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08-17 投稿


peaches 发音

英:[?pi?t??z]  美:[?pi?t??z]

英:  美:

peaches 中文意思翻译



peaches 短语词组

1、i like peaches ─── 我喜欢桃子

2、lots of peaches ─── 很多桃子

3、eat peaches ─── 吃桃子

4、grow peaches ─── 种植桃子

5、i got my peaches out in georgia ─── 我在乔治亚州买了桃子

6、pink peaches ─── 粉红色桃子

7、peel peaches ─── 剥桃子皮

8、good peaches ─── 好桃子

9、peaches justinbieber ─── 桃子贾斯汀比伯

10、peaches song lyrics ─── 桃子歌词

11、honey peaches ─── 水蜜桃

12、look at my peaches ─── 看 ─── 看我的桃子

13、chilled peaches ─── 冷冻桃子

14、girl with peaches ─── 桃子女孩

15、canned peaches ─── 桃子罐头

16、peaches store ─── 桃子店

17、i got my peaches ─── 我有 ─── 我的桃子

18、one farmer used to grow peaches ─── 一个农民过去种桃子

19、have some peaches ─── 吃一些桃子

peaches 词性/词形变化,peaches变形

动词第三人称单数: peaches |动词过去式: peached |动词过去分词: peached |动词现在分词: peaching |

peaches 相似词语短语

1、perches ─── n.鸟类的栖木;休息处;河鲈(perch的复数);v.鸟类栖息于…;暂歇;坐落于…(perch的第三人称单数)

2、peacher ─── n.桃子;桃树;桃红色;受人喜欢的人(或物)(peach的变形)

3、poaches ─── vt.水煮;偷猎;窃取;把…踏成泥浆;vi.偷猎;侵犯;剽窃

4、leaches ─── v.过滤,滤去;萃取;被过滤,沥滤;n.过滤,过滤过程;过滤器;n.(Leach)利奇(人名)

5、peached ─── n.桃子;桃树;桃红色;受人喜欢的人(或物);adj.桃色的;用桃子制成的;vi.告密;vt.告发;n.(Peach)人名;(英)皮奇

6、preaches ─── vt.说教;讲道;鼓吹;传道;反复灌输;vi.说教;讲道;鼓吹;宣扬;n.说教

7、beaches ─── n.[海洋]海滩;[海洋]海滨(beach的复数形式)

8、pleaches ─── vt.编织

9、peaces ─── n.和平;平静;和睦;秩序;n.(Peace)人名;(英)皮斯

peaches 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He found a cage for his pet snake and a can of peaches for himself. He calculated the cost and had just enough for the bus home. ─── 他为他的宠物蛇找到了一只笼子,还为自己挑了一罐桃子,他算了算要花多少钱,剩下的钱刚刚够回去的车费。

2、I've never tasted better peaches. ─── 我没吃过这么好的桃子。

3、He threw away the stone of a peach. ─── 他扔掉了桃核。

4、Would you prefer apple or peach? ─── 你是喜欢苹果还是桃子?

5、As a matter of fact,I'm primarily interested in canned peaches. ─── 事实上,我主要是对水蜜桃罐头感兴趣。

6、To follow, we'll have peaches and cream, please. ─── 下一道, 请来个奶油蜜桃.

7、Yes. "Taoli" literally refers to peaches and plums. ─── 是呀。“桃李”原来是指桃树和李树。

8、She tried to engraft a peach on a plum. ─── 她试图把桃树嫁接在梨树上。

9、There the Peach Blossom are in Full Bloom. ─── 在那桃花盛开的地方。

10、The spring comes and peach flowers are all open. ─── 春天了,桃花都开了。

11、There are two peaches in our yard. ─── 我们的院子里有两棵桃树。

12、His walking stick turns into a peach grove. ─── 他的手杖变成了桃林。

13、Naismith put up two peach baskets. ─── 内?史密斯搭起了两个桃形的篮子。

14、All the peaches rotted on the tree. ─── 所有的桃子都在树上烂掉了。

15、Many people like to use cling-stone peaches for pickling. ─── 很多人喜欢用黏核的桃子来做腌菜。

16、She has a real peaches and cream complexion. ─── 她的肤色完美无瑕。

17、It exquisitely matches filled peaches,soft macaroons,fruits tart and pastries. ─── 与桃子,杏仁饼干,水果蛋糕等搭配为佳。

18、Was it (the peach) green or ripe? ─── “桃子是生的还是熟的?”

