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08-17 投稿


vagabond 发音

英:['v?g?b?nd]  美:['v?ɡ?bɑnd]

英:  美:

vagabond 中文意思翻译




vagabond 网络释义

adj. 流浪的;流浪者的;浪荡的;漂泊的n. 流浪者;浪子;流氓;懒汉vi. 到处流浪

vagabond 短语词组

1、vagabond vintage ─── 流浪汉葡萄酒

2、vagabond buddha ─── 流浪佛

3、vagabond house ─── 流浪汉之家

4、vagabond manga ─── 芒果流浪汉

5、vagabond current ─── 迷流

6、vagabond definition ─── 流浪汉定义

7、vagabond clothing ─── 流浪汉服装

8、vagabond group ─── [法] 流氓集团

9、vagabond's disease ─── [医] 寄生性黑皮病

10、vagabond 2 ─── 流浪汉2

11、vagabond lyrics ─── 流浪汉歌词

12、Vagabond butterflyfish ─── 河豚蝶鱼

vagabond 词性/词形变化,vagabond变形

动词现在分词: vagabonding |动词第三人称单数: vagabonds |动词过去式: vagabonded |名词: vagabondage |动词过去分词: vagabonded |

vagabond 相似词语短语

1、vagabonds ─── n.流浪者(vagabond的复数形式)

2、vagabondish ─── 流浪者

3、vagabondized ─── vi.流浪;漫游;漂泊

4、vagabondize ─── vi.流浪;漫游;漂泊

5、vagabondise ─── 流浪汉

6、vagabondism ─── n.流浪生活;流浪

7、vagabondage ─── n.流浪;流浪者;流浪生活

8、vagabondises ─── 流浪汉

9、vagabondised ─── 阴道债券

vagabond 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It appeared that a bohemian, a bare-footed vagabond, a sort of dangerous mendicant, was at that moment in the town ─── 据说有一个游民,一个赤脚大汉,一个恶叫化子这时已到了城里。

2、I'm kind of tired of the vagabond life. ─── 我有点厌倦了漂泊的生活。

3、He leads a vagabond life. ─── 他过着流浪生活。

4、A vagabond and his transcendental feelings--Liu Yong and his Ci ─── 漂泊的身世与超越的情怀--柳永其人其词

5、Or, more fearfully, he wrote of his 12-year-old self: "I might easily have been. . . a little robber or a little vagabond. " ─── 又比如,他心有余悸地回忆12岁时,“我极有可能成为小流氓或者小游民。”

6、Vagabond kid's tear for oneself but fiow ─── 流浪的小孩泪为自己而流

7、vagabond disease ─── 流浪者病, 体虱病

8、Wanting to be a hero himself, Wei bravely fights with a group of soldiers to prevent them from killing a vagabond, Mao Shiba. ─── 一日他为了做英雄,救了落难江湖好汉茅十八,并凭一时之勇杀了许多官兵。

9、Lily had no mind for the vagabond life of the poor relation. ─── 丽莉受不了穷亲戚们那种乞丐般的苦日子。

10、13 Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the LORD Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth. ─── 13那时,有几个游行各处,念咒赶鬼的犹太人,向那被恶鬼附的人,擅自称主耶稣的名,说,我奉保罗所传的耶稣,敕令你们出来。

11、On this world, everyone is lousing around, everyone is vagabond; ─── 就象这个城市一样。这里承载了我太多的记忆。

12、He is a homeless vagabond. ─── 他是个无家可归的流浪汉。

13、However, to me, a vagabond, it was more like oil on fire, making me more homesick. ─── 对于游子,那不啻是火上浇油,越发勾起乡愁。

14、It so happened that Master had spotted a ragged vagabond squatting by the roadside and wanted to offer him some food and a pair of trousers. ─── 原来师父看见路旁有一位流浪汉蹲着,衣服破烂,师父要送他食物和裤子。

15、Abstract: Summary: The affairs have often occurred that unknown vagabond died of transportation cause in recent years. ─── 文章摘要: 近年来,无名流浪者因交通事故致死的事件时有发生。

16、You look like a vagabond! ─── 你看起来像个流浪汉!

