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08-17 投稿


unburdened 发音

英:[??n?b??dnd]  美:[??n?b??rdnd]

英:  美:

unburdened 中文意思翻译



unburdened 同义词


unburdened 词性/词形变化,unburdened变形

动词现在分词: unburdening |动词过去式: unburdened |动词第三人称单数: unburdens |动词过去分词: unburdened |

unburdened 短语词组

1、unburdened with ─── 没有负担

2、unburdened cost ─── 无负担成本

3、unburdened book ─── 无负担的书

4、unburdened rate ─── 无负担率

5、unburdened price ─── 无负担价格

6、unburdened means ─── 无负担的手段

7、unburdened allie ─── 没有负担的艾莉

8、unburdened soul ─── 无负担的灵魂

9、unburdened by ─── 无负担的

10、unburdened wow ─── 无负担的哇

unburdened 反义词


unburdened 相似词语短语

1、burdened ─── adj.负荷的;v.把重担加于;劳累(burden的过去分词)

2、unhardened ─── adj.未硬化的;未淬火的;v.使变软(unharden的过去式和过去分词)

3、disburdened ─── vi.安心,放心;卸下重担,解除负担;vt.使放心;使解除负担,使卸下重担

4、unburden ─── vt.吐露;卸去...的负担

5、unburdens ─── vt.吐露;卸去...的负担

6、unburdening ─── vt.吐露;卸去...的负担

7、unburthened ─── 未出生

8、burdener ─── n.负担;责任;船的载货量(burden的变形)

9、unburned ─── adj.未燃的;未烧过的

unburdened 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、e.g.: She needed to unburden herself to somebody. ─── 她需要找一个人倾诉。

2、Proponents of such dynamic systems point to the unlicensed 2.4-gigahertz band as an example of the potential innovation that could take place if the FCC were to unburden the airwaves. ─── 提倡这类动态系统的人表示,如果FCC打算开放频谱,可以考虑作为改革范例的,就是尚未发放使用执照的2.4GHz波段。

3、Within a five-minute catharsis you will feel unburdened, and once you know this you will never throw it on anybody, because that is absolutely foolish. ─── 五分钟的宣泄后,你会觉得卸下了重担,而一旦你知道了这一点,你就再不会发泄到任何人身上了,因为那绝对的愚蠢。

4、Some institutional investors maintain that Asian corporations are in good shape -- flush with cash and unburdened by debt. ─── 也有一些机构投资者坚持认为亚洲企业境况不错,现金充裕且无债务负担。

5、America was truly a new world, a place where one could live one’s life and pursue one’s goals unburdened by older societies’ prescribed ideas of class, caste, and social hierarchy. ─── 美国是一个真正崭新的世界,在这里一个人可以过自己的生活,追求自己的目标,不受旧社会的等级观所累。

6、unburden oneself to ─── 对

7、Then, if you do it, you will see that the mind becomes extraordinarily alert, alive and sensitive, free and unburdened. ─── 如果你这样做了,你就会看到,这颗心变得格外警觉、活跃而敏感、自由、无牵无挂。

8、unburden oneself of ─── 讲出

9、Josephine Ho deserves the right to continue her important work, unburdened and unencumbered. ─── 何春蕤有权利无牵累与不受妨碍地继续她重要的研究工作。

10、The flowering of the mind can take place only when there is clear perception, objective, non-personal, unburdened by any kind of imposition upon it. ─── 视角必须清晰、客观,不带个人色彩且没有外力的强迫,只有这样才可能有心智的活跃。

11、He unburdened himself of his secret to me. ─── 他向我倾诉了心中的秘密。

12、1. She longed for a sympathetic person to whom she could unburden herself. ─── 她渴望有一个同情她的人,以便向他倾诉衰情。

13、He unburdened his soul to me. ─── 他向我倾诉隐衷。

14、The one who lives an unburdened life is the one who has never felt.an embrance from someone who can tell he is hurting,though he says nothing; ─── 真实的朋友是即使你不说,也知道你在伤心,会给你拥抱的人;即使你没通知,他也回来参加你祖父的葬礼;

15、Life is limited so we needn't make everything perfect.Let's enjoy the happiness of pursuing, unburden and decompress yourself.Maybe you will find yourself doing better. ─── 生命是短暂的,我们不必任何事情都追求完美,享受追求的快乐,放下包袱,少一些压力,或许你会发现做得会更好!