19、Julia Roberts isAmerica's sweetheart, known as much for her sparkling smile as her charm and peaches-and-cream complexion. ─── 朱莉亚·罗伯茨号称美国甜心,她露齿一笑,熠熠生辉,一如她的魅力和白嫩肤色。

20、How much is a kilogram of peaches? ─── 桃子多少钱一公斤?

21、There are peach trees in the garden, too. ─── 园中也有几株桃树。

22、Take this pocket right here and your life'll be all peaches and cream. ─── 抓住这个口袋,你的生活将会完美无缺。

23、Mother used to make peach preserves. ─── 妈妈过去常常自制桃子果酱。

24、The peach is sofe enough for her to eat. ─── 对于她来说,这桃子够软,她能吃。

25、We have peach, apple and fresh strawberry. ─── 我们有桃、苹果和鲜草莓。

26、But peaches can not defeat Tai Long. ─── 师父:可桃子不能打败太郎。

27、I like the luscious taste of ripe peaches. ─── 我喜欢熟桃的香甜味。

28、I like fruit like peaches, watermelons and pears. ─── 我喜欢水果,如桃子、西瓜、梨。

29、He picked out the ripest peach for me. ─── 他给我挑了个熟透了的桃子。

30、I bought a watermelon andsome peaches. ─── 我买了一个西瓜和一些桃子。

31、We have canned tuna, salmon, and fruits like peaches. ─── 我们有鲔鱼罐头、鲑鱼罐头以及像桃子这样的水果罐头。

32、He bought a lot of fruit such as apples and peaches. ─── 他买了很多水果如苹果、桃子等等。

33、Monoploid peaches have been obtained from seedling populations. ─── 从实生群体里曾经得到过单倍体桃。

34、His wife is an absolute peach. ─── 他的太太是位极好的人。

35、But how many peaches can bring with two hands? ─── 可猴子的两只手能拿几个桃子?

36、" The seven fairies all got down on their knees and said, " We have been ordered by the Queen to pick peaches for the banquet. ─── 慌得七仙女一齐跪下道:“我等奉王母娘娘差遣,摘桃为开蟠桃盛会之用。”

37、His pinching bruised the peaches. ─── 他的捏拧擦伤了桃子的表面。

38、I bought some more of these deliciously sweet peaches. ─── 我多买了一些味道鲜美的桃子。

39、We bought a basketful of peaches. ─── 我们买了满满一篮子桃子。

40、I must say his latest girlfriend is a peach. ─── 我得说他新交的女。

41、The peach trees cast all their blossoms after the heavy rain. ─── 大雨过后,桃花全部落掉。

42、Good aromas tend toward chocolate, almonds and peaches. ─── 好香型倾向于巧克力,杏仁和桃子。

43、Can you tell me where Peach Street is? ─── 你能告诉我皮奇大街在哪里吗?

44、Accompanied by fruity notes of fresh citrus, melons, peaches, and plums. ─── 尾香有着清新的果香:柠檬,蜜桃和梅子。

45、Old peach wood charms are replaced with the new. ─── 总把新桃换旧符。

46、The peach tree has an excellent blossom this year. ─── 今年这棵桃树花开得很好。

47、My granny likes eating tinned peaches. ─── 我奶奶喜欢吃桃罐头。

48、What peaches and what penumbras!Whole families shopping at night! ─── 多美的鲜桃,明暗交加多么诱人!整家整户在晚上逛市场!

