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08-17 投稿


coincidental 发音

英:[ko???ns??dent(?)l]  美:[k????ns??dent(?)l]

英:  美:

coincidental 中文意思翻译



coincidental 网络释义

adj. 巧合的;符合的;暗合的;一致的

coincidental 短语词组

1、coincidental defined ─── 重合定义

2、coincidental math ─── 巧合数学

3、coincidental cohesion ─── 符合内聚性

4、coincidental association ─── 巧合联想

5、coincidental death ─── 意外死亡

6、purely coincidental ─── 纯属巧合

7、coincidental define ─── 重合定义

8、coincidental correlation ─── 叠合相关

9、coincidental meaning ─── 巧合意义

10、coincidental evolution ─── [医]并发进化

11、coincidental data ─── 巧合数据

12、coincidental starter ( ─── 汽车)风门起动器

coincidental 词性/词形变化,coincidental变形

副词: coincidentally |

coincidental 相似词语短语

1、coincidences ─── n.巧合;一致;同时发生

2、condimental ─── 调味品

3、incidental ─── adj.附带的;偶然的;容易发生的;n.附带事件;偶然事件;杂项

4、coincidently ─── adv.巧合地

5、coincident ─── adj.一致的;符合的;同时发生的

6、coincidency ─── 巧合,

7、coincidentally ─── adv.巧合地;一致地

8、continental ─── adj.大陆的;大陆性的;n.欧洲人

9、coincidence ─── n.巧合;一致;同时发生

coincidental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On September 15, 2006, Cassini revealed a new diffuse ring at Saturn, coincident with the orbits of Janus and Epimetheus. ─── 2006年9月15日,卡西尼号显示出土星的一个新环,其轨道与土卫十和土卫十一相符。

2、The time at which the two reductive divisions occur is not necessarily coincident to the time of ovulation. ─── 两次减数分裂的时间不一定与排卵时间相一致。

3、The result by RT-PCR was coincident with immunocytochemistry. ─── RT-PCR分析结果与免疫细胞化学染色结果一致。

4、In the Campania region, baseline and background values are often coincident, where the samples represent catchment basins away from urban or industrial areas. ─── 在坎帕尼亚地区,样品代表的是远离市区或者工业区的汇水盆地,所以基线值和背景值经常是吻合的。

5、Three cases were multiple hemangiomas coincident with metastatic tumors of the liver,7 lesions of metastatic tumor appeared hypodense in precontrast. ─── 3例肝血管瘤合并转移瘤,转移病灶7个,平扫表现低密度。

6、In most cases, such treatment would overstate the cost of that job, since it is only coincidental that a particular job happened to be done on overtime. ─── 在大多数情况下,这样的待遇会夸大成本,即工作,因为目前的情况只是偶然某项工作的事要做,加班。

7、Your opinion is coincident with me . ─── 你我的意见一致。

8、Are the Coincidental Points in a Triangle really Accidental? ─── 三角形巧合点真是巧合吗?

9、Qui-Gon Jinn might not be there to free them, but there was nothing coincidental about his coming here and meeting Anakin. ─── 奎刚-金也许不是来解放他们的,但他的到来以及他和安纳金的相遇也远不止巧合那么简单。

10、In both cases his personal activity, having no more force than the personal activity of every soldier, was merely coincidental with the laws by which the event was determined. ─── 在这种或那种情况下,他个人的行动并不比任何一个士兵的行动更有力。只不过他个人的行动符合现象在形成过程中所遵循的某些规律罢了。

11、"Cats have about the right size of vocal folds to produce a cry that is similar to a baby's, so there is a coincidental element," explained McComb. ─── “猫声带的大小类似婴儿的,所以有一个巧合的因素,解释说:”麦库姆。

12、The human ear has the ability to efficiently separate necessary speech signals from a plethora of other auditory signals, even if these signals have similar overall frequency characteristics, and are perfectly coincident in time. ─── 人的耳朵能从熙熙攘攘的声音中有效的捕捉到相对自己重要(感兴趣)的信息,即使是这些声音在频率上和时间上都配合得很“融洽”。

13、His death was coincident with his son's birth. ─── 他的死亡与儿子的出生同时。

14、All persons, living and dead, are purely coincidental, and should not be construed. ─── 厄,我也是在北美考.可是对这些都不了解.机经透露的题目就是6月22的题吗?

