back of a bus. ─── 是啊,是啊…你知道,你知道。不像罗莎?帕克斯,她就应该被拖在公共汽车后面。

24、This was said today by mayor of Naples Rosa Iervolino. ─── ---那不勒斯市长耶尔沃利诺。

25、But Rosa Franca is still campaigning for a police investigation, something which would have been taken for granted if she had lived in London or Paris. ─── 不过,罗莎·兰卡仍在争取警方进行调查,如果她生活在伦敦或是巴黎,这本该是理当如此的。

26、Amiga rubia de Alicia (as Rosa Ma. ─── Gallardo) (amiga rubia德艾丽西亚(罗莎马。

27、Abstract : As an important ornamental plant Rosa multiflora is used widely in the greening of the city in our country. ─── 摘要 : 蔷薇作为园林观赏植物,在中国城市绿化中应用较为广泛,但目前应用的蔷薇品种较为混杂,尚无系统研究。

28、Abstract : Rose (Rosa rugosa Thunb.) is an important ornamental, but the fast propagation system hasn’t been set up yet. ─── 摘要 : 玫瑰是一种重要的观赏植物,经济价值高,但玫瑰快繁体系尚未建立。

29、Name: Rosa setipoda Hemsl. et Wils. ─── 别名;:刺柄蔷薇(拉汉种子植物名称)

30、Rosa,the paper defines C 12 snakes and proves the grace of C 12 snakes. ─── Rosa图论理论和猜想 ,定义了C12 蛇 ,并证明了C12 蛇的优美性

31、Rosa Franca wants justice for her daughter. ─── 罗莎·弗兰卡(Rosa Franca)想要为女儿讨回公道。

32、As a Jewish woman, Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimination that underlay social attitudes in late19th-century Europe. ─── 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎 卢森堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感

33、Well-known Russian writer Turgenev, against the young mother to sell the maid Rosa, that this is a barbaric act. ─── 俄国著名作家屠格涅夫,反对母亲卖掉年轻女仆路莎,认为这是野蛮的行径。

34、So the aunt told Rosa she was taking her to school, and brought her to Kaspi. ─── 于是婶婶告诉她要带她去上学,却把她带到这里来了。

35、Rosa Rivero says they chose tobacco because it has big leaves.Also, it grows fast and has structural similarities with some other plants. ─── 并且,科学家已经考虑到了气候变化,认为这将在未来导致更多的地区出现干旱。

36、On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was an unknown black [color=darkgreen]seamstress[/color] living in [color=darkgreen]Montgomery, Alabama[/color]. ─── 一九五五年十二月一曰,罗莎.帕克斯本来是一位名不见经传的黑人女裁缝师,住在阿拉巴马州的蒙哥马利市。

37、On December 1, 1955, a black woman, Rosa Parks, got on a bus in Alabama and sat down in the "Whites-only" section. ─── 1955年12月1日,一位名叫罗莎·帕克斯的黑人妇女登上了阿拉马州的公共汽车,并从到了“白人专座”区。

38、We know the guy with the crooked eye is Davey the Baby brother, and the tall one next to him in yhe straw brim, that's Rosa's Eddie V. ─── 我们知道那个有着邪恶眼神的孩子是戴维的小弟弟,旁边较高的那个带着草帽的是罗莎艾迪V。

39、Morphologically, after exposure to rosa roxburghii tratt juice, the number of scarlet red -positive macrophages decreased significantly. ─── 形态学观察显示,经刺梨汁处理的巨噬细胞猩红阳性染色显著减少。

40、"Christmases were that special time of the year, it meant so much to them, " said Rosa Ordaz, a family friend of the victims. ─── “圣诞是每年的特殊时刻,对他们来说意义重大。”遇害者家庭的友人RosaOrdaz这样说。

41、H : May I come in , Miss Rosa ? ─── 我可以进来吗?罗莎小姐?

42、There's the history of Miss Rosa Dartle for you. ─── 我可以说,他用苦行者的态度来侍候我们。

43、Local environmentalist Rosa Maria Exce says she thinks there are no major environmental concerns with this type of industrial farming. ─── 当地环保人士罗莎玛莉亚艾克斯表示,她认为这种工业化农业不会造成环境担忧。

44、Eduardo Blumwald and Rosa Rivero at the University of California, Davis, led a team from the United States, Japan and Israel. ─── 弗吉尼亚大学的EduardoBlumwald和RosaRivero领导着一个来自美国,日本和以色列的团队。

45、In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus for a white man. ─── 一九五五年, 罗莎. 帕克拒绝在公车上让位给一个白人.

