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08-17 投稿


nutria 发音

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nutria 中文意思翻译




nutria 网络释义

n. 海狸鼠;海狸鼠毛皮adj. 橄榄灰色的

nutria 短语词组

1、nutria animals ─── 海狸鼠

2、nutria size ─── 海狸鼠大小

3、nutria bounty ─── 海狸鼠赏金

4、nutria farm ─── 海狸鼠养殖场

5、nutria rat ─── 海狸鼠

6、nutria systems nutria ─── 系统

7、nutria fashions ─── 海狸鼠时装

8、nutria rodent ─── 啮齿动物营养素

nutria 相似词语短语

1、nutrias ─── n.海狸鼠;海狸鼠毛皮;adj.橄榄灰色的

2、-tria ─── abbr.(美)恐怖主义风险保险法案(TerrorismRiskInsuranceAct);n.(Tria)人名;(意)特里亚

3、-uria ─── 尿(症);n.(Uria)人名;(西、葡)乌里亚

4、atria ─── n.心房;前庭;门廊;天井(atrium的复数);n.(Atria)人名;(西)阿特里亚

5、Austria ─── n.奥地利

6、Istria ─── n.伊斯特里亚(欧洲巴尔干半岛西北部的半岛)

7、Luria ─── 禄亚贝属;卢里亚;n.(Luria)人名;(英、意、匈)卢里亚;(法)吕里亚

8、anuria ─── n.[泌尿]无尿,[泌尿]无尿症

9、nutarian ─── n.坚果素食主义者;坚果热爱者

nutria 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The functionality of natural cellulose which uses soybean husk and cotyledon from soybean as materials and its use in food and nutria hygienical function for people were introduced. ─── 摘要主要介绍了以大豆皮和大豆子叶为原料的膳食纤维的功能性质及其在食品中的应用,以及膳食纤维对人体的营养和保健功能。

2、Make up now hair " nutria bilk " one article, the hope can cause the high vigilance that breeds colleagues, lest be deceived again. ─── 现编发“海狸鼠诈骗”一文,希望能引起养殖同仁们的高度警惕,以免再次上当受骗。

3、raw nutria skin ─── 狸獭皮

4、In Italy, nutria have destroyed the layer of water lilies that once allowed whiskered terns to breed. ─── 在意大利,海狸鼠摧毁了睡莲生长的地层,而睡莲曾经是须浮鸥栖息繁殖的场所。

5、Keywords nutria;nutrition content;gel characteristic;production; ─── 海狸鼠;营养成分;肉质特性;产品;

6、Give the Dancing Nutria to Roxie ─── 把会跳舞的海狸鼠交给

7、Some farmers of wide water city buy nutria to raise, the result is the market bad to sell. ─── 广水市有些农民买海狸鼠饲养,结果是市场不好销。

8、Myocastor coypus, or the nutria, is a semi-aquatic rodent originally from South America. ─── 海狸鼠是半水生啮齿类动物,原产于南美洲。

9、Nutria are an endangered species. ─── 海狸鼠是濒危物种。

10、Famous New Orleans chefs have come up with recipes for cooking nutria, but that's done nothing to control the pest. ─── 新奥尔良名厨们已经提出烹制海狸鼠的食谱。但它的数量仍无法控制。

11、Who ever thought ending makes a person distressed however, scorpion, serpent raises less more, pheasant, mallard is sold hard, cost of the racoon dog in nutria, Wu Su is exorbitant bear hard. ─── 谁曾想结局却令人忧伤,蝎子、毒蛇越养越少,山鸡、野鸭难以销售,海狸鼠、乌苏里貉成本过高难以承受。

12、I begin to do aquaculture from 1989, had raised snail, muskrat, sweet pig, nutria to wait early or late. ─── 我是从1989年开始搞养殖业的,先后养过蜗牛、麝鼠、香猪、海狸鼠等。

13、furskin of nutria ─── 海狸鼠皮

14、The Shandong that held in Jinan on January 18 saves nutria breed aquatics to develop a seminar also emersion breed aquatics future and dawn. ─── 1月18日在济南召开的山东省海狸鼠养殖开发研讨会也再现了养殖的前途和曙光。

15、Morphological Observation of the Arterial of the Stomach and Intestines of Nutria ─── 海狸鼠胃和肠的动脉形态学观察

16、Nutria is a food supplement concentrate of botanical extracts, contains no artifical preservatives ,pigment,or hormone. It is safe to take it everyday as food supplement. ─── 为纯天然草本精华,不含有人工添加剂,防腐剂,激素等.可以作为食物辅助品每天服用,没有依赖副作用.

17、Biologist Edmond Mouton runs the nutria control program for Louisiana. ─── 生物学家 Edmond Mouton 负责路易斯安那州的海狸鼠控制项目。

18、I begin to do aquaculture from 1989, had raised snail, muskrat, sweet pig, nutria to wait early or late. ─── 我是从1989年开始搞养殖业的,先后养过蜗牛、麝鼠、香猪、海狸鼠等。

19、The Shandong that held in Jinan on January 18 saves nutria breed aquatics to develop a seminar also emersion breed aquatics future and dawn. ─── 1月18日在济南召开的山东省海狸鼠养殖开发研讨会也再现了养殖的前途和曙光。

20、Nutria will damage the ecosystem seriously. ─── 海狸鼠会严重破坏生态系统。


22、Red wolves primarily prey on white-tailed deer, raccoons, rabbits, nutria and other rodents. ─── 红狼通常以白尾鹿,浣熊,野兔,海狸鼠以及其它齧齿动物为食。

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