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08-17 投稿


flurried 发音

英:[?fl?rid]  美:[?fl??rid]

英:  美:

flurried 中文意思翻译



flurried 词性/词形变化,flurried变形


flurried 短语词组

1、flurried define ─── 慌乱的定义

2、flurried up ─── 慌忙起来

3、flurried crossword ─── 慌乱的填字游戏

4、flurried synonym ─── 慌乱同义词

5、flurried mean ─── 慌乱的平均

6、flurried definition ─── 慌乱的定义

7、flurried my time passag ─── 我的时间匆匆流逝

8、in a flurried manner ─── 慌 ─── 慌张张地

9、flurried my time ─── 搅乱了我的时间

flurried 相似词语短语

1、furrier ─── n.毛皮商;毛皮衣制作工

2、hurried ─── adj.匆忙的;草率的;v.催促;匆忙进行;急派(hurry的过去式和过去分词)

3、curried ─── adj.用咖喱烧的,用咖哩粉烹调的;加了咖喱(或咖喱粉)的

4、flurred ─── vt.飞起;撒开

5、blurred ─── v.(使)……变得模糊不清;(使)视线模糊;(使)难以区分(blur的过去式及过去分词);adj.模糊不清的;记不清的;难以区分的

6、blurrier ─── 更模糊的(blurrier是blurry的比较级)

7、flurring ─── vt.飞起;撒开

8、ferried ─── v.摆渡;(尤指定期)运送(ferry的过去式及过去分词)

9、flurries ─── n.疾风;小雪(flurry复数);v.使恐慌(flurry的第三人称单数形式)

flurried 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chu sun flurried find tissue for me until I unrecoverable wiped, deep down, he with a sigh, looking at me, Mimi. ─── 楚阳慌忙找纸巾替我擦拭,等到我平复下来,他沉沉地叹了一声,直视着我,米米。

2、Keep calm, not flurried, live firmly the guest inside each area, prevent to run odd. ─── 保持镇静,不要慌乱,稳住各区域内的客人,防止跑单。

3、Outside the brush house in the tuna clump, a covey of little birds chattered and flurried with their wings. ─── 在茅屋外面的霸王树丛中,一群小鸟一面嘁嘁喳喳地叫着,一面拍打着翅膀。

4、Old total stare than the egg return big of eyes flurried say:"Not not not, I ain't a comrade." ─── 老总瞪着比鸡蛋还大的眼睛慌忙说:“不不不,我不是同志。”

5、The opening meets the Thai team which frustrates somewhat to get muddled obviously, the members appear somewhat flurried on the field. ─── 开局遇挫的泰国队明显有些发蒙,队员们在场上显得有些慌乱。

6、When the bad news follow on somebody's heels, falls into the flurried EU country, because each one “disaster situation” different, how to rescue the city still respectively to have calculates. ─── 坏消息接踵而至时,陷入慌乱的欧盟国家因为各自“灾情”不同,对如何救市仍然各有盘算。

7、"Miz Wilkes, you got more sense than most women but you gits flurried right easy," said Archie. ─── "威尔克斯太太,你在妇女中是最精明的了,可是你也容易一时糊涂,"阿尔奇说。

8、Although looks at each other also less than one second, but the Zhu southern coastal provinces already saw from his look has been flurried and is timid. ─── 虽然对视还不到一秒钟,但朱南洋已经从他的眼神中看到了慌乱和胆怯。

9、The thief got flurried,thinking that it was too bad to have produced the crashiing sound which would himself on the bell,trying to muffle the crashing sound with his arms. ─── 他心里一急,身子一下子扑到了钟上,张开双臂想捂住钟声,可钟声又怎么捂得住呢!

10、And so venturing not to say another word, poor Jemima trotted off, exceedingly flurried and nervous. ─── 平克顿小姐答道:“立刻叫赛特笠小姐到我这儿来。”

11、Except in 2999 this year all flurried, fears and is confused, is left over only then the present happiness happily, the harmonious joyful picture! ─── 除去公元2999年这一年的所有慌乱、恐惧与迷茫,剩下的只有现在的幸福美好、和谐快乐的景象!