46、"I know he's always a saucy creature," said Rosa, poising herself on one of her little feet. ─── “我知道,他一向是个鲁莽的家伙,”萝莎一面用一只脚平衡着身子,一面说。

47、Rosa chewed on her lip and stared at the floor. ─── 罗莎咬着嘴唇,眼睛盯着地板。

48、Introduction and Acclimatization of Rosa davarica Pall. ─── 山刺玫的引种驯化。

49、The foreign participants were quite diverse intellectually and politically, with most of them selected by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. ─── 国外参加者在知识与政治上是完全多样化的,他们中的大部分都是罗莎卢森堡基金选来的。

50、English: Orange Bus Co., Ltd. operated Lu-zhu Township Free Health-Care Shuttle Bus service by using Fuso Rosa . ─── 中文(繁体):亚通客运的小巴士,有专门营运桃园县芦竹乡医疗专车的服务。

51、"Your children don't understand Spanish and I don't have any secrets", says Rosa modestly. She does not tell them about the big, black book. ─── “您的孩子不懂西班牙文,我也没有秘诀。”罗沙谨慎地回答。她没有告诉他们那本黑色大部头的书。

52、The Christmas comes, Jim is planning to travel abroad with Rosa as usual. ─── 圣诞节到了,吉姆像往年一样准备和罗莎一起到国外旅游。

53、Now that you know what Santa Rosa is all about, here are some of the laptops that caught our attention. ─── 现在你知道SantaRosa是做什么的了吧,这里有一些抓我们眼球的笔记本电脑。

54、As a result, Rosa became known as the "mother of the Civil Rights movement. ─── 因此,罗莎被认为是“民权运动之母”。

55、I used this product in conjunction with the rosa mosqueta moisturizer and never had a problem with my face being flaky or overdry. ─── 我配合玫瑰果油润肤乳来用这个产品,从来没出现干燥和蜕皮的问题。

56、Cut rose (Rosa cvs) is one of the most important flowers in the world flower market. ─── 切花月季是世界四大切花之一,也是我国第一大鲜切花,但由于我国栽培技术比较落后,导致月季切花的产量低、品质差。

57、On March 21 de la Rosa wrote an email to Coughlan stating: "Hi Mike, do you know the Red Car's Weight Distribution? ─── 在3月21日,罗萨给考夫兰写道:“嗨,迈克,你知道那辆红车的重量分配吗?

58、The bottle life span of Rosa and Gerbera jamesonii were 2.4d and 3.2d longer with dripping irrigation than that with pouring irrigation. ─── 在其它生产和管理措施均相同的情况下,滴灌比人工浇灌的月季、非洲菊产花量提高,瓶插寿命分别比对照延长2.4d和3.2d。

59、Hibiscus rosa - sinensis (Malvaceae).Tung Chung, Hong Kong. ─── 大红花(朱槿)(锦葵科),香港东涌。

60、ARGENTYNA, Santa Rosa: Flamingi przelatuj?ce nad jeziorem w pobli?u Santa Rosa de la Pampa podczas pierwszego etapu rajdu Dakar. ─── ARGENTYNA,圣罗莎:Flamingi przelatuj?ce河畔jeziorem瓦特pobli?u圣罗莎德拉潘帕podczas pierwszego etapu rajdu达喀尔。

61、The bus driver had Rosa arrested, and she was later convicted of breaking a local law. ─── 巴士司机逮捕了罗莎帕克,随后她被判违反了当地的法律。

62、Whitmarsh said de la Rosa was joining Sauber with McLaren's blessing and best wishes. ─── 惠特马什说迈凯伦衷心祝愿德拉罗萨去索伯会过得很好。

63、Endogenous hormones IAA, ZR, GA3 and ABA in methanol extract of Rosa rugosa C. ─── 摘要对平阴玫瑰花芽分化期叶片甲醇提取物进行IAA、ZR、GA3、ABA的分离、纯化和测定。

64、The bus driver had Rosa arrested, and she was later convicted ofbreaking a local law. ─── 公车司机将罗莎逮捕,之後她被判触犯地方法。

65、A Miss Rosa came to see you this afternoon. ─── 今天下午一个叫罗莎的小姐来找你。

66、I run my boat into New York, buy from Yankee firms, sub rosa, of course, and away I go. ─── 我把船开进纽约,向北方佬公司卖进货物,当然是十分秘密的。 然后再开回来。

