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08-17 投稿


aristocratic 发音

英:[,?r?st?'kr?t?k]  美:[?,r?st?'kr?t?k]

英:  美:

aristocratic 中文意思翻译



aristocratic 词性/词形变化,aristocratic变形

形容词: aristocratic |副词: aristocratically |

aristocratic 短语词组

1、aristocratic way ─── 贵族的方式

2、aristocratic school ─── 贵族学校

3、aristocratic conspiracy ─── 贵族阴谋

4、aristocratic spirit ─── 贵族精神

5、poor aristocratic family ─── 贫寒世家

6、aristocratic class ─── 贵族阶级

7、aristocratic family ─── 世家贵族家庭

8、aristocratic ways ─── 贵族的方式

9、aristocratic lineage ─── 贵族血统

10、aristocratic government ─── [法] 贵族政府

aristocratic 相似词语短语

1、aristocracies ─── n.贵族;贵族统治;上层社会;贵族政治

2、Presocratic ─── 前隐晶质

3、aristocratical ─── 贵族的

4、nonaristocratic ─── 非专制的

5、aristocracy ─── n.贵族;贵族统治;上层社会;贵族政治

6、aristocratically ─── adv.贵族地

7、aristocrat ─── n.贵族

8、aristocratism ─── n.贵族主义;贵族

9、aristocrats ─── n.贵族

aristocratic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After great revolution, the chef serve driftage of aristocratic home arrives socially, live to beg, return to old trade only. ─── 大革命后,贵族家的厨师侍应流落到社会上,为求生存,只有重操旧业。

2、Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young, aristocratic patrons. ─── 但却充满寓意,迷惑了他几乎所有的年轻的贵族资助者。

3、His ideal was a conception of high prosperity and property of the aristocratic life. ─── 他的理想是飞黄腾达,阔绰体面,过贵族式的生活。

4、In this precondition, the aristocratic villa built step by step, including green into full of sights to create an easy atmosphere. ─── 在大前提下,贵族庄园就山顶跌级而建,将绿色尽纳眼中,氛围愉悦轻松。

5、On the path ahead,two aristocratic men stand prepared to kill each other. ─── 在前面路上,两个贵族站在那准备拼个你死我活。

6、His aristocratic manners seemed ridiculousin this poor area. ─── 在这个贫穷的地区,他的贵族气派显得很可笑。

7、Drink Rossignol, the aristocrat of table wines! ─── 喝羅西諾酒吧!這是餐酒中的上品!

8、Sir Alec was a thin, pale man in his late forties, with a sensitive, aristocratic face and an engaging smile. ─── 亚历克爵士是个年近五十的消瘦而苍白的人,他有一张敏感的贵族气派的脸,脸上总要挂着迷人的微笑。

9、He entered the cell and presented the letter to the aristocrat. ─── 他走进牢房把信交给贵族。

10、she dreamed of a valley , and wild gardens , and peace . she had a desire too for splendor - an aristocratic extravagant splendor. ─── 她梦见了山谷,天然花园和宁静,她有着对奢华的渴望-那种贵族化的,过度的奢华。

11、He said the aristocratic way of pronouncing vowels had gradually ceased to be a class apart over the decades. ─── 他说,几十年来女王的贵族式元音发音已逐渐消失。

12、He said that in aristocratic societies inequality extends into the family, particularly to the father's relationship to his children. ─── 他说,贵族社会的不平等也伸展到家庭中,特别是父亲对孩子的方式。

13、Fire-new concept of running the family, aristocratic refine, and the symbol of the golden-collars. ─── 全新的管理理念,贵族式的精品服务,都市金领的标志。

14、There has never developed among them an exclusive, aristocratic society. ─── 在他们之中从来没有形成过一个不许他人进入的高傲的圈子。

15、Yet he was not a haughty aristocrat. ─── 但他并非一个高傲的贵族。

16、She comes from an aristocratic family. ─── 她出身贵族。

17、Therefore, the phenomenon of aristocratic domination didn't disprove the conception that the foundation of democracy lies in industry and commerce. ─── 因此,贵族领袖现象并不否定民主政治的基础在于工商业之一根本命题。

18、He also appeared less frequently at aristocratic soirees, and gave up plans to go on concert tours. ─── 他也不常在贵族们的晚会上露面,并且放弃了巡回演出的计划。

