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08-17 投稿


aperture 发音

英:[??p?rt??r]  美:[??p?t??(r)]

英:  美:

aperture 中文意思翻译



aperture 常用词组

synthetic aperture ─── 合成孔径

numerical aperture ─── 数值孔径

aperture size ─── 孔径尺寸,筛孔

aperture 词性/词形变化,aperture变形


aperture 短语词组

1、aperture mask ─── [电] 隙孔符号

2、aperture effect ─── [计] 孔径效应

3、aperture of lens ─── [医] 透镜角孔径, 角孔径

4、aperture board ─── [计] 窗孔板

5、aperture adhesive ─── [计] 窗孔粘胶

6、aperture correction ─── [电] 隙孔校正

7、aperture core ─── [计] 带孔磁心

8、aperture illumination ─── [电] 隙孔照明

9、aperture mask tricolor picture tube ─── [电] 孔屏三色显像管

10、antenna aperture code ─── [电] 天线孔面积

11、angular aperture ─── [医] 角孔径(显微镜)

12、aperture distortion ─── [电] 隙孔失真

13、aperture lens ─── [电] 针孔透镜

14、aperture card ─── [计] 窗孔卡片

15、aperture compensation ─── [电] 隙孔补偿

16、aperture of larynx ─── [医] 喉口

17、aperture of oil chamber ─── [机] 油膛口

18、aperture grill picture tube ─── [电] 隙栅影像管

19、angle of aperture ─── [医] 孔径角

aperture 相似词语短语

1、aperitive ─── adj.有轻泻效应的;开胃的;n.轻泻剂;开胃药;通便药

2、perturb ─── vt.扰乱;使…混乱;使…心绪不宁

3、overture ─── n.前奏曲;提案;序幕;vt.提议;为……奏前奏曲

4、parture ─── 伙伴关系

5、calenture ─── n.中暑;热带地方的热病

6、apertures ─── n.孔径;光阑;开口(aperture的复数)

7、apertured ─── adj.[生物]有孔的

8、adventure ─── n.冒险;冒险精神;投机活动;vt.冒险;大胆说出;vi.冒险

9、apertural ─── 不自然的

aperture 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The snail's eye, a more sophisticated version of that of the nautilus mollusk, works rather like the aperture of a pinhole camera. ─── 是一种比鹦鹉螺类软体动物更复杂的眼睛,工作原理像是针孔相机。

2、If the aperture is set to "P" or "A", turn the aperture ding while pressing the "P" or "A" lock pin. ─── 如果光圈要调到“P”或 “A”,请按住“P”或 “A”锁定拴同时转动光圈环。

3、Enables manual user-selected aperture and shutter speed settings for individual creative effects or difficult lighting. ─── 在各别情况下,为达到独特的拍摄效果或在很差的光线条件下拍摄,可用手动选择光圈和设定快门速度。

4、Beam combiner is the key part of optical aperture synthesis telescope array. ─── 光束组合器是光学综合孔径望远镜阵重要技术组成部分之一。

5、Through the aperture he could see daylight. ─── 通过这个孔隙他能看到日光。

6、RackDefocus--- Produces a realistic defocus effect with bright source and aperture shape simulation. ─── 处理真实的带有明亮光源和模拟光圈形状的图像散焦效果。

7、However, differences exist in pollen size, aperture, exine thickness and ornamentation. ─── 但在花粉大小、萌发孔形状、外壁厚度以及表面纹饰等方面存在差异。

8、The aperture allows the desired beam to enter the camera while all other light is intercepted. ─── 孔可以使所需要的光束进入照相机,而将其余的光线遮挡

9、Base structure side crossbearm adds compcting cylinder. (opening aperture of the fork lift packet). ─── 底架侧梁增加压紧汽缸(叉槽开口处)。

10、And in forebulge belt mixed aperture of primary pore and dissolved pore was mainly interstice of the reservoir. ─── 前隆带储层类型为孔隙型,主要以原生孔及溶蚀扩大孔组成的混合孔为主。

11、The description of a plane wave diffracted by a circular aperture is directly started from the Maxwell's equations. ─── 平面波经圆孔光阑衍射的表征是直接基于麦克斯韦方程组。

12、But, the batten among this bat how aperture not divide evenly, return form having wood, "Is this of first class? ─── 可是,这个板子中间的木条怎么缝隙不匀呀,还有木结,“这个是甲级的吗?”

13、Recoded Contrast of Difform Coded Aperture in Photoelectricity Imaging[J]. ─── 引用该论文 程丽红,田晓东,谢存.

