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08-17 投稿


enormously 发音

英:[?'n??m?sl?]  美:[?'n?rm?sli]

英:  美:

enormously 中文意思翻译



enormously 网络释义

adv. 巨大地,庞大地;非常地,在极大程度上

enormously 短语词组

1、enormously crossword clue ─── 巨大的纵横字谜线索

2、enormously wide ─── 非常宽

3、enormously happy ─── 非常高兴

4、enormously synonym ─── 极大的同义词

5、enormously crossword ─── 巨大的纵横字谜

6、enormously fat ─── 巨大的脂肪

7、enormously def ─── 极大地定义

enormously 反义词

small | tiny | little | diminutive

enormously 同义词

prodigious | gigantic | jumbo | huge | great | titanic | monumental | expansive | monster | mammoth | gargantuan | large | colossal | oceanic | tremendous | big | bulky | giant | stupendous |immense | massive | vast

enormously 词性/词形变化,enormously变形

副词: enormously |名词: enor-mousness |

enormously 相似词语短语

1、decorously ─── adv.有礼貌地;高雅地

2、eponymously ─── 同名

3、censoriously ─── adv.吹毛求疵地,好批评地

4、venomously ─── adv.充满恶意地;狠毒地,恶毒地

5、penuriously ─── 穷困潦倒

6、anonymously ─── adv.不具名地;化名地

7、canorously ─── 独木舟

8、amorously ─── adv.好色地;妖艳地

9、enormous ─── adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的

enormously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The soil environment and the microbial communities inhabiting the soil are enormously complex. ─── 土壤环境和生长在土壤里的微生物群落是十分复杂的。

2、Bifidobacteria is one of the generally used probiotics.But application of bifidobacteria is enormously restricted for its anaerobian characteristics. ─── 双歧杆菌是最常用的益生菌之一,但由于其严格厌氧的生长特性,极大地限制了双歧杆菌在生产实际中的应用。

3、Society had prospered enormously since the war, and this was proof of the virtue of the system, right? ─── 二战后,社会的极大的繁荣是这个金融系统优越性最好的证明?

4、The success of Columbus stimulated overseas enterprise enormously. ─── 哥伦布的成功极大地鼓舞了去海外冒险的精神。

5、They, as well as the enormously fascinated public outside viewed him as a trapped animal. ─── 他们跟外面那些着了魔的广大人群一样,认为他正象一只被围住的野兽。

6、It can be argued that computer communications have simply speeded up the whole process of change enormously. ─── 可以说,计算机通信无疑已加速了整个变化的过程。

7、By contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously. ─── 对比之下,我们对石油的使用已经有了巨大的增长。

8、The initiates were enormously happy with this news, but the authorities thought it unwise to drive at night as the road was still dangerous. ─── 同修听到这个消息都非常高兴。不过,政府当局认为在路况依然险恶的情况下,贸然在夜间行驶是不智之举。

9、His English improved enormously because of his associationwith British people. ─── 因为他和英国人有来往,所以他的英语突飞猛进。

10、Explain that living with her has been a financial lifesaver and you are enormously grateful. ─── 向她解释与她住在一起是因为经济困难并且你非常感谢她。

11、Putin, 55, is enormously popular in Russia, presiding over a resurgent economy flush with revenue from oil and natural gas. ─── 55岁的普京总统在俄罗斯深受爱戴,在他的领导下,以石油和天然气为支柱的俄罗斯经济走上了全面复苏的道路。

12、But individual sweat patterns still vary enormously. ─── 不过,每个人的流汗模式大不同。

13、His English improved enormously because of his association with British people. ─── 因和英国人联系频繁,他的英语突飞猛进。

14、Her virginity was an enormously important aspect. ─── 她的童贞,是一个极其重要的方面。

15、The problem in 2010 will be that even as the financial crisis fades, the world economy will remain enormously reliant on government support. ─── 2010年所面临的问题在于,即使在金融危机消退的情况下,世界经济仍将极大地依靠政府支持。

16、Everyone seemed enormously cheerful. ─── 似乎人人都非常快活。

17、Male guppies from the same stream come in different colors, and with enormously different patterns of spots. ─── 同一群雄性孔雀鱼的鱼鳞呈现不同的颜色,甚至连身上的花斑也绝不雷同。

