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08-17 投稿


dissident 发音

英:['d?s?d(?)nt]  美:['d?s?d?nt]

英:  美:

dissident 中文意思翻译



dissident 同义词

injury | wrong | harm | ill turn | difficulty |damage

dissident 短语词组

1、political dissident ─── [网络] 持不同政见者;政治异议份子

2、dissident arms ─── 持不同政见的武装

3、dissident elites ─── 异见精英

4、dissident lyrics ─── 异见歌词

5、dissident definition ─── 异议定义

6、dissident cigars ─── 异见雪茄

7、dissident minority ─── 持不同政见的少数民族

8、dissident shareholder ─── 持不同政见的股东

9、dissident shareholders ─── 持不同政见的股东

10、dissident mag ─── 持不同政见者杂志

11、Dissident Irish Republican Army ─── [网络] 异议爱尔兰共和军

12、dissident aggressor ─── 持不同政见的侵略者

13、dissident minorities ─── 持不同政见的少数民族

14、cognitive dissident ─── 认知异见者

15、dissident synonym ─── 异见同义词

16、dissident writers ─── 持不同政见的作家

17、dissident element ─── [法] 持不同政见分子

dissident 反义词


dissident 词性/词形变化,dissident变形

动词过去式: dissevered |名词: disseverance |动词现在分词: dissevering |动词过去分词: dissevered |动词第三人称单数: dissevers |

dissident 相似词语短语

1、dissidence ─── n.异议;不同意;意见不同

2、dissidents ─── 公开大唱反调者;持异议者;持不同政见者

3、diffident ─── adj.羞怯的;缺乏自信的;谦虚谨慎的

4、dissidently ─── 持不同意见

5、dissepiment ─── n.[生物]隔膜;隔壁

6、disseat ─── vt.夺席位;使离座

7、dissilient ─── adj.[植]爆裂的;裂开性的

8、dissolvent ─── n.溶剂;adj.有溶解力的

9、dissent ─── v.不同意;对国教(或东正教教义)不遵循;n.(意见的)不一致;不服从裁判;异议声明

dissident 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The presence in London of the People's Mujahideen Organisation, the main Iranian dissident group that regularly launches attacks against Iran, also adds to Tehran's sense of paranoia. ─── 伦敦在人民圣战组织的存在同样增加了德黑兰的偏执。圣战组织是伊朗的主要不同政见集团,经常发动针对伊朗的袭击。

2、The Italian, backed by fellow dissident competitors including Toyota, Renault, BMW and Red Bull, added: "We will participate in the next season's world championship if we have a proper F1. ─── 意大利支持下,研究员持不同政见的竞争对手包括丰田,雷诺,宝马和红牛,补充说:”我们将参加下赛季的世界冠军,如果我们有一个适当的F1.

3、The congress turn the screw on the president on the issue of selling ammunition to the iraqi dissident ─── 在关於出售军火给伊拉克持不同政见者问题上国会向总统施加压力

4、A group of 29 well-known Chinese dissident writers, lawyers, political activists and other intellectuals decried China's approach to the unrest. ─── 一群29人的资深的对中国有不同看法的作家,政客,律师,其他知识分子认为中国处于不安定中,

5、With the government arrests continuing, dissident groups are becoming weaker everyday, said a 37-year-old publisher. ─── 一位37岁的出版商说,官方逮捕行动持续不断,异议团体的势力也一日不如一日。

6、Will we stand for the human rights of the dissident in Burma, the blogger in Iran, or the voter in Zimbabwe? ─── 我们是否愿意为缅甸的政见不同者,伊朗的网络作家以及津巴布韦的选民说话?

