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08-17 投稿


earwigs 发音

英:[??rw?ɡ]  美:[???w?ɡ]

英:  美:

earwigs 中文意思翻译




earwigs 词性/词形变化,earwigs变形


earwigs 短语词组

1、earwigs bugs ─── 耳罩

2、earwigs in maine ─── 缅因州的耳环

3、earwigs and ears ─── 耳罩和 ─── 耳朵

4、earwigs control ─── 耳罩控制

5、earwigs bugs bite ─── 耳环虫叮咬

6、earwigs nj ─── 新泽西州earwigs

earwigs 相似词语短语

1、earwigged ─── 戴耳罩的

2、clearwings ─── n.透明翅膀的蛾

3、earrings ─── n.耳环;耳饰(earring的复数)

4、earwig ─── n.蠼螋;地蜈蚣;vt.偷听;暗中唆使

5、bagwigs ─── 丝带假发

6、earings ─── n.耳索(earing的复数形式,属于进出口专业英语词汇)

7、earwiggy ─── 耳罩

8、earwiggings ─── 耳环,

9、earnings ─── n.收入

earwigs 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Earwig's feelers can pinch you. ─── 地蜈蚣的尾钳能夹疼你。

2、But as it was there, it formed a good shelter against wind and weather to several families of earwigs who dwelt in it. ─── 棕榈树下是一片碧绿,绿中点缀着朵朵鲜花,红的火红,黄的琥珀,白的似雪。“这真是一片美丽无比的植物胜景。等它们烂了以后,那味道一定美妙无比!”

3、I wonder on what fool’s errand an earwig, or a moth, or a sow bug, would visit that clean corner of the house behind the toilet; ─── 我在想为什么这些小飞虫和蠼螋以及飞蛾会那么愚蠢飞到洗手间旁那个干净的角落。

4、earwigs and a few related forms. ─── 蠼螋及其它一些类型。

5、When Earwig Squad comes into play, if its prowl cost was paid, search target opponent's library for three cards and remove them from the game. ─── 当窃听小队进场时,如果其游掠被支付,从目标对手的牌库中找3张牌并移出对战。

6、Yesterday she was working on the earwig, mouth on gut;today he’s on the floor. ─── 昨天她还在弄那只蠼螋,今天那蠼螋就成了地上的一具空壳了。

7、Well, do we have enough earwigs? ─── 嗯,讲地蜈蚣讲得够多的了吧?

8、have evolved to jump away from spiders, cockroaches, rats, bedbugs, earwigs, lice, fleas and centipedes. ─── 从类已经进化成见到蜘蛛、蟑螂、老鼠、臭虫、蠼螋、虱子、跳蚤、和蜈蚣等害虫就吓得立刻跳开的地步。

9、But as it was there, it formed a good shelter against wind and weather to several families of earwigs who dwelt in it. ─── 不过它已经在那了就成了几个土蜈蚣大家庭遮风避雨的场所。

10、Earwig lives in your house too. ─── 地蜈蚣也可能寄居在你的房子里。

11、a pincerlike pair of movable appendages at the posterior end of the abdomen in certain insects,such as earwigs ─── 尾铗,一种形如钳子的可移动附属物,附着在某些昆虫腹部的后端,比如蠼螋

12、A pincerlike pair of movable appendages at the posterior end of the abdomen in certain insects, such as earwigs. ─── 尾铗一种形如钳子的可移动附属物,附着在某些昆虫腹部的后端,比如蠼螋

13、I touched a real earwig before but it was dead. ─── 我曾经摸过一只真地蜈蚣,不过是死的。

14、Today the earwig shines darkly, and gleams, what there is of him; ─── 今天的蠼螋闪着微弱的黑色光泽。

15、A live earwig can be mean. ─── 活的地蜈蚣会很凶的。

16、an insect or similar organism,such as a centipede or an earwig ─── 昆虫或类似的生物,如蜈蚣或土蚣

17、Earwig is a kind of beetle. ─── 地蜈蚣是甲壳虫的一种。

18、But when the young earwigs tried to pull his mustache, he left the place searching for a manure pile. ─── 但当年轻的蠼螋夫妇试图拉他的胡子时,他却离开去寻找牛粪堆了。

19、European earwig ─── 欧洲球螋

20、But when the young earwigs tried to pull his mustache, he left the place searching for a manure pile. ─── 但是在小地蜈蚣想办法拉它的胡须的时候,它离开了这个地方去找粪堆了。

21、I live in a very old house and nature seems to intrude all the time but you don't have to turn to the insecticide every time you see an earwig. ─── 我住在一幢很旧的房子,而自然似乎总是强行挤进来,但你没必要每次一看到一个幼虫马上就拿起杀虫剂来。


23、Striped Earwigs ─── 纹蠼螋(革翅目,蠼螋科)

24、An insect or similar organism, such as a centipede or an earwig. ─── 昆虫昆虫或类似的生物,如蜈蚣或土蚣

25、The Beetle received an invitation from the earwigs, and he visited their house. ─── 甲虫收到了地蜈蚣夫妇的邀请,参观他们的家。

26、Common Earwigs ─── 普通蠼螋(革翅目,球螋科)

27、Chemical and Biological control and prevention of insects. Must be registered for use in People Republic of China. Insects controlled are Mole Crickets, Army Worm, White Grub, Earwigs, Ants. ─── 实用化学和生物、农药控制和预防害虫,必须在中华人民共和国注册,控制的害虫有地老虎等。

28、A pincer like pair of movable appendages at the posterior end of the abdomen in certain insects, such as earwigs. ─── 尾铗一种形如钳子的可移动附属物,附着在某些昆虫腹部的后端,比如蠼螋。

29、Because of curiosity, he earwigs his neighbor and which becomes his daily freak habit. ─── 而这种种声音却演变成一幕幕精采片段及带动着阿凉的澎湃欲念。

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