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08-17 投稿


dyad 发音

英:[?da??d]  美:[?da??d]

英:  美:

dyad 中文意思翻译




dyad 短语词组

1、dyad shoes ─── 便鞋

2、dyad music ─── 音乐节

3、dyad definition ─── 二元定义

4、dyad in the force star wars ─── 星球大战原力中的二人组

5、dyad star wars ─── 二元星球大战

6、dyad symmetry ─── [医]二重对称

7、dyad 5 ─── 第5天

8、dyad 4 ─── 第4天

dyad 词性/词形变化,dyad变形


dyad 相似词语短语

1、dyked ─── v.修建堤坝,开沟排水(同dike)(dyke的过去式和过去分词)

2、yad ─── abbr.酵母乙醇脱氢酶(yeastalcoholdehydrogenase)

3、-ad ─── abbr.优势(advantage);n.广告;促销活动;预告片(advertisement,非正式)

4、duad ─── n.成对的东西

5、dyna- ─── n.强啡肽

6、dyed ─── adj.被染色的;v.染色(dye的过去分词形式)

7、dad ─── n.爸爸;爹爹;n.(Dad)人名;(孟、巴基、阿富)达德;(泰)达

8、dead ─── adj.无生命的;呆板的;废弃了的;adv.完全地;n.死者

9、dyads ─── n.双;[生物]二分体;一对;[化学]二价元素;adj.二的;双的

dyad 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、2.We randomly selected one coresident aging parent-adult child dyad from the interviews of the aging parents。 ─── 2. 从被调查的老年人里面,我们随机选择了一对住在一起的老人和他已长大成人的孩子。

3、The strain, geometric equation and principal strain of the elastic solid are all-sidedly studied by using the method of dyad analysis. ─── 利用并失分析法,对弹性体的应变、几何方程和主应变进行了全面研究。

4、dyad cell ─── 二分细胞

5、At tetrad stage, dyad, triad, tetrad with micronucleus and polyad appeared. ─── 四分体时期还出现二分体、三分体、含微核的异常四分体及多分体。

6、Of or relating to a dyad. ─── 二分体的或与之相关的

7、A dyad is one-on-one interaction with anopher participant.Participant may be asked to answer a series of questions,tell a story ,complete sentences,or assume a particular body stance. ─── 二人对话是你与另一位学员进行交流的过程,你可能被要求回答一些问题、讲述故事、或作出某些姿势。

8、The dyad and its uncertainties is what logic itself develops from the beginning, if one knows how to follow its trace. ─── 这个男女配对及其不稳定性,是逻辑本身从开头就发展,假如我们知道如何去追踪它的痕迹。

9、Firstly, the linkage is decomposed into two parts: a dyad and a four-bar linkage. ─── 首先将该机构拆分为一个双杆组和一个四杆机构;

10、THE CHALLENGE OF COMPLEXITY IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Trends and Issues in converging sciences: the Systems Biology-Computing Dyad ─── 生物学与医学中的复杂性挑战趋同科学的趋势与问题:系统生物学-计算机科学对

11、An in-depth interview on WOM dyad confirmed that WOM sender has a tendency to avoid possible regret while giving advice. ─── 但若社会心理风险高,则消费者反而倾向散布更多口碑讯息。文中一并提出可能之解释。

12、Micronucleus and a lot of abnormal cells can be observed at dyad, tetrad and microspore. ─── 二分体、四分体和小孢子时期,细胞内普遍观察到微核,且出现大量异形细胞。

13、The two unequal-sized megaspores plus micropylar cell in the dyad formed a triad, in which callose disappeared in the chalazal end of the chalazal cell that developed into functional megaspore. ─── 大多数情况下,珠孔端的二分体细胞在减数第二次分裂前或分裂的过程中退化,合点端的细胞分裂形成大小不等的两个细胞,形成三分体。

14、Then, the dyad is synthesized usingoptimization method and the four-bar linkage is synthesized using precision point method. ─── 然后对双杆组进行近似综合,对四杆机构进行精确点综合;

