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08-17 投稿


mitis 发音

英:  美:

mitis 中文意思翻译



mitis 短语词组

1、prurigo mitis ─── [医] 轻痒疹

2、mitis moments ─── 瞬间的神话

3、nephritis mitis ─── [医] 肾变病

4、Citrus mitis ─── 柑桔性乳腺炎

5、mitis salivarius ─── 唾液腺炎

6、liquor naphazolinae hydrochloridi mitis ─── [医] 稀盐酸萘唑啉溶液

7、Leptospira mitis ─── [医] 轻型钩端螺旋体

8、liquor iodi mitis ─── [医] 稀碘溶液, 稀碘酊

9、mitis is ─── 米蒂斯是

10、pasta resorcinolis mitis ─── [医] 弱间苯二酚糊

11、Amoeba coli mitis ─── [医] 非病原性结肠阿米巴

12、moments mitis ─── 神话般的时刻

13、Staphylococcus mitis ─── [医] 缓和葡萄球菌

14、equinia mitis ─── [医] 轻型马鼻疽

15、mania mitis ─── [医] 轻躁狂

16、Mitis green ─── 它是绿色的

17、catatonia mitis ─── [医] 轻性紧张症

18、Streptococcus mitis ─── [医] 轻型链球菌

19、Bacillus mitis ─── [医] 和缓杆菌

mitis 相似词语短语

1、mites ─── n.螨虫类(mite的复数)

2、mihis ─── 五月

3、metis ─── adj.混血儿的;n.混血儿

4、mitts ─── n.连指手套(mitt的复数形式);n.(Mitts)人名;(英、芬)米茨

5、motis ─── 原因

6、minis ─── n.迷你裙(mini的复数);微型计算机

7、-itis ─── abbr.互动电视资讯系统(InteractiveTVInformationSystem)

8、midis ─── abbr.多功能综合防护系统

9、métis ─── n.白种人和印第安人的混血儿

mitis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Attended the Dinner with YB. Datuk Mah Siew Keong, Deputy Minister of MITI. ─── 会长暨商联会副总会长卢成全出席与我国国际贸易及工业部副部长YB.拿督马袖强交流晚宴。

2、Yoshida founded the Ministry for International Trade and Industry, MITI, whose bureaucrats were famously powerful. ─── 鸠山创立了国际贸易工业部,MITI,其下官僚势力极为严重。

3、Cuspidaria mitis ─── n. 温和杓蛤

4、Pathogenicity and Immunogenicity a New Isolated Strain of E. Mitis ─── 一株和缓艾美耳球虫的致病性和免疫原性

5、dermolysis bullosa mitis ─── 轻型大疱性皮肤松解

6、mitis (Pursh) Peterm. ─── 无 芒 稗 var.

7、Shenzhen Miti Export & Import Trading Co., Ltd. ─── 位于广东 深圳市罗湖区,主营 家具、家具 等。

8、modified MITI( Ⅰ ) test ─── 改进的MITI(Ⅰ)试验

9、In 1963, before legislation could be passed that would give MITI the power to enforce its directives, Honda rushed a mini-truck and a 500-cc sports car into production. ─── 在1963年之前,可以通过立法,使产业的权力,强制执行其指示,本田送往一个小型卡车和500抄送跑车投入生产.

10、Under the leadership of Prime Minister Ikeda, former minister of MITI, the Japanese government undertook an ambitious "income-doubling plan. ─── 在首相池田的领导下,日本政府进行了一项雄心勃勃的“收入倍增计划。”

11、equinia mitis ─── [医] 轻型马鼻疽

12、mitis nephritis ─── 肾变病

13、Choline ;N-Acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine Amidase ;Streptococcus mitis ; ─── 胆碱 ;

14、MITI,Manufacturer of Wheel Locks, Parks and Recreation Equipment, Automated Fee Collection systems, and Portable Decontamination Equipment. ─── MITI是轮锁,停车场和娱乐设备,自动收费系统以及便携式净化装备的生产商。

15、Government bureaucrats within MITI intended to block Honda from joining the ten enterprises already slicing up the local car and light-truck pie. ─── 政府官员在贸工部打算阻止本田加入的10个企业已切片本地车和轻型卡车的馅饼。

16、Weaver WD, Cerqueira M, Hallstrom AP, et al. Prehospital-initiated VS hospital-initiated thrombolytic therapy. The myocardial infarction and triape(MITI) trial. JAMA 1993, 270:1211 ─── 高润霖.急性心肌梗塞溶栓治疗的新进展.中华内科杂志,1999,27(11):847

