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08-17 投稿


blatantly 发音

英:[?ble?t?ntli]  美:[?ble?t?ntli]

英:  美:

blatantly 中文意思翻译



blatantly 网络释义

adv. 公然地;喧闹地;看穿了地

blatantly 词性/词形变化,blatantly变形

名词: blatancy |副词: blatantly |

blatantly 短语词组

1、blatantly defied ─── 公然地

2、blatantly definition ─── 明目张胆的定义

3、blatantly synonyms ─── 明目张胆的同义词

4、blatantly like to you ─── 公然喜欢你

5、blatantly like you s ─── 明目张胆地喜欢你

6、blatantly defined ─── 明目张胆的

7、blatantly said ─── 明目张胆地说

blatantly 相似词语短语

1、clamantly ─── 吵闹地

2、latently ─── adv.潜伏地,隐而不见地

3、flagrantly ─── adv.千真万确地;罪大恶极地

4、militantly ─── adv.好战地;好斗地;强硬地

5、natantly ─── adv.浮在水面地

6、blatancy ─── n.喧哗,喧闹

7、adamantly ─── adv.坚硬无比地;坚强地;固执地;不动摇地

8、pleasantly ─── adv.愉快地;和蔼地,亲切地;友好地

9、blatant ─── adj.喧嚣的;公然的;炫耀的;俗丽的

blatantly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Blatant lie; gross lie; gross untruth ─── 弥天大谎

2、They found his questions irritating and blatantly undermining to the manager. ─── 大家觉察到了问题中的暗刺,并且识破了他的用心。

3、Heterosexual pornography seems to cater mostly for men and much of it is blatantly sexual rather than erotic. ─── 异性恋色情内容似乎迎合男性更多,其中大部分很明显只有色而没情。

4、I was an exquisite thief. I mean God Himself could have come down and I would have fucking blatantly lied to him with the most honest face. ─── 我是一个优雅精致的贼。我是说就算上帝本人来到我面前,我也会用最真诚的面孔对他撒一个最嚣张的谎。

5、He has accused the West of blatantly interfering in the election. ─── 他谴责西方政府明目张胆的干涉选举。

6、How could she swallow such a blatant lie? ─── 她怎么能轻信这个无所顾忌的谎言呢?

7、If you're going to make a Digg script, you better be certain it's not blatantly easy to detect. ─── 如果你想做一个Digg脚本,你最好确定它不会公然的容易被检测到。

8、If at this time, Zhang Jihai satisfied, the consequence was the community had a blatantly fellow and art circle has a mediocre teacher. ─── 如果这时,张济海沾沾自喜,那么,最多社会上添一个招摇名士,艺术圈里多一个庸常书匠。

9、"Up rose a blatant Radical" (Walter Bagehot). ─── “站起一个喧嚣的激进分子” (沃尔特·白泽特)。

10、In his place, Judge Sentelle's panel appointed someone with not an apparent but a real and blatant conflict of interest. ─── 在森特尔看来,他的小组所任命的人与我的利益冲突不仅是明显的,而且是实在而且公开的。

11、The aim of the new regulation is to ensure that incorrect levels of vitamins or blatantly wrong ingredients do not show up in the products. ─── 实施新规定的目的是确保这类产品中不会出现维生素含量不合要求或者掺入错误成分的现象。

12、Some technologies are so blatantly obnoxious that the human race would rejoice if they were summarily executed. A humorist and science fiction writer offers some candidates. ─── 当然,中国发展载人航天是否时机合适,那是另外一个问题,可以争论。但一篇外行见解,一家之言被一位自称专业人士视作有力依据,就毫无必要,或者说,不够专业。

13、Some young men and women blindly admire the capitalist countries, and some even show a blatant disregard for both national and personal dignity in their contact with foreigners. ─── 一些青年男女盲目地羡慕资本主义国家,有些人在同外国人交往中甚至不顾自己的国格和人格。

14、Are people that open?Are they that blatant?Or are they being ousted by someone?There is the unlikelihood of keeping such activity under wraps in the workplace. ─── 当办公室中的某位单身同事与另一同事谈恋爱时总能微微击起波澜,而在已婚人士的推波助澜下,流言蜚语甚嚣尘上.