16、Unburden one's heart,conscience,etc ─── 解除心灵上、良心上...的负担

17、While we unburdened crawl toward death. ─── 好让我安安心心地等死。

18、He feels that he has legitimately unburdened himself even though people don't know what he's telling them. ─── 他感到能正当的吐露自己,即使别人不清楚他在表达什么。

19、unburden oneself of one's grievances ─── 倾吐苦水

20、” Get students to view the scene of South Africa, the Table Mountain, the Cape Hope, the Robin Island, of course some animals there.Make sure all the students are in a mode of relaxing and unburden. ─── 其三将无意识学习---照片欣赏,一种美的享受,没有任何外力的介入,轻松、无拘束,过渡到有意识学习---学会如何描述动物、表述喜好。

21、In communion with God He could unburden the sorrows that were crushing Him. ─── 在这里他得到了安慰和喜乐。

22、Companies, thus unburdened, started to make money once more, and from early 2002 the economy began to grow again. ─── 而没有了负担的企业其经营能力得到恢复,经济从2002年早期开始复苏。

23、but roll it on the LORD and leave it there.Then shalt thou walk at large, a joyful and unburdened believer, singing the praises of thy great Burden-bearer. ─── 把它卸给上帝,如此,你就可成为快乐的信徒,自由自在毫无牵挂地,一路唱歌赞美上帝。

24、I don't feel the need to unburden it on everyone else! ─── 我不喜欢把我的观点强加给别人!”

25、unburden one's mind. ─── 卸除精神压力

26、I can only unburden myself to a call girl. ─── 十年后小姐成了我唯一的倾诉对象。

27、When troubles give us a heavy heart, the wisest action is to unburden ourselves upon the Lord, for He truly cares for us and will sustain us through any circumstance. ─── 当困难使我们心情沉重时,最好的方法就是将我的重担交在上帝的手里,因为他是看顾我们的上帝,也会在任何困难中保守我们。

28、The inter-weaving of urban life with traditional culture is created with a literati sensitivity unburdened by its illustrious past. ─── 画家以文人画的赏玩情趣描写社会生活,融会成富于地方色彩的情景。

29、unburden one's mind ─── 倾诉衷情,把心里话说出来

30、Aayla's latent Force abilities, unburdened by the rules of the forgotten Jedi Code, were unleashed in a fit of confused rage. ─── 艾拉潜在的原力技能,不再受已经遗忘的绝地戒律的束缚,在一场困惑的狂怒中被释放了。

31、She returned to the charge the next evening and requested her niece to confide in her to unburden her heart ─── 第二天晚上,她又发起攻势,向侄女倾诉衷肠以解除她心头的重负。

32、unburden oneself of one's all grievances ─── 倾吐满腹苦水

33、Often staying in his own little space for lacking talent to unburdened himself. ─── 因不擅长向人吐露心事,常常躲在自己的小天地之中。

34、3.Jane unburdened herself to the teacher. ─── 珍妮向老师倾吐了自己的心事。

35、pour out (one's feelings, troubles, etc.); unbosom [unburden] oneself of ─── 倾诉

36、He unburdened himself of his secret. ─── 他吐露了自己的秘密。

37、You burdened my hands that I myself may lighten them, and at last, gain unburdened freedom for your service. ─── 你把我自己可以御去的沉重的负担压在我手上,终于,我能够毫无负担地自由为你效劳。

38、He unburdened a horse of its load. ─── 他卸下马背上的货物。

39、Susan unburdened herself of her terrible secret. ─── 苏珊把藏在内心的可怕秘密全盘托出,解除了心理上的负担。

40、Japanese “transplants”, more efficient than the Big Three and unburdened by commitments to unions, built a lean car industry across the south. ─── 比美国三大汽车公司更有效率且没有工会负担的日本“汽车制造厂”,在美国南部建立起一个精益生产的汽车业。