67、Hello. I'm the guest in Room 1270 and my name is Rosa Quick. ─── 您好,我是1270房的客人,我叫罗莎·奎克。

68、Tannins in Rosa davurica Pall. could inhibited croton-oilinduced tumefaction on mice, it was possible for these tannins to prevent the tumor. ─── 刺玫果鞣质可明显抑制小鼠耳肿胀,可能有预防肿瘤作用。

69、This research aimed to study the genetic correlation and path analysis of 15 kinds of Rosa rugosa yield traits. ─── 摘要对15个玫瑰品种进行了产量性状的遗传相关和通径分析。

70、Hello, Rosa, please come in. What pleasure of seeing you! ─── 你好,罗莎。请进。看见你真高兴!

71、On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was an unknown black seamstress living in Montgomery, Alabama. ─── 1955年12月1日,罗莎帕克斯本是一个住在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市的不为人所知的女裁缝。

72、At McLaren, the departure of Juan Pablo Montoya did not outwardly appear too disruptive as Pedro de la Rosa got back into the swing of racing. ─── 在迈凯轮车队,胡安-帕布鲁-蒙托亚的离开从表面上看并没有让车队变得四分五裂,因为佩德罗-德-拉-罗萨回到了参赛的队伍中来。

73、We wanted to surprise Rosa with a birthday gift, but Susan let the cat out of the bag by asking her what she would like. ─── 我们本想出其不意地送给罗莎一件生日礼物,可是由于苏珊问她想要什么而把秘密泄露了。

74、The master of proceedings is Micky Rosa (Kevin Spacey), MIT professor by day and gambling entrepreneur by night. ─── 学会怎样在拉斯维加斯计算纸牌,你就永远不需要再为钱发愁了。

75、Instead, we sat in church, eulogizing Rosa Parks, reminiscing about past victories, entombed in nostalgia. ─── 反而,我们坐在教堂里,颂扬罗莎.帕克斯,缅怀过去的胜利,投身于怀旧中。

76、Built in 1839, Monte Rosa is the oldest hotel in town. ─── 1839年成立的马特罗莎是镇内最老的饭店。

77、Pedro de la Rosa insists that most of the criticism attracted by world champions Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso is not justified. ─── 德拉罗萨坚持认为,大多数批评吸引了世界冠军汉密尔顿和阿隆索是没有道理的.

78、As a Jewish woman,Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimination that underlay social attitudes in late19th - century Europe. ─── 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎·卢森堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感

79、Miss Dahlia, were I in your place, I would call myself Rosa. ─── 密斯大丽,我如果是您的话,我就要叫做玫瑰,花应当有香味,女子应当有智慧。

80、But McLaren test driver de la Rosa told Spain's Marca newspaper: "Our problems are in other areas, not KERS. ─── 但是迈凯轮试车手德拉罗萨告诉西班牙的马卡报:“我们的问题是在其他领域,而不是物.

81、Rose (Rosa rugosa Thunb.) is an important ornamental, but the fast propagation system hasn't been set up yet. ─── 摘要玫瑰是一种重要的观赏植物,经济价值高,但玫瑰快繁体系尚未建立。

82、Chestnut rose (Rosa roxburghii Tratt) are variously disease-attacked by powdery mildew depending on the genotypes. ─── 摘要刺梨不同基因型对白粉病的抗性差异很大。

83、Her career began as prima donna with the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company. ─── 她的事业从在皇家卡尔罗莎歌剧团担任首席女歌手开始。

84、He said that Rosa was a good ball player and her height would make her valuable as center. ─── 他说罗莎球打得好,作为中锋,她的身高令她颇有价值。

85、It was Mr. Fellows, now widowed and living in Santa Rosa, not far from her. ─── 罗兰的妻子已过世,他成了鳏夫,住在离她不远的圣罗莎。

86、NEW PLANTS OF RUBUS L. AND ROSA L. ─── 悬钩子属和蔷薇属的新植物

87、The SOD of Rosa roxburghii tratt can inhibite the light reduction of NBT,autooxidation of epinephrine and autooxidation of phenenyl. ─── 刺梨的SOD能抑制四氯唑兰(NBT)的光化还原、肾上腺素的自动氧化和邻苯三酚的自动氧化。

88、We see what Cooper means by his allusion; but it makes us lose touch with Natty, who has certainly never heard of Salvator Rosa. ─── 我们懂得库珀的用意所在,可是我们和纳蒂脱了节,纳蒂必然没有听说过萨尔瓦特·罗莎其人。







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