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equivalence 发音

英:[??kw?v?l?ns]  美:[??kw?v?l?ns]

英:  美:

equivalence 中文意思翻译



equivalence 短语词组

1、equivalence group ─── [计] 等价组

2、equivalence association ─── [计] 等价结合

3、equivalence point ─── [机] 等当量点

4、equivalence chain ─── [计] 等价键设备链

5、equivalence function ─── [计] "同"函数

6、equivalence class ─── [计] 等价类

7、equivalence problem of grammar ─── [计] 文法的等价问题

8、Einstein photochemical equivalence law ─── [机] 爱因斯坦化当量定律

9、equivalence factor ─── [机] 等价因数

10、equivalence point of titration ─── [化] 滴定等当点

11、equivalence operation ─── [计] 同操作

12、equivalence principle ─── [化] 等效原则; 等效性原理

13、equivalence formula ─── [计] 等价公式

14、equivalence problem of flowchart schema ─── [计] 框图模式的等价问题

15、Einstein equivalence principle ─── [化] 爱因斯坦等效原理

16、equivalence of types ─── [计] 类型等价性

17、equivalence problem ─── [计] 等价问题

18、equivalence declaration ─── [计] 等价说明

19、chemical equivalence ─── [化] 化学全同

equivalence 常用词组

functional equivalence ─── 功能对等

equivalence relation ─── 等价关系

equivalence principle ─── 等效性原理;等效原则;等价原理

equivalence 词性/词形变化,equivalence变形

名词复数形式:equivalences 过去式:equivalenced

equivalence 同义词

similarity |equality | sameness | overlap | equation | correspondence | comparability | comparison | likeness | par | compare | uniformity

equivalence 反义词


equivalence 相似词语短语

1、equivalency ─── n.等价;相等(等于equivalence)

2、bioequivalence ─── n.生物等效性;生物等量

3、equibalances ─── n.平衡;vi.使…平衡

4、nonequivalence ─── n.非等价

5、equivalent ─── adj.(在价值、数量等方面)相等的;等价的;等效的;等量的;同意义的;n.对等的人(或事物);当量

6、equipollence ─── n.均势;等价;力量的均等

7、equivalents ─── n.[化学]当量(equivalent的复数);同等设备;等同物

8、equibalance ─── n.平衡;vi.使…平衡

9、equibalanced ─── 均衡的

equivalence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, for women in the military, the search for equality will still be based on functional equivalence, not identity or even similarity of task. ─── 因此,对于军中的女性来说,对平等的追求仍应建立在职能相等的基础上,而非建立在任务的相同或甚至类似的基础上。

2、Herbrand equivalence is weaker than Semantic equivalence, it has much wider utility. ─── H-等价的判定条件相对来说更容易得到满足,具有更广泛的可用性。

3、What does the equivalence principle imply about accelerated motions and gravitational fields? ─── 加速运动和引力场的等价理论意味着什么?

4、A definition of composite effective elastic moduli is presented based on the energy equivalence principle and its basis and premise are pointed out. ─── 基于能量等效原理提出了复合材料有效弹性模量的定义,并指出了该定义的基础及前提条件。

5、That gravity and acceleration through space produce identical physical effects is the remarkable assertion of the principle of Equivalence. ─── 引力与在空间中加速产生相同的物理效应,这是等效原理的著名论断。

6、The use of international (CAC) guidelines for equivalence determination had not yet been adopted (Moy,1999). ─── 同等决心的国际 (CAC) 指导方针的使用还没有被采用。

7、For equivalence operations, this works fine (unless two checksums happen to be the same). ─── 对于等价操作,不存在任何问题(除非两个校验和恰好相同)。

8、An equivalence approach is developed in the paper for analyzing Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR) of identical generators operating in parallel. ─── 提出了一种用于分析并列运行的同型多机系统次同步谐振(SSR)稳定性的等效简化方法。

