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08-17 投稿


moping 发音

英:[?m??p??]  美:[?mo?p??]

英:  美:

moping 中文意思翻译





moping 词性/词形变化,moping变形

名词: moper |动词过去式: moped |动词第三人称单数: mopes |形容词: mopish |动词现在分词: moping |动词过去分词: moped |副词: mopishly |

moping 短语词组

1、moping definition ─── 闷 ─── 闷不乐的定义

2、moping cry ─── 闷 ─── 闷不乐的哭声

3、moping defined ─── 拖地

4、moping around ─── 无精打采地徘徊闷闷不乐

5、moping game ─── 扫兴游戏

6、moping define ─── 拖地

moping 相似词语短语

1、loping ─── v.轻松地大步跑(lope的现在分词);adj.大踏步的

2、roping ─── n.用绳捆;绳比;条痕;v.用绳捆;拧成绳状;拉运(rope的ing形式)

3、ooping ─── 哎呀

4、doping ─── n.[体育]使用(或服用)兴奋剂;[电子学](在半导体材料中)掺杂(质);[工程]上涂料;v.(dope的ing形式)给…服用毒品;强迫…吸毒

5、toping ─── v.(诗/文)豪饮,酗酒(tope的现在分词);n.(Tope)(尼、美、英)托普(人名)

6、hoping ─── v.希望(hope的ing形式)

7、mouping ─── 牟平

8、coping ─── n.顶部;[口腔]顶盖;墙顶;vt.cope的变形;vi.cope的变形

9、mopping ─── n.拖把,墩布;蓬乱的头发;清扫;洗碗刷;(秋季雇佣农工的)雇工市场;鬼脸;v.用拖把拖洗;擦去(脸)上的汗水,拭去(眼)中的泪水;扮鬼脸

moping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It’s a magic you are just right to me when I strait and mope. ─── 当我困难和不开心的时候,你就会恰恰好出现在我面前。这真是不可思议。

2、He is no mope only thoughtful and quiet. ─── 他不是那种忧郁的人只是好思考不多说话。

3、He has been moping all day. ─── 他整日闷闷不乐。

4、You spend too much time moping around the house. ─── 你闲居的时间太多了。

5、Shen: I saw him a moment ago. By now he's probably moping around the plum grove again. ─── 沈氏:才倒是瞧见大少爷的。也,也许又一个人到梅树林子里去了。

6、He's been moping about all day. ─── 他百无聊赖地转悠了一整天。

7、It is a powerful and effective product that contains oil-solvent cleanser, suitable for the cotton mop in large-area moping. ─── 使用说明:含油溶性清洁剂,对静电吸尘有很高附着力。

8、"I loved my first wife very much, but she wouldn't want me to sit around moping", he said. ─── “我很爱我的前妻,但她也不想我整天无所事事,沉浸在哀痛里。”他说道。

9、When times are tough, it's easy to get skip your regular workouts in favor of moping in front of the TV and eating a bag of chips. ─── 当陷于逆境时,很容易忽略有规律的生活,经常坐在电视机前面闷闷不乐,吃太多的垃圾食品。

10、Don't sulk, mope or brood. ─── 不要生气或焦虑。

11、Was there any use buying Dilcey if she was going to mope about the child? ─── 只买来迪尔茜,要是她整天惦记孩子,又有什么用?

12、Go out and have some fun, child.Don't mope about in the house all day. ─── 孩子,出去玩玩吧。别总是没精打采地在屋里打转。

13、Moping won't do any good! ─── 自怨自艾一点用处都没有!