17、For their shoddy work and vagabond ways, they have a well-earned reputation as hucksters out to hoodwink the outlander colonists on Tatooine. ─── 由于他们劣等的工作及声名狼藉的作风,他们有著名符其实的声誉--试图欺骗塔图音外来拓殖者的叫卖小贩。

18、Hindley calls him a vagabond, and won't let him sit with us, nor eat with us any more; ─── 甚至,他说,我们两个不能再在一起玩,并威胁说,如果我们不听话,他会把希斯克利夫赶出家去。

19、mind of vagabond offender ─── 流窜犯罪心理学

20、Why, you poor foolish, ignorant vagabond , you've been cheated, that's what! ─── 你这个缺心眼的湖涂蛋,你受骗了,就是这么回事。

21、Tending to wander; vagabond. ─── 想流浪的;飘流的

22、The art of loafing is following the philosophy of the vagabond who said,"I turn my back to the wind."It is drifting and dreaming and opening yourself to the inflow of peace and tranquility. ─── 休闲的艺术是奉行那个流浪者的哲学"我转过身,用背对着风".休闲是放逐、是梦想、是敞开自己,以让和平及宁静源源流入。

23、Vagabond life is wonderful for you! ─── 漂泊人生,有你而精彩!

24、vagabond images ─── 浪子形象

25、head aches, till I cannot keep it on the pillow;and still I can't give over.Poor Heathcliff!Hindley calls him a vagabond, and won't let him sit with us, nor eat with us any more; ─── 学习如何做一个称职的下属不一定每个人都是管理者,但每个人都必须有经验的下属这样做,而且更多的情况下,我们扮演了领导和下属的双重角色。

26、Where the sun is setting the alarm clock of darkness for the vagabond. ─── 看西下的夕阳正为流浪者设定黑暗的闹钟。

27、You know my vagabond and restless habits. ─── 你知道我的这种流浪汉习惯,我是闲不住的。

28、It so happened that Master had spotted a ragged vagabond squatting by the roadside and wanted to offer him some food and a pair of trousers. ─── 原来师父看见路旁有一位流浪汉蹲着,衣服破烂,师父要送他食物和裤子。

29、[slang] prog | bum | rascal | scamp | [colloq] vagabond ─── 瘪三 |流氓

30、A man without an address is a vagabond; a man with two address is a libertine. ─── 人而无一住址者是为流浪汉,住址有二者是为放荡儿。

31、Well, you burst on the scene already a legend The unwashed phenomenon The original vagabond You strayed into my arms ─── 想当初你一登台亮相便一鸣惊人那位天生的现象和游子漂泊到了我的身旁

32、rig oneself out as a vagabond ─── 把自己打扮成流浪汉

33、In my vagabond years most derelicts seemed to be white. Today the streets are dominated by black homeless. ─── 在我流浪那些年,大多数被遗弃的男人好像都是白人。今天这些街道却被无家可归的黑人占据着。

34、How does the starlit sky download game from the vagabond? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>网游>怎样从游民星空下载游戏?

35、His old vagabond nature returned to him ─── 他的老脾气马上又复活了。

36、Very early, after aunt which sweeps the floor is pushed awakes. 13year-old I started the long vagabond's life. This section drifts thelife India deepest is also farthest in mine mind. ─── 一大早,被扫地的阿姨推醒过来后。13岁的我就开始了漫长的流浪生活。这段漂泊的生活在我的脑海里印得最深也最远。

37、A vagabond life wasn't objective,If then objective,just only a peace of mind!! ─── 感言:流浪不是目的,如果真有所谓的目的的话,只是为了内心那永恒一般的宁静!!

38、Saw a vagabond king wear a styrofoam crown ─── 我看见一个流浪汉戴着泡沫塑料做的皇冠

39、Man can't stop leading a vagabond life before he meets a woman who can give him a reason of stay. ─── 友情提示:烟台大学论坛已经接受烟台市公安局24小时网络监控,请勿发布违法违规信息,以免受到法律追查!

