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08-17 投稿


rarefied 发音

英:[?rer?fa?d]  美:[?re?r?fa?d]

英:  美:

rarefied 中文意思翻译



rarefied 常用词组

rarefied gas ─── 稀薄气体

rarefied 短语词组

1、rarefied side of the form ─── 形状的稀疏侧

2、rarefied richness ─── 稀薄的丰富

3、rarefied side ─── 稀薄侧

4、rarefied asl ─── 稀薄asl

5、rarefied ffxiv ─── 稀薄的ffxiv

6、rarefied wow ─── 稀薄的哇

7、rarefied gas ─── [流]稀薄气体

8、rarefied bag ─── 稀薄的袋子

9、rarefied circles ─── 稀薄的圆

10、rarefied atmosphere ─── 稀薄大气

11、rarefied air ─── [医] 稀薄气

12、rarefied altitude ─── 稀薄高度

13、rarefied circle ─── 稀薄圆

rarefied 词性/词形变化,rarefied变形

原型:rarefied 过去式:rarefied

rarefied 相似词语短语

1、calefied ─── vt.使…变暖;vi.变暖

2、rarified ─── adj.纯净的;稀薄的;v.使变稀薄(rarify的过去式)

3、rarefies ─── v.(使)稀薄;(使)纯化;变稀薄

4、rarefier ─── 稀薄

5、madefied ─── 马德菲德

6、casefied ─── vt.变成干酪状

7、arefies ─── arefies

8、ramified ─── adj.[数]分歧的,有分枝的;成为网状

9、arefied ─── 阿雷德

rarefied 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Velocity Distribution of Rarefied Gas Flows Through a Rectangular Micro-channel ─── 矩形微槽道气体流动的速度分布

2、rarefied aerothermodynamics gas aerothermodynamics ─── 稀薄气体气动热力学

3、rarefied area ─── 稀疏区

4、He moves in very rarefied circles; his friends are all lords. ─── 他活动于上流阶层,结交的尽是贵族。

5、A flow of electricity in a dielectric, especially in a rarefied gas. ─── 电流在非导体中的电流,尤其是稀薄气体中的电流

6、The high price of oil, whose byproduct diesel oil is used in yachts, did not seem to worry anyone in this rarefied crowd. ─── 游艇使用石油的副产品柴油,高油价似乎没有让这个精英小圈子里的任何人担忧。

7、the rarefied air(ie with little oxygen)of the Andes ─── 安第斯山脉的稀薄空气(缺氧).

8、The high price of oil, whose byproduct diesel oil is used in yachts, did not seem to worry anyone in this rarefied crowd. ─── 游艇使用石油的副产品柴油,高油价似乎没有让这个精英小圈子里的任何人担忧。

9、It is high, breathing the rarefied air of the sky, attracting the eyes of admiration on the ground. ─── 它高高在上,呼吸着天空稀薄的空气,吸引着地上景仰的目光。

10、But Bretton Woods has a richer and more rarefied cachet. ─── 但布雷顿会议具有更丰富的内涵和更罕见的声望。

11、The search for the historical Jesus -- whether in the vivid imaginings of Hollywood scriptwriters or in the rarefied halls of academe -- rests on one fundamental issue: How reliable are the Gospels? ─── 寻找历史上真实的耶稣 -- 无论是在好莱坞编剧鲜活的想象力当中或者是在门庭冷落的学术会堂里 -- 都建立在一个根本议题之上:福音书有多大的可信度?

12、After all, translating serious writers' works is hardly the place for rookies but a rarefied field for wise, weathered bilingual professors. ─── 毕竟翻译严肃作家的作品基本不是新手所长,而是博学多识、经验丰富的双语专家精通的领域。

13、In this thesis the direct simulation Monte Carlo method(DSMC) is applied to simulate the rarefied gas flow in the nozzle in conjunction with the FVM for the heat conduction in the nozzle wall. ─── 本文采用直接模拟蒙特卡罗方法(DSMC)模拟稀薄气体、有限容积法(FVM)求解喷管壁面导热耦合求解了FMMR中的流动与换热。

14、Sounding rocket in 3000 km at high altitude still find a rarefied atmosphere, it was felt that the atmosphere on the sector may be extended to around 6,400 km from the ground. ─── 探空火箭在3000公里高空仍发现有稀薄大气,有人认为,大气层的上界可能延伸到离地面6400公里左右。

15、is important for the state's future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital. ─── 未来的统治者来说,摆脱首都高高在上的氛围十分重要。

16、We are a long way off the leaders, but who knows, if things go in a certain way, the air could begin to get more rarefied. ─── 我们距离领先者还有很远的距离,但是谁知道呢,如果事情都朝正确的方向发展,一切都会开朗起来。

