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wormwood 发音

英:[?w??rmw?d]  美:[?w??mw?d]

英:  美:

wormwood 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 苦艾


wormwood 网络释义

n. [植] 苦艾;苦恼,苦恼的原因

wormwood 短语词组

1、satiny wormwood ─── 苦艾

2、wormwood sage ─── [网络] 蒿木鼠尾草

3、common wormwood un. ─── 洋艾 [网络] 苦艾

4、field wormwood ─── [网络] 田间蒿木

5、star wormwood ─── 星蒿

6、gall and wormwood ─── 令人憎恶的东西, 极苦恼的事

7、oil of wormwood ─── [化] 苦艾油

8、wormwood scrubs ─── 虫木林

9、wormwood oil ─── 苦艾油,洋艾油

10、sea wormwood ─── [网络] 海艾草

11、fresh wormwood ─── 新鲜艾草

12、Roman wormwood ─── [网络] 罗马艾草;罗马艾

13、little wormwood scrubs ─── 小艾草渣

14、sweet wormwood ─── 青蒿

15、beach wormwood ─── 蒌

16、as bitter as wormwood ─── 像苦艾一样苦,苦若苦胆

17、silvery wormwood ─── [网络] 银色蒿木

wormwood 相似词语短语

1、ivorywood ─── 象牙树

2、worm moon ─── 虫月

3、cordwood ─── n.薪材;堆积材;锯成4英尺长的木材;adj.积木式的

4、wormholed ─── adj.虫蚀的;多蛀孔的

5、wormroots ─── wormroots公司

6、porkwood ─── 波尔克伍德

7、wormroot ─── 虫根

8、corkwood ─── n.软木斛

9、torchwood ─── n.火炬木;脂檀

wormwood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、”Team Tianjin calls except Han Yan with Cao Yang's two goals, Louise is blown invalid shooting, Cao Yang and wormwood handsome Min Huan has a foot to hit separately the crossbeam shooting. ─── 天津队除了韩燕鸣和曹阳的两个进球,路易斯被吹无效的射门,曹阳和蒿俊闵还分别有一脚击中横梁的射门。

2、usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America: wormwood; sagebrush; mugwort; tarragon ─── 一个芳香灌木或草本属,通常产于北温带地区和南非及南美西部;苦艾;山艾树;艾属植物;龙蒿

3、usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America: wormwood; sagebrush; mugwort; tarragon. ─── 一个芳香灌木或草本属,通常产于北温带地区和南非及南美西部;苦艾;山艾树;艾属植物;龙蒿。

4、Whether it be the wormwood of woe, or the cloying surfeit of earthly delight, close fellowship with the Lord Jesus will take bitterness from the one, and satiety from the other. ─── 不论是忧伤的苦难或属世的纵欲,与主耶稣亲密相交可以除去苦涩和重压。

5、Keywords A wormwood;Is poisoned;The serious heart rate is abnormal;Clinical analysis; ─── 关键词一支蒿;中毒;严重心率失常;临床分析;

6、Families hung wormwood and calamus on the door for the traditional Double-Fifth Festival in ancient times. ─── 旧时的端午节,家家户户都会在门口挂艾草,插菖蒲。

7、Growth and Cd Accumulation Properties of Seleng Wormwood in Cd-Contaminated Sandy Soil ─── Cd污染下蒌蒿生长和Cd蓄积特性的研究

8、The experiment was conducted to grope for the feasibility of sievers wormwood (Artemisia sieversiana) silage, and the quality of feedstuff was discussed. ─── 摘要以大籽蒿为原料,尝试其调制青贮饲料的可行性,探讨大籽蒿作为青贮饲料利用的饲料品质。

9、Sievers wormwood could be used as a feedstuff after it was stored directly, and it belonged to the acetate type fermentation. ─── 大籽蒿在直接鲜贮的情况下,属于乙酸发酵类型的青贮饲料,可以作为饲料使用;

10、therefore thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, "behold, I will feed them, this people, with wormwood and give them poisoned water to drink. ─── 所以万军之耶和华以色列的神如此说,看哪,我必将茵??给这百姓吃,又将苦胆水给他们喝。

11、Diverse Wormwood Herb Could Be Used to Cure Burn ─── 刘寄奴可治烫伤

12、European wormwood similar to common wormwood in its properties ─── 欧洲的一种洋艾,特征类似一般的洋艾

13、In the 1970s, TCM tipped off researchers to qinghaosu, a compound in sweet wormwood whose derivatives are potent antimalaria drugs. ─── 在1970年代,在中药的启发下研究人员从青蒿中发现了青蒿素做为抗疟疾的良药。