14、When times are tough, it's easy to get skip your regular workouts in favor of moping in front of the TV and eating a bag of chips. ─── 当陷于逆境时,很容易忽略有规律的生活,经常坐在电视机前面闷闷不乐,吃太多的垃圾食品。

15、Instead of moping around the house all day, you should be out there looking for a job. ─── 不要整天闷闷不乐地在家里晃悠,你应该出去找份工作。

16、mope pole ─── 支撑管道杆圆木杆

17、And if you try to ration the time they can spend (say, "only until lunch") they spend all the time away from the screen moping like addicts looking for their hit. ─── 如果你尝试限制他们玩游戏的时间(比如说,只能玩到午饭时间),那么他们一旦离开电脑屏幕,都会像瘾君子一样愁眉苦脸,想尽办法寻求他们的刺激。

18、Monica: All right, that's it. You know what? Just get out of my way and stop moping. ─── 好的,我知道了。你知道么,别在这里碍事,也别闷闷不乐了。

19、How does a mope like that, take out 20 of our h.r.t? ─── 一个忧郁寡欢的人怎能干掉我们20个人?

20、You would just assume that he got religion at some point, stopped moping up and down the court when things weren't going his way, and used his considerable skills to help redefine the position. ─── 你可以设想一下在某个时刻他突然认真了起来,在他打得不顺的情况下再也不会在场上跑来跑去做着无用的事情,而是用他相当不错的技术重新定义了中锋这个位置。

21、Boh! Madam Mope!' cried the voice of John Reed; then he paused: he found the room apparently empty. ─── “嘘!苦恼小姐!”约翰.里德叫唤着,随后又打住了,显然发觉房间里空无一人。

22、Having been moping for a bout of time,it suddenly occurs to me that a pliant people will be doomed to failure. ─── 经过一番苦苦挣扎,我突然明白,软弱的人都注定要失败.

23、The open back of a truck would reveal delivery men moping on piles of sacks, or dozing among pink and blue bales of cloth. ─── 一辆货箱已敞开的卡车会向你展示,蹲在许多麻袋上的送货人正耷着头,似乎愁绪满怀,或是抱着几捆粉色蓝色的衣包在那呼呼打盹。

24、Don't mope round the house like that. Go for a walk. ─── 别在家里那样闷闷不乐地闲荡,去散散步。

25、Stop moping! ─── 别那麽垂头丧气的!

26、She is a mope that she has so much word to say but to no people. ─── 她是个多愁善感的人,总觉得满腹闲愁无处诉说。

27、4 mope trees (not less than 7ft.) $40 each-$160 ─── 4棵枫树(不小于7英尺),每棵单价40美元,总计160美元。

28、L ittle John Listen, why don't you stop moaning and moping and just marry the girl? ─── 罗宾汗对不起,我只是又在想玛利亚了。我实在是忍不住,小约翰,我爱她。

29、Canada Shoufu concrete and epoxy mortar Moping machine, Double-Disc Ma Ping-seat aircraft Ma Ping-series. ─── 加拿大手扶式混凝土及环氧砂浆抹平机、座椅式双盘抹平机等系列抹平机。

30、Grimsby: You can't spend all your time moping about, you need to get out. ─── 格里姆:你不能整天无精打采地游荡,你需要出去走走。

31、feel depressed; mope ─── 悒悒不乐

32、Time waits for no man.You may mope around for days, weeks, months, years, over a breakup, and expect everyone to pity you, but eventually, people have to move on. ─── 并且这就是真理:时间从不等待任何人.你也许会徘徊几天,几星期,几个月,几年,一辈子,没有人会惋惜你,但到最后人们不得不离开。

33、"Why do you always so mope?" asked the fish lightly to the hedgehog. ─── “为什么你总是那么忧郁呢?”鱼默默地问刺猬。

34、mope about ─── 没精打采地闲荡

35、"Am I mope?"the hedgehog smile and reply. ─── “我忧郁吗?”刺猬轻轻地笑了。

36、He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet. ─── 他不是那种忧郁的人,只是好思考,不多说话。

37、Am I mope?'the hedgehog smile and reply. ─── “我忧郁吗?”刺猬轻轻地笑了。

38、Developers have to repair several people, but simply to the wall cracks Moping on the wall surfaces are not so substantial repair. ─── 开发商也曾派人来修过几次,但只是简单地将墙上的裂缝抹平,对开裂的墙体并未做实质性的修理。

39、Instead of moping around the house all day, you should be out there looking for a job. ─── 不要整天闷闷不乐地在家里晃悠,你应该出去找份工作。

40、I don't know we can help each other if we don't talk about it.I've just been moping around the house and making everyone miserable.” ─── 如果我们不去谈论癌症,那么我就不知道我们能互相帮助。我一直在家里闷闷不乐,使每一个人都很痛苦。”

41、have a bit of a mope ─── 有些闷闷不乐.

