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porcelain 发音

英:['p??s(?)l?n]  美:['p?s?len]

英:  美:

porcelain 中文意思翻译



porcelain 网络释义

n. 瓷;瓷器adj. 瓷制的;精美的

porcelain 词性/词形变化,porcelain变形

形容词: porcelaneous |

porcelain 短语词组

1、fusion of porcelain ─── [医] 瓷熔化

2、decorative porcelain ─── [化] 彩瓷

3、double cup porcelain insulator ─── [电] 双瓷杯绝缘器

4、accelerated porcelain dish test ─── [机] 加速瓷皿试验

5、baked-porcelain-veneer crown ─── [医] 烤瓷罩冠

6、corundum porcelain ─── [化] 刚玉质瓷

7、high temperature porcelain ─── [电] 高温瓷

8、baked porcelain root ─── [医] 烤瓷根

9、baked-porcelain inlay ─── [医] 烤瓷嵌体

10、dental porcelain ─── [医] 牙瓷料

11、electric porcelain ─── [化] 电瓷

12、chemical porcelain ─── [化] 化学瓷

13、baked root porcelain ─── [医] 烤瓷根

14、baked porcelain filling ─── [医] 烤瓷充填

15、biscuit porcelain ─── [化] 素磁; 素烧磁

16、filling porcelain ─── [医] 充填瓷

17、fusing porcelain ─── [医] 熔瓷

18、high temperature porcelain bush-ing ─── [电] 高温瓷套管

19、domestic pottery and porcelain ─── [化] 日用陶瓷

porcelain 相似词语短语

1、porcelainised ─── 磁器

2、porcelainise ─── 瓷器

3、porcelains ─── n.瓷;瓷器;adj.瓷制的;精美的

4、porcelainize ─── vt.涂瓷于;把……做成瓷器;给烧瓷

5、porcelainized ─── vt.涂瓷于;把……做成瓷器;给烧瓷

6、forelain ─── 福莱恩

7、porcelainises ─── 瓷器

8、porcelaineous ─── 瓷器

9、porcelainous ─── adj.瓷器的

porcelain 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perhaps you are a Shaolian porcelain. ─── 也许你是一件烧炼的瓷器。

2、were lilies everywhere in tall white porcelain vases. ─── 到处都是插在白瓷高花瓶里的百合花。

3、Guangdong Meiti Porcelain Co.,ltd is a grand professiona manufacturer in China. ─── 广东美地瓷业有限公司是中国一家十分专业的大型生产厂家。

4、A small - handled, deep porcelain crucible used for heating and evaporating. ─── 加热蒸发皿小柄的深瓷坩埚,用于加热和蒸馏

5、mr tien said there was no reason to guarantee civil servants an iron rice bowl , when others had to make do with a chipped porcelain bowl. ─── 他说当其他人将就用崩瓷碗时,没有理由要保证公务员是一个铁饭碗。

6、We'd like to cover the porcelain ware against All Risks. ─── 我们想为这批瓷器投保综合险。

7、The earlier scenes on porcelain are flowers and fish. ─── 早期瓷器上面的图案都是花和鱼。

8、What types of porcelain can be used with the aluminum oxide sleeve? ─── 哪些瓷类可以与氧化铝套管配用?

9、And small dainty porcelain objects as well. ─── 小型瓷器玲珑剔透。

10、In the museum was shown a fine exhibit of Chinese porcelain ,which made a strong impression on visitor . ─── 在博物馆里展出了精美的中国陶瓷,给来访者留下了深刻印象。

11、He assembled a rich trove of Chinese porcelain. ─── 他收集了一批中国瓷器。

12、I'm a tourist from Canada and I like Chinese porcelain very much. ─── 我是来自加拿大的一位旅游者,我非常喜欢中国的瓷器。

13、I saw mother tremblingly take the porcelain basin into the kitchen. ─── 我看着母亲拿着洋瓷盆颤崴崴走到厨房去了。

14、I imagine a porcelain cup. I pour out the hot wine, and sip, exquisitely. ─── 我想象一个陶瓷做的杯子。我倒出温热的酒,优雅地啜了一口。

15、Chinese porcelain enjoys worldwide fame. ─── 中国的瓷器闻名世界。

16、We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage. ─── 我们要检查一下这批瓷器是否有破损的。

17、Their importations of Chinese luxury goods,such as silk,porcelain and tea,had enriched their life immeasurably. ─── 他们把诸如中国丝绸,瓷器和名茶等奢侈品引进自己的国家,这些中国产品丰富了他们的文化生活。

18、Chinese pottery and porcelain are famous in the world. ─── 中国的陶瓷在世界上是很著名的。

19、It's very kind of you.(Unwraps a box) Ah,it's a porcelain vase. ─── 嘿,是一只瓷花瓶。

20、There are basically two kinds of earthenware: pottery and porcelain. ─── 在陶瓷餐具上,陶器与瓷器分别用于不同的场合。