9、Based on the community structure theory of complex network, a new coherency-based dynamic equivalence algorithm is proposed. ─── 基于复杂网络社团结构理论,提出了一种同调等值的新算法。

10、Herbrand equivalence is weaker than semantic equivalence,it has much wider utility. ─── H-等价的判定条件相对来说更容易得到满足,具有更广泛的可用性。

11、In the perspective of semiotics, equivalence is the relationship between a sign and its interpretation. ─── 从符号学理论角度来看,翻译本质上是两种符号系统的转换:等值是符号和解释项之间的关系。

12、Bisimulation is often chosen as the equivalence relation in equivalence checking. ─── 在等价验证中,通常选择互模拟作为等价关系。

13、Functional equivalence, hardly gettable for a translator, is positively significant as a translation norm. ─── 尽管对译者而言很难实现理想的功能对等,但作为翻译标准,仍有其积极意义。

14、Therefore, the aptness in terms of culture and psychology is the criteria for the translatability of metaphor instead of equivalence. ─── 因此,隐喻翻译不应以求同为目的,而应以文化和心理两方面的适切性为目标。

15、It does not yield character-by-character equivalence: Entities will be expanded, and white space not marked as significant might be removed. ─── 它不生成字符对字符的等效:实体将被扩展,且未标记为重要的空白可能被删除。

16、D. Where Can More Information on Postapproval Changes and Demonstration of Equivalence Be Found? ─── 关于批准后变更和等效性证明的更多资料,哪里可以找到?

17、External network equivalence is an important investigation field in power system, which includes static equivalence and dynamic equivalence. ─── 外网等值包含静态等值与动态等值两种等值方法,是电力系统研究领域的一个重要分支。

18、In order to prevent the yield-point elongation occurring the manganese equivalence in alloy must exceeds 1.61%, and the threshold value of Martens... ─── 为了不发生屈服点延伸,合金中的锰当量必须超过1.61%,马氏体体积分数的门槛值为7%。

19、The second, we show the equivalence of P3 and S3. ─── 其次证明模态系统P3和严格蕴涵系统S3等价.

20、Experimental results showed that a "U" shape curve existed between the critical initiation energy and IPN equivalence ratio. ─── 实验结果证明了 IPN的临界起爆能与燃料当量比成“U”形曲线关系 ;

21、Besides subtyping, it is possible to define equivalence types such that the value of one type can be replaced by another type. ─── 除了子类型外,还可以定义等价的类型,这样,一个类型的值可以用另一个类型代替。

22、The translation should be in line with functional equivalence and should meet market demands. ─── 在翻译过程中应坚持功能对等原则和适应市场需要原则。

23、The age equivalence of fossils found in the sandstone and the shale is thus demonstrated. ─── 发现于砂岩和页岩中化石的等时性就这样得到证明了。

24、The limitations and flaws of Nida"s equivalence theory are also briefly discussed in this thesis. ─── 同时,文中对奈达的动态理论的局限性也做了简要回顾,并讨论了其对中医术语翻译的可能启示。

25、Translation equivalence is expected to be established in terms of the ideational.interpersonal and textual metafunctions. ─── 因此本文试图使译文和原文的对等关系建立在概念功能,人际功能和语篇功能对等的基础上。

26、Hence, the total cultural equivalence in literary translation is in no sense an easy thing. ─── 因此,文学翻译中要取得目的语文化和源语文化的完全等值并非易事。

27、This crystal has the advantages of tissue equivalence, chemical stability and non-toxicity; these make it an attractive material in dosimetry. ─── 利用钻石作为辐射侦检材料已发展多年,随著制程技术提升而能得到品质较为稳定的钻石膜来进行探讨。

28、College diplom in business or equivalence. ─── 专科以上或同等学历。

29、We prove the equivalence between PURM program and computable PTM. ─── 我们证明了PURM程序与可计算的PTM之间的等价性。