41、We long for a day of freedom where we can roam the land in support of the needs of each region and free and unburdened with the needs of mankind. ─── 我们渴望自由的一天,那时我们就可以自由倘佯在大地上来支持每个地区的需求,并从人类的需求中解脱出来。

42、Josephine Ho deserves the right to continue her important work, unburdened and unencumbered . ─── 何春蕤有权利无牵累与不受妨碍地继续她重要的研究工作。

43、We unburdened him of his bags. ─── 我们给他卸下背上的袋子。

44、Feelings are strong it's the only way to unburden ─── 感情多深只有这样才足够表白

45、Aileen began at once to unburden her feelings ─── 爱玲立刻开始发泄她的感情。

46、He unburdened his small heart of certain apprehensions. ─── 他吐露了他小小心灵里的一些不安。

47、Only those young enough to be unburden ed by mortgages and other financial commitments are likely to continue spending freely, according to Mintel's research. ─── 只有20%的人表示不论手头是否紧,都要一如既往地在圣诞花钱,而去年这一比例高达32%。

48、We unburdened him of his bags. ─── 我们给他卸下背上的袋子。

49、Everyone seemed freeand unburdened after having discussed their worries with him. ─── 每个和他讨论过自己烦恼的人,似乎都变轻松了,不再受那些烦恼的牵累。

50、Only those young enough to be unburdened by mortgages and other financial commitments are likely to continue spending freely, according to Mintel's research. ─── 只有20%的人表示不论手头是否紧,都要一如既往地在圣诞花钱,而去年这一比例高达32%.

51、Joy had often come to see him during his first illness, and since he could never beat Tigress in an argument and had so much on his mind, he had sometimes unburdened himself to her. ─── 在他第一次病中,小福子时常过来看看。祥子的嘴一向干不过虎妞,而心中又是那么憋闷,所以有时候就和小福子说几句。

52、It's unfair you felt the need to unburden your soul about it. ─── 你觉得需要倾诉心声,但这对我不公平。

53、She needed to unburden herself to somebody. ─── 她需要找个人诉诉心里的苦衷。

54、He unburdened himself to me. ─── 他向我吐露心事。

55、Lincoln hadn't wanted advice,He had wanted merely a friendly,sympathetic listener to whom he could unburden himself. ─── 林肯不想要建议,他只是想要对一个友好的、同情他的聆听者倾诉衷肠。

56、Soon some officials and Butterfly's relations arrive. Pinkerton approaches Butterfly, and she commences to unburden herself of her Belongings, which she has been carrying in the sleeves of her kimono. ─── 不久,日本官员和蝴蝶的亲戚也来了。平克顿走近蝴蝶身旁,蝴蝶一件件拿出藏在和服两袖中带来的自家的东西。

57、That wonderful radiance which fills the western sky at evening touched and unburdened her heart. ─── 傍晚时分充满着西天的那种奇异的光彩,常要感动并且轻松她的心。

58、Kindness and understanding will often draw a boy to unburden his conscience. ─── 仁爱和理解常会使得男孩吐露真情,解除良心的负担。

59、She commences to unburden herself of her belongings, which she has been carrying in the sleeves of her kimono ─── 她开始一件件拿出藏在和服两袖中带来的自家的东西。

60、He unburdened his troubles to me. ─── 他向我吐露烦恼。

61、Instead, it was going to be a pure language, unburdened by the sloppy history of previous specifications. ─── 说白了,XHTML2就是要成为一门纯粹的语言,与以前规范的邋遢历史没有任何干系。

62、Pinkerton approaches Butterfly, and she commences to unburden herself of her belongings, which she has been carrying in the sleeves of her kimono ─── 平克顿走近蝴蝶身旁,蝴蝶一件件拿出藏在和服两袖中带来的自家的东西。

63、He points to a young, post-apartheid generation of Afrikaners reclaiming and reinventing their identity, unburdened by their parents' guilt. ─── 他表明,这是后种族隔离时代的年轻一代荷裔南非人在回归与重塑其身份,卸下了父辈的罪感。