15、All of these theories emphasized that the exertion of rights should be in good faith, coincident with the objective of justice and should not go beyond the proper limit. ─── 它们都强调权利行使应受到诚信的约束,符合正义的目标,而不得超越正当界限。

16、Any outgoing ray path must be coincident with that of the returning ray. ─── 任何出发的射线与返回的射线路径完全相同。

17、Coincidental contact does not constitute an automatic out for the runner. ─── 不小心碰到的不会被判出局?跑垒员与接手在无意识的情况下有发生身体触碰或撞击,将不会被判出局

18、Eccentricity. A condition of pipe in which the OD and ID axes are not coincident, resulting in wall thickness variation around the circumference at a given section plane. ─── 偏心。管子内外表面中心轴线不重合,使得某一给定截面处的壁厚沿圆周方向不均匀。

19、"The resistance to the Pope's authority . . . is pretty nearly coincident with the rise of the Ottomans" (John Henry Newman). ─── “对教皇权威的反抗与奥斯曼土耳其人的兴起几乎同时发生” (约翰·亨利·纽曼)。

20、It may be coincidental that this occurs about the time in their season as we would expect a maximum in our northern summer season. ─── 它也许是巧合的,这发生关于时间在他们的季节因为我们会期待一个最大值在我们的北夏季。

21、The coronary joke made to the boyfriend, suspiciously coincidental, but that was something she said, not did, and she said it in jest. ─── 对,她和她男朋友所说的关于心脏病的笑话,这符合猜测,但是她只是在说,她没有做,而且她是在开玩笑。

22、This approach validates whether consistencies between product line assets are coincidental with those between requirements based on mapping rules. ─── 同时验证了基于这些映射规则,产品线核心资产之间的一致性继承需求之间的一致性。

23、Compared with HCV-cAg and RT-RNA,the coincidental rate was 85.71%(12/14). ─── HCV-cAg与RT-RNA符合率为85.71%(12/14)。

24、The valve must be installed with the direction arrow on the body coincident with the direction of flow in the pipeline. ─── 安装的阀门其阀体上的箭头方向必须与管道上流体方向相一致。

25、Coincident with the boost, restructuring in the telecommunications sector has been going deeper with competition being progressively introduced in the market and funding channels becoming wider. ─── 在通信大发展的同时,电信改革不断深化,市场竞争格局逐步形成,融资渠道不断扩大。

26、If a coincidental, the role of the encounter was consensual, I was willing to try. ─── 如果机缘巧合,碰到很合意的角色,我才愿意去尝试。”

27、The decade variations of SST in Nino 1+2 area is coincident with the variations of the western Pacific subtropical high. ─── Nino 1+2区海温有明显的10年际变化,与西太平洋副高的10年际变化非常吻合;

28、In the process of study, we found that the cerebrum's way of accepting knowledge is more coincident with the way of acquisition.This is the result of its study. ─── 其实,这两大理论既有共融性,也有差异性,经研究发现,习得理论对第二语言为大脑所接纳的路径更为合理和贴切。

29、The coincident rate of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) was 28.3% at first time and its whole average coincident rate was up to 56.6%. The subgroup coincident rates were elevated from 39.6% to 70.0%( P

30、The composite leading and coincident business cycle indicators of the Bank point to a continuation of this trend. ─── 南非准备银行的综合领先和同时景气循环指标均指出这个趋势仍在持续。

31、Coincident with the increase in woman working outside the home is increase in divorce rate. ─── 巧合的是,随着在外工作的妇女人数的增长,离婚比率也在增长。

32、I think you'd have to ask Rich and Bill, but I never viewed it as anything other than coincidental. ─── 我想你可以去问理查和比尔,但我想这是巧合。

33、I find it a little coincidental that Google updates the Google Maps app right before a big press event. ─── 我觉得谷歌刚好在一个大的新闻发布会之前发布此次谷歌地图的更新不会完全是因为巧合。

34、Because of this, the Third Band was broken down into innumerable sub-bands coincident with belief-system orientation. ─── 因此,第三个环带被分裂为无数副环带,它们与信念系统取向保持一致。