30、Equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis that frequently used for accreditation are presented. ─── 并对实际应用中最常用的等价类划分法和边界值分析法加以介绍。

31、For women in the military, the search for equality will still be based on functional equivalence, not identity or even similarity of task. ─── 对于军队中的女性来说,寻求平等仍然是基于功能对等,而不是身份甚至任务上的相似性。

32、Every group can be partitioned into equivalence classes called conjugacy classes. ─── 所有群都可以划分成叫做共轭类的等价类。

33、Smooth Maps and the Notion of Equivalence. ─── 光滑映射和等价的概念。

34、Equivalence has been a core question in translation studies, yet researchers have not reached a consensus on the definition of it. ─── “等值”问题是翻译研究的核心之一,非常复杂,因而对于这一概念,中外译学研究者们迄今没有得出一个明确而统一的定义。

35、Equivalence of response of source language readers and target readers. ─── 原文的读者反应与译文的读者反应对等。

36、In 1969 the famous American translation theorist Eugene A. Nida put forward functional equivalence theory. ─── 1969年美国著名翻译理论家尤金A·奈达提出了“功能对等”理论。

37、According to related studies in and out nation, the fineness of limestone powder as cement admixture or concrete composite is equivalence with cement. ─── 国内外的相关研究中,作为水泥混合材和混凝土掺合料的石灰石粉的细度仅与水泥相当。

38、Once again we use a word to denote its equivalence class and write equality to express equivalence. ─── 我们再一次用一个字来表示它所在的等价类,并用等号表示等价。

39、To shed light on their equivalence, we consider an idealized system of N molecules. ─── 为了揭示它们的等效性、我们来考察一个含有N个分子的理想系统。

40、I am not quite saying Darwinism gave rise to creationism, though the “isms” imply equivalence. ─── 我不是很想说达尔文主义引出了创造说,虽然“主义”一词意思也差不多。

41、Another characteristic of a good distance learning program is the equivalence of the distance learning course with the same subject materials as those students taking the course on the home campus. ─── 一个好的远程教育课程的另一个特点是,远程教育课程与那些在主校学习课程的学生的学科教材是等同的。

42、Joins that are not based on equivalence are called unequal joins. ─── 不基于等价的联接称为不等联接。

43、Next, a construction process is given for proving the pattern composition theorem and the behavior equivalence is also proven for MSC. ─── 接着,详尽分析和给出了模式组合定理的一个构造性证明以及模式组合前后的消息序列图的行为等价性证明。

44、Qualifications: To fill this position, a degree in a relevant subject (Electronic Engineering, computer science or equiv...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京外企人力资源服务上海有限公司工作地点:吉林省辽源市绵阳区发布时间:2009-7-21

45、In the last installment, Brett examined several important concepts in data binding, including round-tripping and semantic equivalence. ─── 上一期文章中,Brett分析了数据绑定中的几个重要概念,包括往返和语义等价。

46、In the production phase, reconstruction of the lexical cohesion in the original text can contribute to translation equivalence. ─── 在表达阶段,译者通过重构原文的词汇衔接,可再现原文的修辞效果。

47、In fact, we shall use the same notation for word and its equivalence. ─── 实际上,我们将用同样的记号来记一个字和它所在的等价类。

48、The dominance or recessive relation are shown between allele of the most loci and few of them show allelic equivalence or incompletely dominance. ─── 多数基因座的等位基因呈显隐性关系,少数表现为等显性或不完全显性。

49、Topological equivalence of homogeneous differential systems on plane. ─── 平面齐次系统的拓扑等价问题

50、Nida's theory is Dynamic Equivalence and Yan Fu's is faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. ─── 二者的理论既有相似之处,又有不同方面。

51、Under a fully-funded system, the Ricardian equivalence will hold if the capital market is perfect. ─── 另外,在完全提存制度下,当资本市场是完全借贷时,李嘉图均等定理会成立;

52、Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations/Orange Book. ─── 报告处方药物信息。

53、The combinational equivalence check methods based on recursive learning algorithm are discussed. ─── 并讨论了基于递归学习的组合电路等价性检验方法;

54、Symmetry can also improve the efficiency of technology of mapping and equivalence testing. ─── 使用对称也可以提高映像技术和等价检测的有效性.