7、Zhou Qing, who wrote a book published this year on the dangers of food sold in China, says officials have tried to curb its circulation (his dissident past may not have endeared him to them either). ─── 今年周某写了一本关于中国销售食品的危害性的书,他说官方试图阻止这本书在市场里流通。

8、The political opinion of each school of the dissident movement of the Soviet Union had lots of both similarities and differences. ─── 苏联持不同政见者运动各个派别的政治主张既有相似之处,亦有许多不同之处。

9、The son of a Chinese dissident says his father has disappeared, just days before he was to attend a U.S. consulate reception to mark Barack Obama's inauguration. ─── 中国持不同意见的活动人士姚立法的儿子说,他的父亲在要参加美国驻武汉领事馆举办庆祝欧巴马就职招待会的几天之前失踪了。

10、A dissident Irish republican group, known as The Real IRA, has said it was behind an attack on Saturday night at an army base in Northern Ireland, in which two British soldiers were shot dead. ─── 一个反叛的爱尔兰共和组织,即通常所说的皇家爱尔兰共和军,声称其于周六幕后操纵了对北爱尔兰的一个军事基地的一次袭击,袭击中两名英国士兵被射杀。

11、a dissident newspaper ─── 持不同意见的报纸

12、He was exiled as a dissident. ─── 他被作为持不同政见者流放国外。

13、Indeed, he had the advantage of scripting it as the father of the Soviet H-bomb, dissident and a political prisoner. ─── 确实,他因作为苏联氢弹之父、持异议者与政治犯而标榜史册。

14、"an underground of dissident intellectuals" (Kenneth L. Woodward) ─── “反对派知识分子的地下组织”(肯尼思L.伍德沃德)

15、The dissident element on campus ─── 校园中的异议份子

16、disagreement; dissident view; dissenting opinion ─── 异议

17、"His stance is too close to that of the authorities, " sniffed dissident artist Ai Weiwei on his blog. ─── “他的立场和官方太接近了。”持不同政见的艺术AiWeiwei在他博客上写道。

18、A prominent intellectual and dissident who was detained last month is being held in pretrial detention, human-rights activists said Friday. ─── 周五据一人权(激进分子)透露,上个月一著名持不同政见的学者遭强行拘留押庭候审。

19、dissident extremist ─── 持不同政见的极端分子; 极端异议者

20、“ To idealize them,” notes Ma Jian, a dissident Chinese traveler to Tibet (now living in Britain), “is to deny them their humanity. ─── 历朝中国政府基本没有重商主义的概念,他们开放贸易也并非信奉“自由贸易”;

21、The dissident vice-presidents said they should have done better and found out how Blatter was squandering FIFA's treasure chest. ─── 经过月复一月的口角争斗,展现在记者面前的是一个四分五裂的国际足联。

22、In April the dissident network will hold its first conference in Vancouver. ─── 今年4月,保守派将在温哥华召开第一次会议。

23、“Dissident views are healthy for the religion,” he insists. “To keep the religion honest, it is very important that somebody should take the risk of being denounced as heretical.” ─── “各种不同的意见对伊斯兰教是有益的”,他强调说。“为保证伊斯兰教信仰的纯正,某些人去冒被目为异端的危险是很重要的”。

24、Unfortunately, dissident elements turned off the water and the power, and the city ground almost to a halt. ─── 不幸的是,由此引发的社会动荡造成水源和电力供应的中断,城市几近瘫痪。

25、Stalin's Lysenkoism starved millions when the ideologically correct wheat failed to grow and anyone who pointed this out was sent to dissident prison. ─── 斯大林的李森科主义让数百万人挨饿,因为意识形态上正确的麦子种植失败,而指出这个事实的人都被送进持不同政见者监狱。

26、Andrei Sakharov, the late Soviet physicist and dissident, suggested as early as1984 that the complicated geometries of hidden dimensions might produce a spectrum for vacuum energy that includes values in the experimental window. ─── 已故的苏维埃物理学家及异议份子沙卡诺夫,早在1984年便建议:隐密维度的复杂几何,可能产生真空能量谱,并包括实验可观测範围内的数值。

27、The court has yet to decide whether the identities of the dissident lenders must be revealed. ─── 法庭尚未决定是否必须披露持反对意见的放贷机构的身份。

28、Change can only come from democracy, from the immediate liberation of political prisoners, from the recognition of dissident organizations in Cuba and in exile. ─── 改革唯有从民主而来,从立即释放政治犯,从承认在古巴和流亡在外的持不同意见者组织。