35、In the time sequence the trend component and periodical component were considered to make the load forecasting model more coincident with the features of power loads. ─── 同时,时间序列考虑了趋势分量和周期分量,使负荷预测模型更加符合电力负荷特性。

36、Some people doubt the credibility of the report, claiming it is all coincidental. ─── 一些人质疑这份报告的可信度,称纯属巧合。

37、Magnitude-Phase coincidence type TWTs have a topical feature nearly coincident gain and phase-shift between any two tubes. ─── 幅相一致行波管之间须具有高度一致的增益和相位延迟。

38、The number of college-bound students has surged in recent years, coincident with the rise in time spent on childcare. ─── 原译:大学生数量上的激增,也正好吻合父母在子女教育时间上的增长。

39、Circumferential movement: A term used to describe the direction of movement coincident with the periphery of a cylinder, drum or roller. ─── 圆周向移动:用来描述跟着圆筒,圆鼓或辘的外边转动而移位的情况.

40、Circumferential movement A term used to describe the direction of movement coincident with the periphery of a cylinder, drum or roller. See Lateral movement. ─── 圆周向移动用来描述跟着圆筒,圆鼓或辘的外边转动而移位的情况。参阅横向移动。

41、Results:The retrospective and premonitory of testing and verifying the coincident rate of making decision by computer was more than 90 per sent. ─── 在回顾性及前瞻性验证中,计算机判断符合率均达90%以上。

42、Results: The retrospective and premonitory of testing and verifying the coincident rate of making decision by computer was more than90 per sent. ─── 在回顾性及前瞻性验证中,计算机判断符合率均达90%上。

43、Zinc phosphate was indirect prepared with white zinc and surfactant.The product was coincident with foreign standard of microlevel product without batter. ─── 利用市售溶剂溶解氧化锌和表面活性剂,间接法生产磷酸锌,改变直接法生产工艺,产品不用粉碎,达到符合国外标准的微细级产品。

44、Dissociation of proteins from the remaining nucleolar subcompartments occurred at a faster rate and was coincident with NE breakdown. ─── 剩下的核仁亚组分中的蛋白的分裂同时在以很快的速率发生,最后与NE的降解相一致了。

45、Internal. Baptism and regeneration are coincidental, but not temporally simultaneous. ─── 内在的。洗礼与重生是相称的,可是不是同一时刻发生的。

46、I suppose your presence here today is not entirely coincidental. ─── 我认为你今天来这里不完全是碰巧。

47、Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. ─── 任何相似的实际的人,地方,实体或事件是无意的,纯粹巧合。

48、But I must wonder if she also feels this coincidental "aligning of the fates" is something special, something magical, something to take advantage of. ─── 不过如果她也能意识到这充满巧合的“一系列事实”是特别的,有魔力的,值得利用的,我将倍感惊喜。

49、Despite Dennis's denial, the parallels seem to be too close to be coincidental. ─── 不管丹尼斯的否认,这个事确实像巧合。

50、The condition of compatibility on the interfaces between each subdomain is satisfied weakly by introducing a Lagrange multiplier technique. In the computational domain, the finite element meshes can be non coincident at the interfaces. ─── 子域交界面上的约束条件是通过引入一Lagrange乘子而得到弱满足的 ,在有限元离散子域的交界处网格可以是非匹配的。

51、Monks, on account of eye and forms arises eye-consciousness.The coincidental arising of the three is contact.On account of a contact are feelings.On account of feelings is craving. ─── 四依于眼与色生眼识,三之和合乃有触,缘触而有受,缘受而有爱,缘爱而有取,缘取而有有,缘有而有生,缘生而生老死、愁、悲、苦、忧、恼。

52、The achievements of UBM simulation are coincident with the outcome of experimental simulation. ─── 两种模拟结果较为吻合。

53、The fluctuation of it for transmission of P.virax was coincident with malaria incidence. ─── 中华按蚊传播间日疟的媒介能量与发病情况较为一致。

54、Through adjusting the positions of the display areas on the display units, two virtual images respectively presented to both eyes of the user are approximately coincident. ─── 借由调整该些显示单元上的显示区域位置,使得分别呈现于使用者两眼的两虚像影像大致重合。

55、Moreover, risk and income are of dissymmetry, which is coincident with characteristic of the option. ─── 再次,是风险与收益的不对称性,这和期权的特性是一致的;