15、In 1885, the foreign invaders even set up a sign at the park gate of French Concession in Shanghai, reading no admittance to the Chinese and dogs, blatantly insulted the dignity of Chinese people. ─── 1885年,外国侵略者甚至在上海法租界公园门口公然竖起“华人与狗不得入内”的牌子,肆无忌惮地侮辱中国人的人格。

16、Particularly, why should one study the philosophical theories which are blatantly false, make no sense, and bear no relation to real life? ─── 尤其是为何要学习那些具有根本性错误、毫无意义又与现实生活脱节的哲学理论呢?

17、He delivered the Lakers' first basket by calmly taking and making a 17-footer when Michael Finley blatantly dropped off Ariza to go help track Odom. ─── 他冷静地投入了湖人的第一个球,当芬利离开阿里扎去协防奥多姆时,阿里扎投入了一个17尺跳投。

18、For years, blatantly false assertions have gone unchallenged. ─── 年来,极其错误的断言从未曾受到质疑。

19、Go gradually when east wind and noisy gradually far when, be in blatant in fluctuant automobile industry, who had done not have to be able to pay no attention to today's east wind again. ─── 当东风与聒噪渐行渐远之时,在喧嚣起伏的汽车行业中,已经再没有谁能够对今天的东风熟视无睹。

20、If you look closely, you may wonder if the love affair between the two leads is too blatant? ─── 仔细来看,会发现男女主角的爱情戏是否太过蜻蜓点水?

21、Blatant self-serving agendas may cast doubt on one's trustworthiness. ─── 公然的“利己安排”也许会让别人对你的可信度产生怀疑。

22、A blatant copy of the iconic Rolls-Royce Phantom sedan - as well as the new, smaller EX200 concept - the GE does boast one unique feature, a throne-like single rear seat for the truly vain. ─── 公然副本经典劳斯莱斯幻影轿车-以及新的,较小的EX200概念-通用电气公司也拥有一个独特的功能,一个王位样单后座的真正徒劳.

23、In addition a Code Violation for Unsportsmanlike Conduct can be given if the Referee (or assistant) is sure that the player is blatantly calling incorrectly. ─── 另外,仲裁人员可以对球员的防碍比赛行为作出没有运动员风格的判罚--如果仲裁人(或者助理)确信球员在有意的进行对自己有利的判罚时。

24、He just likes to blatantly seek publicity. ─── 他这个人就喜欢招摇过市。

25、Only socialist governments blatantly intervene the market. ─── 只有社会主义政府公开地干预市场。

26、He just blatantly lied about it. ─── 他简直是睁着眼睛说瞎话。

27、For blatant advertising that would require a fundamental rewrite to become encyclopedic, use {{db-spam}} to mark for speedy deletion. ─── 呢编文 写到成篇广告咁。唔该帮手写过呢篇文 from a neutral point of view.

28、The stream of people like tide mixes blatant city to work tensely, the urbanism of fast rhythm makes you can't help feeling exhaustion of body and mind. ─── 喧嚣的城市如潮的人流和紧张的劳作,快节奏的都市生活使你不禁感到身心疲惫。

29、She was shocked by his blatant sexism. ─── 她对他露骨的性别偏见感到十分震惊。

30、If you are in a situation that is blatantly out to lunch and you could be in very great danger in some manner, that is when to be in touch with your guides and your guides will assist you. ─── 如果你外出在一个喧闹地场合午餐是而你以一些习惯可能处在一个非常巨大的危险中,这时候同你的指导者取得联系而且你的指导者将帮助你。

31、Against the flesh black paintwork, the bare white splintered shaft stood out jarring and ugly, like the millet stalks blatantly sticking out from under a fine paper figure which hasn't yet had its legs pasted on. ─── 崭新黑漆的车,把头折了一段,秃碴碴的露着两块白木碴儿,非常的不调和,难看,像糊好的漂亮纸人还没有安上脚,光出溜的插着两根秫秸秆那样。

32、I make it a point not to see any film that so blatantly insults my intelligence. The film makers are such sellouts. ─── 我绝不会去看这样一部公然侮辱智商的电影,制片人背叛了这电影。

33、In October 2008, India banned smoking in public places and the sale of tobacco products near educational institutes and hospitals -- but the regulations are blatantly flouted in many places. ─── 2008年十月,印度禁止在公共场所吸烟并禁止在教育机构和医院附近有香烟专卖。但是在很多地方这个规定都被忽视了。