14、Aperture the well-set sex that cooperates to be able to affect ambry casing with precision. ─── 孔位的配合和精度会影响橱柜箱体的结构牢固性。

15、The instruments differin spectral response, reading aperture size, and illumination geometry. ─── 仪器不同 在鬼反应, 读开口大小, 和照明不同。

16、For a triangular aperture we no longer see a circle of confusion, but rather a triangle of confusion. ─── 对于三角形光圈,我们看到弥散圈不是圆形的,而是三角形的。

17、A very small lens aperture is employed to correct spherical aberration, but this severely limits the final resolution. ─── 可以用一个非常小的透镜孔阑来校正球差,但这会严重地影响最终鉴别率。

18、SpotSi - The angle at the tip of the cone, or the Spot aperture. ─── 圆锥体顶角角度,或是聚光灯孔径。

19、We have reproducibly fabricated two kinds of fiber probes with a Ni-P film: aperture probe and apertureless probe. ─── 在实验过程中得到了两种覆膜光纤探针,开口型覆膜光纤探针和全包型覆膜光纤探针。

20、The optimum aperture of an aerator is smallest at the water depth of 4 m. ─── 一般水深在4 m左右,曝气器的最优孔径最小.

21、A very small lens aperture is employed to correct spherical aberration, but this sevrely limits the final resolution. ─── 可以用一个非常小的透镜孔阑来校正球差,但这会严重地影响最终鉴别率。

22、Be in northern region, because climate is drier, the floor produces aperture and craze easily. ─── 在北方地区,由于气候比较干燥,地板轻易产生缝隙和开裂。

23、Our film scanning service is capable to handle microfilm, microfiche and aperture card. ─── 我们的胶片扫描服务可处理缩微胶卷、缩微胶片和开窗卡。

24、Meter the scene, select an f-stop, set the autoflash aperture to the same f-stop, and shoot. ─── 在使用没有自动输出控制的闪光灯时,将闪光灯的感光度设为胶卷的二倍,对主体测光,机身选光圈整档,闪光灯设同样光圈。

25、As sedimentation continues the deposits adjacent to the aperture will build up, layer by layer, to the water level . ─── 当沉积作用连续进行时,邻近口子的沉积将一层一层地向上筑造到水面。

26、To produce a clear musical sound by forcing air through the teeth or through an aperture formed by pursing the lips. ─── 吹口哨通过迫使空气穿过牙齿间隙或穿过由噘嘴形成的小缝隙而发出清晰的乐音

27、A light came through the narrow aperture. ─── 小孔里透过一缕光线。

28、Similarly, the smooth aperture walls produced by electroforming also enhance paste release. ─── 同理,电铸产生的光滑孔壁也有助于锡膏释放。

29、The aperture through which the sand runs is so tiny that first it seems as if the level in the upper glass never changes. ─── 沙子穿过的孔太小了,第一次看到它时就好像上面的沙子永远没有变化。

30、Explore the different settings of aperture, shutter speed, and white balance, if you can. ─── 尽你所能地去发掘光圈、快门、白平衡等不同的设定。

31、Study on Fizeau OPtical Synthetic Aperture Paraxial Imaging[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王治乐,张伟.

32、The ADC aperture jitter must be minimal, and the sampling clock generated from a low phase-noise quartz crystal oscillator. ─── ADC的孔径抖动必需尽可能的小,而且要使用低相位噪声的石英晶体振荡器作为采样时钟发生器。

33、Aperture-Synthesizing Experiment of a Down-Scaled Synthetic Aperture Imaging Ladar[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Zhou Yu,Sun Jianfeng,Luan Zhu,Liu Liren.

34、It did not entirely fill the aperture, and he had been looking over it. ─── 它并没有完全填满洞口,他一直在往外看。

35、Difform aperture is adopted in coded and recoded process, compared with each other optimal aperture is chosen. ─── 对不同形状孔径进行编码解码处理,通过比较选择出最佳的孔径形状。

36、MMS-based spectrometers sample up to 1,000 optical channels simultaneously through the large coded aperture. ─── 基于MMS技术的光谱仪,通过大口径编码光阑能够同时对1000条光学通道进行采样。

37、Perhaps the most interesting piece was an old box-styled camera, one of the first to use an aperture. ─── 也许最有趣的器械是一个古老的盒式相机,这也是最早利用光圈相机之一。

38、Algorithm for Airborne Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Imaging Ladar Data Processing[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Guo Liang,Xing Mengdao,Liang Yi,Tang Yu.

