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08-17 投稿


complexities 发音

英:[k?m?pl?ks?tiz]  美:[k?m?pl?ks?tiz]

英:  美:

complexities 中文意思翻译



complexities 短语词组

1、complexities synonym ─── 复杂性同义词

2、complexities of being human ─── 人的复杂性

3、complexities song ─── 复杂性歌曲

4、remove the complexities ─── 消除复杂性

5、complexities mean ─── 复杂性意味着

6、complexities def ─── 复杂性定义

7、complexities antonym ─── 复杂反义词

complexities 同义词

complicity | density | Gordian | involvement | labyrinth | intricacy | entanglement | Gordian knot | complicacy | involution | complexness | convolution | maze | perplexity | knot | sinuosity |complication | jungle | imbroglio | difficulty

complexities 词性/词形变化,complexities变形

名词复数: complexities |

complexities 反义词

simplicity | plainness | brevity

complexities 相似词语短语

1、complexations ─── n.络合;络合作用(complex的名词)

2、complexifies ─── 使复杂化

3、complexified ─── 复杂化

4、complicities ─── n.共谋;串通;共犯关系

5、complexation ─── n.络合;络合作用(complex的名词)

6、complexioned ─── adj.有…肤色的;脸色…的

7、complexes ─── n.复体,[免疫]复合物

8、completes ─── v.完成;结束(complete的单三形式)

9、completories ─── _其他组织者

complexities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The miraculously happy ending seems like an evasion of complexities that the book itself has raised. ─── 奇迹般的圆满结局象是在躲避小说本身提出的复杂问题。

2、To make or become complex or perplexing. ─── 使复杂或令人困惑

3、B2B search engine optimization presents many more complexities. ─── B2B搜索引擎优呈现更加复杂化。

4、Epithelial cells may be modified into secretory structures or glands of varying complexities. ─── 上皮细胞可以组成各种复杂的分泌性结构即腺体。

5、But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become a ware of the complexities of saying sorry. ─── 但是,即使孩子们看到了真诚悔过的案例,他们仍然需要帮助来理解道歉的复杂性。

6、She could deal with complex situations aptly. ─── 她能够妥善地处置各种复杂情况。

7、Their time complexities are O(n) in the worst case and O(n/m) in the best case. ─── 两个算法的最差、最好时间复杂度分别为O(n)和O(n/m).

8、The same considerations can be applied to more complex molecules. ─── 同样的考虑也可用于更复杂的分子。

9、Appreciate the complexities and take your time. ─── 去欣赏一些复杂的事物并享受你自己的时间。

10、I make no claim to understand all the complexities of the matter. ─── 我不敢断言自己对此事的各个复杂的细节都了解。

11、But she said it was nevertheless a historic breakthrough because of the complexities China has mastered in a relatively short time. ─── 但武平表示,这仍然是一个历史性的突破,因为中国在相对较短的时间里掌握了如此复杂的技术。

12、The army is an extremely complex organism . ─── 军队是一个极其复杂的组织。

13、While the map of my life is too complex. ─── 人生地图却太复杂。

14、But most code bases are quite complex. ─── 但是大多数代码基础相当复杂。

15、Only a versatile person can settle the complex problem. ─── 只有通才,才能解决这个复杂的问题。

16、He has a complex about his weight. ─── 他过分关心自己的体重。

17、A complex publication can be difficult to print. ─── 复杂的出版物可能难以打印。

18、EJB Visual Editor not only hides the complexities of the EJB specification, but can actually make development an enjoyble experience! ─── EJB可视化编辑器不仅隐藏了EJB规范的复杂性,而且能真正使开发工作成为一种心情舒畅的体验!