34、Even if most of what we did was blatant godmodding and gratuitous ego-flaunting, it was fun. ─── 就算我们那时只是无耻的自我膨大,是挺好玩的。

35、The EU can be expected to block blatantly discriminatory laws on housing, employment or schools.No hothead nationalist can close borders to a neighbour's goods. ─── 可以期待,欧盟将不会允许在住房、就业和教育方面通过任何有歧视性质的法案,也不会有哪个民族主义者可以靠着一时头脑发热便将邻国的产品拒之门外。

36、The Rev.Lawrence Lucas is way out of line. His blatantly anti-Semitic statements Monday were not the stuff of temperedjudgment. Or of moral leadership. Or of human sensitivity. ─── 卢卡斯牧师太过离谱。他星期一大言不惭地发表反对犹太人的谈话,不免偏激。既非道德楷模,也不顾他人感受。

37、In their time, the two presidents Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo had not been entirely law-abiding, but they had not violated law blatantly. ─── 在他们时代,蒋介石与蒋经国两总统诚然不太守法,但尚不敢公然为之。

38、Everyone is tired of their blatant effronteries. ─── 大家都厌恶他们粗俗。

39、You'll hopefully spot anyone blatantly standing in a window, so that means that you should focus your attention on scanning the edges to ensure that noone is 'tucked-in' to the window. ─── 你很希望一眼就发现任何人站在窗户旁,这样你就得集中精力搜索窗户的边缘,以免你们被房里的人“通吃”。

40、He has crushed opponents, emasculated the courts and parliament, eliminated independent broadcast media, scrapped the autonomy of Russia's regions and blatantly fixed elections. ─── 他摧毁了反对者,削弱了法院和议会,关闭了独立的广播媒体,控制了俄罗斯的地方自治权和虚伪的选举。

41、However, it seems more and more people believe that blatant or overly aggressive in manner or appearance conduces to boosting your capacity and talent. ─── 可是,似乎越来越多的人相信举止与外表上的张扬与外露能够彰显自己的能力与才华。

42、In this significance, that kind dark “the profession is secret” is to Chinese tradition civilization trampling blatantly, is the Chinese image subverter, is national and people's public enemy. ─── 在这个意义上,那种黑暗的“行业机密”就是对中国传统文明的公然践踏,是中国形象的颠覆者,是国家和人民的公敌。

43、However, don't take blatant abuse from someone who can't get past what happened. ─── 但是,对于那些存心不让事情过去的人恶意的责骂,不要只是默默的承受着。

44、Car horns blare far more blatantly in Shanghai than they ever do in Hong Kong. ─── 在上海,汽车鸣笛声比香港吵闹得多。

45、However, blatant brown-nosing makes you repulsive to your colleagues and the new boss may not like the sight either. ─── 不过,明着拍马或许会让你的同事反感,新老板或许也不喜欢此番景象。

46、Hence, ladies, if you want something, you've just got to be blatantly frank about it. ─── 因此,女性们,如果你想要什么,你就得开诚布公地说。

47、Therefore ringside towel Bao Shou picture gradually many, “I hate you” the manifesto also already blatantly printed on the wrister. ─── 于是场边毛巾包首的画面渐渐多了起来,“我恨你们”的宣言也已经公然地印在了护腕上。

48、It might have been the blatant wizardishness of his appearance, but it might, too, have been that even Uncle Vernon could sense that here was a man whom it would be very difficult to bully. ─── 也许是邓布利多所显露出的惹人注目的巫师气质,也许只是因为就连弗农姨父也能感觉到,他很难在这个男人面前耀武扬威。

49、Centaline secondary mortgage center designated the most blatant cases of mortgage Meeting Robert also said that from this year, secondary transactions very active on the Guangzhou public demand. ─── 中原地产二手指定按揭中心汇瀚按揭的李永强也表示,从今年以来,二手成交非常活跃,说明广州市民的需求旺盛。

50、To prohibits alcohol Cheng Xi the believer, should avoid bestowing the wines, because this behavior is no different with urges him to break a vow blatantly, does absolutely does not have. ─── 对禁酒成习的教徒,应避免赠送酒类,因为这种行为无异于公然劝他破戒,绝对做不得。

51、"I deny that there was any insult towards the referee or his assistants. I did not badmouth him and made no blatant gestures," added the stopper. ─── “我否认,我没有侮辱到裁判和他的助手。我没有动口也没有作出喧嚣的手势,”这名后卫补充。