19、The design of CTS liven china cup is based on the aristocratic jade cup between warring states and Han dynasty. ─── 二、ts活瓷乾坤杯,是以战国至两汉时期王侯御用的玉杯为设计元素。

20、Christian Socialism is but the holy, water with which the priest consecrates the heart-burnings of the aristocrat. ─── 基督教的社会主义,只不过是僧侣用来使贵族的怨愤神圣化的圣水罢了。

21、His aristocratic manners seemed ridiculous in this poor area. ─── 在这个贫穷的地区,他的贵族气派显得很可笑。

22、As if in returning 18 centuries, the style that restore ancient ways, find aristocratic pride and joy dimly! ─── 仿佛回到18世纪中,复古的风格,依稀寻到几分贵族的骄傲与快乐!

23、On the other hand, in the larger contemporary contexts, geographical mobility interacts intricately with an aristocratic ideology in both plays. ─── 另一方面,从当时的历史背景来看,地理流动性与贵族意识形态之间存在着复杂的交互作用。

24、Why did both peasant and aristocrat seek the maintenance of traditional society? ─── 为什么这两个农民和贵族寻求维护传统社会吗?

25、The status of a housemaid is much too low compared with an aristocrat. ─── 与贵族相比, 青衣的身份实在太低。

26、Medieval system, where land was grant by a king to his aristocracy, and by the aristocrat to the peasant, on condition that each pay a service( or feudal duty) to his superior. ─── 一种中世纪的制度:国王将土地转让给贵族,贵族再转让给农民。条件是每个人必须向他上级服役或交税。

27、At a party Rochester gives in Thornfield Manor, the aristocratic Blanche and her friends treat Jane with haughty condescension. ─── 在罗切斯特于桑菲尔德庄园举行的一个晚会上,贵族味十足的布兰奇及其朋友以傲慢不逊的态度对待简。

28、The rest of the world is gradually moving beyond “idolatry to monarchs” and “servility to aristocratic pride”. ─── 世界的其它地区正逐渐超越“对君主的崇拜”和“对贵族的卑屈”。

29、The prodigy was featured in Warsaw newspapers, and "little Chopin" became an attraction in the capital's aristocratic salons. ─── 华沙的报纸刊登特写报道了这为天才,小肖邦成为了首都贵族沙龙的宠儿。

30、Fight off the pirates. Maintain your settlement at aristocrat Level. ─── 与海盗战斗。维护您的殖民地在贵族水平。

31、He said the aristocratic way of pronouncing vowels had gradually ceased to be a class apart over the decades. ─── 他说,几十年来女王的贵族式元音发音已逐渐消失。

32、And she added that such, when one considered it, was simply the essence of the aristocratic situation. ─── 她又说到,仔细想来,这只是作为一个贵族所应有的素质。

33、In the image of the Byzantium Empire, Yeats expressed his wish for his mother country Ireland and disclosed his aristocratic ideal. ─── 借助拜占庭这面镜像,叶芝实现了对诗人本身和祖国爱尔兰进行言说的最终目的。

34、Today this account of the amorous escapades of an aristocratic aesthete is widely regarded as the first modern or psychological novel. ─── 今天我们看到的这部对皇室唯美主义的描摹,香艳绮丽,荒唐出位,是人们公认的首部现代小说或心理小说。

35、He once said: “my wealth ensures me the life of an aristocrat, but I'm always a plebeian. ─── 他曾说过:“我的财富足以让我过上贵族的生活,但我永远是一个平民。”

36、Meanwhile, it was also the status representative of the aristocrat . ─── 在那个时代,鼎是贵族身份的代表。

37、Though he is a descendant of an aristocratic family, he leads a simple and frugal life. ─── 他是皇族贵胄,生活上却很简朴。

38、The most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways. ─── 最成功的君主国努力抛弃或隐藏他们古老的贵族作风。

39、Aristocratic mores, as adapted by most upper-class writers and exemplars, were clearly not applicable to most people. ─── 上流社会的多数作家和典型人物所适应的贵族的习俗,对于绝大多数人显然不适用。

40、Kyoto Gakushuin was set up in 1849, and it became a school for the Aristocrat in Tokyo in 1878. ─── 京都学习院1849年被设立了,并且,那个1878年在东京成为了为了贵族的学校。

