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08-17 投稿


connects 发音

英:[k??nekts]  美:[k??nekts]

英:  美:

connects 中文意思翻译



connects 反义词


connects 短语词组

1、asm connects asm ─── 连接

2、connects up ─── 连接,接上

connects 同义词

bond | couple | fasten | adjoin | click | splice | plug into | thread | interlock | contact | neighbor | unite | get in touch | touch base | link up | ally | tie in | intertwine | conjoin | plug in |join | correlate | annex | accompany | tie | string | associate | bridge | knit | fix | attach | border | link | staple | combine | relate | get on | colligate | inhere | get along | hit it off | meet

connects 词性/词形变化,connects变形

形容词: connectible |动词过去式: connected |名词: connector |动词过去分词: connected |动词现在分词: connecting |动词第三人称单数: connects |

connects 相似词语短语

1、reconnects ─── v.再连接,再供应;重新沟通

2、connecters ─── n.连接器;联系者

3、conjects ─── v.推测,揣摩;计划,策划

4、connected ─── adj.[计]连接的;有联系的;连贯的;v.连接(connect的过去式)

5、connectors ─── n.[电子]连接器;[电子]接插件(connector的复数形式)

6、convects ─── v.通过对流传送(热,物质);(流体)对流

7、connect ─── vt.连接;联合;关连;链接;vi.连接,连结;联合

8、confects ─── vt.混合;调制;n.糖果;西点

9、coinfects ─── 共缺陷

connects 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The function that connects a file to a program for processing. ─── 一种将文件连接到程序上去以便处理的功能或操作程序。同openroutine。

2、"Each state is its own little world. It's going to be interesting to see how it all connects. " ─── “每个州都是一个小世界。看它们之间如何连在一起必定很有意思。”

3、The rake connects, snapping off over somebody's skull. They beat the hell out of him. ─── 耙子击中一个人的头顶,猛地折断。他们拼命的揍他。

4、In electronics, a device which connects or disconnects an electric circuit. ─── 在电子技术中,一种连接或切断电路的装置。

5、People from ot her countries often connect Japan with Mt. Fuji. ─── 外国人时常将日本兴富士山联想在一起。

6、The candidate failed to connect with the voters. ─── 候选人无法与选民建立关系

7、Closing the switch connects the cranking motor to the battery. ─── 合上开关就把启动马达与蓄电池接通了。

8、The poacher: someone connects with you in order to see your list of contacts with a view to poaching your clients. ─── 挖墙脚:有人加你,目的是要看你的联系人名单,好挖走你的客户。

9、In programming, code that connects two separately coded routines and passes values and/or control between them. ─── 在程序设计中,用于连接两个分离例程的程序代码。它能够在例程之间传递数值和或控制权。

10、Connects to the mainline below. ─── 和下面的主管道连在一起。

11、He doesn't seem to connect with anybody. ─── 他好像和谁都不来往。

12、Doctors connect crime with insanity. ─── 医生认为犯罪与精神错乱有关。

13、Espe-cially modem sports, it connects with the economy minutely. ─── 尤其现代的体育,每时每刻都要与经济相联系。

14、A footbridge connects to existing footbridge across Kwun Tong Road. ─── 一段行人天桥连接现有横跨观塘道的行人天桥。

15、In order to hear the vcr playback locally, you must connect a second speaker(in this case, amplify) to the vcr. ─── 为了能在当地听到VCR播放,你必须连接另一台扬声器到VCR(被放大的)。

16、Many people think that the rainbow is a symbol of good fortune because it connects heaven and earth. ─── 很多人认为彩虹是好运的象征,因为它连接了天和地。

17、I had the question popped into my head, what does cone that connects the sun and the Earth look like if you could connect the two spheres? ─── 我突然想起有个问题,如果能把太阳和地球两个球体连起来,那么中间那个圆锥体会是怎么样的呢?

