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08-17 投稿


anaphora 发音

英:[?'n?f(?)r?]  美:[?'n?f?r?]

英:  美:

anaphora 中文意思翻译



anaphora 词性/词形变化,anaphora变形

形容词: anapestic |

anaphora 短语词组

1、anaphora resolution ─── 指代消解

anaphora 相似词语短语

1、cataphora ─── n.所指;(语法中)后指;指后照应,顺向照应

2、anaphoric ─── adj.首语重复法的

3、adiaphora ─── 铁线蕨

4、anaphoras ─── n.首语重复法

5、anaphors ─── n.照应语;回指词;回指式

6、anaphoral ─── 回指

7、epanaphora ─── 首语重复(法)

8、anaphor ─── n.照应语;回指词;回指式

9、angophora ─── n.杯果木属

anaphora 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、concrete individual anaphora ─── 具体事物回指

2、The traditional anaphora perspective is in general concerned with either the selection of anaphor (from the addresser's perspective) or anaphora resolution (from the addressee's perspective). ─── 摘要传统回指观解决回指语的选择(发话人视角)或回指释义(受话人视角)问题。

3、In terms of cognitive grammar, nominal indirect anaphora, semantically, is the integration of profile and base that is restricted by the cognitive domain of an addressee. ─── 摘要根据兰盖克的认知语法,英语中名词性间接回指的语义本质是基体-侧重有机结合体。

4、anaphora relation ─── 照应关系

5、A Study of the Distribution of Anaphora in Texts within the Framework of Rhetorical Structure Theory ─── 从修辞结构理论看前指在篇章中的分布

6、though it is widely used in common language, pronominal anaphora is seldom used in legislation language. ─── 在共同语中很常见的指代词指同在立法语言中的使用并不多见。

7、Based on DRT, we put forward an anaphora resolution method to the discourse understanding of written Chinese, and implement it during constructing DRS. ─── 本文在语篇表述理论的基础上,针对汉语书面语,提出一种面向语篇理解的汉语人称代词的指代消解方法,并在语篇表述结构的构造过程中实现汉语人称代词的指代消解.

8、Grammatical relations relating to clausal process types and the types of anaphora as participants can help account for the subject-object switch of anaphora. ─── 在语法层上对回指构成限制的临近原则可解释回指确认中的特殊情形。

9、definite anaphora ─── 确定性照应关系

10、forward anaphora ─── 向前冲

11、An optimal account of anaphora ─── 回指的优选解析

12、Anaphora is an important means of discourse cohesion, and zero anaphora is a common anaphora in Chinese. ─── 回指是语篇衔接的重要手段,零形回指是汉语中常见的一种回指形式。

13、There is also a shortened Anaphora of St. James of Jerusalem. ─── 也有缩短照应的圣雅各福群会的耶路撒冷。

14、How to Deal With Zero Anaphora in Translating Chinese to English ─── 汉译英中零前指处理初探

15、Zero Anaphora in Chinese Narratives: A Discourse-Pragmatic Perspective Studies in Modern Linguistics: Theory, Methodology and Fact ─── 汉语零形回指的话语分析

16、Anaphora resolution is a key step in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a kernel task in many language engineering applications. ─── 指代消解处理是自然语言处理的关键环节,也是众多语言工程项目的核心任务。

17、Abstract: Pronominal anaphora and zero anaphora are unmarked personal anaphoric patterns in both English and Chinese. ─── 摘 要: 英汉语无标记性的人称回指手段包括代词回指和零形回指。

18、Keywords presupposition;anaphora;context;binding resolution;accommodation resolution;bridging resolution; ─── 先设;照应;语境;约束消解;纳入消解;架桥消解;

19、At the textual level, the role of anaphora is explored from the topical and cohesive relations that anaphora realizes in text. ─── 回指的主题性是回指实现主题关系的关键,而回指连续性则影响了主题连续性。

20、though it is widely used in common language, pronominal anaphora is seldom used in legislation language. ─── 在共同语中很常见的指代词指同在立法语言中的使用并不多见。

21、Such studies as spatial metaphors, English anaphora, and metaphors in discourse are all belonging to cognitive study. ─── 比如方位词的隐喻研究,英语照应词的认知研究,篇章隐喻研究等都是从语言认知的角度来进行的。

22、anaphora analysis ─── 照应分析

23、Study on Chinese Pronominal Anaphora Resolution Based on Discourse Representation Theory ─── 基于语篇表述理论的汉语人称代词的消解研究

24、At the semantic level, anaphora is featured by both the connectivity and increment of anaphoric information. ─── 回指信息的连接保证了回指语义信息在语篇推进中的稳定性。

25、In the early and traditional research on indirect anaphora, scholars put emphasis on the syntactic level. ─── 在以往的间接回指研究中,人们较多地关注其句法层面的因素。

26、At the grammatical level, the textual function of anaphora is investigated from the aspects of grammatical relations and immediacy principle. ─── 与小句过程类型和作为参与者的回指类型相关的语法关系可说明回指在主语和宾语位置之间进行的转换。