21、For example if she always wanted a porcelain doll, buy one for her birthday. ─── 例如:如果她总希望有一只瓷器娃娃,为她生日时买一只。

22、Their importations of Chinese luxury goods, such as silk, porcelain and tea, had enriched their life immeasurably. ─── 他们把诸如中国丝绸,瓷器和名茶等奢侈品引进自己的国家,这些极大的丰富了他们的生活。

23、Yes.lt is made in jingdezhen,a place famous for porcelain. ─── 是的,这是景德镇制造的,景德镇是著名的瓷器出产地。

24、Silk, tea, porcelain, lacquer screens, lace shawls, ivory fans. ─── 丝绸,茶叶,瓷器,漆器上,花边围巾,象牙球迷。

25、Porcelain from a government kiln is usually more costly. ─── 官窑出产的瓷器都比较贵。

26、Fuse potassium dichromate (19) in a porcelain crucible. ─── 在瓷坩埚中熔化重铬酸钾(19)。

27、There are two huge, delicate blue-and-white porcelain bowls in my home. ─── 我家有两个青花瓷海碗,做工很精致。

28、In traditional idea, lavabo is pottery and porcelain. ─── 在传统的观念里,洗手盆都是陶瓷的。

29、So a piece of white porcelain is a valuable collectable. ─── 所以这白瓷还具有很高的收藏价值。

30、That little porcelain boat, chipped and worn with age, keeps me in touch just as she said it would with her life, her joy and her love. ─── 这只小小的船形瓷器,年深日久,伤痕累累,却将我同妈妈的人生、妈妈的欢乐和妈妈的慈爱永远相联正如她曾经说过的那样。

31、this class of substance belong mica, porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc. ─── 属于这类物质的有云母、瓷器、石英、玻璃、木材等等。

32、Oh, yes. I am reading the story on the Chinese porcelain found f.. ─── 哦。是的。我在读有关深海里沉船中发现中国瓷器的报道。

33、Liu Liguo Flowers in Clusters Porcelain. ─── 刘力国花丛瓷。

34、Yes, they are made of porcelain and are very delicate. I like them very much. ─── 是的,是一些工艺精美的瓷器。我特别喜欢。

35、She had spun-golden hair and skin as delicate as porcelain. ─── 她有金丝一样的头发,皮肤娇嫩得象瓷器。

36、Before narrating the story, I used to talk with those who made porcelain dolls. ─── 我叙述这个故事前,曾和那些做瓷娃娃的人聊过。

37、Exhibits a type of porcelain, tapestries, books, prints and sketching. ─── 展品种类有瓷器、挂毯、书籍、印刷品和素描等。

38、These little girls are the lovely porcelain dolls of Jingdezhen. ─── 她们可是景德镇可爱的瓷娃娃们呀。

39、Edith enjoys collecting fine porcelain from around the world. ─── 伊迪丝喜欢收集世界各地的精致瓷器。

40、Porcelain shards, like a mosaic! ─── 大牛:用瓷片拼成的,像一幅镶嵌画!

41、Reoccupy white porcelain, or simple ligneous knob does shake handshandle. ─── 再用白瓷、或简单的木制旋钮做拉手。

42、What? All the instruments are porcelain! ─── 啊?这些乐器全都是瓷器呀!

43、Are you enchanted by this porcelain music? ─── 怎么着大牛,被瓷乐给迷住啦?

44、The Hall displays porcelain, jade and handicrafts. ─── 大厅陈列着瓷器、玉器和手工艺品。

45、Porcelain tea charm, only in Yao Li, south of tea culture and Jiangnan porcelain culture, it seems to be true integration and interchange. ─── 瓷茶神韵,只有在瑶里,江南的茶文化和江南的瓷文化,才似乎得到了真正的融合和交汇。

46、He took one step, slipped on a wet spot, fell backward, and hit his back against the hard porcelain bathtub. ─── 刚走一步,他踩在一块湿的地方,摔倒在地,他的背重重摔在陶瓷浴缸上。

47、Foshan Hengjie Porcelain Co., Ltd. ─── 佛山恒洁陶瓷有限公司

48、How can ability differentiate cobaltic bake in a pan bake porcelain tooth? ─── 怎么样才能鉴别钴烙烤瓷牙?

49、Where is the porcelain vessel counter, please? ─── 外宾: 请问陶瓷器皿柜台在哪儿?

50、I find so many things here related with porcelain. ─── 我发现这里真的是什么都跟瓷器有关。


52、Jingdezhen classical porcelain is unlike any other clay. ─── 景德镇传统瓷土不同于任何其他类型的粘土。

53、Could you find out the premium rate for porcelain? ─── 您能查一下瓷器的保险费率吗?

