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08-17 投稿


ferial 发音

英:[?f?r??l]  美:[?f??r??l]

英:  美:

ferial 中文意思翻译



ferial 网络释义

adj. 平日的;(古罗马的)假日的

ferial 词性/词形变化,ferial变形

名词复数: ferias |形容词: ferial |

ferial 短语词组

1、ferial emadi ─── 埃马迪假日

2、ferial tone ─── 假日色调

3、ferial chara ─── 烧焦

4、ferial harley ─── 哈雷假日

5、ferial day ─── 假日

6、ferial skye ─── 假日云彩

7、ferial mass ─── 平日质量

ferial 相似词语短语

1、decrial ─── n.责难;诽谤

2、aerial ─── adj.空中的,航空的;空气的;空想的;n.[电讯]天线

3、ferias ─── n.(罗马的)宗教假日;(基督教的)平日;n.(Feria)人名;(西)费里亚

4、serial ─── adj.连续的;连载的;分期偿还的;连续作案的;n.电视连续剧;期刊;连载小说;n.(Serial)(阿、美、俄、意、英、法)塞力娅乐(人名)

5、cerrial ─── 智利

6、feria ─── n.(罗马的)宗教假日;(基督教的)平日;n.(Feria)人名;(西)费里亚

7、atrial ─── adj.心房的;门廊

8、feriae ─── n.集市;平日(feria的复数)

9、retrial ─── n.复审;复试

ferial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I am unwilling give the impression of weakness, equestrian falling-rising tone denounces him ferial the trouble that sees newspaper never be cleared away. ─── 我不甘示弱,马上声讨他平日看完报纸从不收拾之毛病。

2、effectively prevent breast cancer, ferial can eat more tomato! ─── 有效预防乳腺癌,平日可多吃番茄!

3、by a7 direction madrid alicante, until exit 497 ademuz feria de muestras, follow the direction ademuz then take the cv35. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

4、Is wealthy, ferial visited mostly only five yen contribution "to the New Year, " when will visits damning handouts. ─── 就是有钱人,平日去参拜大都只贡献“五日元”,到了新年参拜的时候,则会大加施舍。

5、Lone gens often oversight breakfast, ferial perhaps eat very simply, stay need the talent when on the weekend belly-worship. ─── 单身一族往往忽略早餐,又或者平日吃得很简单,留待周末时才大吃大喝。

6、Ferial in the home the little thing that can make oneself happy perhaps is put in the office. ─── 闲暇的时间可以听听自己喜欢的音乐,感觉畅快的旋律可以帮助你化解忧虑。

7、Ferial li of website making a holiday that helps consumer dimension power, also began busy move to be him dimension authority a few days ago. ─── 平日里帮消费者维权的打假网站,日前也开始忙着为自己维权。

8、The man that these a few ferial dabble seem risk one's life needlessly is hoping that river blood-red is mad water, see young married woman again later people that tearful tearful eyes, each fade. ─── 这几条平日玩水似玩命的汉子望着那河血红的狂水 ,回头再看看婆娘们那汪汪的泪眼 ,个个蔫了。

9、Stair falls to be a triangle more, to most family, this place can close rise do store up, the modelling make it that also can use it shows a region, put a few ferial in collect article; ─── 楼梯下多为三角形,对于大多数家庭来说,这块地方可以封闭起来做贮藏间,也可以利用它的造型做成展示区,摆放一些平日里的收藏品;

10、Ferial in make the air inside house keeps wet as far as possible. ─── 平日里尽量使屋内空气保持湿润。

11、For the dining pleasure, guests can also visit the Ribs La Casa De Las Costillas, Sabores and Cantina Mariachi that are in the vicinity of the Axor Feria Hotel. ─── 晚上,您可以在快餐吧品尝喜爱的酒水饮料和享用各式各样的小吃点心。

12、This store open at 8 clock moning on feria but oepen at 9 clock on weekend. ─── 这家店平日上午8点开,但周末9点开。

13、Analysis: Although with ferial the concern that has a thing is not big, but having very close connection with smoke, wine however. ─── 分析:虽然与平日吃东西的关系不大,但是却与烟、酒有着很密切的联系。

14、Classics doctor diagnoses: As a result of ferial drink excessive, cause liver disease, already arrived now terminal. ─── 经医生诊断:由于平日饮酒过度,导致肝病,现已到了晚期。

15、As her after the shadow, ferial how be to do baby show to send? ─── 身为影后的她,平日又是如何打理宝贝秀发的?

