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08-17 投稿


tapeworm 发音

英:[?te?pw??rm]  美:[?te?pw??m]

英:  美:

tapeworm 中文意思翻译



tapeworm 词性/词形变化,tapeworm变形


tapeworm 短语词组

1、Manson's larval tapeworm ─── [医] 曼森氏裂头绦虫

2、dwarf tapeworm ─── [医] 短小绦虫, 短膜壳绦虫

3、japanese double tapeworm ─── [医] 犬复殖孔 ─── [绦]虫

4、measly tapeworm ─── [医] 有钩绦虫, 猪肉绦虫

5、fish tapeworm ─── [医] 阔节裂头绦虫

6、beef tapeworm ─── [医] 牛肉绦虫, 无钩绦虫

7、solitary tapeworm ─── [医] 猪肉绦虫

8、armed tapeworm ─── [医] 猪肉绦虫, 有钩绦虫

9、pork tapeworm ─── [医] 猪肉绦虫

10、MadagAlscar tapeworm ─── [医] 马达加斯加瑞立绦虫

11、rat tapeworm ─── [医] 长膜壳绦虫, 缩小膜壳绦虫

12、mouse tapeworm ─── [医] 鼠型膜壳绦虫, 短膜壳绦虫

13、fringed tapeworm ─── [医] 放射状ъ体绦虫

14、double pored dog tapeworm ─── [医] 犬复殖绦虫, 犬复孔绦虫

15、hookless tapeworm ─── [医] 无钩绦虫, 牛肉绦虫

16、hydatid tapeworm ─── [医] 细粒棘球绦虫

17、heart-headed tapeworm ─── [医] 心形裂头绦虫

18、Africarn tapeworm ─── [医] 非洲绦虫

19、broad tapeworm ─── [医] 阔节裂头绦虫

20、broad fish tapeworm ─── [医] 阔节裂头绦虫

tapeworm 相似词语短语

1、to deworm ─── 是露虫吗

2、capework ─── 斗篷

3、tapeworms ─── n.条虫;绦虫类(tapeworm的复数)

4、gapeworm ─── n.呵欠虫

5、to beworm ─── 形成

6、gapeworms ─── n.呵欠虫

7、caseworm ─── n.在身体周围筑巢的幼虫

8、tubeworm ─── n.多毛虫

9、caseworms ─── n.在身体周围筑巢的幼虫

tapeworm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Japanese double cord tapeworm ─── 犬复殖孔绦虫

2、diabetes and hypoglycemia may be caused by tapeworm infection. ─── 糖尿病和低血糖有可能是绦虫污染引起的。

3、Infestation status of tapeworm in 51 dogs was investigated at six countiesin Guoluo area. ─── 对果洛6县的51条犬进行绦虫感染情况调查。

4、Cysticercosis is the larval stage (cysticercus) of infection with the pork tapeworm. ─── 由猪带绦虫蚴虫(囊尾蚴)寄生脑组织形成包囊所致。

5、ruminant tapeworm ─── 瘤胃臌胀

6、tapeworm infection ─── 条虫感染

7、The plan is to allow the tapeworm to live in you for up to 10 weeks, and then take prescribed medication to kill it. ─── 这个计划是让绦虫在你体内存活至少10个礼拜,然后用指定的药物来杀灭它。

8、armed tapeworm ─── 有钩绦虫猪绦虫

9、Among the rest was a dried tapeworm. ─── 其中,还有着一条干绦虫。

10、example of a parasite is a tapeworm that lives inside the intestines of a larger animal and absorbs nutrients from its host. ─── 寄生虫的一个典例是绦虫,它生活在更大的动物的肠道内,从宿主那里吸收营养。

11、Oh, Esther swallowed a tapeworm. ─── |哦, 伊斯特吃了一条绦虫.

