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08-17 投稿


presbyter 发音

英:[?prezb?t?r]  美:[?prezb?t?(r)]

英:  美:

presbyter 中文意思翻译



presbyter 词性/词形变化,presbyter变形

形容词: presbyopic |

presbyter 相似词语短语

1、presenter ─── n.提出者;推荐者;赠送者;任命者;主持人

2、presbyters ─── n.(长老会的)长老;(英国圣公会的)牧师;祭司;发起人

3、presbyte ─── 前字节

4、prester ─── n.[气象]普雷斯特龙卷风;n.(Prester)人名;(德、捷)普雷斯特

5、presbyterate ─── n.长老会;长老的职位

6、presbytic ─── 长老

7、presbyteral ─── 长老

8、presbytes ─── 前字节

9、presbytery ─── n.长老(总称);长老会教务评议会;长老会辖区;神父的宅邸

presbyter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、arch presbyter ─── 首席长老

2、CANON VI: A Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon must not undertake worldly cares. If he does, let him he deposed from office. ─── 法令六:主教、或司铎、或执事,不得操心世俗之事。若他这样,应罢免他的神职。

3、CANON II: A Presbyter must be ordained by a single Bishop, and so must a Deacon and other Clergymen. ─── 法令二:司铎必须由一位主教祝圣,执事和其它神职人员亦然。

4、as touching a Presbyter and a Deacon. ─── 至于司铎和执事亦然。

5、Of or relating to a presbyter or the presbytery. ─── 长老的,长老会的长老的,与长老有关的或长老会的,与长老会有关的

6、That's where we get this rousing line, "New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ Large." ─── 这就是我们看到激动人心的句子的地方,“新的长老只是夸大的旧的牧师而已

7、New Presbyter is but old Priest with large. ─── 新长老只不过是更广泛意义上的旧牧师。

8、Designations for these various offices were: apostle, evangelist, prophet, teacher, presbyter (elder), deacon, bishop (overseer) and pastor. ─── 各种官员的选派有:使徒、福音传道者、先知、辅导导师、长老、执事、主教(监工者)和牧师。

9、A quivering rage was on John the Presbyter as he pulled his hand free from the jesters grasp and brought it sharply down on the arm of his throne. ─── 长老John颤抖地咆哮。他从小丑手里抽出自己的手,重重地拍在王座上。

10、New Presbyter is but old Priest with large. ─── 新长老只不过是更广泛意义上的旧牧师。

11、John the Presbyter, Lord of Erkynland and High King of all Osten Ard; ─── 长老John,Erkynland的领主,整个OstenArd大地的国王。

12、CANON XLVI: We order any Hishop, or Presbyter, that has accepted any heretics' Baptism, or sacrifice, to be deposed; ─── 法令四十六:我们命令:若有主教、或司铎接受任何异端者的洗礼或祭献,他应被免职;

13、19 Do not accept an accusation against a presbyter unless it is supported by two or three witnesses. ─── 反对长老的控告,除非有两三个证人,你不可受理。

14、CANON LIX: If any Bishop or Presbyter fails to supply necessities when any of the clergy is in want, let him be excommunicated. ─── 法令五十九:若有主教或司铎在任何神职人员生活困难时未供给他的生活所需,应将其绝罚。

15、1 1 The Presbyter to the beloved Gaius whom I love in truth. ─── 我长老致书给可爱的加约,就是我在真理内所爱的。

16、Likewise as touching a Presbyter and a Deacon. ─── 至于司铎和执事亦然。

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