12、And so venturing not to say another word, poor Jemimo trotted off, exceedingly flurried and nervous ─── 可怜的吉米玛小姐不敢多嘴,慌慌张张的跑掉了。

13、I beside him squat, looking at him flurried of look in the eyes. ─── 我在他身旁蹲下,看着他慌乱的眼神。

14、Infighting among the also too, flurried trance is too indistinct, flat faint is also a life, why bother yourself so tired, and are engaged in their own unlike people, ah, why bother it! ─── 钩心斗角也是过,恍恍惚惚也是过,平平淡淡也是一生,何苦让自己那么累,搞的自己不像人啊,何苦呢!

15、look flurried ─── 神色慌张

16、Mary was briefly flurried but then recollected herself. ─── 玛丽在短暂的慌张之后又镇定下来。

17、Liu flurried again and contact the police. ─── 刘慌忙又和警方取得联系。

18、Along with is not casual, grasps the lucky chance, is not pessimistic, is not mechanical, is not flurried, is not unconventional; ─── 随不是随便,是把握机缘,不悲观,不刻板,不慌乱,不忘形;

19、'Come,come,'he said,'you are flurried,Mr Lockwood.' ─── “好啦,好啦,”他说,“你受惊啦,洛克乌德先生。”

20、Of the upper limbs when walking in coordination the movement reduces down to to disappear, step pitch shortens, truncal and inflectional, quick short steps, rush before, show " flurried gait " . ─── 行走时上肢的协同动作减少以至消失,步距缩短,躯干屈曲,碎步,前冲,呈“慌张步态”。

21、Being confused and flurried ─── 迷离惝恍

22、Pressed flurried, there is a voice like the Ying Yan self-talk in sleep and said: Please do not, please stop saying that forever. ─── 倥恍中,有一种声音似在硬咽自呓着说:请别,请别再说永远。

23、This time, Cong probably has realized anything, the whole face panic-stricken color, flurried lost one's voice “initiative” calls out, I was not Cong! ─── 此时,丛某好像意识到了什么,满脸惊恐之色,慌乱中失声“主动”叫道,我不是丛某!

24、Let you felling have a kind of safety feeling, that be can't living that kind of an another person flurried of felling, can trust association, exert good you of duty. ─── 让你感觉有一种安全感,那就是不能生出那种另人慌乱的感觉,可以放心交往,尽好你的本分。

25、be flurried out of one's wits ─── 周章失措

26、Phileas Fogg, without getting in the least flurried, then proposed to purchase the animal outright, and at first offered a thousand pounds for him ─── 福克先生还是一点也没有激动,这时他就向印度人提出要买这头大象。

27、Speaking hastily and looking flurried ─── 疾言遽色

28、Ties the carpophyll to hit pleasant has the fervor, after tying, not flurried, has won the champion finally. ─── 结果叶如意打得非常有激情,被追平之后也没有慌乱,最终拿了冠军。”

29、I put it to the inside of the flower pot flurried. ─── 我慌忙将它插到花盆里。

30、Keep calm! Don't get flurried. ─── 镇静些!别发慌。

31、Of beat on his face, on the hair. Not only have never made him flurried to mismanage, on the contrary make his eyes more brightness. ─── 的吹打在他的脸上,发上。不但没有让他慌乱失措,反而使他的眼睛更为明亮。

32、Keep calm! Don't get flurried! ─── 保持镇静!别慌张!

33、She was slightly flurried and tingling in the cheeks, but it was more nervousness than either fear or favour. ─── 她突然一阵心慌,两颊微微发烧。不过这是出于紧张,而不是害怕或喜爱。

34、Grandmother was anxious and flurried at the sight of it.What mother mowed was the ear of growing rice planted at others' field. ─── 奶奶一看,,娘割的是人家田里正生浆拔穗的稻谷。

35、Faith,' muttered Passepartout, somewhat flurried, `I've seen people at Madame Tussaud's as lively as my new master!' ─── 路路通开始觉得有点儿奇怪,自言自语地说:“说真的,我在杜叟太太家里看见的那些‘好好先生’跟我现在的这位主人简直没有一点差别!”