17、unguentum hydrargyri chloridi mitis ─── 氯化亚汞软膏, 甘汞软膏

18、mitis metal ─── 可锻铁

19、Bacillus mitis ─── [医] 和缓杆菌

20、Conclusion We can improve Teachers professional self-conception for the effective miti... ─── 结论可以通过提高教师职业自我概念以有效地缓解中学教师的职业倦怠程度。

21、Objective To study the effects of four kinds of mineral dusts from different place in our country on the Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus epidermidis and Streptococcus mitis. ─── 目的观察4种矿物粉尘对人体大肠埃希菌、表皮葡萄球菌、缓症链球菌等3种正常细菌的影响。

22、Here, the initial frustration came not from technical or marketing challenges but rather from the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). ─── 在这里,最初的挫折是不是从技术或市场营销的挑战,而是来自日本国际贸易和工业(贸工部)。

23、Objective In order to isolate and purify an exotoxin of Streptococcus mitis which can cause toxic shock syndrome and investigate its pathogenicity. ─── 目的分离与纯化致中毒性休克综合征缓症链球菌外毒素蛋白,并对其致病性进行初步研究。

24、The effect is amplified, MITI argues, because 35% of American exports to Japan are industrial commodities, which are highly sensitive to the business cycle. ─── 日本通商产业省提出这一结果扩大是因为35%的美国出口到日本的产品是工业产品,世界对于这些产品是相当敏感的。

25、Keywords 16S rRNA gene;pulsed field gel electrophoresis;streptococcus mitis; ─── 16S核糖体RNA基因;脉冲场凝胶电泳;缓症链球菌;

26、Assay on Exotoxin in the Serums of 16 Patients with Streptococcus Mitis Toxic Shock Syndrome ─── 16份缓症链球菌中毒性休克综合征患者血清中外毒素蛋白的测定

27、A study on the pathogenesis of Streptococcus mitis exotoxin ─── 缓症链球菌外毒素的致病性研究

28、mitis green ─── 宝石翠绿

29、tinctura iodi mitis ─── 淡碘酊

30、prurigo mitis ─── 轻痒疹

31、recessive epidermolysis bullosa atrophicans generalisata mitis ─── 轻型隐性全身性萎缩性大疱表皮松解

32、Keywords simulated nitrogen deposition;Oryza sativa L.;Echinochloa crusgalli var. mitis L.;competition; ─── 关键词模拟氮沉降;陆稻;稗草;竞争;

33、Streptococcus mitis ─── [医] 轻型链球菌

34、nephritis mitis ─── [医] 肾变病

35、Epilogbophora mitis ─── n. 文后叶尺蛾

36、Built Specifically for the demanding needs of the "Parks and Recreational Industry" by MITI Manufacturing, Co., Inc. ─── 按照“停车场和娱乐产业”的严格需要生产而成。

37、catatonia mitis ─── [医] 轻性紧张症

38、pasta resorcinolis mitis ─── [医] 弱间苯二酚糊

39、Assay on Exotoxin in the Serums of 16 Patients with Streptococcus Mitis Toxic Shock Syndrome ─── 16份缓症链球菌中毒性休克综合征患者血清中外毒素蛋白的测定

40、mitis Staphylococcus ─── 缓和葡萄球菌

41、we still lack sevel documents required for our application to MITI. ─── 我们仍然缺少一些给MITI的申请书所必需的文件。

42、mitis casting ─── 可锻铁铸造

43、Amphipsylla primaris mitis ─── n. 原双蚤田野亚种

44、liquor naphazolinae hydrochloridi mitis ─── 稀盐酸萘唑啉溶液

45、Staphylococcus mitis ─── [医] 缓和葡萄球菌

46、Cercopithecus mitis ─── n. 青猴

47、Var. mitis ─── 轻型

48、Amoeba coli mitis ─── [医] 非病原性结肠阿米巴

49、caryota mitis ─── 短穗鱼尾葵

50、Eimeria mitis ─── 和缓艾美球虫

51、Objective in order to isolate and purify an exotoxin of Streptococcus mitis which can cause toxic shock syndrome and investigate its pathogenicity. ─── 目的分离与纯化致中毒性休克综合征缓症链球菌外毒素蛋白,并对其致病性进行初步研究。

52、Leptospira mitis ─── [医] 轻型钩端螺旋体

53、Carvota mitis pollen ─── 短穗鱼尾葵花粉

54、Citrus mitis ─── 四季桔

55、Paranticopsis macareus mitis ─── n. 纹凤蝶海南亚种

56、According to Jayagowri Pindaya, MITI always provides wide range of assistance to local entrepreneurs to enhance their competitiveness in the regional or even global market. ─── 大马国际贸工部是促进本地工商业发展的政府机构。