27、abstract entity anaphora ─── 抽象实体回指

28、Anaphora is one of the most frequently encountered phenomena in natural languages, and its resolution and generation are important to discourse understanding and production. ─── 回指是自然语言中最为常见的现象之一,因而回指解析与生成对于语篇理解和生成至关重要。

29、anaphora rule ─── 照应规则

30、However, anaphora resolution of person pronouns has been a main problem for students to deal with. ─── 人称代词指代的消解是学习者处理文本信息的一大难题。

31、Anaphora is one of the most striking features of texts. ─── 照应是自然语言语篇最显著的特点之一。

32、An Anaphora Resolution Algorithm for a Chinese Information Extraction System ─── 一种信息抽取系统中汉语同指消解算法

33、Coreference resolution is very important subtask of anaphora resolution and has quite widely practicality value and society value. ─── 共指消解是指代消解中极其重要的子任务,并且具有很大的应用价值和社会价值。

34、Indirect anaphora is a relatively new field in recent linguistic research. ─── 间接照应是语言学中一项较新的研究领域。

35、ambiguous anaphora ─── 歧义回指

36、Meanwhile, by using real data in our corpus, we attempt to investigate the gestural and symbolic usage of this and that in situational context and anaphora and cataphora in linguistic context. ─── 同时以大量真实文本为语料,详细探讨“这”、“那”指代词在情景语境中的手势和非手势指示、上下文语境中回指、预指等现象的规律或倾向性规律。

37、The analysis shows that the perspective of grammatical relations provides a clausal strategy for the interpretation of anaphora at the grammatical level. ─── 在语义层上,回指同时表现为回指信息的连接和增加两种特点。

38、Anaphora resolution is one of the most challenging tasks in language understanding inthe way that the relationship between the antecedent and the referential pronoun varies fromsentence to sentence. ─── 在语言理解范畴中,照应分析是最具挑战性的课题之一,因为先行词和指称代词的关系会因句子的不同而不同。

39、In general, there are more personal reference, substitution and reiteration other than repetition in English and more ellipsis (especially zero anaphora, ZA for short) and repetition in Chinese. ─── 一般说来,英语中存在更多的人称照应、替代以及除原词复现之外的重复,而省略(尤其是零回指)和原词复现则大量出现在汉语中。

40、Zero anaphora is a type of anaphora in which a form may be omitted because its referent is known or can be guessed. ─── 本文主要从零形回指的识别和分类、零形回指使用的必要性以及零形回指使用的可及性三个方面进行了分析与探讨。

41、anaphora resolution mechanism ─── 照应解析机制

42、Some typical computational models of anaphora resolution and implement technologies will be given as well. ─── 同时,介绍了指代消解中有代表性的几种计算模型和近10年来采用的若干实现技术。

43、Research on Chinese Pronominal Anaphora Resolution ─── 汉语中人称代词的消解研究

44、Anaphora is a common phenomenon in the research on NLP (Natural Language Processing), Anaphora resolution plays an important role in text information processing. ─── 摘要指代是自然语言中常见的语言现象,指代消解是文本信息处理中的一个重要任务。

45、Anaphora is a common phenomenon in the discourses or the dialogues. ─── 摘要指代是自然语言中常见的语言现象,大量出现在篇章或对话中。

46、Text segmentation is very important for many fields including information retrieval, summarization, language modeling, anaphora resolution and so on. ─── 摘要文本分割在信息提取、文摘自动生成、语言建模、首语消解等诸多领域都有极为重要的应用。

47、Anaphora is an important grammatical device of textual cohesion. ─── 回指是语篇衔接的重要语法手段之一。

48、Topicality of anaphora is crucial to anaphora's realization of topical relations, and continuity of anaphora influences topical continuity. ─── 回指对衔接关系的实现可从回指形成衔接链的方式得以反映。

49、repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning and another at the end of successive clauses, i.e., simultaneous use of anaphora and epistrophe. ─── 在连续分句的句首重复一个词或词组,在句尾重复另一个;即首语重复和词尾重复的同时使用。

50、Analysis into the Misuses of Anaphora in Writings by Chinese Students ─── 中国学生英语写作中的照应偏误分析

51、The Syntactic Motivation of Zero Anaphora in Mandarin Chinese ─── 汉语零形回指的句法驱动力

52、Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning and another at the end of successive clauses,i.e.,simultaneous use of anaphora and epistrophe. ─── 在连续分句的句首重复一个词或词组,在句尾重复另一个,即首语重复和词尾重复的同时使用。

53、In this article,the authors try to discuss indirect anaphora with frame semantics proposed by Fillmore. ─── 我们尝试运用F illmore提出的框架语义学对这种语言现象进行探讨。

54、This paper reviews briefly the history of anaphora study over the past 30 years by scholars like Chomsky, Levinson, Huang Yan, Ariel, Halliday and Xu Yulong. ─── 本文以Chomsky,Levinson和黄衍,Ariel,Halliday,许余龙等人的研究为线索简要回顾了当代回指研究近30年的发展进程,强调了篇章与回指的关系。

55、Constraints on Zero Anaphora in the Objective Clauses of the Chinese Verb "SHUO" ─── 制约"说"的宾语小句主语零形回指的因素