12、a parasite,such as a tapeworm,that lives within another organism ─── 生活于另一生物体内的寄生物,如绦虫

13、See also fluke, pinworm, polychaete, rotifer, tapeworm, tube worm. ─── 亦请参阅fluke、pinworm、polychaete、rotifer、tapeworm、tube worm。

14、I see the little tapeworm lying beside the fruit and all the varieties of worms that Serge drew on the tablecloth to explain what was the matter with the dog. ─── 我又看到躺在水果旁的那条小小的绦虫和谢尔盖向我解释狗出了什么毛病时摆在桌布上的各式各样的虫子。

15、Pseudophyllidea tapeworm ─── 假叶目绦虫

16、tapeworm measly ─── 有钩绦虫, 猪肉绦虫

17、5.Who is the only hook tapeworm final host, the pigs are Taenia solium one of the intermediate host. ─── 人是有钩绦虫的唯一终末宿主,猪是有钩绦虫的中间宿主之一。

18、pork tapeworm infection ─── 猪肉条虫感染

19、You'll even find a 28-foot-long tapeworm on display. ─── 你甚至可以看到一条28英尺长的滴虫在这里展出。

20、heart-headed tapeworm ─── [医] 心形裂头绦虫


22、beef tapeworm infection ─── 牛肉条虫感染

23、dwarf tapeworm ─── 短小绦虫短膜壳绦虫

24、Foam like secretion in the sucker of the tapeworm scolices and erosion of the epithelium in the cervical part were ... ─── 结论槟榔承气汤对绦虫头节不仅有神经麻痹作用,对其组织细胞也有明显损伤作用。

25、"Multiple cysts occur as a result of various disorders, including kidney vascular diseases, lymphatic vessel Blockage, congenital diseases, and tapeworm infestation." ─── 患肾血管疾

26、6.Who is the only hook tapeworm final host, the pigs are Taenia solium one of the intermediate host. ─── 猪囊尾蚴病的病原是寄生在人体内的猪带绦虫(有钩绦虫)的幼虫,是一种危害严重的人畜寄生虫病。

27、Dwarf tapeworm infection ─── 短膜壳绦虫感染

28、Jill: Like a tapeworm or something? ─── 病人:你是说-像绦虫之类的东西?

29、The parasitic larval stage of the tapeworm Taenia multiceps that consists of a cyst in which the scolex develops and that infects the central nervous system of ruminants,especially sheep. ─── 共尾幼虫绦虫多节绦虫的寄生虫幼虫阶段,有囊胞,头节在其中生长,使反刍动物尤其是羊的中枢神经系统感染

30、BE generally caused by tapeworm, hookworm and tapeworm, the ball insect causes. ─── 一般由蛔虫、钩虫、绦虫引起,也有球虫引起的。

31、Dog tapeworm infection ─── 犬绦虫感染

32、Undercooked pork may contain living "bladder worms" of the pig tapeworm ─── 未煮熟的猪肉也许含有猪绦虫活的“囊尾幼虫”。


34、The tapeworm scolices of ten cases were observed by electron microscope (EM). ─── 结果治愈521例,好转27例,总有效率100%。

35、hookless tapeworm ─── [医] 无钩绦虫, 牛肉绦虫

36、hydatid tapeworm ─── [医] 细粒棘球绦虫

37、Because the bowel chamber of puppy is thin, tapeworm etc. the parasite opposite amount is many. ─── 由于幼犬的肠腔细,蛔虫等寄生虫相对数量多。个体大,造成幼犬腹泻。

38、tapeworm dog ─── [医] 犬绦虫, 细粒棘球绦虫

39、tapeworm disease of dog ─── 狗绦虫病

40、beef tapeworm ─── 牛肉绦虫

41、Ward's Nebraskan tapeworm ─── [医] 混杂绦虫

42、A cyst formed as a result of infestation by larvae of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. ─── 包囊虫由绦虫幼虫棘球绦虫颗粒感染引起的包囊

43、Eat pumpkin to be able to be used at the cure of children ascarid, tapeworm more, can reduce the sicken danger of hives and mortality. ─── 多吃南瓜可用于儿童蛔虫、绦虫的治疗,并能减少麻疹的患病危险和死亡率。