17、The rarefied gas flow around two-dimensional rectangular was simulated by Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, using air as working fluid. ─── 本文采用直接模拟蒙特卡罗方法对稀薄气体二维外部柱体绕流问题进行了数值模拟。

18、a rarefied flow of gas and charged particles (plasma) that stream from the sun and form the solar wind. ─── 从太阳和太阳风中喷出的稀薄气流和带电粒子(等离子体)。

19、Rocket scientist Robert Goddard found his ideas bitterly rejected by his scientific peers on the grounds that rocket propulsion would not work in the rarefied atmosphere of outer space. ─── 研究火箭的科学家Robert Goddard认为火箭喷射不能在外太空稀薄的空气里进行,而他的这一观点被该领域的同伴们无情地拒绝。

20、rarefied mudflow ─── 稀疏泥流

21、rarefied gas flow ─── 稀薄气体流动

22、Depending on excellent work, rarefied craftwork and peculiar form, the products always keep ahead in some industry. ─── 其产品以其制作精良,工艺考究,造型奇异,式样繁多而居同行业领先。

23、rarefied gas jet ─── 稀薄气体射流

24、rarefied theory ─── 千锤百炼的理论

25、Keywords MATLAB;improved simplex method;carbon dioxide;rarefied tower; ─── 改进单纯形法;二氧化碳;提纯塔;

26、The wages Sir Matt Busby offered George Best and Denis Law were not generous and by the rarefied standards of top-flight European football, this policy has continued under Sir Alex Ferguson. ─── 巴斯比爵士给贝斯特和劳开出的薪水跟欧洲大陆比也不算慷慨,而爵爷延续了这个政策。

27、Then the world seemed to explode with brilliance, dazzling rarefied light refracting and prisming through the ice needles that fell in dense swathes from the boiling hydrogen sky. ─── 从重重叠叠氢气云包覆中降下的冰针,任凭光线在其中折射穿行,散发着炫目的光辉,让整个大地都喷薄起来;

28、a flow of electricity in a dielectric,especially in a rarefied gas ─── 在非导体中的电流,尤其是稀薄气体中的电流

29、rarefied effect ─── 稀薄效应

30、Sure enough, the rarefied air proved disastrous to many athletes competing in endurance events. ─── 事实的确如此,稀薄的空气对许多参加耐力项目的选手们来说是一场灾难。

31、The rarefied fluid said to run in the veins of the gods. ─── 灵液诸神血管里流动着的稀有液体

32、rarefied mud flow ─── 稀性泥石流

33、This is a fine film by an American artist working at the top of his form in rarefied regions where filmmakers seldom venture. ─── 拍摄这部精彩影片的美国艺术家正处事业巅峰。他涉足的这个领域,很少有电影制作者了解,更不用说去尝试。

34、Or to the guy who makes the subtle statistical climb but otherwise monstrous leap from really good to the rarefied air of full-fledged stud? ─── 或是那些尽管在数据上提高不多,但是却由很好变成熟方面进步很大的球员?

35、rarefied gas ─── 稀薄气体稀疏气体

36、Title: Flows Induced by Temperature Field in Rarefied Gas ─── 稀薄气体中温度场诱发的流动

37、Abstract : According to 1st order slip velocity boundary, Reynolds equation for micro gas journal bearings was given with consideration of effective viscosity under rarefied gas condition. ─── 摘要 : 基于1阶滑移速度边界,考虑到稀薄条件下气体的有效黏度,给出了气体径向微轴承润滑雷诺方程。

38、the rarefied air of the Andes ─── 安第斯山脉的稀薄空气.

39、Or to the guy who makes the subtle statistical climb but otherwise monstrous leap from really good to the rarefied air of full-fledged stud? ─── 或是那些尽管在数据上提高不多,但是却由很好变成熟方面进步很大的球员?

40、lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air. ─── 在稀薄的高山空气中人头昏眼花。

41、The three-dimensional hypersollic rarefied flow about Apollo command module is simulated for monatomic gas by the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. ─── 本文对阿波罗指令舱稀薄气体动力学特征进行了蒙特卡罗直接模拟(DSMC)。

42、In this study, a common used DSMC simulation program has been adopted and developed for studying general two- and three-dimensional rarefied gas flows. ─── 关于直接模拟蒙地卡罗法,其主要的关键是:在一个足够小的时间步前提下,分子本来耦合在一起的运动与碰撞行为,得以分开处理;

43、Midway up the slope, I staggered to a halt, gasping in the rarefied air, well before I reached the heights where the equations of Einstein and Dirac would have made sense. ─── 然而,在远远还未能达到爱因斯坦和迪拉克那样的高度的半山腰我就步履蹒跚,止步不前,在稀薄的空气里气喘吁吁。