14、With in Team Shandong's competition, the Team Tianjin right half back wormwood pities handsome after Tan Wangsong is punished the fate, appeared in the team right back soccer position. ─── 左树声首先对今天的比赛进行了点评,他说:“本场比赛进行得非常紧张激烈。山东队是一支在争冠集团中排名领先的球队,是非常有实力的。

15、a dark bitter oil obtained obtained from wormwood leaves; flavors absinthe liqueurs. ─── 从苦艾叶中获取的黑色苦味的油,给苦艾酒加味。

16、Might there not be an irresistible desire to quaff a last, long, breathless draught of the cup of wormwood and aloes, with which nearly all her years of womanhood had been perpetually flavoured? ─── 既然自从她成为妇人以来的多年中,几乎始终品尝着苦艾和芦荟,难道这时就不会有一种难以逼止的欲望要最后一次屏住气吸上一大杯这种苦剂吗?

17、Causes the seasonal allergic symptom in Fuzhou the primary cause is one kind is called “the wormwood grass” the pollen, next is the ragweed pollen, possibly is the very fierce allergic source. ─── 在福州导致季节性过敏症状的主要原因是一种叫“蒿草”的花粉,其次为豚草花粉,都可能是很厉害的过敏源。

18、I find that the argy wormwood planned to work out a book , but the plot of book is the simplest ─── 我发现艾得已经有计划要出一本书,但是那本书的情节极其简单。

19、However, it has been pointed out that wormwood and calamus contain volatile oil, which can be used to kill insects and avoided diseases. ─── 不过也有人指出,其实艾和菖蒲一类植物中大多含有芳香油,可以杀虫防病。

20、During the festival,people hold dragon boat contest,eat zongzi,dring realgar wine and hang argy wormwood on the front door to drive out evil spirits. ─── 在节日期间,人们举行龙舟竞赛、吃粽子、喝雄黄酒和在前门挂艾草来驱鬼降魔。

21、Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall. ─── 记念我如茵?? 和苦胆的困苦窘迫。

22、gall and wormwood ─── n. 极不愉快的事(最讨厌的东西)

23、TLC identification of prepared kusnezoff aconite root and dried argyi wormwood leaf was reported for the first time.Conclusion:This method can be used as the quality control method of this ... ─── 其中制川乌、制草乌、艾叶的薄层鉴别未见报道。

24、Tell me what would I get if I added pound of root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? ─── 我若把水仙根粉加入艾草浸液里会产生什么样的效果?

25、Zain. Remember my poverty, and transgression, the wormwood, and the gall. ─── 我回忆着我的困厄和痛苦,尽是茹苦含辛!

26、He has filled me with bitterness, He has made me drunk with wormwood. ─── 哀3:15他用苦楚充满我、我饱用茵蔯。

27、modified oriental wormwood decoction ─── 加味茵陈汤

28、He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me drunken with wormwood. ─── 他用苦楚充满我,使我饱用茵陈。

29、"Potter!" said Snape suddenly. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" ─── “波特!”斯内普突然说,“如果我把水仙根粉加入艾草浸液会得到什么?”

30、I mean, you didn't think all those Snape fans were really just interested in discussing the curative properties of wormwood, did you? ─── 我是说,你不会认为所有那些斯内普迷们真的只对讨论苦艾的药用价值感兴趣吧,是吗?

31、” Prince Andrey wondered, with an utterly new, wistful feeling, looking at the grass, at the wormwood and at the thread of smoke coiling from the rotating top. ─── 安德烈公爵一面想,一面用完全新的、羡慕的眼光看青草、苦艾,看那从旋转着的黑球冒出的一缕袅袅上升的青烟。

32、Japanese wormwood ─── n. 牡蒿

33、Method: Is poisoned to a wormwood sends the heart rate abnormal patient to carry on the prompt anti-heart rate abnormal treatment. ─── 方法:对一支蒿中毒致心率失常患者进行及时的抗心率失常治疗。

34、little wormwood ─── 小蒿草草甸

35、The diversity of Hemiptera insect community in wormwood clumps in Huoditang Forest Farm Qinling Mountains has been studied. ─── 对秦岭南坡火地塘林区蒿草丛的半翅目昆虫群落的多样性进行了分析。

36、wormwood of southeastern Europe to Iran. ─── 欧洲东南部至伊朗的一种蒿草。

37、Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, constant sunscreen factor, UV filtering agent, dahurian rhododendron, wild wormwood, natural moisturizing factor etc. ─── 成份:清纯橄榄精油、效防晒因子、外线过滤剂、山红、艾、然保湿因子等。

38、Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the earth, ─── 你们这使公平变为茵?,将公义丢弃于地的

39、"Potter! " said Snape suddenly. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? " ─── “波特!”斯内普突然说,“如果我把水仙根粉加入艾草浸液会得到什么?”