29、He also wrote an essay calling for the release of a jailed Internet dissident, Liu Di. ─── 他并且写了一篇杂文叫为一个被拘留的互联网不满分子的发行, 刘二。

30、It feels like a bigger, more comfortable cage, as one dissident puts it.But still a cage. ─── 拿不同政见者的话说,中国现在就像一个更大、更宽松的牢笼,但是,归根结底,中国还是个牢笼。

31、dissident shareholder ─── 持异议的股东

32、In their view, Islam is more likely to have emerged from dissident Christian sects in the Levant than to have “burst out of Arabia”, as the Muslim version of sacred history teaches. ─── 在他们的观点中,像伊斯兰神话故事所教的那样,伊斯兰更倾向于是起源自在黎凡特的反对基督教的教派,而不是“在阿拉伯某个地方凭空冒出来”。

33、The authorities decide to damp down the dissident's activities by imposing a curfew. ─── 当局决定实行宵禁以抑制持不同政见者的活动。

34、He is the third Internet dissident to be imprisoned in the run-up to the Games, said the Paris-based group. ─── 总部位于巴黎的记者无国界还指出,他是第三位在奥运会临近时入狱的网络持不同政见者。

35、Yale was founded in 1701, 65 years after Harvard, by dissident Harvard men who thought that Harvard was losing its religious fervor. ─── 耶鲁大学建立于1701年,比哈佛大学相对来说比较晚65年。有这样的观点,哈佛正在失去她的宗教热诚。

36、A couple of years earlier he had met a man named Xu Wenli a former railway electrician and a veteran dissident from the Democracy Wall period. ─── 几年前,他遇到了一个叫徐文立的人,徐当年是铁路上的电工,也是"西单民主墙"时期的民运老将。

37、After noting down the visitor's identity, they allow him to proceed to the dissident's flat to interview him. ─── 在验证了来访者的身份后,那位记者被允许进入他的房间并对其进行采访。

38、UNICEF says the children, including one girl, were being held by a dissident group that broke with the rebel National Liberation Front. ─── 联合国儿童基金会说,这些少年中包括一名女孩,他们被一个从布隆迪反政府组织民族解放阵线分离出去的持不同意见的组织所扣押。

39、A group of dissident lawmakers led by Representatives Ron Kind, Democrat of Wisconsin, and Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, is still pushing a plan to curtail the subsidies sharply. ─── 一群反对派国会议员为首的代表夏种,民主党人威斯康辛及Jeff片状,共和党亚利桑那州仍是推着计划削减补贴尖锐。

40、FLANKED by plainclothes policemen, a former top Chinese official, now a leading dissident greets a foreign journalist outside his apartment building. ─── 一位被便衣警察包围的前中国高层官员,目前的身份是一位主要的持不同政见者,他正向屋外的一位外国新闻记者致意。

41、But Georgia remains a paradise for dissident politicians and journalists when compared with neighbouring Azerbaijan. ─── 但是与领国阿塞拜疆比较,格鲁吉亚对持不同政见的政治家和记者来说仍是一个天堂。

42、The Soviet Union announced it had freed dissident Andrei Sakharov from internal exile and pardoned his wife, Yelena Bonner. ─── 年,苏联宣布已经解除对不同政见者安德烈·萨哈罗夫国内流放并赦免了他的妻子叶连娜·邦纳。

43、condemned the dissident to hard labor ─── 惩罚持不同意见者做苦工

44、Saudi-born dissident ─── 沙特出生的执不同政见者

45、Different political viewer; dissident ─── 持不同政见者

46、political dissident ─── 持异政见者

47、dissident element ─── [法] 持不同政见分子

48、Iranian opposition Web sites say hundreds of thousands of people have turned out for the funeral of dissident cleric Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri. ─── 伊朗反对派的网站报导说,数以十万计的伊朗人参加了异议教士大阿亚图拉.蒙塔泽里的葬礼。

49、Others in the island's small dissident movement threaten to follow. ─── 岛内的其他异见分子也似乎会有所跟进。

50、"a day of hit-and-run disturbances by bands of dissident students" (Alfonso Narvaez) ─── “被反对派学生用闪电式方法骚扰的一天”(阿方索·纳瓦埃斯)

