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08-17 投稿


checkering 发音

英:[?t??k?r??]  美:[?t??k?r??]

英:  美:

checkering 中文意思翻译



checkering 短语词组

1、checkering oil ─── 方格油

2、checkering jig ─── 方格跳汰机

3、checkering set ─── 方格图案套装

4、checkering files ─── 检查文件

5、checkering tools ─── 方格工具

6、checkering files brownells ─── 检查文件brownells

checkering 词性/词形变化,checkering变形

动词过去式: checkered |动词过去分词: checkered |动词现在分词: checkering |动词第三人称单数: checkers |

checkering 相似词语短语

1、cheering ─── n.欢呼;喝彩;adj.令人高兴的;v.欢呼(cheer的ing形式)

2、cheesewring ─── 奶酪缝制

3、checkrowing ─── 方形穴播法

4、chequering ─── n.棋子;检验器;西洋跳棋;方格图案;vt.使…交替变化;把…画成方格图案形

5、cockering ─── n.可卡犬,西班牙猎犬;斗鸡的人;老兄;v.娇惯,溺爱,放纵;n.(Cocker)(美、爱尔兰、英)科克尔

6、checking ─── n.校验;[电子][通信]抑制;[涂料]龟裂;检查;[力]裂纹

7、checkmating ─── v.把……将死;(使)彻底失败;n.(“王”的)将死;败局;最终战胜;僵局

8、checkupping ─── 检查

9、whickering ─── n.马嘶声;vi.(马)嘶鸣;吃吃地笑

checkering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Compatibility Checker warns you about any content in a workbook that may not be compatible with earlier releases and that therefore may be affected by a file format conversion. ─── 兼容性检查器会警告您:工作簿中的内容可能会与早期版本不兼容,因此可能会受文件格式转换的影响。

2、Jacuba is an online spell checker ─── 在线拼写检测器

3、But according to the checker's report the packaging is half-baked, therefore, you should be responsible for the damage. ─── 但是根据检验员的报告,检查时或的包装是不完整的,因此发生的损失是贵方的责任。

4、There is not enough memory or disk space to run the spelling checker. ─── 内存或磁盘空间不足,无法运行拼写检查。

5、You can use the spelling checker for resource strings as well as class, method, and property names. ─── 可以对类、方法和属性名称以及资源字符串使用拼写检查器。

6、The consistency checker failed to initialize (error %2). Local consistency updates will be disabled until this server is rebooted. ─── 一致性检查程序无法初始化(错误%2)。本地一致性更新将会停用,直到这个服务器重新启动。

7、The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) creates a replication topology of site links using the defined sites to manage traffic. ─── AD会创建一个使用已定义的“站点”来管理通信的复制拓扑。

8、The e-mail message contains sentence fragments and slang terms, and you want the spelling and grammar checker to ignore the mistakes in this block of text. ─── 例如,如果插入来自非正式电子邮件的某文本,该电子邮件包含不完整的句子和俚语词,并且您希望拼写和语法检查器忽略此文本块中的错误。

9、For example, imagine a peer that wants to use a spell checker service. ─── 例如,设想一个想使用拼写检查器服务的对等机。

10、Other tools might be a spell checker (which also teaches spelling naturalistically, and usually comes with the word processing software) and a grammar checker. ─── 其它的工具也许要数拼写检查和语法检查了(拼写检查程序能够教会学生们自然地进行拼写,通常装在文字处理软件上)。

11、Paint the checkerboard over which the checker will be dragged. ─── 在棋子将要被拖动的位置上绘制棋盘。

12、It is simple and easy, and has been implemented on the computer PALLAS in Nanking University (i.e. version 1555 of PALLAS ALGOL 60 Checker). ─── 它平易简捷,已在南京大学PALLAS计算机上实现(即1555 ALGOL 60错误检查程序)。

13、SFV Checker can also concatenate files in the list and rename multi archives on the fly, eg Correct file naming for .001, .002, .003 files into .rar, .r00, r01 files. ─── sfv检查也可以串连清单中的文件,并重新命名为多档案馆对果蝇,例如正确的文件命名为0.001 , 0.002 , 0.003文件。的RAR , 。r00 , r01文件。

14、The 2007 Microsoft Office system spelling checker includes the post-reform French dictionary. ─── 2007 Microsoft Office system拼写检查包括后期修订法语词典。

15、An Independent Environmental Checker shall be employed prior to the commencement of construction of the Projects. ─── 在展开建造工程之前,须聘用一名独立环境查核人。