15、Keywords briquette;dyad gasoven;thermal compressive strength;carbonization;cementitiousness.; ─── 型煤;两段炉;热抗压强度;干馏;粘结性;

16、conjugate dyad ─── 共轭并向量

17、Of or relating to a dyad or based on two. ─── 属于或关于二分体,或以二为基础。

18、Hence, there is left-right, up-down, big-small, fast-slow, hot-cold, and the greatest dyad ever created: male-female. ─── 所以,有左-右,上-下,大-小,快-慢,冷-热,以及所曾创造出的最大的两个一组的大小:男-女。

19、Analysis of the Dyad Relationships in the Growth of Electronic Commerce Network ─── 企业际电子商务网络中的二元关系分析

20、The High-yield Cultivation of Dyad Mushroom ─── 双孢蘑菇高产栽培技术

21、of or relating to a dyad or based on two. ─── 属于或关于二分体,或以二为基础。

22、of or relating to a dyad or based on two ─── 属于或关于二分体,或以二为基础的

23、Even if Naomi had kept echoing like an empty cistern, this naiad dyad would probably have ended. ─── 即便Naomi不断像空水池一样不断做echo,这种二元体式的关系大概也会终结。

24、When two people who fall into this kind of dyad meet, they bond instantly, like Krazy Glue."I feel as if I've known you all my life," they say, basking in the familiar narcissist-echo energy. ─── 当处于二元的两人见面,他们就像胶水一样会立即志同道合,彼此说:“我感觉似乎这辈子早就认识你了”,并沉浸在熟悉的那西塞斯--echo的环境下。

25、The paper demonstrates that folklore is the dyad consisting of characteristic elements of folklore (CEoF) and expression of folklore (EoF) by analyzing the creative principals of folklore. ─── 文章通过分析民间文学艺术的创造规律,论证了民间文学艺术传统与民间文学艺术表现形式的二位一体性。

26、Much of the existing research on business ethics has focused on marketing and marketing related activities, especially on the seller side of the buyer/seller dyad. ─── 过去的研究探讨有关企业伦理较多在行销领域,特别是卖方(业者)的伦理议题。

27、First of all; we must check the delivery schedule (dyad of delivery) of the equipment. ─── 首先,我们必需核对设备的交货计划(交货日期)。

28、Keywords Energy transfer;Conformational change;Podand;Dyad;Naphthalene;Anthracene; ─── 能量转移;构象变化;开链冠醚;二元分子体系;萘;蒽;

29、dyad system ─── 二素系

30、You till have the opportunities to look direcely into specific personalissues,and support your dyad partner in eoing the same. ─── 你有机会深入探讨一些个人的问题,并要支持你的伙伴这样做。

31、In Polygonum-type the micropylar dyad cell degenerated quickly, while the chalazal one finished meiosis II to form two unequal-sized megaspore. ─── 韭型大孢子发生时,只进行减数第一次分裂,不发生减数第二次分裂,形成二分体,珠孔端二分体细胞退化,合点端二分体细胞发育为二倍体功能大孢子。

32、The megasporocyte undergoes the first meiotic division, giving rise to two dyad cells. ─── 功能大孢子进行第二次减数分裂,形成二核胚囊。

33、The dyad formed in Meiosis I was wrapped by thick callose. ─── 粗/双线期,细胞的电子密度增加,细胞壁积累胼胝质,切断大孢子母细胞与珠心细胞之间的胞间连丝,核糖体的数量增多,线粒体与质体的形态变得不易区分,呈现脱分化状态。

34、Participants in each dyad viewed an emotion-arousing film and then engaged in a conversation to discuss topics related to the target film. ─── 每对参与者在观看一段激发负面情绪影片后对影片中的相关议题进行讨论。

35、The chalazal cell in dyad contains a lot of organelles, and the regular shapes of mitochondria and plastids were recovered, which was considered as a sign of the end of redifferentiation. ─── 大孢子母细胞减数第一次分裂形成二分体,两个细胞都被较厚的胼胝质壁包裹。

36、Status Offline What the Hell's a Naiad Dyad? ─── 到底什么是“水中仙女二元体”?