16、Ferial the action that should take paper of oil absorption face to brush a face easily often also makes li of cummer small appearance is mocked one time stealthily. ─── 平日里女友动不动要拿吸油面纸来擦脸的行为也每每让小姿暗地里嘲笑一番。

17、In addition, windowsill place relied on to still do a desk inside small study, can place computer, for house advocate ferial prepare lessons, get online, see a book use. ─── 此外,在小书房内靠窗台处还做了一个书桌,可放置电脑,供屋主平日备课、上网、看书用。

18、The corrida season is from Easter Sunday to October 12 - around 20 fights in total.Many celebrated matadors appear during Feria week at the end of April.Fights usually take place on Sunday evenings. ─── 博物馆不大,主要呈现18世纪至今的斗牛历史,有服装、牛头、有名的塞维亚斗牛士画像等。

19、But if travel over still cannot restore ferial mood word, so to work and life would be very troublesome. ─── 但如果旅游结束了还不能恢复平日的心情的话,这样对工作和生活将会很麻烦。

20、wear wig, change a brand - new clothes, made up ferial and different with. ─── 戴上假发,换上一套全新的衣服,并化了一个与平日不同的妆。

21、Appear after this kind of circumstance, latex of skin of a few embellish should be brushed after bath of ferial Li Mu. ─── 出现这种情况之后,平日里沐浴后就应该擦一些润肤乳液。

22、Dazzling and costly evening is installed, will change ferial missish, colourful Jing 4, vigor 4 shoot, it is absolutely most the princess with dazzling brilliance. ─── 刺眼奢华的晚装,将一改平日的矜持,艳惊四座,活力四射,绝对是最光华刺眼的公主。

23、Every January, Madrid hosts an international tourism exhibition, the “FERIA INTERNATIONAL DE TURISMO (FITUR)”, which is a major event of the European travel industry. ─── 与文化活动一样,观光旅游往往是一个国家对外工作当中,最容易让外国人亲近的一种方式。

24、Appear after this kind of circumstance, latex of skin of a few embellish should be brushed after bath of ferial Li Mu. ─── 出现这种情况之后,平日里沐浴后就应该擦一些润肤乳液。

25、-Continue straight on until Internationa Feria. ─── 所有个人资料会经过加密处理编成密码。

26、If a person got brain tumor so is he ferial in what symptom can you have? ─── 如果1个人得了脑瘤那么他平日里会有什么症状?

27、Because,be ferial li of candied cate that does not eat, do not wear the new clothes new shoe that go up, more was brought up 1 year old again eventually because of oneself. ─── 小时候过年,总有一种快乐的感觉。是因为平日里吃不到的糖果美食、穿不上的新衣新鞋,更因为自己终于又长大了1岁。

28、of or relating to or being a feria. ─── 属于、关于或是平日的。

29、Ai Sidi's uncle is an apothecary, ferial like to be in the lab modulation all sorts of chemical preparation. ─── 艾丝蒂的叔叔是一位药剂师,平日喜欢在实验室里调制各种化学制剂。

30、Be in ferial in the job in, life, he always helps me patiently, show consideration for me, often mix my confabulate, make I understood reason of a lot of revolution. ─── 在平日里的工作、生活中,他总是耐心地帮助我,体贴我,经常和我谈心,使我明白了很多革命道理。

31、Put on condole to take unlined upper garment and athletic pants to shop for instance, run ran, let ferial and very few bare and outer skin accepts the 30 sunshine that come 60 minutes " baptism " . ─── 比如穿上吊带衫和运动裤逛逛街、跑跑步,让平日很少裸露在外的肌肤接受30至60分钟的阳光“洗礼”。

32、should always ground down and memorize those ferial the most used "sentence condoms" . ─── 应该随时地记下并背熟那些平日用得最多的“句套子”。

33、Ferial in, if you notice observation, if mist state soft delay is comfortable,can discover high-grade faucet flow, still won't splatter everywhere. ─── 平日里,你假如注重观察,会发现高档龙头水流如雾状柔缓舒适,还不会四处飞溅。

34、When queen also has short of money, senior finance adviser still expresses, her queen is very fervent, had donated a money to many charity, the cost with ferial herself is more economical. ─── 女王也有手头紧的时候 资深财政顾问还表示,女王本人很慷慨,给不少慈善团体捐过款,她自己平日的花销则比较节俭。

35、Maintain: Metallic ability qualitative furniture does not need special maintain, ferial wipe dirt can; ─── 保养:金属材质家具不需非凡保养,平日拭去灰尘即可;

36、In campus corridor, ferial propaganda seen in energy conservation and emission reduction in advocating the logo. ─── 在校园楼道中,平日的宣传中都能看到节能减排的倡导标识。

37、Photon airship makes people enters aerospace to be just like ferial travel. ─── 光子飞船使人们进入太空就象平日旅游。