56、Whether or not it's a coincidental push to prep for Eminem's return to the spotlight, Nelson spoke with MTV about the details and release of her memoir entitled "My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem. ─── 不论它是否是一种巧合,推动准备为阿姆的返回的焦点,纳尔逊以与MTV的细节和释放她的自传,题为“我的儿子马歇尔,我的儿子阿姆” 。

57、Compared with the cutting force theory formulae before,the cutting force value calculated by the method is more coincident with the practical measuring value. ─── 与以往的切削力理论公式相比,用该方法计算出的切削力值更接近于实测值。

58、It shows that the processing result with Nanyang equation isbetter coincident with the reality of the formation than that with Archie equationfor shaly sand profile under the condition that the parameters used in processing arethe same. ─── 在砂泥岩剖面中,在参数完全相同的情况下,与阿尔奇公式处理的结果相比较,南阳方程处理的结果更符合实际情况。

59、The sera from pigs experimentally infected with PRRSV were detected by ELSA using recombinant nucleo-capsid protein as anigen prepared from PRRSV . The coincident rates with IDEXX ELISA test kit and IFA were 97. 3% and100% respectively. ─── PRRSV重组N蛋白ELISA检测人工感染猪血清75份,与IDEXX公司ELISA试剂盒及IFA的符合率分别为973%和100%。

60、Hints of a connection with art nouveau styles are probably coincidental. ─── 与现代设计风格的一些类似之处也许是巧合。

61、Vaccination-associated adverse reactions were reported in 22 counties and cities and 57 cases were report- ed,including 37 cases due to vaccination(64.91%),10 coincident cases (17.54%),9 unknown causes (15.78%),1 mistaken case(1.75%). ─── 全省22个县市报告预防接种副反应,报告接种副反应57例。 分类属疫苗反应37例(64.91%),偶合症10例(17.54%),原因不明或待定9例(15.78%),实施差错1例(1.75%)。

62、It's purely coincidental that we both chose to call our daughters Emma. ─── 我们俩都给自己的女儿取名叫埃玛,这完全是巧合。

63、Determining obesity with BMI >27 kg/m2 is coincident with the stan dard of 20%overweight and body fat ratio,so it is more feasible to use BMI >27 kg/m2 to determine obesity. ─── BMI>27kg/m2判定肥胖与超重20%和亚太地区的体脂含量判定肥胖标准相符,应用BMI>27kg/m2判定肥胖可能更有应用价值。

64、The variational rules of the activity of SOD and CAT of Egeria najas is coincident for all durations of exposure, at first the activity of SOD and CAT were increased, subsequently the activity of SOD and CAT were declined. ─── 在Hg~(2+)处理的96h内,细叶蜈蚣草SOD和CAT活性变化规律基本是一致的,只是酶活性的相对大小有所变化,即细叶蜈蚣草SOD和CAT活性随Hg~(2+)增加先上升后下降。

65、Although both militaries said the location and timing were coincidental, the Philippine commander, Maj. ─── 尽管两国的军队都称时间和地点只是巧合,菲律宾将军Maj.Gen。

66、The solid|state polycondensation laws of bright chips after bulking were predicted and was proved to be coincident with the experimental practice. ─── 实验证明 ,增容后大有光切片固相增粘规律与预测一致。

67、Any resemblance to your reality and mine are purely coincidental. ─── 你的真实和我的真实是纯粹一致的。

68、The value of color difference calculated by CMC color difference formula is more coincident with visual assessment. ─── CMC色差公式计算的色差值较符合人的目光评定。

69、The example calculation results by FEM are coincident with practical results.In this way it can provide scientific basis for the rail manufacture and the design of auto straig... ─── 实例计算表明,有限元计算结果真实可靠,与实际吻合,对于现场生产和相应自动矫直设备的开发具有实际指导意义。

70、The possibility of a coincidental appearance of hyperparathyroidism and thyroid cancer is not often considered because of its low incidence. ─── 因发生率低,我们时常忽略同时合并副甲状腺机能亢进和甲状腺癌之可能性。

71、In this Chinese Year of the Ox in the traditional sense, A-share market will be how to interpret the stock market to the existence of cattle from Bear coincidental? ─── 在这个中国传统意义上的牛年,A股市场将如何演绎,股市是否存在由熊转牛的机缘巧合?

