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08-17 投稿


salute 发音

英:[s?'l(j)u?t]  美:[s?'lut]

英:  美:

salute 中文意思翻译




salute 短语词组

1、salute my ─── 向我的致敬

2、salute myself ─── 向自己致敬

3、those who are about to die salute you ─── 那些即将死去的人向你致敬

4、take the salute ─── 接受敬礼

5、salute mv ─── 礼炮mv

6、salute my no ─── 向我的no致敬

7、for those about to rock we salute you lyrics ─── 对于那些即将摇滚的人,我们向你致敬歌词

8、salute mamba ─── 曼巴健康

9、salute change ─── 向更改致敬

10、for those about to rock we salute you album ─── 对于那些即将摇滚的人,我们向你致敬专辑

11、salute mc ─── 向mc致敬

12、royal salute ─── 皇家礼炮

13、salute by ─── 以…欢迎

14、for those about to rock we salute you ─── 对于那些即将摇滚的人,我们向你致敬

15、salute my love ─── 向我的爱人致敬

16、salute me ─── 向我致敬

17、salute with ─── 以(某一特定动作)向(某人)表示敬意[欢迎, 问候]

18、national salute n. ─── 为国家元首放的二十一响礼砲

19、salute kobe ─── 向科比致敬

salute 词性/词形变化,salute变形

动词过去分词: saluted |动词过去式: saluted |动词现在分词: saluting |名词: saluter |动词第三人称单数: salutes |

salute 习惯用语

1、exchange salutes ─── 交换礼炮

2、national salute ─── [美]为国家元首[国旗]鸣放二十一响礼炮

3、fire a salute ─── 鸣礼炮

4、at the salute ─── 以敬礼姿势

5、stand at (the) salute ─── 立正敬礼

6、acknowledge [answer, return] a [the] salute ─── 答礼

7、imprint a chaste salute ─── [古](在会面或分手时对女人)吻手或吻颊

8、come to the salute ─── 【军】行敬礼

9、take the salute ─── (元首、将军等)接受敬礼, 还礼

salute 相似词语短语

1、solute ─── n.[化学]溶质;[化学]溶解物;adj.溶解的

2、ballute ─── n.[航]气球式降落伞

3、saluted ─── v.(尤指军队中)敬礼;向……打招呼;称赞;欢呼拥戴(salute的过去式及过去分词)

4、saltate ─── vi.跳舞;跳跃;(地质学)跃移

5、saluter ─── n.致敬,欢迎;敬礼(salute的变形)

6、salutes ─── 敬礼(salute的复数);喝彩(salute的复数);赞扬(salute的第三人称单数);致敬(salute的第三人称单数);欢迎(salute的第三人称单数)

7、salue ─── 敬礼

8、resalute ─── vt.答礼;再敬礼

9、salvete ─── 节约

salute 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The soldiers stood at the salute. ─── 士兵们立正敬礼。

2、It is the custom in Britain to salute the Queen's birthday with 21 guns. ─── 以呜炮二十一响祝贺女王生日是英国的习俗。

3、The Soviet model used a bayonet of its own and was known as a gadget of a very high quality. ─── 苏联的Salute相机使用的是自己的卡口,具有超高的质感。

4、A musical salute to the composers 90th Birthday. ─── 为作曲家90岁寿辰致敬的音乐会

5、Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine. ─── 又问在主蒙拣选的鲁孚和他母亲安。他的母亲就是我的母亲。

6、Everyone got up for the salute to the flag. ─── 大家都起立向国旗致敬。

7、Major Dallas, I first would like to salute a warrior. ─── 少校,我首先要向一位武士致敬。

8、He raised his hat slightly as a friendly salute to her. ─── 他略抬了一下帽子以示对她的欢迎。

9、Salut, Pascal. Comment ca va ? ─── 你好,帕斯卡尔。你好吗?

10、He drew his sword, held it to his helm, blade upward, in gesture of salute and peace. ─── 他抽出佩剑,举至盔前,剑刃向上,摆出一个表示敬意与和平的手势。

11、Merchant ships salute each other by dipping the flag. ─── 商船互相点旗致敬。

12、Play country music, and raise country flag! Young pioneers salute, The other students and teachers salute with eyes. ─── 奏国歌,升国旗!少先队员行队礼,其它同学和老师行注目礼。

13、It is a universal custom for a solider to salute his officer in the army. ─── 士兵向军官行军礼,在 军队里这是一种普遍的 习惯.

14、Thank you for accompanying WWE for the past 20 years, today you leave WWE to leave the wrestling ring of the last day here I salute you. ─── 谢谢你带我们在过去的20年间,今天你离开我们离开摔跤场斗个你死我活的最后一天在这里我都问你们安。

15、I salute you; pass it on, with a hundreds of thousands of years to come in Christ name, Amen. ─── 向你致意。去传扬,在未来的千百年,奉耶稣的名字。阿们。

16、He raised his hat as a friendly salute. ─── 他举帽亲切致意。

17、A little boy, his right arm was broken, bloods on his face.He used his left hand to give a salute to soldiers. ─── 小小年纪就知道感恩的孩子,一只胳膊骨折,脸上沾满血污,还不忘给救援人员敬礼.