44、He had a power of evocation so intense that each thing he recounted seemed to become visible in the room rarefied by heat. ─── 他的讲述栩栩如生,就好像说到的每样东西都在房间里因为炎热而稀薄的空气中历历可见。

45、Gas seepage rarefied effect and Darcean permeability in microminiature of porous structures ─── 多孔结构微细化的渗流气体稀薄性效应与达西渗透率

46、Facture is fine, material is rarefied, style is new and decent, it is full of life breath and shows exquisite gentleman's style. ─── 做工优良,面料考究,版式新颖大方,充满了生活气息,透露出高雅的绅士格调

47、Midway up the slope, however, I staggered to a halt, gasping in the rarefied air, well before I reached the heights where the equations of Einstein and Dirac would have made sense. ─── 登到山坡的一半时,我摇摇晃晃的停下来,呼吸稀薄的空气,这时,距离我能够理解爱因斯坦或狄拉克的方程式的高度还相差很远。

48、The motion of the slider is governed by Newton's second law, and the pressure of the moving air film is governed by the generalized Reynolds equation, which included the rarefied gas effect. ─── 滑座的运动按牛顿第二定律、而流动气膜内的压力则由包含稀薄气体效应的广义雷诺方程式统御,二者相互偶结。

49、At other times, innovation is the product of men in white coats who conduct rarefied experiments in biotechnology or electronics. ─── 其它时候,创新又是那些身穿白大褂、从事生物科技或电子学领域精密实验的人的生产成果。


51、rarefied gas flows ─── 稀薄气体效应

52、Long is Britain's best-known Land Artist and his Stone Circle, a perfect ring of purplish rocks from Portishead beach laid out on the gallery floor, represents the elegant, rarefied side of the form. ─── 龙是英国最著名的土地艺术家,他的“石头圈”是由波蒂斯黑德海滩上的紫色石头组成的完美圆环,放置在画廊地板上,展现了该构造优雅脱俗的一面。

53、a rarefied flow of gas and charged particles (plasma) that stream from the sun and form the solar wind ─── 从太阳和太阳风中喷出的稀薄气流和带电粒子(等离子体)

54、rarefied region ─── 稀薄区域

55、The atmosphere of the air decreases with height, the higher the more rarefied air. ─── 大气层的空气密度随高度而减小,越高空气越稀薄。

56、Rarefied gas theory for vacuum technology ─── 真空技术的稀薄气体理论

57、In the rarefied realms of Japanese politics, the next election will be a grudge match. ─── 在纯正的日本政治王国里,下一个选举将是一场具有历史影响的对抗。

58、rarefied atmosphere ─── 稀薄大气

59、" Somewhere at the boundary of Gaia, either in the rarefied airs of the stratosphere or deep in the Earth's molten core, the effects of life fade. ─── 盖亚疆域的某处,或是稀薄的大气同温层或是地球深处炽热的核心,在那儿生命的影响力式微。

60、Therefore, Bird G.A. proposed the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method in 1960’, which is a very effective computational tool to solve the flow and heat transfer of rarefied gas. ─── 对此,Bird G A在60年代提出了直接模拟蒙特卡罗方法,即DSMC方法,该方法对于处于过渡区及自由分子区的稀薄气体流动换热问题是一种极为有效的研究手段。

61、Rarefied experts in building inspection or engine repair might be able to visit locations without losing time to air travel. ─── 建筑物检验或引擎修复的顶尖专家,也许不必浪费时间搭飞机,就能造访许多不同的地点。

62、The Taidi vanity bag has the fine work and rarefied materials, and we deeply understand the demands of the things for the sales promotion of the every walk of life at home and abroad. ─── 泰迪手袋做工精细,用料考究,深刻理解国内外各行各业对促销用品的需求。

63、Word of their legendary efficiency and almost flawless logistics is now spreading through the rarefied world of management consulting. ─── 关于他们传奇般的高效率和几乎无懈可击的后勤准备的言论已经传遍了高高在上的管理咨询界。

64、Analysis and Treatment of Tilting of Piston in Rarefied Oil Sealed Dry Gas Chamber ─── 稀油密封干式煤气柜活塞倾斜原因分析及处理

65、rarefied mixture ─── 稀疏混合物

66、Fan, J. and Shen, C. (1995) A sterically dependent chemical reaction model. Rarefied Gas Dynamics, edited by J. Harvey &G. Lord, pp.469-475. ─── 沈青,樊菁,胡振华,徐晓燕(1996)过渡领域三维绕流直接统计模拟的新算法。空气动力学学报,14卷,3期,467-475页.