18、It connects with the walkway of Tsuen Kam Centre. ─── 可由连接荃錦中心的通道前往。

19、Connect the choke and kill lines to slip joint. ─── 将放喷和压井胶管与伸缩节连通。

20、A wormhole which connects (usually closed) universes is often called a Schwarzschild wormhole. ─── 一个连接宇宙的虫孔(通常闭合的)常常是被称做Schwarzschild虫孔。

21、You must connect up the cells before you can get any current. ─── 你应该先把电池连接起来,才会有电流。

22、The client connects providing host, port, user name and password. ─── 客户端使用提供的主机、端口号、用户名及密码进行联接。

23、Mai??Forward+B connects to a HanaArashi.??Even faster in the air. ─── 不知火舞??前B可以接。空中更快了。

24、People connect Vienna with waltzes and coffee-houses. ─── 人们一提到维也纳就会联想到华尔兹圆舞曲和咖啡馆。

25、My flight connects through Narita Airport. ─── 我在成田机场换乘航班。

26、The Great St. Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. ─── 圣伯纳德大山口连接着瑞士与意大利,

27、Connects this socket to the specified port on the named host. ─── 将套接字连接到指定名称主机的指定端口。

28、It is located beneath Garden Road and connects to Citibank Plaza. ─── 位于花园道地底,连接花旗银行广场。

29、A wick connects it to a reservoir . ─── 一灯芯绳把它与水槽相连。

30、Neglects one sign and now connects with me. ─── 忽略一个标志和用我现在连接。

31、The next flight connects with a flight for Paris. ─── 下一架班机与去巴黎的班机联运。

32、The Mobile Directory Client connects to any LDAP directory server. ─── Mobile Directory Client 连接到任意LDAP 目录服务器。

33、It connects computer networks all over the world. ─── 它把全世界的计算机网络连接在一起。

34、It allows users to effortlessly connect to Internet and network resources. ─── 它可以让用户不费力气就能接到因特网和网络资源上。

35、It further connects the building to the fjord and the city. ─── 它进一步建立房子和峡湾以及城市的连接。

36、The Internet connects computer networks all over the world. ─── 因特网把全世界的计算机网络连接在了一起。

37、The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. ─── 圣伯纳德大山口连接着瑞士和意大利。

38、The living room connects with the toilet. ─── 客厅与洗手间相连。

39、We connect the word "blue" with the color of the sky. ─── 我们由"蓝"这个字会联想到晴空的颜色。

40、In word processing, an interface device which connects to a typewriter converting it into a low level word processor. ─── 字(词)处理技术中采用的一种接口装置,当把它接到一台打字机上时,可以将它转变成一台低级文字处理器。

41、KDE connects you to the world. ─── KDE将你连接到整个世界。

42、The early bus from the village connects with the 7: 30 train. ─── 从那个村子开出的早班公共汽车与七点半的那班火车相衔接。

43、Will you connect this wire to the television? ─── 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

44、Never link the audio out to the vcr and the monitor by connect them to each other as you will do at home. ─── 千万不可象许多人在家里做的那样将音频连接到VCR和监视器上。

45、In particular,the Nippon causeway that connects Betio and Bairiki islands has been severely damaged by strong waves. ─── 尤其是,连接比休岛和拜里基岛的日本堤道已被巨浪严重损毁。

46、The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic with the Pacific. ─── 巴拿马运河连结了大西洋和太平洋。

47、The Great St.Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. ─── 圣伯纳德大山口连接着瑞士与意大利。

48、The early bus connects with the 8:15 train for New York. ─── 坐早班汽车可以赶上开往纽约的8点15分火车。

49、She takes a step forward and connects with a vicious right hook. ─── 她往前跨上一步,给了对方一个狠狠的右钩拳。

50、The server instantiates this class when a client connects to it. ─── 当客户端连接到服务器时,服务器将实例化此类。

51、I'll connect you with his office. ─── 我会打电话到他的公司和你联络。

52、Connect the gas stove with the gas pipe. ─── 将煤气炉和煤气管接起来。

53、How long will the connection of the telephone take? ie How long will it take to install a telephone and connect it to the exchange? ─── 安装电话机与总机接通要多长时间?