44、It has the actions of dispersing food accumulations, dissipating blood stasis, expelling tapeworm, and decreasing blood-lipid and activating blood. ─── 其味甘酸,性微温,有消食积,散瘀血,驱绦虫,降脂活血之功效。

45、Swiss tapeworm ─── 瑞士绦虫

46、solitary tapeworm ─── [医] 猪肉绦虫

47、A parasite, such as a tapeworm, that lives within another organism. ─── 内寄生物生活于另一生物体内的寄生物,如绦虫

48、Diagnosis and treatment of tapeworm disease in commercial laying hens ─── 商品蛋鸡绦虫病的诊治

49、a cup-shaped structure,such as the sucker of a tapeworm or leech ─── 杯状的结构,如绦虫和寄生虫的嘴

50、Purposes:Anti-worm medicine, Schistosoma japonicum, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma Egypt, Clonorchis sinensis, paragonimiasis, ginger insects, tapeworm and cysticercosis been effective. ─── 用途:抗蠕虫药,对日本血吸虫、曼氏血吸虫和埃及血吸虫、华支睾吸虫、肺吸虫、姜片虫、绦虫和囊虫都有效。

51、Oh, you are really a tapeworm in my stomach. ─── 哦,你真是我肚子里的蛔虫啊。

52、mouse tapeworm ─── [医] 鼠型膜壳绦虫, 短膜壳绦虫

53、Conclusion Tapeworm preparation stained by Indian ink and carmine is useful and can be preserved permanently. ─── 结论墨汁染色和卡红染色制作带绦虫染色标本效果好,可永久保存。

54、pork tapeworm ─── 猪肉绦虫

55、double pored dog tapeworm ─── [医] 犬复殖绦虫, 犬复孔绦虫

56、Any of various parasitic and nonparasitic worms of the phylum Platyhelminthes,such as a tapeworm or a planarian,characteristically having a soft,flat,bilaterally symmetrical body and no body cavity. ─── 扁虫扁形动物门的寄生或非寄生虫中的任一种,以具有柔软、扁平且两面对称的身体和无体腔为特征,如绦虫或涡虫。

57、fringed tapeworm ─── [医] 放射状ъ体绦虫

58、Laboratory study of the beef tapeworm chromosome specimen handling ─── 牛带绦虫染色体标本制作的实验研究

59、The parasitic larval stage of the tapeworm Taenia multiceps that consists of a cyst in which the scolex develops and that infects the central nervous system of ruminants, especially sheep. ─── 共尾幼虫绦虫多节绦虫的寄生虫幼虫阶段,有囊胞,头节在其中生长,使反刍动物尤其是羊的中枢神经系统感染。

60、Conclusion Tapeworm preparation stained by Indian ink and carmine is useful and can be preserved permanently. ─── 结论 墨汁染色和卡红染色制作带绦虫染色标本效果好,可永久保存。

61、The adults live in the small intestines of humans causing tapeworm disease. Their larvae, which are called cysticerci, live in the flesh of pigs or humans, causing cysticercosis. ─── 成虫在人的小肠寄生,引起猪肉绦虫病,幼虫寄生于猪或人的肌肉等部位,引起囊虫病。

62、unarmed human tapeworm ─── 人无钩绦虫

63、broad fish tapeworm ─── [医] 阔节裂头绦虫

64、Manson's larval tapeworm ─── [医] 曼森氏裂头绦虫

65、Africarn tapeworm ─── [医] 非洲绦虫

66、Jill: Like a tapeworm or something?? ?? ─── 你是说象绦虫一类的东西???

67、If you swallow a tapeworm in a cyst and let it grow inside you, dieters claim the worm will help you lose 1-2 pounds a week. ─── 节食者声称,如果绦虫进入你的囊肿中并在你体内成长,该蠕虫将帮助你每周减轻1-2磅。

68、Adult tapeworm infection is the infection of the digestive tract by parasitic flatworms called cestodes or tapeworms. ─── 什麽是'绦虫感染-疾病引起的肠道寄生虫'?