40、Vagabond kid's road for oneself but walk ─── 流浪的小孩路为自己而走

41、Vagabond singers and behavioral artists perform their bold shows ceaselessly in this area, and the wanton lovers seek their morbid love in a fruitless pursuance. ─── 在这里,永不停歇地上演着流浪歌手的漂泊、行为艺术家们的激情、一见钟情的爱恋和没有结局的邂逅。

42、No matter how vagabond our heart are, there are always some things on which we can land, wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing is passing. ─── 无论心情怎样漂泊,总有一些东西可以让我们着陆,在某个刹那,当思念闪过,希望会有最真实的寄托。

43、Characters and Crackdown Countermeasures of Current Vagabond Offences ─── 当前流窜犯罪的特点及打击对策

44、You are nothing but a vagabond. ─── 你简直成了浪荡公子。

45、a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. ─── 你种地,地不再给你效力。你必流离飘荡在地上。

46、a vagabond life ─── 游荡的生活

47、Himura Kenshin is a vagabond with a dark past and sunny disposition. ─── 维新政府建立后的某一天,在一个小村庄里,剑心遇见了一位美丽的少女神谷熏。

48、Vagabond's melanosis ─── Vagabond黑变病

49、Floating people have distinct non-inhabitation characters, expressed by marginal residential space, floating shelters, vagabond dwelling value and unhealthy dwelling environment. ─── 研究表明流动人口在大城市具有明显的非居民化的居住特征,表现在居住场所集中于城市边缘,居住地更换频繁,居住质量差和居民身份认同感缺乏。

50、Your poverty will come in like a vagabond And your need like an armed man. ─── 箴6:11你的贫穷就必如强盗速来、你的缺乏彷佛拿兵器的人来到。

51、Intensify education among the basic sections of the Red Army and among recently recruited captives to counter the vagabond outlook. ─── 对现有红军基本队伍和新来的俘虏兵,加紧反流氓意识的教育。

52、I stepped out musing, and almost walked over a vagabond who was eating his dinner on the curbstone ─── 我一边沉思,一边走出去,差点没踩在一个流浪汉身上,他正坐在街沿石上吃饭。

53、Like Tora-san, Lily is a vagabond who is known for her generosity and great-heartedness. ─── 她与寅一样,性格豪爽,自小漂泊流离,孤身上路。

54、[colloq] vagabond ─── 瘪三流氓

55、Had this vagabond heathen been all this while with the Ladies of Croye, and for what purpose should they so far have graced him with their presence? ─── 如果说这个流浪的异教徒一直是呆在克罗伊埃仕女那儿,那么她们留他这么久是什么缘故呢?

56、"ronin, Japanese masterless samurai. because samurai received their livelihood from their lord in return for service, a masterless samurai was essentially a vagabond unless he could enter the service of another lord. " ─── "浪人,没有主子的日本武士。因为日本武士依靠他们所效力的主子来维持生计,所以从根本上讲,没有主子的武士便是浪子,除非他们能为另外的主子效力。"

57、The film "Vagabond" is a huge improvement. ─── 影片《流浪汉》是一个巨大的进步。

58、No matter how vagabond ourheart are, there are always some things on which we can land,wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing ispassing. ─── 无论心情怎样漂泊,总有一些东西可以让我们着陆,在某个刹那,当思念闪过,希望会有最真实的寄托。

59、They are living a vagabond life. ─── 他们过着流浪的生活。

60、vagabond group ─── 流氓集团

61、It seems to me, brothers, that this is an idle old vagabond, who does no good to any one. ─── 看起来,兄弟们,这是个游手好闲的老流浪汉,对任何人都没好处。

62、Build a stairway to heaven with a prince or a vagabond ─── 不管你跟随王子或乞丐都能找到上天堂的阶梯

63、--a vagabond, a Corsican." ─── 一个流浪汉,一个科西嘉人。”

64、vagabond ham ─── 富贵火腿

65、A worthless fellow who cannot be trusted-a vagabond; a Bad scamp ─── 无赖之徒

66、She lived a vagabond life in the constant presence of the couple accused of abducting her. ─── 她跟绑架她的人一起过着漂泊的生活。

67、‘He shall have his share of my hand, if I catch him downstairs till dark,‘ cried Hindley. ‘Begone, you vagabond! ─── 如果让我在天黑之前在楼下看见他,他会有我的拳头的。欣德利叫道。滚开,你这个混帐!