72、The resistance to the Pope's authority.is pretty nearly coincident with the rise of the Ottomans(John Henry Newman. ─── 对教皇权威的反抗与奥斯曼土耳其人的兴起几乎同时发生(约翰·亨利·纽曼)。

73、Hey! What a coincident! ─── 哎呀,太精彩了

74、I suddenly feel it coincidental when my words come here.It seemed to be a real metaphor that, in fact, everyone including me is a “traveler”, we are all on the way “back home” through the field. ─── 写到这里,我忽然觉得,这个有些巧合的情景仿佛是关于丽斌绘画的一个真实隐喻:其实,我,我们中的每一个人都是“行者”,都行走在各自“返乡”之路的旷野上。

75、Its pathogenicity was markedly coincident with inoculated dosage. ─── 其致病性与剂量有明显的相关性。

76、The coincidental rate between ELISA and TPHA was 97.8%(180/184),between RPR and TPHA was 71.2%(131/184),while that between TRUST and TPHA was 75.5%(139/184). ─── ELISA法与TPHA法符合率97.8%(180/184),RPR法与TPHA法符合率71.2%(131/184),TRUST法与TPHA符合率75.5%(139/184)。

77、In Germany, as Walpurgisnacht, it was the night witches were supposed to meet in the Harz Mountains (see Brocken), though the association of witches with St.Walburga is only coincidental. ─── 在德国,这个称之为Walpurgisnacht的夜晚,传说巫婆会群聚于哈次山(参阅Brocken),尽管巫婆的聚会与圣华尔普加的关联只是巧合。

78、But the results of biochemistry marker and microsatellite DNA analyses were coincident in genetic diversity and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. ─── 但生化标记和微卫星DNA检测对两个长爪沙鼠群体的遗传多样性差异反映一致,所反映的群体平衡状况也基本一致。

79、Unitary elasticity is the coincidental case that is just on the borderline between elastic and inelastic. ─── 关于单弹性是一种巧合。这种巧合是有弹性和缺乏弹性的分界线。

80、their disappearances had to be more than coincidental. ─── 他们一起消失应该不是巧合。

81、But are commodity prices a leading indicator, or merely a coincident one? ─── 但是商品价格是一个超前的指标么,还仅仅只是一个偶然的巧合?

82、Therefore the signs ( +and- ) of the so-called " electrode potentials " were never coincident with the signs ( +or- ) of the real electric pole potentials. ─── 因此,一般所谓“电极(体)电位”的符号(+和-),就永不能同真正电极电位的符号(+或-)相符合。

83、It is not coincidental that this is the age when human infants no longer need as much care and attention from two parents. ─── 这个时间与婴儿不再需要父母太多精力照顾的时间相同并非巧合。

84、The somewhat delayed FC 6 release follows version 5 by seven months, and it comes just days ahead of the next Ubuntu release, an event that the Fedora project leader has called coincidental. ─── 不知怎么回事,这个推迟5个月发行的版本,恰好在Ubuntu6.10前几天释出。Fedora项目的领导人声称纯属巧合。

85、The coincidental rate of the diagnosis with DDI? PEF and the symptoms was respectively 92.7%,77.5% and 68.9%. ─── DDI、PEF和临床表现对 116例急性呼吸困难的原因的诊断符合率分别为 92 .7%、77.5%、6 8.9%。

86、The inversion result of the resistivity is quite coincident with the burial condition of the underground ancient city wall. ─── 其电阻率反演结果与古城墙埋藏情况十分吻合。

87、VEEG was coincident with ECoG wholly in 18 cases (38%) and 23 cases (49%) partly coincident) MEG localization was more accurate than VEEG (P

88、Earlier this year, because of the outbreak of the case Da Zhen, Huang Rui Liang coincided with the Swiss accounts were frozen, time is too coincidental. ─── 因为今年初鐽震案爆发时,刚好碰上黄睿靓的瑞士账户被冻结,时间点实在太巧合。

89、It is not entirely coincidental that James needs just one steal to break Mark Price's record and become the team's all-time leader in that category. ─── 不完全巧合的是,詹姆斯只差抢断一项就可以打破马克普瑞斯的记录,并成为创球队记录的一类领袖。

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