18、Mk. 15:18 And they began to salute Him: Rejoice, King of the Jews! ─── 可十五18就向他致敬说,犹太人的王!愿你喜乐!

19、Salute,to these great lives! ─── 向这些伟大的生命敬礼!

20、Salute Urbane, our helper in Christ, and Stachys my beloved. ─── 又问在基督里与我们同工的耳巴奴、并我所亲爱的士大古安。

21、He put up his hand in a salute. ─── 他举手致敬。

22、The soldiers salute the officer. ─── 士兵们向军官举手敬礼。

23、In one of the photos, the nudes stood upright and gave a military-like salute to their national flag. ─── 其中一幅描述的是,他们笔直立着向他们的国旗行了个像军礼似的礼。

24、Salute Urbane, our helper in Christ, and Stachys my beloved. ─── 9又问在基督里与我们同工的耳巴奴,并我所亲爱的士大古安。

25、Julie: Salut Beno?t .?a va ? ─── 你好, Beno?t, 还行吗.

26、Great communication. A pleasure to do business with. We at Schuh salute you! ─── 信用指数经双方同意撤回:买卖双方皆同意撤回此次交易的信用评价。进一步了解。2007-09-12

27、BR>Moon, for what do you wait?To salute the sun for whom I must make way. ─── “月儿呀,你在等候什么呢?”“向我将让位给他的太阳致敬,因为我必须给他让路。”

28、The children stand to salute the flag. ─── 孩子起立,向国旗敬礼。

29、JR: Yes, you would call it a Roman Salute, but a lot of people see that as a Fascist salute. ─── 的确,你可以叫它“罗马式军礼”,但很多人把它看作是法西斯式敬礼。

30、They raised their fists in salute to their leader. ─── 他们举起拳头向领袖致敬。

31、Salute one another with an holy kiss. All the churches of Christ salute you. ─── 你们要以圣吻彼此请安。基督的众教会都问候你们。

32、Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord. ─── 22我这代笔写信的德丢,在主里面问你们安。

33、Always have great respect for the traffic cop! Salute! ─── 对交警,我们永远怀着崇敬的心情!

34、And if you salute only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? ─── 你们若单请你弟兄的安,比人有什么长处呢?就是外邦人不也是这样行麽?

35、Used to express acclamation, salute, or applause. ─── 万岁用于表达欢呼、敬意和鼓掌的

36、The children stand to salute the flag . ─── 孩子起立,向国旗敬礼。

37、Today we salute women whose triumphs are written in bold on the pages of history. ─── 今天我们向胜利被写在大胆在历史页的妇女致敬。

38、It salivated its salute to physiology. ─── 不禁为它的大礼垂涎。

39、All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar's household. ─── 众圣徒都问你们安。在该撒家里的人特特的问你们安。

40、On your knees, every rascal of you, and salute the king! ─── 你们这些无赖之徒,还不快一个个双膝跪倒,向国王行礼称臣!

41、And oh, yes: Salute every passing car on your way to and from school. ─── 哦,对了,还有一条:在上学放学的路上想每一辆过往的汽车致敬。

42、I salute Vice Premier Wang for his leadership. ─── 我向王副总理的领导能力致敬。

43、The little prince clapped his hands. The conceited man raised his hat in a modest salute. ─── 小王子就拍起巴掌来。这位爱虚荣者就谦逊地举起帽子向小王子致意。

44、They fire a salute of ten guns to show their respect. ─── 他们鸣十枪来表示他们的敬意。

45、They held an acception to salute his coming. ─── 他们举行了一个招待会以迎接他的到来。

46、It is the custom in Britain to salute the Queen's birthday with[by firing]21 guns. ─── 以鸣炮二十一响祝贺女王生日是英国的习俗。

47、All salute, pay respect, sing our National Anthem together. ─── 全体肃立,唱国歌,升旗,敬礼。

48、We salute the noble and laudable aims of those who formulated the Universal Declaration. ─── 《世界人权宣言》的制定者高瞻远瞩,目标宏大,实在值得我们致以崇高的敬意。

49、Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and border and salute each other. ─── 两颗寂寞的心相爱护、相偎依、相敬重,爱就在此间。

50、As we passed beneath the flags of the Italian republic and the European Union, the two carabinieri at the door gave him a formal salute. ─── 当我们从意大利国旗和欧盟旗帜下走过时,门口的两位宪兵向他行了一个正规的军礼。

51、When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salute. ─── 他看到校长时举手敬礼。

52、Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Persis, which laboured much in the Lord. ─── 又问为主劳苦的士非拿氏和士富撒氏安。问可亲爱为主多受劳苦的彼息氏安。

53、Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way. ─── 4不要带钱囊,不要带口袋,不要带鞋。在路上也不要问人的安。

54、He did not return my salute. ─── 他没有向我答礼。

55、They all raised their glasses in salute. ─── 他们都举杯致意。

56、To the most lovable people, we salute! ─── 向我们最可爱的人致敬!