42、"you will bury yourself down there and not speak to a living soul, and your nerves will be worse than ever from moping. ─── “你会让自己在那里默默无闻,也不同任何人讲话,而你的精神状态会比以往闷闷不乐的情况更糟。

43、Why waste time and energy moping? ─── 为什么要拖时间和消耗精力呢?

44、It's sad to see her moping about the house like this. What's the matter with her? ─── 看见她在房里这样郁郁不乐地走来走去真是可怜。她出了什么事了?

45、When I have no date on Saturday, I just stay home and mope about in the house. ─── 星期六晚上,如果我没有约会,我只好呆在屋子里闷闷不乐。

46、Don't mope around the house like that go for a walk. ─── 别这么没精打采地在家里打转,出去散散步吧。

47、Mope around He's been moping around (the house) all day. ─── 他整天都在(房子)周围瞎转悠。

48、"If you're frail you ought to exercise. Just moping won't do any good," Chueh-min raised his head and said harshly. ─── “身体弱就应该多运动,单是忧愁也没有用处,”觉民抬起头不以为然地说。

49、He's been moping around (the house) all day. ─── 他整天都在(房子)周围瞎转悠。

50、Life's too short to sit around moping. ─── 人生很短,不能整天坐在那儿自寻烦闷。

51、She said: 'Well my boyfriend dumped me yesterday and I thought instead of moping around the house all day I would go out and get a date. ─── 她说:“虽然昨天我被男朋友甩了,但我并不想就此宅在家里自怨自艾,我决定走出来给自己找个约会对象。”

52、JERRY: You're already moping!...Would you take the place? ─── 杰瑞:你就是在闷闷不乐啊,你会接受那公寓吗?

53、have industry experts sighed : in just one year, the beautiful land of China Moping residential apartments on the European residential and 50-year "time!" ─── 有业内专家感叹:仅用一年,锦绣大地公寓就抹平了中国住宅和欧洲住宅50年的“时差”!

54、“Boh! Madam Mope!” cried the voice of John Reed; then he paused: he found the room apparently empty. ─── “嘿!烦闷小姐!”约翰里德的声音在叫唤,跟着他沉默了一会儿,发现房间里显然是空的。

55、JERRY: How can I ever have you over? You'll sit there moping. ─── 杰瑞:我怎么能这样对你呢,你在那里闷闷不乐呢。

56、just now i was watching TV. but the stone gave me mope. ─── 真是晕倒了...已经是第三次砸我的窗子了.看你们还敢有第四回...

57、"And you mustn't stay here moping either, but drop in from time to time to chat with cousin Daiyu." ─── "你们也别闷死在这屋里,长和林妹妹一处去顽笑着才好."

58、When my dad lost his job, he would just mope around the house all day. ─── 如果我爸爸丢了工作,他就整天呆在家里闷闷不乐。

59、57. To the young this is a world of action,not for moping and droning. ─── 对于年轻人来说,这是一个行动的世界,不是个百无聊赖、无所事事的世界.

60、I've just been moping around the house and making everyone miserable." ─── 我成长在家里无精打采地闲荡,只会让家里人都很痛苦。”

61、mope oneself ─── 烦闷;闹情绪

62、Moping won't do any good! ─── 一点用处都没有!

63、In the aftermath of the Detroit downer , Damon didn't mope around his Orlando home. ─── 在底特律的惨败之后,戴蒙并没有在奥兰多的家中消沉度日。

64、Why do you always so mope?' asked the fish lightly to the hedgehog. ─── “为什么你总是那么忧郁呢?”鱼默默地问刺猬。

65、Moping around the house won't make you feel any better. Go out and do something fun! ─── 整天闷在屋子里并不会让你觉得比较好。去外面找点乐子!