56、The author tries to work out the cognitive inferential mechanisms of indirect anaphora in the light of Accessibility Theory put forth by Ariel (1990) and Givenness Hierarchy proposed by Gundel et al(1993). ─── 作者根据 Ariel (1990 )的可及性 (accessibility)理论和 Gundel et al. (1993)提出的已知信息等级结构(Givenness Hierarchy) ,探讨了间接照应的认知推理机制。

57、Differences in the degree of both definiteness and lexical congruence may affect the density of anaphoric information and anaphora tracking. ─── 研究揭示了词汇相似性在回指生成过程中的作用。

58、It figures centrally in the theory of external arguments and in the characterization of long-distance anaphora. ─── 它将在域外论元理论部分和长距离复指的分析中集中描绘。

59、anaphora resolution ─── 照应关系求解, 照应解析

60、A Primary Contrastive Study of the Forms of Chinese-English Indirect Anaphora ─── 汉英间接回指形式对比初步

61、On Zero Anaphora in Chinese and English ─── 汉英零形回指探析

62、The referents of anaphora mentally exist. ─── 照应词的指称对象是一个心理存在。

63、Thinking on the Usage of Zero Anaphora in Chinese Conversation ─── 汉语口语对话语体零形回指用法再思考

64、A contrastive analysis of intrasentential anaphora between Chinese and English from a cognitive perspective ─── 从认知角度看英汉句内照应词使用的区别

65、deep anaphora ─── 深层回指

66、rule of anaphora ─── 回指原则

67、deixis anaphora ─── 指示照应

68、Nominal anaphora, which is marked or illogical, usually carries special pragmatic meanings.This anaphoric pattern can only be analyzed and inferred reasonably from a point of view of pragmatics. ─── 标记性人称回指或出现的不合逻辑的现象通常表达特殊的语用含义,这种回指手段只能从语用的角度来做出合理的分析和推理。

69、personal anaphora ─── 人称回指

70、Anaphora has been one of the hot topics in linguistic studies for its special linguistic features. ─── 回指作为一种特殊的语言现象,一直是语言学研究的热点问题。

71、The Means of Reference-- Zero Anaphora and Its treatment in the two-way translation ─── 汉语中常见的指同手段--零照应及其在英汉互译中的处理

72、The present research has implications for anaphora study, methodology, textual analysis and educational linguistics. ─── 研究结果可用于回指理论探讨,回指研究方法,语篇分析和教育语言学领域。

73、On Anaphora Resolution within Chinese Text ─── 汉语篇章的指代消解浅论

74、nominal anaphora ─── 名词照应

75、nominal indirect anaphora ─── 名词性间接回指

76、Various approaches, functional, pragmatic or cognitive, have beenapplied to demonstrate the implications and features of anaphora. ─── 不同的研究方法,如功能的,语用的或认知的,被应用到揭示照应的意义和特征。

77、Special Syntax Position and Functions of Demonstrative Pronoun Anaphora in Shandong Dialect in the Ming and Qing Dynasties ─── 明清山东方言指示代词回指的特殊句法位置及其功能

78、Keywords Centering Theory;anaphora resolution;parameter setting;NLP; ─── 向心理论;指代消解;参数设定;自然语言处理;

79、Then it discussed the affect of the zero pronouns detection and zero pronouns recognition to Chinese zero anaphora resolution. ─── 并且分析了缺省项的识别以及零指代项的识别对中文零指代消解的影响。

80、The only explanation is that there exists indirect anaphora in these sentences. ─── 唯一的解释就是这些句子存在着间接的照应关系。

81、, simultaneous use of anaphora and epistrophe. ─── 即首语重复和词尾重复的同时使用。

82、This dissertation studies the functions of anaphora in text from a functional-cognitive perspective. ─── 本论文从功能-认知角度对语篇中的回指进行了研究。

83、As an important means to establish coherence in discourse, indirect anaphora is gaining more and more attention from the academic community. ─── 作为篇章的重要衔接手段之一,间接回指越来越受到学术界的重视。

84、The writer-reader relationship involves the writer's seeking common ground with the reader through anaphora. ─── 在这一过程中,作者所使用的回指手段具有排除说话方和包括受话方的特点。

85、From typological viewpoint, there are some differences between Chinese and English, thus zero anaphora may influence the quality of Chinese-English MT. ─── 由于汉语、英语是不同类型的语言 ,因此零形回指对汉英机器翻译会产生一定的影响。

86、anaphora of pronouns ─── 代词回指

87、In this study, four referential types are distinguished, which include sentential cataphora, discourse cataphora, local discourse cataphora and local discourse anaphora. ─── 摘要本文区分了句内下指、语篇下指、局部语篇下指和局部语篇回指这四种不同指称照应方式。

88、One last thing to note is that indirect anaphora in written discourse is not addressed due to the present focus of the paper. ─── 此外,本文中所举范例仅仅局限于口语中的单句或对话,并未将书面语考虑进去,因为这并非本文的重点。

89、However, anaphora resolution of person pronouns has been a main problem for students to deal with. ─── 人称代词指代的消解是学习者处理文本信息的一大难题。

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