57、Unhappily, the fancied salute of her lips encircled him with the breathing Clara. ─── 不幸的是,这个嘴唇表示的敬礼使活生生的克莱拉又包围了他。

58、Once he paused to salute some one in the crowd. ─── 一次,他停了嘴,向听众中的一个人打招呼。

59、He extended a salute to his father. ─── 他向他的父亲致敬。

60、Salute to all the World Vision staff in all over the world!! ─── 向世界宣明会在世界各地的工作人员致敬!!

61、Timotheus my workfellow, and Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater, my kinsmen, salute you. ─── 与我同工的提摩太、和我的亲属路求、耶孙、所西巴德、问你们安。

62、Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in the Lord. ─── 又问为主劳苦的土非拿氏和土富撒氏安。

63、Union soldiers began to celebrate.Artillerymen fired their guns to salute the victory over Lee. ─── 北军开始庆祝打败了李军,炮兵鸣炮志喜。

64、Moon, for what do you wait? To salute the sun for whom I must make way. ─── 向我将让位给他的太阳致敬。

65、The captain click his heel together and salute his superior officer. ─── 上尉喀嚓一声立正,向上级军官行军礼。

66、Salute Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brethren which are with them. ─── 又问亚逊其土,弗勒干,黑米,八罗巴,黑马,并与他们在一处的弟兄们安。

67、The children arose from their seats to salute the flag. ─── 孩子们从座位上站起来向国旗敬礼。

68、KJV] Salute Urbane, our helper in Christ, and Stachys my beloved. ─── [新译]问候在基督里与我们同工的珥巴努和我亲爱的士达古。

69、I salute to the republic hero! ─── 向共和国的英雄致敬!

70、In 1968 two American sprinters gave a Black Power salute on the podium. ─── 1968年,两名美国短跑运动员在领奖台上向“黑人权利”致礼。

71、They took off their hats by the grave in silent salute. ─── 他们在墓旁脱帽默哀.

72、They take off their hat by the grave in silent salute. ─── 他们在墓旁脱帽默哀。

73、Madame Defarge. `I salute you, citizeness,' from the Doctor. `I salute you, citizen. ─── “向你致敬,女公民,”医生说。“向你致敬,公民。”

74、KJV] Salute Herodion my kinsman. Greet them that be of the household of Narcissus, which are in the Lord. ─── [新译]问候我的亲族希罗天。问候拿其舒家中在主里的人。

75、He waved to her and she returned the salute. ─── 他向她挥手,她回敬礼。

76、She acknowledged a security guard's friendly salute. ─── 她向一个负责警卫的保镖友好地答了礼。

77、He raised his hat as a friendly salute. ─── 他举帽亲切致意。

78、Despite not coming from fascist countries, French and Canadian Olympians gave what appeared to be the Hitler salute at the opening ceremony. ─── 虽然并非来自法西斯国家,但似乎法国和加拿大的运动员在开幕式上行了纳粹礼。

79、His first words were a salute to the people of South Africa. ─── 他开口首先向南非人民致敬。

80、And began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jews! ─── 就厌贺他说,恭喜犹太人的王阿。

81、While the national flag is being raised, all the young pioneers must salute. ─── 升国旗时少先队员要行队礼。

82、Shanghai people salute guests and friends from all over the world. ─── 上海人民向海内外宾朋致意。

83、I also salute the vice president and his supports for waging a spirited campaign. ─── 同时,也要感谢副总统先生,感谢他的支持。

84、He is considerate and polite. His salute never lacks anything; he never declines what he should do. ─── 他礼貌周到,当行之礼绝不偷工减料,应该他做的事他绝不推辞。应于礼而不讳,接于事而不辞

85、Salute to colleagues working on the frontline and other places supporting them! ─── 向所有抗战在一线的同事致敬!向所有在后方支援抗震救灾的同事致敬!

86、They all raised their glasses in salute. ─── 他们都举杯致意。

87、We seem to hear the sound of gun salute of festivity, soaked in the sea of jubilation. Thanks to own mother, bless own mother! ─── 我们仿佛听到了欢庆的礼炮声,我们仿佛置身于欢腾的海洋,感谢自己的母亲,祝福自己的母亲!

88、You should learn to salute properly . ─── 你该学会正确地打招呼。

89、He took off his hat to salute her. ─── 他向她脱帽致敬。

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