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08-17 投稿


acromial 发音

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英:  美:

acromial 中文意思翻译



acromial 短语词组

1、coraco-acromial ─── [医] 喙肩的, 喙突肩峰的

2、acromial reflex ─── [医] 肩峰反射

3、external acromial bursa ─── [医] 肩峰外囊

4、acromial spur ─── 肩峰距

5、acromial fx ─── 首字母fx

6、acromial process ─── [医]肩峰

7、acromial location ─── 肩峰位置

8、supra-acromial ─── [医] 肩峰上的

9、internal acromial bursa ─── [医] 肩峰内囊

10、acromial end of clavicle ─── [医]锁骨的肩峰端

11、acromial arch radiograph ─── 肩峰弓x线片

12、acromial fracture ─── [医] 肩峰骨折

13、acromial processes ─── 肩峰过程

acromial 相似词语短语

1、acritical ─── adj.(疾病)不危急的;无极期的;不批评的

2、acronical ─── adj.薄暮的发生的,日落时发生的

3、acroamatical ─── 肢端性

4、acromion ─── n.[解剖]肩峰

5、acroterial ─── 顶材

6、agronomial ─── 农艺

7、acrostical ─── 肢端

8、acromegaly ─── n.[内科]肢端肥大症

9、acromia ─── n.肩峰(acromion的变形)

acromial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Closed fracture of acromial end of clavicle ─── 锁骨肩峰端闭合性骨折

2、Open fracture of acromial process of scapula ─── 肩胛肩峰突开放性骨折

3、Fracture of acromial end of clavicle ─── 锁骨肩峰端骨折

4、acromial bone ─── 肩峰

5、acromial articular facet ─── 肩峰关节面

6、Open fracture of acromial end of clavicle ─── 锁骨肩峰端开放性骨折

7、Open fracture of acromial end of clavicle ─── 锁骨肩峰端开放性骨折

8、Acromial facet of clavicle ─── 锁骨肩峰小面

9、Intervention: minimal anterolateral acromial approach to the proximal humerus, percutaneous fracture reduction, and minimally invasive application of the NCB plate. ─── 干预:在前侧方向使肩峰最小化接近肱骨近端,经皮复位骨折,微创使用非接触桥接钢板。

10、acromial angle ─── 肩峰角

11、acromial network ─── 肩峰网

12、Applied anatomy of transposition of the scapula spine flap pedicled with acromial branch of thoracoacromal artery ─── 胸肩峰动脉肩峰支肩胛冈骨膜瓣修复锁骨肩峰端骨不连的解剖基础

13、Applied anatomy on transposition of the vascularized spine of scapula flap pedicled with acromial branch of suprascapular artery ─── 肩胛上血管肩峰支肩胛冈骨瓣修复锁骨肩峰端的解剖基础

14、Applied Anatomy of Transposition of the Vascularized Spine of Scapula Flap with Acromial Branch of Suprascapular Artery ─── 肩胛上血管肩峰支肩胛冈骨瓣移位术的应用解剖

15、external acromial bursa ─── [医] 肩峰外囊

16、Applied anatomy of the spine of scapular flap pedicled with the acromial branch of suprascapular artery ─── 肩胛上血管肩峰支肩胛冈骨瓣的应用解剖学研究

17、acromial reflex ─── [医] 肩峰反射

18、acromial angle of scapula ─── 肩胛骨外侧角

19、Conclusion It may devise a new operation for repairing non-unions of the clavicular acromial end with partial clavicular bone flap pedicled with the clavicular part of greater pectoral muscle. ─── 结论 可设计以胸大肌锁骨部为蒂半片锁骨瓣转位修复锁骨肩峰端骨不连的新术式。

20、Fracture of acromial process of scapula ─── 肩胛骨肩峰突骨折

21、Conclusion the transplantation of lateral segment spine of scapular flap pedicled with the acromial branch of suprascapular artery was feasible. ─── 结论以肩胛上血管肩峰支为蒂的肩胛冈外侧段骨瓣移植术具有可行性。

22、An anterior acromial approach is recommended for antegrade humeral nailing. ─── 髓内钉能有效稳定某些肱骨近端骨折。

23、acromial fracture ─── [医] 肩峰骨折

24、internal acromial bursa ─── [医] 肩峰内囊

25、Coracoid and acromial fractures were noted.Open reduction and internal fixation were performed. ─── 放射学检查显示出右肩喙突与肩峰骨折,而采行了开放性复位内固定术来治疗。

26、acromial end ─── 肩峰端

27、acromial end of clavicle ─── 锁骨的肩峰端

28、Closed fracture of acromial process of scapula ─── 肩胛肩峰突闭合性骨折

29、acromial region ─── 肩峰部

30、subcutaneous acromial bursa ─── 肩峰皮下囊

31、acromial bursa ─── 肩峰囊,三角肌下囊

32、acromial branch ─── 肩峰支

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