41、His manner was aristocratic, his movements dapper and suave. ─── 他气宇轩昂,温文尔雅,举止潇洒。

42、Out of curiosity many people wish to enjoy the aristocratic steam bath.They have to line up for admission. ─── 不少人怀着好奇心都想去享受一番贵族的蒸汽浴。他们还得排队等候才能购得一票。

43、Sir Alec was a thin, pale man in his late forties, with a sensitive, aristocratic face and an engaging smile. ─── 亚历克爵士是个年近五十的消瘦而苍白的人,他有一张敏感的贵族气派的脸,脸上总要挂着迷人的微笑。

44、An aristocrat would like to see noblemen in control of the government. ─── 主张贵族政治者愿意看到贵族控制政府。

45、You will enjoy different tomato juice made from aristocrat tomatoes. ─── 下面是一则番茄汁的广告。

46、Optional also choose takes the scamper boiler, boiler that bake to wait, satisfy aristocratic family need. ─── 也可选择带炸锅、烤锅等,满足贵族家庭需要。

47、The Almanach de Gotha, a record of Europe's aristocratic and royal houses, was first published here in1763.Population,57, 662. ─── 哥达的建筑,一本对欧洲贵族和皇家建筑进行记载的书,于1763年第一次在这儿出版。

48、A doctor was called in to see a rather testy aristocrat. ─── 一个性格相当暴躁的贵族召来了一位医生为他检查。

49、He wants to flee this happy obscene aristocrat entanglement.But he knew.All are only the futile efforts. ─── 他想逃离这个欢淫的贵族纠葛,但他知道,一切都只是徒劳。

50、Of course you're the most aristocratic of the two of us. ─── 你当然是我们两个人中最有贵族气派的。

51、He had an aristocratic bearing. ─── 他具有贵族风度。

52、For ancient times aristocrat daily necessities. ─── 为古代贵族生活用品。

53、The rest of the world is gradually moving beyond“ idolatry to monarchs” and“ servility to aristocratic pride”. ─── 世界的其他地方正逐渐摆脱对君主制的崇拜,和对贵族荣誉的奴颜婢膝。

54、He spoke with an unusual clipped accent that sounded aristocratic to me, told me he wanted to be a writer, and regaled me with Kennedy tales. ─── 他说起话来非常清脆明快,在我听来有点儿贵族派头。他说他想当作家,我欣然地听他讲了一些有关肯尼迪的故事。

55、Bingley's aristocratic friend Fitzwilliam Darcy, who turns up his nose at the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and snubs her daughters. ─── 出席舞会的还有彬格莱的贵族朋友费茨威廉·达西,他对班纳特太太的粗俗嗤之以鼻,还怠慢了她的女儿们。

56、Many aristocrat is kill during the revolution. ─── 在革命中许多贵族被杀死。

57、One, a member of one of the most influential and aristocratic families in the country, the other, of a solidly working class background. ─── 一个是这个国家中最有势力的贵族家庭之一的一员,另外一个,出身一个纯粹的工人阶级背景。

58、Wisley, nephew to the very formidable, not to mention very rich, local aristocrat Lady Gresham, as a prospective match. ─── 他们相中的卫斯理先生有个姨母叫做格雷斯姆太太,是当地一位很有影响力并且富有的贵妇人。

59、She is of aristocratic lineage. ─── 她有贵族的血统。

60、At an aristocratic wedding, the female guests wear Filipino traditional, formal dresses. ─── 一场贵族化的婚礼中,女宾穿上菲国传统而正式的礼服。

61、He said he was a wealthy aristocrat , but it subsequently emerged that he was an impostor. ─── 他说他是一个富有的贵族,但是随后暴露出他是一个骗子。

62、Impudent QuestionsA little girl from the East Side was invited to a garden party given by a very aristocratic lady to a group of little East-Siders. ─── "无礼的问题 一个住在城东贫民区的小女孩获得邀请,参加一位贵妇人为城东贫民区的孩子们举行的花园晚会。

63、He was aristocratic looking, and he always dressed in black. ─── 他有着贵族气派,总穿一身黑衣服。

64、His father was an aristocrat and member of the provincial government. ─── 他的父亲是贵族,在州政府里任职。

65、She is one of the country's best-known television personalities, a divorcee without royal or aristocratic links. ─── 她是西班牙家喻户晓的电视人物,她曾经离过婚,而且没有任何皇室、贵族背景。