55、Latter, the essay explained the reason why Ricardian Equivalence Theorem is not applicable in these two countries. ─── 对此,本文从李嘉图等价原理的前提假设和现实状况出发,作出了较为详细的解释。

56、The numbers of the antral follicles of o varies in both female XO and XX stimulated with PMSG were approximately equival ent. ─── 在用孕马血清促性腺激素刺激XO雌体和XX雌体后,两者卵巢上的有腔卵泡数目相近;

57、Another instance of interest in structural analysis is the equivalence of internal and external work products. ─── 在结构分析中另一个有趣的例子是内外乘积功相等。

58、From the definition of real number, deduces each basic theory successively, thus proving the equivalence. ─── 从实数定义出发,依次推出各基本定理,从而证明其等价性。

59、SUN Wei-zhi.K-determinacy of C0 contact equivalence of Bifurcation problems [J].Acta Math.Sini-ca, 1993, 36(5). ─── [5]孙伟志.分支问题中的C0接触等价K决定性[J].数学学报,1993,36(5).

60、The equivalence of transitivity structure in translation poetry could effectively achieve the faithfulness to the ideational meaning of source text. ─── 在诗词翻译中的及物性对等,能够有效实现译文对原文概念意义的忠实。

61、It uses literary-comparative method to examine whether'equivalence'is achieved or to what degree it is. ─── 它运用了文学文本比较的方式来判断译文与原文是否实现了或者在何种程度上对等。

62、Mathematicians will judge our equation to be an acceptable approximation even if it is not an exact equivalence. ─── 即使等式不完全对等,数学家们也会认为我们的等式是一个可以接受的近似值。

63、Let h(G,x) denote the adjoint polynomial of a Graph G. The chromatic uniqueness and chomatic equivalence from the complement of Graph G are studied. ─── h(G,x)表示图G的伴随多项式,它从图G的补图出发研究色惟一和色等价.

64、This concept of substantial equivalence is similar to the policy developed by the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 1993). ─── 实质等价的概念与经济联合与发展组织的策略相似。

65、Based on multi-port network theory and Norton equivalence theorem, this paper presents a new multiterminal HVDC power flow method. ─── 以多端口网络理论和诺顿等值定理为基础,提出了一种新的电力系统多端直流潮流算法。

66、Techniques of boundary values, equivalence partitioning can be applied while preparing test data. ─── 在准备测试数据时会应用到临界值,等价类划分等技术。

67、no straightforward equivalence between economic progress and social well-being. ─── 经济进步与社会福利之间绝非简单等同。

68、Strasen[3], Siegmund[4] and James[5] got some rates of convergence throng studing the asymptotic equivalence ofBut these results need some assumptions such as i.i. ─── Strasen[3],Siegmund[4],James[5]等对

69、Equivalence can only be attained in certain aspects and to a certain degree. ─── 对等是在某些方面和某种程度上的对等。

70、Quark confinement demonstrates the equivalence of mass and energy discovered by Einstein. ─── 夸克的产生被爱因斯坦证明了质量与能量的守恒。

71、The principle of the loop shrinkage of the signal flow graphs is deduced from the point of view of the equivalence of node split. ─── 提出了桥结点、环路相切概念,从结点分裂的等价观点出发,导出了信号流图中环路收缩的原理。

72、The key point of this method is the equivalence of NFA and DFA, the convenience of constructing NFD, and efficiency of DEA. ─── 它从构造判定单个模式的NFA自动机入手,通过集成单个的NFA而得到全集的NFA,并将全集NFA转换为与之等价的DFA并化简,从而可得到全集的确定型模式匹配有限自动机。