36、`Come, come,' he said, `you are flurried, Mr Lockwood. ─── “好啦,好啦,”他说,“你受惊啦,洛克乌德先生。

37、A guest walks over to say: "You are beardless and such flurried, when I hear be on fire, rise from the bed, light a cigarette, wear the dress imperturbably. ─── 一位客人走过来说:“你们无须如此慌张,当我听见失火时,就从床上起来,点上一支烟,泰然自若地穿衣服。

38、in a flurried manner ─── 慌慌张张地

39、Flurried in movement, rough-handed ─── 毛手毛脚

40、”Wang Yihan disclosed that after first game of unfavorable situation, in oneself thought not flurried, compared with has made the adjustment calmly to the tactic. ─── 王仪涵透露,在首局失利后,自己思想上没有慌乱,比较冷静地对战术做出了调整。

41、he cringes Zhao low voice orison and flurried turns round to leave. ─── 他哆嗦著低声祈祷,慌忙转身离开。

42、get flurried ─── 发慌

43、There was the same red glare as far as eye could reach, and small waves were lapping the hot sand in little, flurried gasps. ─── 到处依然是一片火爆的阳光。大海憋得急速地喘气,把它细小的浪头吹到沙滩上。

44、He fitted the book roughly into his inner pocket and, stubbing his toes against the broken commode , hurried out towards the smell, stepping hastily down the stairs with a flurried stork's legs. ─── 他把书胡乱塞进内兜,脚趾尖撞在破脸盆架上,朝着那股气味的方向奔出屋子,以慌慌张张的白鹳般的步子,匆忙冲下楼梯。

45、Of beat on his face, on the hair.Not only have never made him flurried to mismanage, on the contrary make his eyes more brightness. ─── 的吹打在他的脸上,发上。不但没有让他慌乱失措,反而使他的眼睛更为明亮。

46、Doctor regarding has a fever, what cares about is disease's influence and the progress, but the usual parents only saw disease semblance, like has a fever, flurried. ─── 医师对于发烧,在乎的是疾病本身的影响及进展,但通常父母只看到疾病外表,如发烧、,就慌乱不已。

47、At this moment, he was very flurried. ─── 这时,他慌了神,准备出逃。

48、Often the function frighten flurried hide, say:"Drive its differential calculus once, I have nothing at all!" ─── 常函数吓得慌忙躲藏,说:“被它微分一下,我就什么都没有啦!”

49、Keeping silent no essential points to the moment is flurried , lets it be OK in the past. ─── 谈话不是竞赛,象跑步一样拼命地冲到终点。

50、Jeju island is flurried and nervous because of Rain. ─── 济州岛是激动和紧张,因为有雨。

51、Suddenly,loses inspiration,makes me flurried and be at loss. ─── 顿时失去了灵感,慌张而不知所措。

52、Wolf come, is flurried in pig nest uneasy.Pig mama arrangement work:big pig quick go to door! ─── 狼来了,猪窝里慌乱不安.猪妈安排工作:大猪快去堵门!

53、Mr. Harding was a little flurried when I told him of the bishop's wishes about the school. ─── 我把主教对那所学校的希望告诉哈定先生的时候,他有点激动。

54、Fear-stricken, the dog turned and flurried like an animal in a pen. ─── 狗惊慌万状,犹如关在圈里的牲口,吓得转着圈乱蹦乱踢。

55、'Faith,' muttered Passepartout, somewhat flurried, 'I've seen people at Madame Tussaud's as lively as my new master!' ─── 路路通开始觉得有点儿奇怪,自言自语地说:“说真的,我在杜叟太太家里看见的那些‘好好先生’跟我现在的这位主人简直没有一点差别!”

56、One day of night, the girl body dyes the acute disease, flurried in originally wanted to give out parents' telephone to allocate move set clock for boy there. ─── 一天夜里,女孩身染急症,慌乱之中把本想拨给父母的电话拨到了男孩那里。

57、Flurried, Zhang tumbles in the place. ─── 慌乱中,张某跌倒在地。

58、flurried; flustered ─── 慌张

59、Noise in the audience flurried the actor so that he forgot his lines. ─── 观众中的吵闹声使这位演员惊慌失措,把台词给忘了。

60、Keep calm! Don't get flurried. ─── 镇静些!别发慌。

61、How doesn't know, he is suddenly flurried, digs up altogether hurriedly his table's on thing the drawer, at the same time shouted `the earthquake to me, earthquake, tantivy, your also tantivy '. ─── 不知道怎么的,他突然慌乱起来,急忙把他桌上的东西一股脑扒进抽屉,一边对我喊‘地震了,地震了,快跑,你也快跑’。

62、I feel cravat is improper again, come down its solution, changed again, flurried without a bit! ─── 我又觉得领带不合适,就把它解下来,又换了一条,没有丝毫慌张!

63、Looking at the rabbit chicken that can not voice, I am very flurried. ─── 看着无法表达的兔子鸡,我很慌忙啊。
















英文翻译wild, mad; flurried


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