66、But Princeton, he wrote, was lazy and aristocratic like a day in June, and so he chose Princeton. ─── 他继续写道,而普林斯顿给人就仿佛身处六月给人懒散而不乏贵族气息,于是他选择了后者。

67、Nabokov was the scion of an aristocratic family. ─── 纳博科夫曾是一位贵族家庭的小少爷。

68、Father Gillenormand did not do it intentionally, but inattention to proper names was an aristocratic habit of his. ─── 吉诺曼老爹并非故意这样,但不注意别人的姓名是他的一种贵族作风。

69、A natural aristocrat who insists on the best accommodations. ─── 一个天生的贵族坚持要最好的膳宿

70、It was not the aristocrat but the yeoman who determined the nation's policies. ─── 决定国家政策的不是贵族,而是自耕农。

71、He is an aristocrat to the very marrow of his bones. ─── 他是一个道道地地的贵族。

72、Atia looks at her son, but memory and regret triumph over aristocratic pride. ─── Atia看看自己的儿子,但是心中回忆和懊悔盖过了作为贵族的荣耀.

73、He capitalized on his aristocratic origins to advance his career. ─── 他把贵族的出身作为取得事业成功的资本。

74、His ideal was a conception of high prosperity of the aristocratic life. ─── 他的理想是飞黄腾达,阔绰体面,过贵族生活。

75、Book-friends have this advantage over living friends: you can enjoy the most truly aristocratic society in the world whenever you want it. ─── 书籍朋友较之有生命的朋友有着这样的长处:任何时候只要你愿意,你可以接触到世界上最真正高贵的人们,从他们那儿获得乐趣。

76、He tried to behave. like an aristocrat in order to win the heart of the girl. ─── 为了赢得姑娘的心,他尽量表现得像个贵族。

77、He is by pedigree an aristocrat. ─── 他出身贵族。

78、These are all proclaimed in the literature of the old Tatar and Kipchak aristocratic strata, meaning ?zbek literature. ─── 古代的鞑靼和钦察贵族阶层的文学都在宣称这些品质。

79、Fundamentally Carl is a snob, an aristocratic little prick who lives in a dementia praecox kingdom all his own. ─── 卡尔在骨子里是个势利小人,一个有贵族派头的讨厌鬼,他完全生活在一个精神分裂症的世界中。”

80、The put on the air of an aristocrat. ─── 他摆出一副贵族的架势。

81、Among aristocratic nations birth and fortune frequently make two such different beings of man and woman that they can never be united to each other. ─── 在贵族政体国家里,出身与财势不同的一男一女永远不能结合。

82、A little girl from the East Side was invited to a garden party given by a very aristocratic lady to a group of little East-Siders. ─── 一个住在城东贫民区的小女孩获得邀请,参加一位贵妇人为城东贫民区的孩子们举行的花园晚会。

83、He spoke with an aristocratic bearing. ─── 他说话的时候带着一种贵族的气质。

84、Meanwhile,it was also the status representative of the aristocrat (A). ─── 同时,他也是贵族中拥有代表地位的人。

85、Adulation of the young Sir Willoughby's beauty and wit, and aristocratic bearing and mien was common. ─── 一切对威洛比爵士的奉承:英

86、The metallic simple sense that cold gray moves gives a person the sense with spell able, nobility, show exalted aristocratic breath everywhere. ─── 冷灰色调的金属质感给人以干练、高贵的感觉,处处表现出高尚的贵族气息。

87、Abstract This thesis, from the perspective of the western aristocratic tradition, gives out a definition and a criterion of the term aristocrat. ─── 内容摘要 本文从西方的贵族政治传统出发,得出“贵族”一词的含义和“贵族”的衡量标准。

88、Unlike Tom, who was a foundling, Jia Baoyu in the Chinese novel was the pampered son of a wealthy, influential, aristocratic family. ─── 和弃儿汤姆大不相同,中国小说里的贾宝玉却是一个有钱、有势的贵族家庭中备受纵容和宠爱的娇儿。

89、Their aristocratic outfit, aristocracy of birth, which is legitimized by their heroic behavior on the battlefield. ─── 他们的贵族的身份和贵族出身,由于他们在战场上的英雄行为而被认可。

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