16、If this error continues, the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will reconfigure the replication links and bypass the domain controller. ─── 如果错误持续发生,知识一致性检查器(KCC)将重新配置复制并跳过该域控制器。

17、Not only will your staff frequently find elling and grammar errors mi ed by your word proce or &;am #39 ell checker, but they will find inco istencies and confusing areas that you mi ed when drafting. ─── 你的同事不仅能通过文字处理软件来帮你检查到你没有查到的拼写和语法错误,而且他们还能发现你起草时没有察觉到的矛盾和混淆之处。

18、In other situations, you may not understand why the grammar or spelling checker is flagging some text, where the text may consist of a single word or an entire document. ─── 在其他情况下,文本可能只包含一个单词或包含整个文档,您可能不理解为何语法或拼写检查器会标记该文本。

19、Learn about the Design Checker task pane, and how you can use it to test the functionality of your form template. ─── 了解“检查设计方案”任务窗格,以及如何使用它来测试表单模板的功能。

20、The Zsh even has a form of spell checker, which attempts to correct various mistakes. ─── Zsh甚至还有一个可以校正各种错误的拼写检查器。

21、Spelling checker: A computer program that compares a text file with a spelling dictionary and marks any words that are not recognized as correctly spelled. ─── 串字检查:把文字档案和一个串字字典比较,指出串错的字词的电脑程式。

22、DFD-1500 automatic checkweigher is one kind weight checker of high precision.It is mainly used for testing packed product in the automatic packing line. ─── DFD-1500系列动态电子分选秤是一种高精度、高速度的动态重量检测选别设备。

23、The Compatibility Checker finds any potential compatibility issues and helps you create a report so that you can resolve them. ─── 兼容性检查器会找出任何潜在的兼容性问题,并帮助您创建一个报告来解决这些问题。

24、As part of SQL Server 2005 Setup, the System Configuration Checker (SCC) scans the computer where Microsoft SQL Server 2005 will be installed. ─── 作为SQL Server 2005安装程序的一部分,系统配置检查器(SCC)会扫描将安装Microsoft SQL Server 2005的计算机。

25、Ten copies of the Baseline Monitoring Report verified by the Independent Environmental Checker shall be submitted to the Director before the commencement of any major construction works that would affect the monitoring results. ─── 在任何会影响监测结果的大型建造工程展开前,须向署长提交10份由独立环境查核人核证的基线监测报告。

26、At the same time,if the technology of horizontal stripe and vertical stripe is combined,the color cotton checker effect fabric can be produced. ─── 同时指出,将彩色棉横条纹与纵条纹的工艺相结合,可以生产彩色棉方格织物。

27、You can set up your program to automatically correct misspelled words that are similar to words in the main dictionary that the spelling checker uses. ─── 对于具有拼写错误且与拼写检查器所用的主词典中的单词相似的单词,您可以将程序设置为自动更正它们。

28、Notonly will your staff frequently find spelling and grammar errorsmissed by your word processor's spell checker, but they will findinconsistencies and confusing areas that you missed whendrafting. ─── 你的同事不仅能帮你检查到你的文字处理软件没有查到的拼写和语法错误,而且他们还能发现你起草时没有察觉到的矛盾和混淆之处。

29、For the last two years I have been employed as a junior mechanical equipment quality checker by firm of import and export merchants where the wide field of work to be covered has given me a good all round knowledge of quality checking. ─── 两年来本人在一家进出口机械公司担任初级机械设备质量检验员。该项业务范围甚广,使我对机械设备质量检验有了全盘概念。

30、Office InfoPath 2007 provides powerful functionality such as business logic validation, rich text formatting, AutoCorrect, and spelling checker. ─── Office InfoPath 2007提供了业务逻辑验证、RTF格式、自动更正和拼写检查等强大功能。

31、With the excellent teams of manufacturer, checker &sales representatives, we have built up an integrated &strong sales system.. Our products are mainly exported to U. ─── 公司拥有技术过硬的生产、品检队伍,和极具开拓精神的营销队伍,已构织起强大的营销网路。

32、Notwill your staff frequently find spellinggrammar errors missed by your word processor's spell checker,they will find inconsistenciesconfusing areas that you missed when drafting. ─── 你的同事不仅能帮你检查到你的文字软件没有查到的拼写和语法错误,而且他们还能发现你起草时没有察觉到的矛盾和混淆之处。