39、The ratio of the focal length of a lens or lens system to the effective diameter of its aperture. ─── F值物镜或物镜系统的焦距与入射光孔直径之比

40、Figure 1 illustrates the principle, but for a triangular aperture. ─── 图一描绘了这个原理,不过用的是三角形光圈。

41、Spatial Photon Distribution of Undulator Radiation and Transmission Photon Flux Through Aperture[J]. ─── 引用该论文 吕述庄,戴志敏,刘桂民,赵小凤.

42、We saw light through a small aperture in the wall. ─── 我们透过墙上的小孔看到了亮光。

43、Generally, an aperture radius of two to three times the FWHM of the PSF is a good value. ─── 一般的,孔半径设置为点扩展函数的半宽值的两到三倍比较好。

44、Shoot in aperture preferred mode with the lens set to wide angle and choose the smallest aperture. ─── 在大角度镜头的光圈下,进行拍摄,光圈要最小。

45、If the shutter exists, please close the shutter. Please adhere the label to the aperture. ─── 如存在遮光机构,请关闭遮机构。粘贴标签。

46、She falls into frame with a professional pout but the polaroids ignite on seeing their subject and the aperture[...... ─── 您浏览了太多的页面,所以您无法看到该页的内容...

47、How about not the same F number, but the same in area of aperture? ─── 兄台的问题,是问当光圈实际大小不变,焦距和景深的关系吧。

48、This extra length is accommodated by the cell bulging away from the aperture, so widening the pore. ─── 当保卫细胞吸水时,其细胞壁内纤维素性质的微纤维的排列方式使细胞在长轴的增加远大于短轴。

49、The Diffraction of Flot-topped Gauss Beam Passed circular Aperture[J]. ─── 引用该论文 屈军,丁培宏,孟凯,崔执凤.

50、Taking up her camera, she adjusted the aperture. ─── 她端起照相机,调了一下光圈。

51、The only light came through a narrow aperture. ─── 仅有的光来自一个小孔。

52、The aperture will be set to the aperture opening you have selected and you can confirm the areas that are focused. ─── 光圈将被调整到你已选择的光圈大小。你可以核准对焦区域。

53、The soldier fired the rifle through a narrow aperture in a pile of sandbags. ─── 士兵用步枪通过沙袋掩体的缝隙射击。

54、We must not forget to open the aperture at the second contact. ─── 在食既时不要忘记放大光圈。

55、Hence the value of high numerical aperture for such specimens. ─── 因此对这标本需采用大数值孔径的物镜。

56、Under those conditions photographers shoot with a fast exposure time and small aperture. ─── 在这种情况下拍摄者会使用很短的快门时间并调小光圈,

57、Calculation of a Novel Collimation Aperture Used in NIM Sr Clock[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王民明,孟飞,王强,林百科,方占军.

58、In NFR pick-up head, the SIL/SSIL and aperture are key components to overcome the diffraction limit. ─── 在近场光学读取头中,SIL/SSIL与微孔是主要克服绕射极限之关键元件;

59、In inside of vertebra bend root, this vein intersects in the vein inside alimentary aperture and vertebra. ─── 在椎弓根内侧,这个静脉在滋养孔与椎骨内静脉相交通。

60、The Aperture Open Both Eyes, The Shutter Freeze Memories. ─── 光圈打开双眼,快门凝结记忆。

61、Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations of the Surface Signatures of Cold- Season Bands over the Great Lakes . ─── 大湖上空冷季带地面信号的合成孔径雷达观测。

62、The grommet covers the base so that the ring protrudes through the aperture. ─── 垫圈覆盖底部,使得环从孔中穿出。

63、Usually, we analyze variation stars or occultation events by applying aperture photometry. ─── 传统上寻找变星或掩星的方法是测光分析。

64、You get the same amount of light with a large aperture and a fast shutter speed as you do with a small aperture and a slow shutter speed. ─── 你使用大光圈以及慢速快门所得到的光和你使用小光圈以及高速快门得到的光是一样多的。

65、A cranklike handle with an adjustable aperture at one end for securing and turning a bit. ─── 手摇曲柄一种在一端带有可调节的孔以抓住和转动钻头的曲柄状把手

66、Computer keyboard keys aperture stains and dust to clean up, these seem to have to carefully place, often let our cleaning job not start. ─── 电脑键盘的按键缝隙容易留下污渍和灰尘,这些清洁起来似乎不得不小心翼翼的地方,往往让我们的清洁工作无从下手。

67、If the shutter exists, please close the shutter of the laser head. Please attach the label to the aperture. ─── 如存在遮光机构,请关闭遮光机构。粘贴贴挡标志。

68、The only light came through a narrow aperture. ─── 仅有的光亮来自一个小孔。

69、Figure 6-9 shows the oven with the small aperture for viewing the radiation leaving the enclosure. ─── 图6-9表示一个空腔,上面开着一个小孔,用来观察空腔发出的辐射。