49、In China the peach is a symbol of longevity. ─── 在中国,桃子是长寿的象征。

50、The peach trees promise a rich crop this year. ─── 今年桃子丰收在望。

51、My dream is to have a big house among peach trees. ─── 我的梦想就是在桃林间拥有一座大房子。

52、I'd like some grapefruit, watermelons and peaches. ─── 我想买些柚子、西瓜和桃子。

53、More peaches will be harvested by our farm in the future. ─── 我们农场将来会收获更多的桃子。

54、So "taoli" literally means peaches and plums. ─── “桃李”原来是指桃树和李树。

55、In the syrup, or in the peach halves? ─── 是糖浆里呢?还是桃片里面呢?

56、I went to my student's orchard to pick peaches and pears. ─── 我到学生的果园去摘桃子和梨。

57、Eat the cher-ries, eat the peach. ─── 吃樱桃,吃桃子。

58、We bought a basket of peaches. ─── 我们买了一筐桃子。

59、I'll have a peach shortcake and a cup of black coffee. ─── 我来份桃子脆饼和一杯清咖啡。

60、He stuck his finger in every one of those peaches. ─── 他把那些桃子用手指统统扎破了。

61、I bought a basket of peaches yesterday. ─── 我昨天买了一篮桃子。

62、These peaches are still firm. ─── 这些桃子还很硬。

63、The peaches taste delicious. ─── 这些桃子的味道好极了。

64、He bit off a large piece of the peach. ─── 他咬了一大口桃儿。

65、If one receives a plun,one must return a peach. ─── 投桃报李.

66、Not every piece of bean was yielding up its peaches and linalool. ─── 不是每一块豆腐,收益率上升了桃子和芳樟醇。

67、The peach trees are in full bloom in spring. ─── 春天桃花盛开。

68、He pulled a peach from the tree. ─── 他从树上摘下一只桃。

69、Hi, I'm monkey. I like peaches very much. Who will try? ─── 图片一:猴子和桃子?

70、Mean while, combine peaches and hoisin。Serve with chicken. ─── 同时,混合桃子与海鲜酱。与鸡肉同食。

71、As far as I know, there are no peaches in market. ─── 就我所知,市场上没有桃卖。

72、Tomorrow try a banana or a peach. ─── 明天还可以改试香蕉或桃子的口味。

73、The largest and most delicious peaches come from Fengcheng. ─── 最大最好吃的桃产于凤城。

74、It's very sweet and has the aroma of peaches and mangoes. ─── 味道很甜,而且有桃和芒果的芳香。

75、S: ML, on your table I saw oranges, grapes, peaches and pears. ─── 在你的桌子上我看到了橙子、葡萄、桃子和鸭梨。

76、Lunch: a cheese sandwich, and two small peaches. ─── 中午:奶酪三明治和两个小桃。

77、Would you like peaches after supper? ─── 晚饭后想吃桃子吗?

78、We have canned peaches right over there. ─── 我们那边就有水蜜桃罐头。

79、The walls were painted white with a hint of peach. ─── 墙壁粉刷成了略呈桃红的白色。

80、I sneaked out a quart jar of peaches, some cold corn bread, and a few onions, and started up the hollow back of our house. ─── 我偷了一罐桃子、几块冷玉米面包和一些洋葱,打算从后门走。

81、As far as I know, there are no peaches on the market. ─── 就我所知,市场上没有桃子。

82、He was a fruit picker who paid Mother with six bushels of fresh peaches. ─── 他的工作是摘水果,所以付给了母亲六蒲式耳的新鲜桃子。

83、Peaches are cheaper when in season. ─── 旺季时桃子更便宜。

84、Can you see? How many peaches can you see? ─── 你能看见多少只桃子?

85、She like pears, peaches and other juicy fruits. ─── 她喜欢梨、桃和其他多汁的水果。

86、Peaches washed in boiling water in a little hot, peel, core and cut into the size of the small green bean, into a small basin. ─── 鲜桃洗净,在开水中略烫,去皮、核后切成绿豆大小的丁,放入小盆内。

87、I could smell the honeyed ripeness of melons and peaches. ─── 我能闻到瓜桃熟透了的香甜味道。

88、He picked out the ripest peaches. ─── 他把熟透的桃子挑出来.

89、She likes peaches, but she doesn't like pears. ─── 她喜欢桃子,但她不喜欢梨。

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