51、The authorities put the dissident author through the hoop by denouncing him as an enemy of the state and putting him under house arrest. ─── 当局谴责那位持不同政见的作家是国家的敌人,并且将他软禁起来,使他受苦受难。

52、share value appraisal right of dissident shareholders ─── 异议股东股份价值评估权

53、The Analysis and Discussion of the Political Opinion of the Main Schools of the Dissident Movement in the Soviet Union ─── 苏联持不同政见者主要派别政治主张异同点论析

54、Dieter , Karl &Gern , Christiane , 1993 ,“Dissident Groups , Per2sonal Networks , and Spontaneous Cooperation : the East Germany revolution of 1989”, Americal Sociological Review , vol . 58. ─── 它之所以发挥这样的作用,是因为目前国家的体制结构使然:一方面,中国仍旧是个威权主义国家;

55、Mr Mbeki himself long backed so-called "AIDS dissident" scientists who questioned the link between AIDS and HIV. ─── 姆贝基本人长期支持一个叫做艾滋病反对者的科学家组织,这是个研究艾滋病与Hiv病毒之间的联系的组织。

56、While the Chinese government frequently jails dissident writers or forces them into exile, it mostly ignores the antics of Guo and the other post-’80s writers. ─── 中国政府经常把持不同政见的作家投入监狱或流放边疆,却一般都把郭敬明等80后作家的不合规矩的行为忽略。

57、I would like to mark this experience as a beginning of my life as a “dissident”.As Havel stated, “You do not become a ‘dissident’ just because you decide one day to take up this most unusual career. ─── 因为这缘故,反对新权威主义的理由不外乎两条,一条是认为它“ 不可取 ”,是要“人治”,不要“法制”,要“民王”,不要“民主”,这显然是把新权威主义当成了目标模式;

58、an underground of dissident intellectuals ─── 反对派知识分子的地下组织

59、Among the Political tricks were pretended virtue abidance, dissident suppression, seducing and autobiography forging. ─── 无论是恪守德行,还是排斥异己,以至使用谶纬、自造《自本》,都是其权谋术中的一环。

60、Brad Adams, Asia director for Human Rights Watch (HRW), which released the letter, said Mr Liu's detention was the most significant Chinese dissident case in a decade. ─── 他们在信中说道,中国经常表达对人权尊重的承诺,国际社会对此也相当认真。在此呼吁中国中央领导承诺没有任何人因为以和平方式表达意见而遭到逮捕。

61、Rather, even as Georg is driven toward actions that implicate him, for the first time, in dissident activity, Wiesler becomes convinced of Georg's essential innocence and takes steps to protect him. ─── 可以这么说,就在格奥尔格将要有所行动把自己首次牵连进政治异议活动的时候,魏斯勒开始坚信格奥尔格其实是清白无辜的,于是开始采取动作保护他。

62、In unity lies strength; already many of the dissident factions have joined us. ─── 在团结中才会产生力量;许多反对组织已经加入了我们。

63、“I don't know,” said John.“I do know he is a member of a dissident group. ─── “等等,”玛丽应声说,“我不会因一个人是持不同政见者,就认为他品行不端。

64、One of her first assignments was disrupting a meeting between Jedi Master Mace Windu and a group of dissident Jedi. ─── 她被首批分派的任务中的一个是破坏绝地大师梅斯·温杜和一群政见不同的绝地的会面。

65、condemned the dissident to hard labor; ─── 惩罚持不同意见者做苦工;

66、share value appraisal right or dissident shareholders ─── VD钢包精炼炉

67、The current incarnation of the Sith is the result of a rogue Jedi dissident from the order. ─── 如今,西斯的典型代表是那些背离原力信条的绝地。

68、an underground of dissident intellectuals(Kenneth L.Woodward) ─── 反对派知识分子的地下组织(肯尼思L.伍德沃德)

69、Cajolery is as vital a quality as conviction, and some Tories wonder whether Thatcher has the skills necessary to keep dissident ministers in line. ─── 有些保守党员怀疑撒切尔夫人是否有本事使不同意见的阁员服帖。