52、His blatantly anti-Semitic statements Monday were not the stuff of tempered judgment. ─── 他星期一大言不惭地发表反对犹太人的谈话, 不免偏激。

53、Not undesirably noticeable or blatant; inconspicuous. ─── 不突出的没有让人生厌的引人注意或炫耀的;不显眼的

54、Today, formal considerations are less important than the events, contexts or issues to which a work alludes, or blatantly illustrate. ─── 导致“艺术品被创造出来公开呈现给观众”的复杂过程得有一个趋势。

55、This is an aspect of play that they have tested internally, and each time it was blatantly overpowered in practice. ─── 内部测试的时候他们也尝试过,但每次的结果是,实战中战斗状态放陷阱太。。。猛了。

56、At his own concerts he would dive off into that music, with its undertow of social and political subversion couched in blatant English, and find that the crowd loved it. ─── 在他自己的音乐会上,他会忘情地坠入累盖音乐风格之中,用嘈杂的英语不自觉地唱出破坏社会与政治的言语,之后却发现听众都为之狂热。

57、The Indonesia Malay attacked the Chinese not for the money, the attacked the Chinese because they [Pribumis] are RACISTS. The attacks are blatantly RACIALLY-MOTIVATED attacks. ─── 印泥马来人攻击华人不是为了钱。他们是纯粹的种族主义者!野蛮的种族主义者。

58、blatantly contravening the rules of civilized warfare ─── 公然违反文明战争的原则

59、The Rev.Lawrence Lucas is way out of line. His blatantly anti-Semitic statements Monday were not the stuff of tempered judgment. Or of moral leadership. Or of human sensitivity. ─── 卢卡斯牧师太过离谱。他星期一大言不惭地发表反对犹太人的谈话,不免偏激。既非道德楷模,也不顾他人感受。

60、Although it's easy to laugh at such military manoeuvring,there's a dark underside to such blatant interventions. ─── 尽管军方的此类行动很容易遭人嘲笑,但这种露骨的干涉后面却另有隐情。

61、It plans to halve the petrol tax of ¥54 ($0.58) a litre and gradually eliminate highway tolls, for example, in blatant contradiction of its green goals. ─── 具体措施包括:对每升54日元(0.58美元)的汽油税减半处理并逐渐取消高速公路通行费以消除类似的同环保政策相悖的措施。

62、They blatantly stole our website and have infringed on our copyright. ─── 他们喧嚣地偷了我们的网站并且已经在我们的版权上破坏。

63、However, this by no means indicates that some people may launch defamation on China and a blatant racial attack on its people irresponsibly. ─── 但是这并不意味着某些人可以不负责任、口无遮拦地攻击中国以及中华民族。

64、So autumn is a blatantly vital season, contrary to the allegations of sorrowful poets who misconstrue the message of dying leaves. ─── 因此,秋天显然是一个生机勃勃的季节。 这与伤感的诗人们对凋零的树叶所传达的信息的误解刚好相反。

65、It was Haldane who nearly did it.With the referee ignoring a blatant foul on Tom Hutchinson, the ball was played out wide to Haldane, whose shot cannoned off the post. ─── 哈尔达尼有一次差点就做到了,当时裁判放过了对汤姆-哈奇森的一次明显犯规,球到了哈尔达尼脚下,但他的射门偏出了门柱。

66、a blatant contravention of the treaty ─── 公然违背条约的行为

67、"North Korea's actions endanger the people of Northeast Asia, they are a blatant violation of international law, and they contradict North Korea's own prior commitments. ─── 北韩的行为威胁到了东北亚人民的安全,是对国际法的公然践踏,并违背了北韩自己曾经作出的国际承诺。”

68、But Great Wall is showing signs of moving away from blatant intellectual property theft, as evidenced by the CHC 011 and Hover H7 concepts. ─── 但是长城的迹象远离公然知识产权盗窃,就证明了这水泥011和悬停H7的概念。

69、The beer is bitterer, the coins are heavier, the grass is greener, the advertisements are more blatant. ─── 啤酒更苦,硬币更重,草更绿,广告更讨厌。

70、For a few seasons now it has been blatantly obvious that the team craves someone with the game of Riquelme or Xavi but so far they have been unable to find anyone suitable. ─── 几个赛季以来,球队都渴望得到里克尔梅或者哈维那样的中场,但直到现在还没找到合适的人选。