38、Because chime stone is a kind of percussion instrument that bonze makes Buddhist ceremony use, ferial it is buccal day go up, buckling instead now, have odd surely. ─── 因为磬是和尚做佛事用的一种打击乐器,平日都是口朝上,今日反扣着,必有蹊跷。

39、Ferial can store this film in freezer, a week does 1-2 second can let skin close fact, improve pore bulky, stimulative cutaneous is smooth and meticulous. ─── 平日可将此面膜储存在冰箱里,一周做1-2次就可以让肌肤紧实,改善毛孔粗大,促进皮肤的光滑细致。

40、No matter ferial the assorted sofa of li of sitting room is what color, in cold winter, can change simple sense the slipcover of warmth of downy, color. ─── 无论平日里客厅的组合沙发是什么颜色,在严寒的冬天,都可以换上质感柔和、颜色暖和的沙发套。

41、Waists-coat can make feminine curve more exquisite, a few kinds of beautiful waists-coat that suit ferial dress introduce below. ─── 当然在实际穿着中就不用这样费力了,系带马甲本身在裁减的时候就很有曲线,一般还会做一个褶皱的下摆,在视觉上造就腰部到臀部玲珑曲线。

42、84.Nuestra empresa aprovecha muy bien esta feria. ─── 我们公司很好地利用了这次博览会。

43、Be in crouch to take rock that momently, he detects abruptly, oneself are ferial the way that take is so beautiful unexpectedly, and satori life accumulate those who contain is clever. ─── 就在蹲下取石的那一刻,他猛然发觉,自己平日走的道路竟是那么美,并顿悟了生命蕴含之妙。

44、Maintain best except lampblack machine the method is ferial after using, dip in with dry cloth neuter cleaner wipes airframe crust, what purify adds in the surface is smeary. ─── 除油烟机最好的保养方法就是平日使用后,用干布蘸中性清洁剂擦拭机体外壳,去除附在表面的油污。

45、And ferial fire of li of wind wind fire, raucous the Sun Fengxia of big voice appears self-conscious however unripe, red face shrinks in kang horn. ─── 而平日里风风火火、粗声大嗓的孙凤霞却显得怯生生的,红着脸缩在炕角。

46、The network solemned " tree hole " , become the place that sister of higher primary school says, pouring out oneself ferial cannot say casually, the secret that wants to abreact very again. ─── 网路俨然成了“树洞”,成为高小姐说话的地方,倾诉着自己平日不能随便说、又十分想发泄的秘密。

47、Probably somebody can say, truly clean-fingered person whenever can maintain moral integrity, although the apprentice of greedy by nature is ferial also can disregard sense of honor. ─── 或许有人会说,真正清廉之士无论何时都会保持节操,贪婪成性之徒即使平日也会不顾廉耻。

48、The clot in ferial classics is much Zhe Jiae art, 5 clever fat (bag) each 10 grams, with Yu of dispel of invigorate the circulation of blood; ─── 食欲不振者加焦三仙、鸡内金各10克,以开胃消食;

49、The person that choice holiday has long-distance travel and short distance effect swim prep above is ferial the person that goes travelling. ─── 选择假日进行长途旅游和短途效游的人都高于平日去旅游的人。

50、If again upgrade, it is ferial and god-given the Louie that sees 13, the grape of big champagne area occupies 85% above. ─── 假如再往上,就是平日难得一见的路易十三,大香槟区的葡萄占到85%以上。

51、Do you have in ferial heart deny this woman? ─── 你平日心中有否这个女人呢?”

52、Analysis: Although with ferial the concern that has a thing is not big, but having very close connection with smoke, wine however. ─── 分析:虽然与平日吃东西的关系不大,但是却与烟、酒有着很密切的联系。

53、God-given a royal western festival, it is ferial and conservative MM to also be willing to put on beautiful Christmas underwear to come add trouble to. ─── 难得一个盛大的西方节日,就算是平日保守的MM也愿意穿上漂亮的圣诞内衣来凑凑热闹。

54、Researcher returns discovery, the dream is much withMorpheussleep lightly closely related degree, private prosecution is ferial the person with much dream, MorpheusIn sleep lightly more easily. ─── 研究人员还发现,梦多与睡眠的惊醒程度密切相关,自诉平日梦多的人,睡眠中都比较易惊醒。

55、Because the breath with healthy normal skin was held back by the pink of ferial Li Houhou,this is, make its are in anoxic condition be caused by for a long time. ─── 这是因为平日里厚厚的粉底阻挡了健康皮肤正常的呼吸,使其长期处于缺氧状态所致。

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