70、That of heroic dissident who, in the oppressive and cynical universe of Late Socialism"; ─── 一个是后期社会主义阵营中的持不同政见的风云人物";

71、That outrage, like the car bomb that murdered Mr Kerr, was the work of dissident republicans opposed to Northern Ireland's peace process. ─── 同杀死科尔的汽车炸弹一样,那次暴行是反对北爱尔兰和平进程的持不同政见的共和党所为。

72、” President Thabo Mbeki's dissident views on AIDS and antiretroviral drugs reflect similar fears. ─── 姆贝基总统对艾滋和抗逆转录脢病毒药的不同看法反映出了类似的担忧。

73、The dissident element on campus. ─── 校园内的持不同意见者

74、Represented by the fictitious language of works, ideology is put in contradiction with its dissident force and shows its illusion. ─── 意识形态进入作品后处于一种异己力量的对抗中,在文学语言虚设的语境中暴露了自身的虚幻性。

75、a day of hit - and - run disturbances by bands of dissident students(bAlfonso Narvaez) ─── 被反对派学生用闪电式方法骚扰的一天(b阿方索·纳瓦埃斯)

76、The minor parties include the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Guomindang, founded in 1948 by dissident members of the mainstream Kuomintang then under control of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek; ─── 少数党包括:中国国民党革命委员会,成立于1948年,由蒋介石掌控下的主流国民党的政见不同的成员建立;

77、a day of hit - and - run disturbances by bands of dissident students(Alfonso Narvaez) ─── 被反对派学生用闪电式方法骚扰的一天(阿方索·纳瓦埃斯)

78、The boarding school in May Fourth Era, in sum, revealingly saw the dynamic interaction between local and western forms of suppression of women’s dissident sexualities. ─── 总的来说,通过对五四时期教会学校的分析,可以使我们发现,在对女性“离经叛道”的性的压抑上,西方形式与本地的意识形态之间其实是相互作用的。

79、China warned last month that it would not be happy if a Chinese dissident won this year's prize, as suggested by two prominent Norwegians. ─── 上月中国表示警告说不愿见到由两位活跃的挪威人提名的中国异见人士赢得今年的该奖项。

80、In the reconstruction process of social order at the beginning stage of Qing Dynasty, the descendants of the Ming Dynasty are political dissident force of consequence. ─── 在清初社会秩序的重建过程中,明遗民是一个举足轻重的政治异己力量。

81、There were many dissident elements in the population ─── 人民间尚存有许多意见不合的分子。

82、Modern conservatism began as a movement of dissident intellectuals. ─── 现代保守主义滥觞于异议知识分子运动。

83、Dissident Yang Jianli was held without conviction for more than two years before his verdict and five-year sentence was announced in May 2004. ─── 异见人士杨*建利在2004年5月被宣判5年刑期之前已经在没有被定罪的情形下关了超过2年。

84、OppenheimerFunds Inc., a once dissident Chrysler bondholder that withdrew its objections after it drew public fire, is also speaking out against the Chrysler sale. ─── 凯万资产管理公司,一旦持不同政见者克莱斯勒债券持有人撤回其反对意见后,提请公众火灾,也是他表示反对出售克莱斯勒。

85、dissident groups, writings, opinions ─── 持不同政见者的组织、 著作、 观点.

86、He begins to plot in various ways with dissident Boyars. ─── 他开始通过各种途径和保守派贵族们进行密谋。

87、Stephen Bollenbach, a director of AIG who is well-liked by some dissident AIG shareholders, including billionaire Eli Broad, will be named lead director. ─── AIG执行董事斯蒂芬.布伦巴赫得到了包括亿万富翁艾利.布罗德在内的很多持不同意见的股东的支持,将被任命为首席执行董事。

88、Dissident NYSE Seat Owners Question Deal ─── 纽约证券交易所持异议的席位拥有者质疑交易

89、an underground of dissident intellectuals(bKenneth L.Woodward) ─── 反对派知识分子的地下组织(b肯尼思L.伍德沃德)

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