40、Study on Making Sievers Wormwood Silage ─── 大籽蒿青贮方法的初步研究

41、Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink. ─── 所以万军之耶和华以色列的神如此说,看哪,我必将茵??给这百姓吃,又将苦胆水给他们喝。

42、Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land. ─── 所以万军之耶和华论到先知如此说:我必将茵蔯给他们吃,又将苦胆水给他们喝;因为亵渎的事出于耶路撒冷的先知,流行遍地。

43、In the valleys of central China, a fernlike weed called sweet wormwood grows in fields formerly dedicated to corn. ─── 中国中部的山谷,一种名为香苦蒿、貌似羊齿植物的草丛生长在昔日的玉米田间。

44、“the wormwood pities is we this time recent discovery handsome, he attacks player's intention judgment regarding Shandong very, after effective atonement Tan Wangsong fate crack. ─── “蒿俊闵是我们这次的新发现,他对于山东进攻球员的意图判断的非常准,有效的弥补了谭望嵩下场后的漏洞。”

45、1. usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America: wormwood; sagebrush; mugwort; tarragon. ─── 一个芳香灌木或草本属,通常产于北温带地区和南非及南美西部;苦艾;山艾树;艾属植物;龙蒿。收藏指正

46、The Tianjin Taida needs “to mix the cards” in 10 people, Cao Yang, Ma Jiqi, Tan Wangsong, Mao Biao, late Rong Liang, Zhang Shuo, Han Yanming carries 3 yellow cards, but Ladue, the wormwood pities, Mr. ─── 天津泰达需要“洗牌”10人中,曹阳、马季奇、谭望嵩,毛彪、迟荣亮、张烁、韩燕铭身背3张黄牌,而拉杜、蒿俊闵、杨君都2次染黄,这10人几乎就是天津泰达的主力阵容。

47、Your words must be gall and wormwood to him. ─── 你的话在他听来一定逆耳。

48、Analysis On 22 Cases of Post-Surgery Unextinctive Jaundice Treated Dialectically by Traditional Chinese Medicine Mainly with Virgate Wormwood Herb, Rhubarb and Densefruit Pittany Root-bark ─── 中药治疗外科术后黄疸不退22例疗效分析

49、The external band of the product is made of white sterile cotton cloth and mercerized lint.The core of the medicine contains many Chinese medicines as bezoar, coptis, oriental wormwood, malt etc. ─── 产品外带由白色无菌棉布及丝光绒制作而成,药芯内含有牛黄、黄连、茵陈、麦芽等中药成份。

50、oil of wormwood ─── [化] 苦艾油

51、"mind like wormwood" ─── “蓬之心”

52、A wormwood ─── 一支蒿

53、similar to absinthe but containing no wormwood. ─── 与苦艾酒相似但是不包含苦艾的酒。

54、a dark bitter oil obtained obtained from wormwood leaves ─── 从苦艾叶中获取的黑色苦味的油

55、Neil was convicted of fraud and is serving time in Wormwood Scrubs. ─── 尼尔被判有欺诈罪,现在温华华德·斯克监狱服刑。

56、But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. ─── 却苦似茵?,快如两刃的刀。

57、Beside a bush of gray wormwood, the footprints of an animal were clearly visible . ─── 一丛灰白色的苦艾旁,沙地上留有一行清晰的野兽走过的痕迹。

58、Mr.Potter.Our new celebrity.What would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? ─── 波特先生,我们这儿的新名人,我若把水仙球粉根倒入苦艾汁,会产生什么样的效果?

59、European wormwood similar to common wormwood in its properties. ─── 欧洲的一种洋艾,特征类似一般的洋艾。

60、Might there not be an irresistible desire to quaff a last, long, breathless draught of the cup of wormwood and aloes, with which nearly all her years of womanhood had been perpetually flavoured. ─── 既然自从她成为妇人以来的多年中,几乎始终品尝着苦艾和芦荟,难道这时就不会有一种难以逼止的欲望要最后一次屏住气吸上一大杯这种苦剂吗?