33、Packing mark include : product type, mass, product batch, checker number, net weight, total weight. ─── 包装外标识内容包括:型号、数量、生产批号、检验工号、毛重及净重。

34、Ten copies of monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit Reports verified by the Independent Environmental Checker shall be submitted to the Director within10 working days from the end of the reporting month. ─── 在报告月份最后的10个工作天内,须向署长提交10份由独立环境查核人核证的每月环境监察及审核报告。

35、If the grammar checker flags errors you don't want to fix, you can customize the grammar and writing style rules to be less restrictive. ─── 如果语法检查器标记出了您不想修复的错误,您可以自定义语法和写作风格规则,使其较为宽松。

36、You can also customize Directory Checker to include a list offrequently used compare directories. ─── 你能够也自定义目录检验员包括目录经常地使用比较目录。

37、Like a spell checker, the HTML validation feature finds markup in your page that is not acceptable for the currently selected browser. ─── 像拼写检查器一样,HTML验证功能会查找页中不为当前选择的浏览器接受的标记。

38、A checker slides orthogonally or diagonally until stopped by an occupied cell or the edge of the board. ─── 一子在阴线或阳线上滑动直到碰到其他子或者边界.

39、If you change this setting, System File Checker will no longer verify files in folders under this folder. ─── 如果更改该设置,系统文件检查器将不再检测在该文件夹下的文件夹中的文件。

40、Word provides a "natural language" grammar checker that flags possible problems by performing a comprehensive analysis of the text. ─── Word提供了“自然语言”语法检查器,该检查器通过对文本进行综合分析来标记可能的问题。

41、The following resource explains how to use the Design Checker task pane to test your form template. ─── 下面的资源说明如何使用“设计检查方案”任务窗格来测试表单模板。

42、The 2007 Office release uses a compatibility checker that checks to make sure that you have not introduced a feature that an earlier version of Office does not support. ─── 2007 Office发布版使用兼容性检查器进行检查,可确保您尚未引入早期版本的Office不支持的功能。

43、Under Browser Compatibility in the Design Checker task pane, click the text of the error or message you want to review. ─── 在“检查设计方案”任务窗格的“浏览器兼容性”下,单击要查看的错误和消息文本。

44、You need to close the spelling checker dialog box before you can check the spelling of this document. ─── 在对本文档进行拼写检查之前,必须先关闭那个拼写检查对话框。

45、AutoCorrect can also correct a misspelled word if the word is similar to a word in the main spelling checker dictionary. ─── 如果拼写错误的单词与主拼写检查器词典中的某个单词相似,自动更正也可以对其进行更正。

46、The consistency checker deleted connection object %1 as the source server to which it referred has been deleted. ─── 一致性检查程序已删除作为源服务器的连接对象%1,对象参照已删除。

47、Proofread your messages before you send them, and if your e-mail program has a spelling checker, use it. ─── 在发送邮件之前,先要进行校对,如果您的电子邮件程序中带有拼写检查器,应用其进行检查。

48、Change style checker options for all presentations ─── 对于所有演示文稿,更改样式检查选项

49、System Configuration Checker (SCC) will block Setup if the processor type requirement is not met. ─── 如果不满足处理器类型的要求,系统配置检查器(SCC)将阻止安装程序运行。

50、When you use the spelling checker, it compares the words in your document with those in its main dictionary. ─── 在使用拼写检查器时,它会将文档中的单词与此其主词典中的单词进行比较。

51、Roy: Maybe our checker is faster at scanning the food. ─── 也许我们队的收银员扫视食品快一点。

52、Use System File Checker to scan for changes or modifications to Windows protected files. ─── 使用系统文件检查器扫描改动或修改视窗受保护的档案。

53、Run your code through a spelling checker ─── 你的代码应该能通过拼写检查

54、You can use exclusion dictionaries to force the spelling checker to flag words you want to avoid using. ─── 可以使用排除词典强制拼写检查标记您希望避免使用的词语。

55、When prompted, click Yes to run the Design Checker to find potential performance and design problems with your Web page layout. ─── 出现提示信息时请单击“是”以运行“检查设计方案”功能,查找Web页版式在性能和设计方面潜在的问题。

56、Application of Z-Type of Fusion Cast Checker ─── Z形电熔格子砖实用性浅析

57、For example, if you want to add a spelling checker to an application you could define all the variables and support functions to provide spell-checking functionality. ─── 例如,如果要将拼写检查器添加到应用程序中,可以定义所有提供拼写检查功能的变量和支持函数。