70、Furthermore, the effect of aperture parameters on the diffraction characteristics of laser beams is also discussed. ─── 另外,讨论了齿形光阑的参数对光束衍射特性的影响。

71、The simulation of the airborne synthetic aperture imaging ladar model validates the feasibility. ─── 建立了该方法从外差探测到距离向成像的一般性数学流程。

72、The size of aperture is in inflectional when increase, decrease when extend. ─── 孔的大小在屈曲时增加,伸展时减少。

73、Light fall off Light fall off is more severe with the f1.8 At big aperture. ─── 亮度衰减1.8在大光圈时亮度的衰减更加严重。

74、Into this aperture a droplet of mercury was poured. ─── 一小滴水银滴进了这个小孔。

75、Ellipse inlet aperture of grape wine. ─── 产品描述:葡萄酒椭圆人孔。

76、Aperture Photo is a professional photography studio providing high quality photography and vision service. ─── 光圈视觉是一家专门提供高水准拍摄服务的专业视觉机构。

77、A superconductor transfers the power from the flux aperture to the power cell. ─── 一个超导体将通行孔径的能量转到能量电池中。

78、Compensation of Nonlinear Chirp in Synthetic Aperture Imaging Ladar[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Xu Nan,Liu Liren,Lu Wei.

79、No vibration happens during the cover of operation, and the aperture drifted is accurate and smooth. ─── 工作中不会产生振擅,所钻孔精确光滑。

80、An efficient small aperture downlight designed for use withR50 incandescentreflector lamps (40W maximum). ─── 小孔径筒灯,适配R50白炽反射光源,最大为40w。

81、If the aperture is circular , a circular spot of light appears on the screen. ─── 如果孔是圆形的,那么在屏幕上出现一圆形光斑。

82、If the endometrium polyp is not prompt excises, easy to block the oviduct aperture, the disturbance fertilized egg bed and the growth. ─── 子宫内膜息肉如果不及时切除,容易阻塞输卵管开口,干扰受精卵着床和发育。

83、The result reveals that the polarized incident wave becomes depolarized after passing through the aperture. ─── 亚波长尺寸的小孔作为扫描近场光学显微镜中常用的金属膜光纤探针的简化模型。

84、What aperture are you using? ─── 你使用多大的光圈?

85、Coupling characteristic of EM pulse into the conductor enclose with aperture is studied with FDTD method. ─── 利用时域有限差分方法(FDTD)研究了电磁脉冲对带孔缝导体腔的耦合特性。

86、Actually, the mask and openings are not really necessary; the mirror alone could serve as aperture. ─── 其实,挡光板及其上的开孔都是不必要的;单单反射镜本身就可以起小孔的作用。

87、Spinor theory of diffraction from aperture in slant illumination[J]. ─── 引用该论文 何宜军,杨铨让.

88、Testing of paraboloid mirror with super relative aperture using compensator[J]. ─── 引用该论文 胡明勇,刘文清,张权,江庆伍.

89、He stopped down the lens to a small aperture. ─── 他把镜头光圈孔径缩小。




世界上最大的射电望远镜就是“天眼”,而且就是在中国,“天眼”英文名FAST,全称为Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope,翻译过来即为500米口径球面射电望远镜。


由我国天文学家于1994年提出构想,从预研到建成历时22年,于2016年9月25日落成,开始接收来自宇宙深处的电磁波。 [1] 由中国科学院国家天文台主导建设,是具有我国自主知识产权、世界最大单口径、最灵敏的射电望远镜。主动反射面是由上万根钢索和4450个反射单元组成的球冠型索膜结构,其外形像一口巨大的锅,接收面积相当于30个标准足球场。



除了上面两种之外,中国、日本、韩国三国科学家正利用他们共同构建的世界最大射电望远镜阵,探测银河系结构、超大质量黑洞等深空奥秘。 三国天文学界在各自独立开发的射电天体探测网基础上,整合了东亚地区直径约6000公里范围内19台射电天文望远镜,覆盖了从日本小笠原、北海道至中国乌鲁木齐、昆明的广阔地域,成为世界上最庞大的射电天文观测网络。如果配合日本“月亮女神”绕月卫星上搭载的观天设备,这个望远镜阵的直径将会扩展到2.4万公里。当代先进射电望远镜有:以德意志联邦共和国 100米望远镜为代表的大﹑中型厘米波可跟踪抛物面射电望远镜;以美国国立射电天文台﹑瑞典翁萨拉天文台和日本东京天文台的设备为代表的毫米波射电望远镜;

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