54、To this class of substance belong mica , porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc. ─── 属于这类物质的有云母、瓷器、石英、玻璃、木材等等。

55、Today Tangshan is turning out large quantities of fine porcelain. ─── 今天唐山已能生产大量的细瓷了。

56、She collected some dainty porcelain. ─── 她收集一些轻巧精致的瓷器。

57、Yes.It is made in Jingdezhen,a place famous for porcelain. ─── 对.这是在著名的瓷都景德镇制造的.

58、Improper packing led to the breakage of the porcelain wares. ─── 包装不当造成瓷器的破损。

59、In Zhao Yixue's office, have an elegant quarter porcelain dish. ─── 在赵以学的办公室里,有一个精美的刻瓷座盘。

60、Major production and operations of all kinds (resin, porcelain) accessories. ─── 主要生产、经营各种工艺(树脂、陶瓷)配件。

61、I know the porcelain made in Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province is well-know all over the world. ─── 我知道江西景德镇的瓷器名扬天下。

62、A trademark used for a fine porcelain made in Worcester, England. ─── 伍斯特英国伍斯特所产的精细瓷器的商标

63、Porcelain Enamel Institute technical forum. ─── 搪瓷学会技术讨论会会报。

64、She was beautiful and Asian,looking like an elderly porcelain doll. ─── 她是个美丽的亚洲人,长得像一个年长的瓷娃娃。

65、I see, and these mineral form various kinds of porcelain clay, right? ─── 哦,这些矿物质构成不同的瓷土,对吧?

66、Likewise,Chinese travelers going abroad left the country with loads of silk and porcelain. ─── 同样,到外国的中国旅行者也给那里留下了大量的丝绸和瓷器。

67、Why do some porcelain wares hare reign-Marks, while others don't? ─── 为什么有的瓷器上面有年号款,有的没有呢?

68、Oh,thank you!It's very kind of you.(Unwraps a box) Ah,it's a porcelain vase. ─── 噢,谢谢。你们真好。(打开盒子)。嘿,是一只瓷花瓶。来源:云南外语网

69、If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish. ─── 如果你将少许海水放到瓷盘中蒸发,冷却后就会有普通食盐的结晶附着在盘的四周。

70、I paid fifty pounds in the market for a so-called bargain piece of porcelain which turned out to be worthless; I'll just have to chalk it up to experience. ─── 我花了50英镑在商场上买了一件所谓的便宜瓷器,结果却是一文不值。我只得把此事引以为训。

71、A small-handled, deep porcelain crucible used for heating and evaporating. ─── 加热蒸发皿小柄的深瓷,用于加热和蒸馏。

72、I thought porcelain kiln must be very big. ─── 我还以为烧瓷的窑炉都很大呢。

73、The river runs like quicksilver between the porcelain of its banks. ─── 小河好似陶瓷夹岸,急速流淌。

74、In Jingdezhen, even dances have a connection with porcelain. ─── 在景德镇,连舞蹈都和瓷器有关系。

75、I don't know enough about porcelain to is able to price these plates. ─── 我不太懂得瓷器, 估计不出这些盘子的价钱.

76、Oh, thank you! It's very kind of you.(Unwraps a box) Ah, it's a porcelain vase. ─── 噢,谢谢。你们真好。(打开盒子)。嘿,是一只瓷花瓶。

77、Oh, actually it's a type of porcelain! ─── 啊,原来是一种瓷器呀!

78、I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates. ─── 我不太懂得瓷器,估计不出这些盘子的价钱。

79、Denmark has been making world-class porcelain for hundreds of years. ─── 数百年来,丹麦一直出产世界级的瓷器。

80、There's a beautiful little old Chinese porcelain vase on the mantel. ─── 壁炉台上有一个漂亮的小小的古老的中国瓷花瓶。

81、Even lacquer, which is a more uncertain market than either porcelain or jade, went as a swing. ─── 甚至漆器,相对于陶瓷或者玉,其市场行情更加捉摸不定,像荡秋千一样。

82、We learn that you have years of experience in pushing the sale of porcelain products. ─── 我们得知你们在推销瓷器方面很有经验。

83、Wedgwood, stands for the world's most exquisite porcelain. ─── 又译作维支伍德,世界上最精致的瓷器,品位的代名词。

84、For its fine porcelain and quality tea. ─── 就以瓷器和茶叶著称于世。

85、Duralex glass or porcelain insulators specially designed for ship antennas. ─── [打印][关闭

86、Collect East Asia art, European glass, textile, and porcelain. ─── 收藏东亚艺术、欧洲玻璃,纺织品和瓷器。

87、Waiting for your affectionate, gentle stroke, as if I was a porcelain doll in your hand. ─── 等待你那深情而温柔的抚摸,仿佛我是你手中的瓷娃娃般。

88、There are four kinds of Jingdezhen porcelain. ─── 大牛:景德镇有四大传统名瓷。

89、We have such a pair of friends, why is not a perfect porcelain? ─── 我们这样一对朋友,何尝不是一对完美的瓷器呢?

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