64、When I feel in my bones that someone I know is very unhappy but doesn't know how to unburden herself or thinks that to do so would impose upon her friends, I go to her for help and advice. ─── 当我的直觉感到我认识的一个人很不幸但又不知道如何减轻自己的精神负担、或觉得向友人诉说会给人添麻烦诗,我就接近她,把我的苦恼告诉她,寻求她的帮助和意见。

65、unburden one's resentment against sb. ─── 发泄[表明]对某人的不满

66、He points to a young, post-apartheid generation of Afrikaners reclaiming and reinventing their identity, unburdened by their parents' guilt. ─── 他表明,这是后种族隔离时代的年轻一代荷裔南非人在回归与重塑其身份,卸下了父辈的罪感。

67、But like them, I was eager to unburden myself of something I simply couldn't keep bottled up any longer. ─── 但是,像他们一样,我也急切地想卸掉那些我不能继续控制的负担。

68、It should be unburdened by dichotomies like conscious/unconscious content, verbal/non-verbal expression, and separate/fused object. ─── 第一,第二和第三。第一个是同其它体验无关的即时体验。

69、It Is Necessary To Unburden Teachers ─── 要给教师松绑

70、Companies, thus unburdened, started to make money once more, and from early 2002 the economy began to grow again. ─── 而没有了负担的企业其经营能力得到恢复,经济从2002年早期开始复苏。

71、In one long letter, Henry unburdened himself to Christine, the woman in California. ─── 在一封长信中,亨利和一个叫克莉丝汀的女人大倒苦水,就是那个加州的女人。

72、to unburden a donkey ─── 卸下驴的驮负

73、Cold and fares forgotten, he wanted to walk on and on as if somewhere he would rediscover his old self, that unfettered, unburdened, decent, ambitious and hard-working Xiangzi. ─── 忘了冷,忘了张罗买卖,他只想往前走,仿佛走到什么地方他必能找回原来的自己,那个无牵无挂,纯洁,要强,处处努力的祥子。

74、10 years later, I can only unburden myself to a call girl. ─── 十年后,我只能通过应招女郎来放松自己。

75、unburden oneself of sth. ─── v. 讲出某事

76、The best part about moving has been that we unburdened ourselves of many of these things. ─── 关于搬家最大的优点就是我们能够卸掉这些东西。

77、She unburdened herself of her secret to me. ─── 她向我倾诉了内心的秘密。

78、unburden oneself to sb. ─── v. 向某人吐露心事

79、I unburdened the boy of his satchel. ─── 我从那孩子的肩上解下书包。

80、I unburdened my heart to my friends. ─── 我向朋友倾诉我心里的话。

81、After he came face to face with his fans, the composure that made him unburden himself with the acquaintances who went along with him just in time, was an extra. ─── 他来到后,面对他的球迷,沉着使他表白自己的熟人谁去和他一起的正是时候,是一个额外的。

82、My heart was light, too, unburdened of the weight of all those hard, undigestible feelings that I'd suppressed for so long. ─── 我的心也轻松了,卸去了所有自己压抑了这么久无法释怀的愤懑情绪。

83、an obedient soldier; obedient children; a little man obedient to his wife; the obedient colonies are heavily taxed; the refractory remain unburdened. ─── 服从命令的士兵;听话的孩子们;一个顺从于妻子的小男人;顺从的殖民地被征收沉重的赋税;而倔强的却不受牵连。

84、unburden one's beart to sb ─── 向某人倾诉衷情

85、unburdened from the dust of history, the millenium-old small town burst into a happy song in tribute to its regained youth. ─── 千年小镇轻轻抖落了历史的埃尘,焕然之间吟唱出了青春的欢歌。

86、Perot was unburdened by President Bush's record or my primary battle scars. ─── 佩罗没有老布什总统的国内政绩和我初选中的品格问题这样的负累。

87、unburden one's mind (of) ─── 倾吐心里话,把心里话说出来

88、She campaigned for the chancellorship (and nearly lost) as a determined reformer who would unshackle enterprise, unburden taxpayers and “ govern through” all obstacles. ─── 作为一位坚决的将解放企业,卸下纳税人的负担并清除所有障碍的改革者,她竞选了下任总理(差点失败)。

89、Girl hesitake whether unburden with boy or know. ─── 女孩踌躇着想如何表露让男孩知道她并不爱他。

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