66、The mope of accepting cases is a hot issue in Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China. ─── 摘要行政诉讼受案范围是我国行政诉讼法中一个热点问题。

67、4 mope trees (not less than 7ft.) $40 each-$160 ─── 梅闶

68、But when I mop, I will mope. ─── (但是当我用拖把拖地的时候,我就会闷闷不乐。

69、Just live your life well, take care of yourself, and don't mope too much.Love will find you. ─── 只要你好好生活,好好照顾自己,别老是闷闷不乐,爱就会来找你。

70、Why do you wait and mope? ─── 为什么要闷闷不乐的等?

71、Poor John has been moping the whole week away,I'm getting quite worried about him. ─── 可怜的约翰整个星期都闷闷不乐,我真十分替他担心。

72、"He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet." ─── "他不是那种忧郁的人,只是好思考,不多说话。"

73、Air conditioning in coal mines involves more complicated cooling load calculation,mope frequent variation in system configuration and higher investment than that of ground buildings. ─── 矿井空调具有负荷计算复杂、系统变动大、投资高等特殊性。

74、5.Poor Jane has been moping the whole week away. I'm getting quite worried about her. ─── 整整一个星期可怜的简一直郁郁不乐,我十分为她担心。

75、Monica: All right, that's it. You know what? Just get out of my way and stop moping. ─── 好的,我知道了。你知道么,别在这里碍事,也别闷闷不乐了。

76、Atlanta was more interesting than Savannah or Charleston or Tara and it offered so many strange war-time occupations she had little time to think or mope. ─── 亚特兰大比萨凡纳或查尔斯顿或塔拉都要有趣得多,它提供给了你这么许多新奇的战时消遣,以致她很少有工夫去思索去发闷了。

77、But if he moping around and depressed because of Yao's injury and doubt this team can succeed then we seriously would have to look at trading him. ─── 如果他因为姚明的受伤闷闷不乐,沮丧失落,怀疑球队能否胜利,那么我们就真的要考虑交易他了。

78、Miss Lin mustn't mope or be homesick here but feel at home with the old lady and her aunts. ─── "劝姑娘不要伤心想家,跟着老太太和舅母,即同家里一样."

79、Look at me, Last summer I was moping up at a cat hospital, today I'm an executive assistant at “mode” magazine. A lot can change in a short time. ─── 看看我吧,去年夏天还在一家宠物猫医院做清洁,今天我已是“时尚”的总编助理。短时间内仍然可以改变很多东西。

80、"If you're frail you ought to exercise. Just moping won't do any good, " Chueh-min raised his head and said harshly. ─── “身体弱就应该多运动,单是忧愁也没有用处,”觉民抬起头不以为然地说。

81、No - not so that chance shall decide the affairwhile you're passively standing there moping;but the moment the penny is up in the air, you suddenly know what you're hoping 。 ─── 不,并不是说运气将决定一切,在你被动、忧郁地站在那里的时候,当硬币在空中翻滚的那一刻,你就会突然明了自己所期盼的是什么。

82、Look at me, Last summer I was moping up at a cat hospital, today I'm an executive assistant at “mode” magazine. ─── 看看我吧,去年夏天还在一家宠物猫医院做清洁,今天我已是“时尚”的总编助理。

83、No moping, or I'm calling your brothers to come and get you. ─── 不要无病呻吟,否则我就叫你的兄弟来把你带走。

84、This product can make soap liquid,lotion,detergent mope more effective and economical for washing. ─── 本商品使洗手液、洗洁精、沐浴露等清洁液分量点溢,节约、方便洗手或洗涤。

85、Ben: Look, Grandma, you can't sit around her moping all day. You wanna shoot some hoops? ─── 本:我说奶奶,你别整天无精打采的,想去投篮吗?

86、Beautiful young ladies starring in an opera or stage show will someday end up becoming grannies moping their remaining years away around a fire. ─── 歌剧中,舞台上的如花的少女,就是将来火炉旁边的老婆子,

87、While you're passively standing there moping; ─── 在你被动、忧郁地站在那里的时候;

88、-- Don't mope over it all day, he said ─── “不要成天为这档子事闷闷不乐。

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