19、Fenghua Lida Pneumatic Complex Equipment Co., Ltd. ─── 奉化灵通气动成套有限公司。

20、She combines feminine elegance with a mind which delights in legal and statistical complexities. ─── 她既具有女性的优雅,又有喜爱研究法律和统计学等复杂问题的头脑。

21、But apart from the mathematical complexities involved, that would have created another difficulty. ─── 但这会带来许多难题,绝不仅仅是复杂的数学。

22、Beyond these issues of learner preparation, there are a number of other complexities in introducing Internet-based activities in the ESL classroom. ─── 大部分的英语教师,即便是那些自认为在操作计算机方面是生手的教师在学习使用互联网时都有一些相对的优势。

23、The next more complex rule is the ax rule. ─── 下一个更复杂的规则是ax规则。

24、Complex issues well beyond our ken. ─── 复杂的问题超出我们的理解范围

25、Tan is well-attuned to the complexities this society is undergoing as it becomes multicultural. ─── 他对纽西兰社会因为变得越来越多元,而正在经历的许多冲突矛盾已经感到相当习惯。

26、A very large building or complex of buildings. ─── 大厦,建筑群非常大的综合建筑物或建筑群

27、His political ideas were too complex. ─── 他的政见太令人费解。

28、The designers are often insensitive to the operational complexities of their machines. ─── 设计者往往对机器的操作复杂性不敏感。

29、Cosmology and Complex Symbolic Systems. ─── 宇宙观与繁复的象征体系。

30、Without any sense of the complexities of any great task, he boldly assumed one function after another. ─── 他不知餍足地担任一个接一个的职务,但对任何一件艰巨工作的复杂性却毫无所感。

31、Complex work may help ward off Alzheimer's. ─── 复杂工作可以帮助抵御老年痴呆。

32、About complex index of refraction. ─── 关于复杂折射。

33、There is a complex network of roads round the city. ─── 城市周围有着错综复杂的道路交通网。

34、The world is just too rich and too complex. ─── 世界仅仅是太富有的和太复杂的。

35、The human brain is a complex organ. ─── 人脑是个复杂的器官。

36、FUG model uses the complex feature set. ─── FUG模型采用复杂特征集和合一运算来生成句子;

37、A maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities. ─── 官僚主义与墨守成规混杂成一团糟

38、Water resource distribution in continental river valley has its own complexities and particularities. ─── 内陆河流域水资源配置有其自身的复杂性和特殊性。

39、Simple pleasure is the last refuge of the complex. ─── 单纯的感官享乐,是头脑复杂的人最后的藏身之所。

40、What are complex layered configurations? ─── 什么是复杂的分层配置?

41、Make complex form design easier. ─── 使复杂的表单设计变得更容易。

42、The army is an extremely complex organism. ─── 军队是极其复杂的组织。

43、An academic test or examination that is preparatory to one that is longer, more complex, or more important. ─── 初试为更长、更复杂或更重要的考试而进行的预备性学术测试或考试

44、It is a complex but not profound problem. ─── 它是一个繁复但不是深奥的问题。

45、A pair of floats supporting complex arithmetic. ─── 一对支持复数算术的浮点数。

46、It is difficult to cope with such a complex matter. ─── 处理这样一件复杂的事很困难。

47、Only evolution can handle the complexities we are creating, but evolution escapes our total command. ─── 唯有进化能掌控我们创造的复杂事物,但进化却完全不听我们指挥。

48、They form a graceful architectural complex of ancient temples. ─── 它们构成了优美的古庙建筑群。

49、Let us look at the complexities in the current EJB model before we dive down discussing the details what EJB 3.0 Is bringing on to the table. ─── 在我们开始对EJB3.0带来的新特性进行讨论之前,让我们先分析一下现在EJB模型的复杂繁琐。

50、Without any sense of the complexities of any great task, he boldly assumed one function after another. ─── 他不知餍足地担任一个接一个的职务,但对任何一件艰巨工作的复杂性却毫无所感。

51、A complex character is not a letter. ─── 复杂字符不是单个字母。

52、The Oracle9iAS Wireless core normalizes the wireless complexities to one protocol and one language, HTTP and XML. ─── Oracle9iAS wireless 内核将无线的复杂特性规范为一种协议和一种语言,即HTTP 和XML。

53、American exceptionalism adds to the complexities of foreign policy. ─── “美国例外论”也给他们的外交政策添了不少麻烦。

54、North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song. ─── 以复杂而吸引人的啼叫闻名的北美洲画眉。