61、Top notes are salt, tangerine blossom and wormwood; middle notes are hibiscus, orchid and lotus; base notes are amber, cedar and musk. ─── 在台湾虽然这个品牌没落了,但还是让大家知道国外目前的新香资讯。为什麽...我觉得他长得像"苹果"

62、Remember my affliction and my wandering, the wormwood and bitterness. ─── 哀3:19耶和华阿、你记念我如茵蔯和苦胆的困苦窘迫。

63、15 Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink. ─── 15所以万军之耶和华以色列的神如此说、看哪、我必将茵蔯给这百姓吃、又将苦胆水给他们喝。

64、He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me drunken with wormwood. ─── 他用苦楚充满我,使我饱用茵。

65、Yang had just been sent back to his former post, Chief of the Building Material Bureau. At the moment, he was walking with Secretary Li, hunting along the lake where wormwood grew abundantly among scattered weeds. ─── 官复原职的N省建材局杨局长和李秘书,走在蒿草丛生、芦荻疏落的湖边。

66、19 Zain.Remember my poverty, and transgression, the wormwood, and the gall. ─── 我回忆著我的困厄和痛苦,尽是茹苦含辛!

67、willowleaf wormwood ─── n. 柳叶蒿

68、According to the test findings, common allergens were late spring pollen, wormwood pollen, early spring pollen, and summer-autumm pollen in turn. ─── 变应原皮试结果常见变应原依次为晚春花粉、蒿属花粉、早春花粉、夏秋花粉。

69、He hath filled me with bitterness , he hath made me drunken with wormwood. ─── 他用苦楚充满我,使我饱用茵陈。

70、Harsh conditions and long working hours were gall and wormwood to early trade unionists. ─── 恶劣的条件和漫长的工作时间是早期工会工作者苦恼的原因。

71、European wormwood; minor source of absinthe. ─── 欧洲的一种蒿草;是苦艾酒的次要来源。

72、He has filled me with bitterness; He has made me drunk with wormwood. ─── 15?使苦楚充满我,使我喝足茵?。

73、virgate wormwood ─── n. 猪毛蒿

74、It is isolated from the leaves and flowers of Artemisia annual. (Compositae), commonly known as the sweet wormwood, a cousin of tarragon. ─── 它是一种从青蒿属植物中分离出来的药物。青蒿属植物亦属于菊科,人们通常就把它称之为青蒿,是龙蒿的同类。

75、I have summoned you here to witness it, because I know it will be gall and wormwood to you! ─── 我叫你来这里亲自看看,因为我知道这对你来说是极不愉快的事。

76、sievers wormwood ─── n. 大籽蒿

77、One of the most south in New Zealand wormwood, the most northern wei khaki resort is located in Finland NiMi luo. ─── 其中最南位于纽西兰茵薇卡其尔,最北位于芬兰旅游胜地罗凡尼米。

78、or cut off the flowers of wormwood growing in the rut, and crushing them in his hands, sniffed at the bitter-sweet, pungent odour. ─── 有时采几朵长在田垄上的苦艾花,放在手掌上揉碎,然后闻那股强烈的甘苦香味。

79、Do horses run on rocks? Or does one plow them with oxen? Yet you have turned justice into poison And the fruit of righteousness into wormwood, ─── 摩6:12马岂能在崖石上奔跑.人岂能在那里用牛耕种呢。你们却使公平变为苦胆、使公义的果子变为茵蔯。

80、Can cure the argy wormwood color fabric of dermatitis; ─── 可医治皮炎的艾蒿色织物;

81、We bought some beach wormwood to drive away mosquitoes. ─── 夏天我们买了些蒌蒿来驱蚊。

82、The star is called Wormwood, and a third of the waters was turned into wormwood and many people died because of the water which had turned bitter. ─── 于是水的三分之一变成苦的,许多人因水变苦了而死去。

83、Growth Speciality of shot clonal Wormwood on different Regression "Black Earth Sands" ─── 不同退化程度"黑土滩"矮嵩草无性系的生长特性

84、Today she still has great vitality, in Deqing us every day, every household on the door will hang calamus, wormwood, is said to be evil spirits misfortunes. ─── 今天她仍然有着强大的生命力,在我们德清,每到这一天,家家户户的门上,都会挂上菖蒲、艾草,据说可以辟邪消灾。

85、saltliving wormwood leaf ─── 沙漠嘎

86、anomalous wormwood ─── 刘寄奴

87、shortlobed wormwood herb ─── 岩蒿

88、(as) bitter as wormwood ─── 像胆汁那么苦

89、Russian wormwood ─── n. 僧蒿

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