18、This book was enormously influential. ─── 这本书影响极大。

19、I think that is enormously important, the pressure on this has got to come on governments from people, not merely on governments from their own internal mechanisms. ─── 压力需要来源于一个民众支持的政府,而不只是政府机构本身,这一点极为重要。

20、Whether or not you accept those statistics, there can be no doubt that Flash is an enormously important platform. ─── 无论你是否接受这些统计数据,Flash无疑都是一个庞大的重要平台。

21、The acquirement of desirable but non-essential commodities must have increased his scope enormously while the risk of complete disaster lessened. ─── 他们得到了渴望得到的但并非必需的物品后,必然使他们的机会大增,而彻底失败的风险则减少了。

22、The furore she was causing among the men, coupled with the heart-burnings of the other girls, would have pleased her enormously at any other time. ─── 她在男人里面造成的狂热,女人里面造成的妒忌,若在旁的时候,已经大可使她心满意足了。

23、Over the years, the United States has benefited enormously from its ability to attract the most creative scientific minds from around the globe. ─── 在过去几年,美国已经从其吸引全球各地最具创造力科学思想的能力中获得了巨大利益。

24、The city has changed enormously. ─── 城市发生了巨大变化。

25、If the quality of your products has not been improved enormously,I don't think they will be competitive in the market. ─── 如果你们的产品质量没有实质性的提高,我认为你们在市场上不会有什么竞争力。

26、Because all land in these areas belonged to the Dutch East India Company, the Dutch were able to profit enormously from collecting heavy rents from the Chinese tenants. ─── 因为这些土地都数于荷兰东印度公司,荷兰人得以从高价租金赚取大额利润。

27、Sie ist geduldig, friedlich, unideologisch, fast wahllos - und in den letzten Jahren enorm erfolgreich. ─── 它有耐心,和平,没有意识形态的区分,几乎不加选择的,是以在近些年取得了巨大的成就。

28、In our efforts, we will be aided enormously by the managers who have joined Berkshire. ─── 在我们的努力之下,加入伯克希尔的经理人们给予了我们极大的帮助。

29、For companies wanting to chop out middle-management dead wood or sack factory workers, costs can vary enormously across the world. ─── 对于那些计划遣散中层管理人员冗余或工厂工人的公司来说,在不同国家的遣散费相差很大。

30、He helped me enormously with advice on how to do ideological work. ─── 他告诉我怎样做思想工作,对我有很大帮助。

31、Colours in the sky can vary enormously when cloud is thinner, and the sky can often be very striking with thin or broken cloud. ─── 不同的云层厚度或小的差距云彩也可以帮助引进彩色天空,蓝色天窗和黄色的阳光反射到地面的云。

32、An Sai the happy - rice Tull's underproduction measure will affect enormously is divided the contractor. ─── 安赛乐-米塔尔的减产措施将极大地影响分包商。

33、The enormously popular and completely debauched party seems to have gotten too big for its own good. ─── 这个极受欢迎的彻底放纵的晚会看来已经壮大到了危害自身的地步了。

34、But I was enormously relieved upon examining "Tiny Two" to find he was absolutely,perfectly,wonderfully normal and healthy. ─── 不过在检查完“蒂尼二号”之后,我长出了一口气,这只小猫绝对的、相当的、非常的正常和健康。

35、Her sense of humor appealed to him enormously. ─── 她的幽默把他强烈吸引住了。

36、Ibrahim is 59, strong looking, enormously energetic and accomplished. ─── 伊卜拉希姆59岁,健壮的样子,精力极其充沛且富有才华。

37、We’ll never stop working,” Aylmer announced with the evident pride and confidence of the general manager of a top hotel that impresses us enormously. ─── 从他的言语中,我们可以很深刻的感受到作为顶级品牌酒店总经理的那一份自信与自豪。

38、she was causing among the men, coupled with the heart-burnings of the other girls, would have pleased her enormously at any other time. ─── 她在男人里面造成的狂热,女人里面造成的妒忌,若在旁的时候,已经大可使她心满意足了。

39、During the fifteenth century the Greek works reached Europe in enormously great numbers. ─── 在十五世纪,希腊的著作大量进入了欧洲。

40、The truth is that biology teaches us an enormously important lesson when it demonstrates our similarity to other animals. ─── 实际上生物学给人类上了很重要的一课,那就是我们和其它动物很相似。

41、The typhoon damaged the village enormously. ─── 台风对城镇的破坏是巨大的。

42、Children may form part of the picture too, and add enormously to the fun. ─── 孩子会成为这幅蓝图中的一员也会给你们带去更多的乐趣。