71、It is desolated or prosperous, ordinary or blatant,however, it always is Hong Kong. ─── 不论繁华或落寞,喧嚣或平凡,都是香港。

72、Most of the Games' early controversies concerned the judge, which was often incompetent and sometimes blatantly biased. Although the judging level improved lately, it never quite fades away. ─── 奥运会早期的大多数争议和裁判有关,他们有时水平太低,有时明显偏颇。后来裁判水平明显提高,但争议仍时有出现。

73、Their scornful rebuttle to Jeremiah and blatant words of trust in the queen of heaven is characteristic of the type of people to whom Jeremiah had unsuccessfully preached over so many years. ─── 他们对耶利米轻蔑的反驳和信奉天后所说厚颜的话,表明这类型百姓的本性,使耶利米在过去年间的传讲落空。

74、The blatant attitude that God's children must keep on sinning until Jesus comes is not only a denial of the Word, but a favorable vote for Satan's ancient lie. ─── 宣称上帝的子民必须不断犯罪直到耶稣来,这一明目张胆的态度不但否认了圣言,并且为撒旦古老的谎言投了赞成票。五次攻击律法!

75、Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored. ─── 安全规章被公然置之不顾。

76、Tell me why your decision to take the pledge shouldn't be seen as a blatant appeal to the party base, sir? ─── 告诉我为什么您做出承诺的决定不应被看作是党派的故作姿态,先生?

77、When it become so inportant for America to understand Japan, these contradicitions and many others equally blatant could not be waved aside. ─── 当美国了解日本变得如此重要时,这些矛盾和许多相同的喧闹的事物被置之不理。

78、This was exposed most blatantly in the war over Kosovo, which divided the democratic West from both Russia and China, and from many other nonEuropean autocracies. ─── 在科索沃战争期间,这一问题暴露无遗。民主主义下的西方社会在科索沃问题上与中俄及其他欧洲以外的集权制国家各行其是。

79、Produce Yu Qianxi year Internet bubble, final with a kind of cruelty rational means, proclaimed go up blatantly century of 90 time Internet terminative. ─── 产生于千禧之年的互联网泡沫,最终以一种残酷而理性的方式,宣告了喧嚣的上世纪90年代互联网的终结。

80、became blatantly obvious to me that the band wasn't going to last. ─── 我看得再清楚不过,这个乐队存在不了多久。

81、His treatment of his secretary was a blatant example of managerial arrogance. ─── 他管理的傲慢作风在他对待秘书的态度上表露无遗。

82、First has Chief Balac to mass-criticize the event, latter has Kulanyi to leave the ranks the disturbance, Luff in the authority who leads in the position receives challenges blatantly. ─── (this article originates: Net easy sports) 尽管德国队在上周末主场惊险拿下同组主要竞争对手俄罗斯,并稳坐小组头把交椅,但兴奋之余,的离队还是在德国上下引起轩然大波。

83、Though Kleiza had blatantly shoved and held Bryant at least three different times, both before and after he received the ball, no foul was called. ─── 尽管中间克雷扎小动作不断,又是推又是抱的,而且至少三次,但是从他得分前后,都没有被吹犯规。

84、You don't have to be blatant about it. ─── 你不必为这事吵吵嚷嚷。

85、The aim of the new regulation is to ensure that incorrect levels of vitamins or blatantly wrong ingredients do not show up in the products. ─── 新规定的目的是为了确保这类产品中不会出现维生素含量不合要求或者成分错误的问题。

86、In the city blatant in put on the scenery line that having skirt of colorific of intertropical amorous feelings is a beauty. ─── 在城市的喧嚣里穿上具有热带风情色彩的裙子是一道漂亮的风景线。

87、For example, if you commit an obvious, blatant sin against God, you will hide from God. ─── 举例来说,如果你犯了一个明显的、任意妄为的罪,那么你就会躲避神。

88、The stock raising 2005 is in turbulent blatant in, croon is worn pathos music, in be like stock raising all everything, awaiting in tear " peace " arrival. ─── 2005年的畜牧业在动荡不安的喧嚣中,低吟着悲情曲,好象畜牧业中所有的一切,都在泪水中等待着“和平”的到来。

89、In describing his wicked enemy, David points out that his most blatant transgression is in not fearing God. ─── 大卫描述仇敌的邪恶时,明白指出对方所犯最大的罪就是没有敬畏上帝。

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