67、Not only was I part of the rarefied atmosphere of top management, but I was also the new kid on the block ─── 我不仅处身于高级管理机构的高贵气氛之中,而且还是一个待价而估的新人。

68、Photons released from hotter, denser areas were more energetic than photons emitted from rarefied regions, so the pattern of hot and cold spots induced by the sound waves was frozen into the CMB. ─── 从热而致密的区域释放出的光子,能量会比从舒张区放射出的光子高,所以由声波引起的高低温区的形式便被冻结在CMB里。

69、Membership of the rarefied group also extends across the political divide and into US public life. ─── 用左手写字的名人小团体不仅仅只是在政治领域里还出现在美国大众的生活中。

70、rarefied zone of wave ─── 波疏区

71、By most measures, the pair have succeeded in re-creating the rarefied world of a top university department, right down to the tea ritual. ─── 大多数的迹象显示,这对搭档已经成功地把这个由顶尖大学菁英所组成的团体,改造成例行下午茶会的夥伴。


73、Experts in these bonds are 'probably a rarefied species -- there's only a few law firms that do them,' says Mr.Spitzer, 35 years old. ─── 35岁的斯皮策说,精通此类证券的专家可能算是稀有物种了,为其提供法律服务的公司也是寥寥无几。

74、Direct simulation of Monte Carlo(DSMC) of rarefied gas flow in Crookes radiometer ─── 热辐射计内稀薄气体流动的蒙特卡罗模拟

75、After all, go beyond the rarefied air of northern California and the rules of gravity are no longer suspended. ─── 毕竟,一过了空气稀薄的北加州,地球引力原则就又开始生效了。

76、They live in the same rarefied world of global fame. ─── 他们一同生活在国际名人的上层圈子里。

77、Industry and the rarefied atmosphere of learning is the dust in the streets, and a pathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some the colleges. ─── 工业与高雅的学术气氛结合的唯一结果,就是满街的尘土和笼罩着某些学院的茫然若失的可怜相。

78、A rarefied 'white' tea enjoyed by the Chinese since the days of the Ming Dynasty could play a crucial role in fighting obesity in the West, new research has shown. ─── 新的研究表明,自明朝的时候中国人享用的一种稀有白茶现在在西方与肥胖斗争中扮演着关键角色!!翻译第一句,水平有限!

79、LONDON (Reuters) - Watch out Mary Poppins, the hurricane howling through the world's financial markets is starting to be felt in the rarefied world of the British nanny. ─── 小心了,褓姆阿姨!随著英国褓姆市场的职位变少,开始感受到呼啸而过横扫全球金融市场的飓风暴所带来的影响。

80、Adriana looked up, her eyes rarefied by the thick lenses of the farsighted, then she took off her glasses, hesitated for a moment, and jumped up with a sob, her arms open wide: "Ay, Comadre!" ─── 她抬起头,眼睛从老花镜上方望出来,好像在看远方的什么。突然她扔掉眼镜,犹豫了一下,跳起来说:“啊!你好!”,随即手臂做拥抱状。

81、Because the properties of the rarefied gas are different with that of the continuum fluid, the N-S equations are not effective to solve the problems related to rarefied gas. ─── 稀薄气体不同于我们通常所接触的连续介质,用以求解连续介质流动问题的N-S方程对于求解稀薄气体的流动换热问题是无效的。

82、rarefied gas dynamics ─── 稀薄气体动力学

83、KTV The unique and rarefied design and decoration make you feel like gentlemen, and the top class service of friendship gives you enjoyment as Go d. ─── KTV别致考究的设计,高雅华贵的装饰,让您领略着绅士般的风度,超一流的服务、亲友般的呵护,给您以上帝般的享受。

84、There's also a point where it becomes a crackerjack business: this rarefied garden in a southern German valley is the seedbed for an environmental marketing phenomenon that has captivated Hollywood. ─── 到了一定程度,生意也会滚滚而来。这个位于德国南部河谷的纯净花园,是好莱坞趋之若鹜的环保行销现象中一个重要的苗圃。

85、I came in as dean, which is a rarefied atmosphere,” he says. ─── 我作为院长来到这里,这种情况很少见,”他表示。

86、Now our taste for hyperbole in describing our place in the economic order has become still more rarefied: what every modern worker aspires to be is a thought leader. ─── 如今,在形容自己在经济次序中的位置方面,我们对夸张的爱好变得更高雅了:每位现代员工都渴望成为思想领袖。

87、Dons living in a rarefied academic atmosphere ─── 生活在纯净的学术气氛中的大学教师.

88、The method is proved to be ta useful tool in treating the low speed rarefied gas flows. ─── 方法是处理低速稀薄气体流动的现时有效的工具。

89、the rarefied air of the mountain tops ─── 山顶上稀薄的空气

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