43、To be sure, the wealthy benefited enormously: the real incomes of the top .01 percent of Americans rose sevenfold between 1980 and 2007. ─── 准确地说,富人得到了巨大的实惠:从1980年到2007年,0.1%富人的实际收入增加了七倍。

44、But I was enormously relieved upon examining "Tiny Two" to find he was absolutely, perfectly, wonderfully normal and healthy. ─── 不过在检查完“蒂尼二号”之后我长出了一口气,这只小猫绝对的、相当的、非常的正常和健康。

45、Her work have contribute enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject. ─── 她的著作极有助於我们对这个困难问题的了解。

46、In order to see more clearly how this occurs, let us imagine a community in which the facts are enormously simplified arithmetically. ─── 为了更清楚地了解这种伤害是如何发生的,让我们设计一个极为简化的假想社会。

47、This cosmology of Aristotle's, together with the associated laws of motion, was enormously appealing. ─── 亚里士多德的宇宙论以及相关的运动法则极富吸引力。

48、Her work has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject. ─── 她的著作极有助于我们对这个困难问题的了解。

49、An enormously powerful fleet was concentrated at Pearl Harbour. ─── 一支极其强大的舰队集结在珍珠港。

50、The animals suffered enormously while they were being murdered, but at least, in those days, they were raised pretty humanely. ─── 动物们被屠杀的时候,都遭受了巨大的痛苦。但是至少,在那个年代,它们可以被相当人道地饲养。

51、Such are the information we get from Jane Wang, who impressed us enormously with her happy nature and self-assuredness deep rooted in her heart. ─── 并且在出门前一定要好好地照照镜子,只有确认了自己的打扮是整洁的才能出门,这也是对他人的一种尊重。”

52、An enormously powerful fleet was concentrated at the entrance to the harbour. ─── 一支非常强大的舰队集结在海湾的入口处。

53、Barrier lakes made formed by earthquake threaten the lower reaches enormously. ─── 地震形成的堰塞湖,对下游威胁极大。

54、It would be enormously convenient to have a single,generally accepted index of the economic and social welfare of the people of the United States. ─── 如果有一个单一的、普遍接受的指标,用以衡量美国人的经济和社会福利,那将是极其方便的。

55、Babbitt was enormously shy and proud and self-conscious. ─── 巴比特感到十分惭愧、自豪、局促不安。

56、Strict liability is imposed regardless of fault on those who engage in certain activities. This area of tort law has grown enormously in importance during the part twenty years. ─── 严格责任不考虑过错,适用于从事某些活动的人,侵权法中这一领域的重要性在过去20年中有了巨大的增长。

57、You could benefit from reading psychology or self-help books that interest you, and therapy would be enormously helpful. ─── 读一些心理学或引起你兴趣的自我帮助的书籍可能让你收益;治疗的帮助极大。

58、What you say helps enormously. ─── 你说的话很有帮助。

59、Her sense of humour appealed to him enormously. ─── 她的幽默感把他强烈地吸引住了。

60、But that was true of the enormously successful team at Anfield in the 1980s and they did not translate victories on the pitch to the dugout. ─── 1980年代在安菲尔德所向披靡的利物浦也是这样的,但他们没能把自己的成功延续到教练席上。

61、The furor she was causing among the men, coupled with the heart-burnings of the other girls, would have pleased her enormously at any other time. ─── 她在男人里面造成的狂热,女人里面造成的妒忌,若在旁的时候,已经大可使她心满意足了。

62、Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago. ─── 与40年前相比,卫生保健的水平得到了极大提高。

63、His research has contributed enormously to our understanding of this disease. ─── 他的研究对我们认识这一疾病贡献很大。

64、She was looking forward to the meeting enormously. ─── 她急切期待着这次聚会。

65、My tastes have changed enormously over the years. ─── 几年来我的爱好有了很大改变.