37、the mother - daughter dyad. ─── 母女配对

38、Hence, there is left-right, up-down, big-small, fast-slow, hot-cold, and the greatest dyad ever created: male-female. ─── 所以,有左-右,上-下,大-小,快-慢,冷-热,以及所曾创造出的最大的两个一组的大小:男-女。

39、Micronucleus and a lot of abnormal cells can be observed at dyad, tetrad and microspore. ─── 二分体、四分体和小孢子时期,细胞内普遍观察到微核,且出现大量异形细胞。

40、a chromosome dyad ─── 二分染色体

41、Take the quiz if you suspect that one of your friendships is actually a naiad dyad. ─── 做个小测验看看自己的某段友谊是否是这种二元体。

42、unit dyad ─── 单位并向量

43、Keywords porphyrin dyad energy transfer fluorescence spectrum coordination dimer; ─── 卟啉二元体系;能量传递;荧光光谱;配位二聚;

44、Take the quiz if you suspect that one of your friendships is actually a naiad dyad. ─── 做个小测验看看自己的某段友谊是否是这种二元体。

45、69. As a result, dyad spores formed. ─── 结果形成二分体孢子。

46、result dyad spores formed. ─── 结果形成二分体胞子。

47、Air source treatment unit seroes Air source treatment unit includes filter,regulator,filter regulator,and lubricator, or their combined dyad or triplet. ─── 气源处理件 气源处理件包括过滤器、减压阀、过滤减压阀、油零器以及它们组成的二联件、 三联件。

48、The micropylar cell in a dyad always degenerated quickly and only chalazal one finished meiosis II to form two unequal-sized megaspores. ─── 合点端的二分体细胞中细胞器丰富,线粒体和质体的形态正常,表明完成再分化。

49、Air source treatment unit includes filtet,relief-pressure valve,filtr relief-pressure valve,andoilsprayer,or their combined dyad or triplet. ─── 气源处理件包括过滤器、减压阀、过滤减压阀、油雾器以及它们组成的二联件、三联件。

50、Keywords Solvent effect;Dyad;Energy transfer;Electron transfer; ─── 溶剂效应;二元化合物;能量传递;电子转移;

51、dyad symmetry ─── 二重对称

52、trust in supervisor- subordinate dyad ─── 上下属信任

53、The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences between marketing channel members' perceptions of mutual dependence, and the impact of the differences on conflict in a channel dyad. ─── 摘要目的是检验营销渠道成员对于相互依赖关系的感知差距,以及这一感知差距对渠道冲突的影响。

54、result, dyad spores formed. ─── 结果形成二分体孢子。

55、39 series air source treatment unit is in Hailong basic type, including filter, relief pressure valve, filter relief-pressure valve, oil sprayer, or their combined dyad or triplet. ─── 39系列气源处理件是引进德国海隆基型,包括过滤器、减压阀、过滤减压阀、油雾器以及它们组成的二联件、三联件。


对角函数的正确读法是“Dai-she áng gōng-shù”。其中,对角用汉语拼音“Dai-she”表示,表示一个角度的概念;函数用汉语拼音“gōng-shù”表示,表示数学中的函数概念。所以对角函数也可以简称为角函数,例如正弦函数sin(x)、余弦函数cos(x)、正切函数tan(x)等。


1. 是"duì jiǎo hán shù"。

2. 因为在中文中,对角函数是指与角度有关的数学函数,包括正弦函数、余弦函数和正切函数等。

这些函数在数学和物理等领域中有广泛的应用,因此是"duì jiǎo hán shù"。

3. 对角函数是数学中的重要概念,它们可以用来描述角度与三角形边长之间的关系。



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