68、The political ideology of roving rebel bands has emerged in the Red Army because the proportion of vagabond elements is large and because there are great masses of vagabonds in China, especially in the southern provinces. ─── 由于红军中游民成分占了很大的数量和全国特别是南方各省有广大游民群众的存在,就在红军中产生了流寇主义的政治思想。

69、The kid and the vagabond dog ─── 爱乐流浪记

70、If he could get rid of Qui-Gon's rather irritating tendency to befriend every scoundrel and vagabond they came across, the boy would be a perfect Padawan. ─── 可魁刚无论是对他们遇到的恶棍还是流浪汉都很友好,如果杜库可以不介意魁刚那令人恼怒的友善态度,这个小男孩就是一个完美的学徒了。

71、You have given all my money to a common thief and a vagabond ─── 你把我所有的钱都给了一个手段卑劣的贼,一个无赖。

72、These were strange words to the vagabond boy's ears, and the pleasantest he had ever heard. ─── 这些话对这个流浪男孩来说是陌生的,也是他有生以来听到的最愉快的话。

73、Fall Wind is tired of vagabond life ─── 秋风厌倦漂泊

74、For bestowing love on me, a vagabond, Who has wandered thousands of years. ─── 赐给流浪千年的浪子满满的爱。

75、When a player is living there they thereby acquire additional skills, others live on the streets as a vagabond. ─── 当一名村民,生活在那里,就获得那里的新的技能,其他人住在街头,称为流浪汉。

76、1.to loiter about; to loaf about; 2.dissolute; dissipated; vagabond ─── 浪荡

77、The unwatched phenomenon , the original vagabond. ─── 一种未提防的现象,一个真正的流浪者.

78、vagabond ray ─── 杂散光

79、Vagabond rs disease ─── 寄生性黑皮病

80、live a vagabond life ─── 流落江湖

81、I'm the only vagabond under the sun. I'm a river with a spell. ─── 我是这世界上唯一的流浪者,我是一条被施了魔咒的河流。

82、The editor of Vagabond magazine, a good literary mag. from some years back, earns his living as a window washer on the west coast. ─── 《流浪者》,一本好的文学杂志的编辑几年前在西岸靠洗窗子过活。

83、They had to live a kind of bohemian life, the life of a vagabond; that was the only possibility for them to be creative. ─── 他们必须去过一种波西米亚式的生活方式,一种流浪汉的生活方式,那是他们获得创造性的唯一可能性。

84、To lead the life of a vagabond; roam about. ─── 流浪过流浪者的生活;漫游

85、vagrant; vagabond ─── 游民

86、an erratic comet; his life followed a wandering course; a planetary vagabond. ─── 没有固定轨道的彗星;他生活漫无目的的;四处漂泊的流浪汉。

87、The original vagabond you strayed into my arms ─── 原来漂流的你,漂到我的怀里

88、When I swore that I'd make you suffer for that, even if it took me a hundred years, your father had me put in prison as a vagabond. ─── 当时我就发誓要报仇,即使是花上一百年的时间我也不在乎,于是你父亲就当我是游民把我送进牢里。

89、The unsuccessful actor and vagabond Johnny Mauser needs a change from all the trouble that he has experienced while living in the city. ─── 男人恋爱后变得可怜巴巴,女人恋爱后变得神经兮兮。女人恋爱期间渴望对方裸露心灵,男人恋爱期间渴望对方裸露身体。

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