66、But I was enormously relieved upon examining"Tiny Two" to find he was absolutely, perfectly, wonderfully normal and healthy. ─── 不过在检查完"蒂尼二号"之后我长出了一口气,这只小猫绝对的、相当的、非常的正常和健康。

67、Yet they benefit enormously from being able to process new contracts and claims electronically. ─── 但是如果能够以电子方式处理新的合同和索赔,他们仍然可以从中获得很大的好处。

68、The price of wine varies enormously depending on where it comes from. ─── 不同产地的葡萄酒价格差别很大。

69、The B-2 is an enormously expensive aircraft as it contains even more advanced stealth technology,carries much more weight in bombs,and has a much longer range. ─── B-2轰炸机由于使用了更先进的隐形技术,所以造价十分昂贵。该机的载弹量要大得多,航程也远得多。

70、It would be superfluous to note that since the Seventh Congress, especially since 1949, the number of Party cadres has increased enormously. ─── 党的干部的力量,从第七次大会以来,特别是从一九四九年以来,有了巨大的增长,这是用不着解释的。

71、After breathing He-O2 containing 60% helium, VC and ERV increased enormously, while IC decreased mildly, among which the change of ERV showed significant difference (P

72、Her work has contributed enormously to our understanding of the difficult subject. ─── 她的作品极大地有利于我们对这个困难问题的理解。

73、Although he was on a diet, the delicious food him enormously. ─── 尽管他在节食,但美味还是深深诱惑着他。

74、An Lushan, an enormously fat man, was adept at playing the buffoon in order to ingratiate himself. ─── 安禄山是一个非常肥胖的男人,擅长表演小丑来取悦自己。

75、The gathering with students was the final event of an eight-day tour that White House officials consider enormously productive. ─── 与学生进行的这次聚会是奥巴马8天海外之行的最后一次活动,白宫官员认为奥巴马此行取得了极大的收获。

76、Illogic often reigns and markets are enormously inefficient despite what the academics believe. ─── 不管学术界是否相信,非理性经常占领市场并造成巨大的无效市场。

77、"To play at the new Wembley was a dream for me, but now I h**e to forget it. And I will suffer enormously. ─── “在新的温布利作赛是我的一个梦想,不过现在我需要把它忘掉了。而我将会感到极度痛心。”

78、Programmable computers vary enormously in their computational power, speed, memory, and physical size. ─── 可编程计算机在性能、速度、存储能力和外观体积上差别巨大。

79、They profiteered enormously during the war. ─── 他们在战争时期大发不义之财。

80、She had to leave and HP had to pay her enormously so that a new CEO can do the job. ─── 但董事会要的是利润,她只好离开,惠普因此支付她巨额离职金以便让新的CEO就任。

81、The average per-capita material consumption of farmers and herdsmen has increased enormously compared with the period before the liberation of Tibet. ─── 农牧民人均实物消费量比解放前有大幅度的增长。

82、The guest ferryboat oncehas the traffic accident, is very easy to cause the group to die thegroup wound, the society affects enormously. ─── 客渡船一旦发生交通事故,很容易导致群死群伤,社会影响极大。

83、And so we built a network of interstate highways and that contributed enormously to our post war economic dominance of the world. ─── 因而又建造了州际高速公路网络,此举极大地促进了战后我们的经济主导地位。

84、Ricoeur has been potentially and enormously influential in numerous anthropologists including Geertz. ─── 他给予包括格尔茨在内的大批人类学家潜在而深远的影响。

85、But we have yet to discover which genes command the enormously complex chain of physiological events which accompany laughter generation. ─── 们是我们尚未发现,伴随着笑发生的一系列无比复杂的生理现象是由什么基因控制的。

86、Ultimately, the doctrine allowing pre-emption of long-term threats has the potential to be enormously destabilizing. ─── 从根本上说,这一允许对长期威胁进行预防性攻击的原则本身是非常不稳定的。

87、Their French has improved enormously. ─── 他们的法语水平提高了很多。

88、For last season's momentous Premiership triumph, the level of organisation had grown enormously, as had the crowd. ─── 上赛季盛大的英超联赛夺冠,使得游街组织的级别额外升级,球迷队伍也同样扩容了。

89、The consumption of aspirin has increased enormously in America. ─── 在美国,阿斯匹林的消耗量已极大增加。








用作副词 (adv.)

I'm enormously grateful for your help.我万分感谢你的帮助。

The university president is enormously popular.这位大学**极受大家欢迎。

His English improved enormously because of his association with British people.因和英国人联系频繁,他的英语突飞猛进。

Her work has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject.她的著作极有助于我们对这个困难问题的了解。


"enormous" 是 "enormously" 的形容词形式。它表示非常巨大、庞大的意思。


- The elephant is an enormous animal.(大象是一种巨大的动物。)

- They live in an enormous mansion.(他们住在一座巨大的别墅里。)

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