54、The Panama Canal is a passage that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. ─── 巴拿马运河是连接太平洋和大西洋的通路。

55、It connects you with nature, and is spiritually enriching. ─── 它连结你和大自然,而且丰富你的心灵。

56、We connect the word "blue" with the color of sky. ─── 我们由“蓝”这个字联想到晴空的颜色。

57、A four-lane highway connects the two cities. ─── 一条四车道的公路连接这两个城市。

58、Can you connect to your network with PCs? ─── 你能把PC机与你的网络相连吗?

59、I am awfully sorry for the trouble. I'll connect you again. ─── 实在抱歉给你添麻烦了,我再为你接通一次。

60、A performer connects two rain pipes of a building with her body. ─── 一个表演者用他的身体连接一幢建筑物的两根雨水管。

61、What connects with "sincerity" is "truthfulness". ─── 与"忠"相联系的是"信"。

62、Connect these wires to the leads of the battery. ─── 将这些导线接到电池的引线上。

63、A minor road connects the highways. ─── 一条小路同几条公路相连。

64、Can you connect the two loudspeakers? ─── 你能把这两个扩音器连接起来吗?

65、Imagine a remote user who connects to the central database and wishes to bring their data up-to-date since the last time they were online. ─── 想象一下,一个远程的用户链接到中央数据库并希望获取他从上次在线到现在的数据。

66、Don't connect up the two wires, or there will be a short circuit. ─── 不要把这两条电线接在一起,否则会短路的。

67、One of two spiral bands of tissue in an egg that connect the yolk to the lining membrane at either end of the shell. ─── 卵黄系带鸡蛋内将蛋黄和蛋壳任一端的内膜连接的两个螺旋的带状组织之一

68、The Panama Canal connects the Atlanticwith the Pacific. ─── 巴拿马运河连接了大西洋和太平洋。

69、DOM connects programming scripts to web pages. ─── DOM将程序脚本与网页连接。

70、How can I limit when the software connects to the Internet? ─── 我怎么能限制软件在什么时候连接到因特网?

71、The train connects with a bus at the station. ─── 列车在车站与公共汽车衔接。

72、The following code connects to a cataloged database. ─── 以下代码连接编目数据库。

73、The early but from the factory connects with the 8:30 train. ─── 从工厂开出的早班公共汽车可使职工赶上8:30的火车。

74、A surface containing all the straight lines that connect any two points on it. ─── 平面包含面上所有连接任意两点的直线的平面

75、See chapter5 for information on how to connect a second video source. ─── 关于如何连接第二个视频源的信息,请参阅第五章。

76、My sister and I may have the same handwriting - and wire that connects us. ─── 我和我姐姐可能笔迹相同,甚至有同一条“电线”将我们连在一起。

77、The gymnasium connects to our bedroom. ─── 体育馆和我们的宿舍通着。

78、A pedestrian bridge now connects the parking garage with the mall. ─── 现在一座人行桥连通车库和购物中心。

79、I am just trying to connect you, sir. ─── 先生,我正设法给你接通。

80、An edge always connects two vertices with a straight line. ─── 一条边总是两点间的直接连接。

81、Will you connect this wire to the television. ─── 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

82、This early bus from the village connects with the 8:30 train. ─── 从村里发出的这趟早班公共汽车正好与8:30的火车衔接上。

83、Provide information to help you connect to the internet if you have not do so already. ─── 如果您还没与Internet连接,它会提供您如何与Internet连接的信息。

84、The parlour connects with the study. ─── 客厅与书房相连。

85、A plastic tube connects the monitor and the cuff. ─── 塑胶管连接显示器及袖口。

86、The best part of being a gardener is it connects you to the earth. ─── 做为一位园艺工作者最好的部分是它连结你和大地。

87、The railroad connects two cities, namely, New York and Chicago. ─── 这条铁路连接两个城市,即纽约与芝加哥。

88、The next flight connects with a flight for Houston. ─── 下一班飞机可以接上飞往休斯敦的班机。

89、It connects with the walkway of Nan Fung Centre. ─── 可由连接南豐中心的通道前往。

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