55、Fenghua Lingtong Pneumatic Complex Set Co., Ltd. ─── 奉化市灵通气动成套有限公司。

56、She has a complex about rats. ─── 她对老鼠有病态恐惧。

57、Computer, radio, and other complex systems which are to be installed on ships, planes, or motor vehicles. ─── 安装在船舰、飞机或汽车上的计算机、无线电设备或其它复杂的系统。

58、Easy to understand by testers as technical complexities are hidden. ─── 由于技术复杂性是隐藏的,所以测试人员很容易理解。

59、Taiwan is a complex of intricate relationships. ─── 台湾是个各种关系错综复杂的地方。

60、BYD knew a lot about batteries, and it was not daunted by the complexities of car-making either. ─── byd对电池领域了解很多,并且他并没有被汽车的复杂吓到。

61、Certainly, there are complexities to understand, but Afghanistan is not more complex than any other war fought at any other time. ─── 当然,也有复杂的理解。但是阿富汗战争并不比其他任何战争更复杂。

62、In all the languages existing in the world today, there are complexities that must have been developed for years. ─── 在当今世界上存在的所有语言中,肯定有已经发展多年的复杂性。

63、You are looking for signs to lead you to where you need to be, but the complexities of life are fogging the picture. ─── 你寻找着路标,想让它带你到你该去的地方。然而复杂的生活又使你看不清前方的路。

64、What are the essential parts of a complex number? ─── 复数最重要的部分是什么?它们如何反映一个复数的类?

65、When it arrived it came with a promise to solve all issues and complexities of CORBA. ─── 它诞生之时是为了解决所有CORBA的问题和复杂性。

66、Some organic systems involve more complex fixation. ─── 一些有机体系还牵涉到比较复杂的凝固。

67、Why are these formats available, with their various complexities and costs? ─── 为什么是这些格式可得到的他们的各种各样复杂性和成本?

68、Products shouldn’t harm anyone, or given the complexities of life in the real world, should, at the very least, minimize harm. ─── 产品不应该伤害任何人,考虑到现实生活的复杂,至少要将伤害化解到最小。

69、The human body has a very complex organization. ─── 人体是个非常复杂的机体

70、From these he can go on to appreciate more complex forms or combinations of several forms. ─── 从这些东西他可以进而鉴赏更为复杂的形体,或者几个形体的组合体。

71、The reasons for the Ph.D.s' plight are complex. ─── 博士陷入困境的原因比较复杂。

72、The complexities of interpersonal relations bothered her. ─── 人际关系的复杂情况使她困惑不已。

73、He works as technician at an iron and steel complex. ─── 他在一个钢铁联合厂做技术员。

74、Are you cognizant of all the complexities of the language? ─── 你知道这种语言的各种各样的复杂特征吗?

75、The inventor evolved his complex machine out of a relatively simple device. ─── 发明者把一个相当简单的装置研制成一个复杂的机器。

76、They're complex and very sensitive. ─── 他们复杂而且敏感。

77、Some of them developed a great inferiority complex. ─── 他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。

78、It's too complex, it is not within my grasp. ─── 太复杂了,我理解不了。

79、He gave this question a complex argument. ─── 他对这个问题进行了十分复杂的论证。

80、E.g:The children now grow up in the greenhouse; They don't know the complexities of the world. ─── 例句:现在的孩子,在温室里长大,不知天高地厚。

81、The full syntax of the DENY statement is complex. ─── DENY语句的完整语法很复杂。

82、A more complex picture of the cosmos emerges. ─── 一种更复杂的宇宙学理论出现了。

83、For loops are the most complex loops in PHP. ─── for循环是PHP中最复杂的循环结构。

84、Finite element analysis for complex structure. ─── 复杂结构有限元分析。

85、At first it might be difficult to understand your job or the complexities of office politics, and this can be very frustrating. ─── 首先,弄懂你的工作或复杂的办公室政治可能是很困难的,也是很令人失望的。

86、Carnivores are usually socially complex mammals. ─── 在哺乳动物中,食肉动物通常有着复杂的社会关系。

87、Hugh Winterborn devised a typically complex plan. ─── 休·温特博恩制定了一个独特的复杂计划。

88、Functions of One Complex Variable 2nd ed. ─── 单复变函数第2版。

89、Complex, intricate, and involved. ─── 复杂的、错综的和涉及的

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