57、Pidonia mitis ─── n. 宽纹驼花天牛

58、Japan's MITI forecast the end of last month, the third quarter of Japan's crude steel production is expected to achieve 14.3% growth in chain. ─── 日本经产省上月底预测,第三季度日本粗钢产量有望实现环比增长14.3%。

59、liquor iodi mitis ─── [医] 稀碘溶液, 稀碘酊

60、Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv. var. mitis ─── 无芒稗

61、Laboratory Study on the Protein Characterization of Streptococcus mitis Pyrogenic Exotoxin ─── 缓症链球菌致热性外毒素蛋白的生化性质

62、Echinochloa crus-galli var. mitis ─── 稗草

63、Eimeria mitis: Selection and Characteristics of a Precocious Line ─── 和缓艾美耳球虫早熟系选育及其生物学特性研究

64、The big obstacle was the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), whose leaders felt that their policies had made Japan a great power and saw no reason to change. ─── 主要的障碍来自通产省,其领袖们觉得现有的政策使日本变成了强国,他们看不出有什么理由要改变这些政策。

65、Eimeria mitis: Selection and Characteristics of a Precocious Line ─── 和缓艾美耳球虫早熟系选育及其生物学特性研究

66、Assessment on the possibility of gene flow between transgenic herbicide-resistant rice and Echinochloa crusgalli var. Mitis from the pollen vitality of E. Crusgalli var. Mitis ─── 从无芒稗花粉活力评价其与转基因抗除草剂水稻基因漂移的可能性

67、mania mitis ─── [医] 轻躁狂

68、A study on the pathogenesis of Streptococcus mitis exotoxin ─── 缓症链球菌外毒素的致病性研究

69、The Toeic was developed by ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States following a request from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry (MITI). ─── 由于托业考试能够对人们使用英语进行交流的能力做出公正客观的测量,所以迅速成为评估商业英语能力的标准。

70、Miti Hungarian News Agency (MTI) reported that the world's largest professional electronics manufacturing (EMS) Hon Hai announced the plant's two Hungarian workshop will lay off 1,500 people. ─── 匈牙利米蒂新闻社(MTI)报导,全球最大电子专业代工(EMS)厂鸿海宣布旗下匈牙利两个车间将裁员1,500人。

71、Keywords streptococcus mitis;toxic shock syndrome;exotoxin; ─── 缓症链球菌;中毒性休克综合征;外毒素;

72、strainer; filter tap flush valve by-pass valve cock; plug cock pipe fitting mitis iron fittings elbow Tee cross relative elevation; relative ─── 过滤器水嘴、龙头冲洗阀旁通阀旋塞管件马铁配件弯头三通四通

73、MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry ─── 国际贸易及工业部

74、Yushania mitis ─── n. 泡滑竹

75、Laboratory Study on the Protein Characterization of Streptococcus mitis Pyrogenic Exotoxin ─── 缓症链球菌致热性外毒素蛋白的生化性质


平和弓背蚁(Camponotus mitis)是蚁科、弓背蚁属的一种蚂蚁。分布于中国南方;印度等地。工蚁体长7.8mm-11.2mm,蚁后体长约14mm。大型工蚁与拟光腹弓背蚁相似,但头较宽;触角柄节较短,柄节比小于110;前胸背板较宽,与头宽比大于60。中小型工蚁体色较浅;毛被稀疏;头较小;触角柄节1/2长超过后头缘。其余似大型工蚁。


鸡球虫病病原为原虫中的艾美耳科艾美耳属的球虫。 世界各国已经记载的鸡球虫种类共有13种之多,我国已发现9个种。 不同种的球虫,在鸡肠道内寄生部位不一样,其致病力也不相同。柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimeria tenella)寄生于盲肠,致病力最强;毒害艾美耳球虫(E.necatrix)寄生于小肠中三分之一段,致病力强;巨型艾美耳球虫(E.maxima)寄生于小肠,以中段为主,有一定的致病作用;堆型艾美耳球虫(E.acervulina)寄生于十二指肠及小肠前段,有一定的致病作用,严重感染时引起肠壁增厚和肠道出血等病变;和缓艾美耳球虫(E.mitis)、哈氏艾美耳球虫(E.hagani)寄生在小肠前段,致病力较低,可能引起肠粘膜的卡他性炎症;早熟艾美耳球虫(E.praecox)寄生在小肠前三分之一段,致病力低,一般无肉眼可见的病变。布氏艾美耳球虫(E.brunetti)寄生于小肠后段,盲肠根部,有一定的致病力,能引起肠道点状出血和卡他性炎症;变位艾美耳球虫(E.mivati)寄生于小肠、直肠和盲肠,有一定的致病力,轻度感染时肠道的浆膜和粘膜上出现单个的、包含卵囊的斑块,严重感染时可出现散在的或集中的斑点。

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