58、At the top of the Design Checker task pane, click Change Compatibility Settings. ─── 在“检查设计方案”任务窗格顶部,单击“更改兼容性设置”。

59、This paper presents a new type automatic line checker including the principle,the design of its database and ap pli cation. ─── 介绍一种新型的机车接插件自动校线仪的工作原理及其数据库、应用程序的设计。

60、The site assessment report shall be verified by an Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and deposited to the EIAO Register Office. ─── 土地评估的报告须经由独立环境查核人核证,并存放在环境影响评估条例登记册办事处。

61、Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker task has terminated. ─── 内部事件: 终止了“知识一致性检查”任务。

62、Just go through the ticket checker over there. ─── 从那边检票口往前走,

63、There is not enough memory or disk space to run the grammar checker. ─── 内存或磁盘空间不足,无法运行语法检查。

64、The Compatibility Checker helps forms designers validate those features that need to work across the broadest range of Web browsers. ─── 兼容性检查器可帮助表单设计者验证那些需要在各种各样的Web浏览器中工作的功能。

65、The spelling checker feature in Outlook Web Access offers all the options available in the spelling checker feature in Outlook 2007. ─── Outlook Web Access中的拼写检查程序功能提供了在Outlook 2007的拼写检查程序功能中可用的所有选项。

66、I kept my fingers off the bills as he passed them to the checker. ─── 在他把钱递给收银员之前,我一直都避免自己的手碰到那些钱。

67、The security checker wants to check your baggage. ─── 安检人员要检查您的行李。

68、To understand the market trend of Checker Depot. ─── 了解格仔铺之市场定位及未来方向.

69、The spelling checker has been made more consistent across the 2007 Microsoft Office system programs. ─── 在各个2007 Microsoft Office system程序之间,拼写检查更加一致。

70、The checker leather outside and frosted leather inside are put together perfectly. ─── 包身款式大方简洁又不乏设计感。

71、For each field, click Yes to turn on the spelling checker for that field or click No to turn off the spelling checker for that field. ─── 对于每个域,单击“是”以便对该域启用拼写检查器,或单击“否”对该域禁用拼写检查器。

72、If the grammar checker can't determine the correct linguistic structure of a sentence, or if it comes across a questionable capitalization, it may incorrectly flag text or propose incorrect suggestions. ─── 如果语法检查器无法确定句子的正确语言结构,或者遇到了有问题的大小写,它可能会错误地标记文本或提出不正确的建议。

73、When I reached the top floor I must admit that my anxiety was growing and the sweat from my palms was beginning to coat the checkering on the grips of the gun. ─── 当我上二楼时,我承认我越来越紧张,枪握把的雕花方格上全是我掌心的汗。

74、Waitress or waiter? Receptionist? Desk clerk? Checker? Musician? Tutor? ─── 做过餐厅服务员、旅馆服务员、书记员、收款员、秘书、乐师或家庭教师?

75、Spelling checker A computer program that compares a text file with a spelling dictionary and marks any words that are not recognized as correctly spelled. ─── 串字检查把文字档案和一个串字字典比较,指出串错的字词的电脑程式。

76、The spelling checker is now more consistent across the 2007 Microsoft Office system programs. ─── 在各个2007 Microsoft Office system程序之间,拼写检查现在更加一致。

77、Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker task has begun. ─── 内部事件: 开始了“知识一致性检查任务”。

78、When you use the spelling checker, it compares the words in your document with those in the tool's main dictionary. ─── 在使用拼写检查器时,它会将文档中的单词与此工具的主词典中的单词进行比较。

79、There is not enough memory or disk space to run the consistency checker. ─── 内存或磁盘空间不足以运行一致性检查功能。

80、Instead of the traditional verification technique using axioms and inference rules, the model checker for asynchronous concurrent systems (AMC) is designed to mechanically determine if a. ─── AMC(Model Checker for Asynchronous concurrent systems)代替传统的从公理出发的形式推导,将并发系统描述转换为系统状态模型,然后应用模型实现对系统时序特性的自动验证。

81、In additional, automatic decapper, automatic leakage checker, barrel brusher, automatic capper, barrel elevator and thermal shrinking machine are made by customer's need. ─── 同时也可按用户需要配置自动拔盖机、自动捡漏机、内外桶刷洗机、自动上盖机、提桶机,热收缩机等。

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