73、The principle of equivalence in translation which based on functional equivalence is an important instructive theory on the translation of trade names. ─── 以功能对等为基础的等效翻译原则对商标名称的翻译起着重要的理论指导意义。

74、The equivalence point is identified from the first faint pink color that persists in the solution being titrated. ─── 可从第一次出现在正在被滴定的溶液中的稳定的微红色来鉴别等当点。

75、So it is proposed in the paper a dynamic equivalence method based on coherent generators identification for system reducing. ─── 因而采用基于相关发电机识别的动态等值法对电力系统进行化简以克服上述问题。

76、The year 1600 was one of the most important landmarks in musical history, witnessing the rise of recitative, cantata, opera and its religious equivalence, oratorio. ─── 1600年是音乐史上一个具有里程碑意义的年份,在这一年中相继出现宣叙调、康塔塔、歌剧以及反映宗教情绪的音乐形式清唱剧。

77、The equivalence of maximal self-orthogonal codes obtained from binary self-dual codes by truncating are discussed. ─── 摘要 研究了自对偶码与其删截得到的极大自正交码的等价性问题。

78、How to reduce the number of test cases by equivalence partitioning? ─── 怎么利用等价类划分方法来减少测试用例的数量?

79、The accelerated equivalence was provided correctly and precisely with the data of YB|2 Perspex aged naturally in Hainan and serving in flight in the south district. ─── 并用 YB-2航空有机玻璃海南大气自然老化与南方飞行使用老化的数据 ,验证了建立的加速当量的正确性和准确性。

80、Nuclear physics has provided extensive experimental support for the mass-energy equivalence. ─── 原子核物理学已经为质能等效性提供了广泛的实验证据。

81、It is stressed that the effect equivalence between GB6447-86 and ISO214-1976(E) provides the rationale for the standardization of abstract translating. ─── 强调指出 ,GB644 7- 86与ISO2 14 - 1976(E)之间的等效性构成了摘要翻译标准化的理论基础。

82、Compares two ranges element by element either for equality or equivalence in a sense specified by a binary predicate. ─── 两组元素进行二元比较,判断是否相等。

83、So far as translation tactics are concerned, the translator has to make an overall use of giving equivalence, paraphrasing, transliterating or even adding notes, etc. ─── 从翻译策略来看,要综合运用翻译技巧:或还原、给出对应词;或译意、解释内涵;或直译、音译还要加注。

84、Finally, it emphasizes that the life of symbols lies in development, and equivalence should be regarded as a dynamic process. ─── 强调符号的生命在于发展,因而对等也应该用发展的眼光来看待。

85、Equivalence is an important objective for a translator to achieve and a criterion by which the quality of translation is judged as well. ─── 对等是译者要达到的一个重要目标,也是评价翻译质量的标准之一。

86、We check equivalence of combinational circuits with FUN algorithm, and experimental results show that FAN algorithm is efficient. ─── 利用该算法进行了组合电路的等价性检验,实验结果表明了该方法的有效性。

87、EIF can color the TT speech by achieving equivalence in interpersonal meanings concerning role relationship and speaker's attitude. ─── 人际功能等值指在表达角色关系和讲话者态度的人际意义上等值,能使表达生动形象。

88、The experimental results showed that, when cyclic hydrogen remains constant, mixture equivalence ratio can be adjusted by the change of EGR rate. ─── 实验表明:在循环喷氢量不变时,可以通过调节EGR率改变混合气的当量燃空比。

89、The key point of this method is the equivalence of NFA and DFA,the convenience of constructing NFD,and efficiency of DFA. ─── 介绍了一种新的用于构造入侵检测系统模式匹配自动机的方法,该方法的基本出发点在于NFA与DFA能力的等价性、构造NFA的方便性和DFA运行的高效性。

























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