69、Cysticercosis is a pig swallowed hook discharge of 1,457 people infected with eggs, mistakenly intake hook tapeworm eggs have also occurred cysticercosis. ─── 猪囊虫病主要是猪吞食有钩绦虫病人排出的虫卵而感染,人误摄入有钩绦虫卵也发生囊虫病。

70、Neurocysticercosis is an intracranial parasitic infection caused by the pork tapeworm, taenia solium. ─── 神经系统囊虫病是一种由猪肉绦虫引起的颅内寄生虫感染。

71、Rare tapeworm infections are caused by species of the genera Echinococcus, Mesocestoides, and Spirometra. ─── 棘球蚴属、线中绦虫属和裂头绦虫属的绦虫引起的感染比较罕见,这些绦虫感染通常无明显症状。

72、6.He’s a postpubescent tapeworm with a bad haircut. ─── 他是个发型糟糕的半大条虫。

73、ill: Like a tapeworm or something? ─── 你是说象绦虫一类的东西?

74、Any of various parasitic and nonparasitic worms of the phylum Platyhelminthes, such as a tapeworm or a planarian, characteristically having a soft, flat, bilaterally symmetrical body and no body cavity. ─── 扁虫扁形动物门的寄生或非寄生虫中的任一种,以具有柔软、扁平且两面对称的身体和无体腔为特征,如绦虫或涡虫

75、which has high effect on both adult and larva of endoparasite. tapeworm, lung trematode, and trichuris. ─── 对犬,猫体内各种寄生虫的成长核幼虫均有高度杀灭作用,毒性低。

76、measly tapeworm ─── [医] 有钩绦虫, 猪肉绦虫

77、Tapeworm is usually prevalent in conditions of poor sanitation, crowded living or improper food handling. ─── 绦虫通常是在卫生条件差,拥挤的居住条件或不当处理食物的盛行。

78、Manson larval tapeworm ─── 曼森裂头绦虫

79、Tapeworms: Taenias - fish tapeworm, beef tapeworm, and pork tapeworm. ─── 绦虫 :软体-鱼绦虫,牛绦虫及猪绦虫。

80、Recently, a young man climbing "Tape Worm" at the Midnight Surf wall took a lead fall from a point between the first and second bolt. ─── 最近,一个年轻人在“午夜冲浪”岩场(MidnightSurfwall)先锋攀爬“TapeWorm”时在第一个和第二个挂片之间坠落。

81、A disease of herbivores, especially sheep, caused by the presence of the larvae of the tapeworm Multiceps multiceps in the brain and resulting in a staggering gait. ─── 传染性流产家畜,如牛,绵羊,山羊和狗,患的一种疾病,由布鲁氏菌引起,有时新感染病的动物会流产

82、MadagAlscar tapeworm ─── [医] 马达加斯加瑞立绦虫

83、dog tapeworm ─── 犬绦虫

84、japanese double tapeworm ─── [医] 犬复殖孔[绦]虫

85、1. An animal that lacks a coelom. Acoelomates, which include the flatworm, fluke, tapeworm, and ribbonworm, exhibit bilateral symmetry and possess one internal space, the digestive cavity. ─── 无体腔动物:没有体腔的动物。无体腔动物包括扁虫、吸虫、绦虫或纽虫。为两侧对称,有一内部消化腔

86、tapeworm of pig ─── 猪绦虫

87、Another type of tapeworm can infect beef. ─── 另一种绦虫可以感染牛肉。

88、Central nervous system (CNS) hydatid cyst is an unusual parasitic disease caused by a tapeworm, Echinococcus, sp. E. granulosus. ─── 中枢神经系统包虫囊肿是一种不常见的寄生虫病。

89、Echinococcosis is spread by the dissemination of viable tapeworm ova from the feces of infected dogs and other definitive hosts. ─── 棘虫蚴病是感染的狗及其它最终宿主粪便中活的绦虫虫卵的散布而传播的。

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