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08-17 投稿


concubinage 发音

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concubinage 中文意思翻译



concubinage 短语词组

1、concubinage def ─── 纳妾定义

2、concubinage fee ─── 纳妾费

3、concubinage pacs ─── 纳妾

4、concubinage china ─── 纳妾制中国

5、union of concubinage ─── [法] 纳妾

6、concubinage asia ─── 纳妾亚洲

7、concubinage caf ─── 纳妾咖啡馆

concubinage 词性/词形变化,concubinage变形

动词第三人称单数: concretizes |动词过去式: concretized |名词: concretization |动词过去分词: concretized |动词现在分词: concretizing |

concubinage 相似词语短语

1、concubitant ─── 脑震荡

2、concubitancy ─── 妃嫔

3、concubine ─── n.妾;情妇;姘妇

4、concubitants ─── 混凝土

5、concubines ─── 妾

6、coinage ─── n.造币;[金融]货币制度;新造的字及其语等

7、concatenate ─── v.连接,连结,使连锁;adj.连接的,连结的,连锁的

8、cousinage ─── n.堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹(cousin的变形)

9、concubinary ─── n.妾;同居者;adj.姘妇的

concubinage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of Arabia society much wife make, having the rule of forbidding, not be concubinage of elephantine China feudal society. ─── 阿拉伯社会的多妻制,有着森严的规矩,并不是象中国封建社会纳妾。

2、This system of marriage and concubinage made women experience a disastrous decline in terms of their social position. ─── 这种异姓嫡媵婚制,使周代女性地位一落千丈。

3、Emperor Taizong, who was named to the Minister Fang Xuanling concubinage, the Minister's wife interfered. ─── 唐太宗要为一位名叫房玄龄的大臣纳妾,大臣之妻横加干涉。

4、Although concubinage and foot-binding have been outlawed, the woman's role is still considered to be in the home. ─── 虽然非法同居和脚束缚被禁止了,妇女的角色仍然认为是在家。

5、In fact illegal prostitution and semi-legal concubinage is everywhere; ─── 但实际上非法卖淫和半合法的同居比比皆是。

6、This system of marriage and concubinage made women experience a disastrous decline in terms of their social position. ─── 周代这种异姓嫡媵婚制,使周代女性地位一落千丈。

7、6 2 To his sons by concubinage, however, he made grants while he was still living, as he sent them away eastward, to the land of Kedem, away from his son Isaac. ─── 至于妾所生的儿子,亚巴郎给了他们一些礼物,在自己活着时,就叫他们离开自己的儿子依撒格,打发他们向东去,住在东方。

8、concubinage n. ─── 非法同居;

9、As a rule concubinage was more the custom than multiple wives. ─── 而纳妾与一夫多妻制相比更符合中国的传统风俗。

10、Equality for women ended concubinage and resulted in many new freedoms which made women violent supporters of the 8th Route Army. ─── 提倡男女平等,废除纳妾制,导致了许多新的民主制度的诞生,因而八路军受到了妇女们特别热烈的拥护。

11、Concubinage has a long history and was common through the early 20th century. ─── 纳妾的历史悠久,在19世纪早期也非常普遍。

12、Incestuous concubinage with girls ─── 与女孩乱伦非法同居

13、Concubinage and prostitution spread everywhere. ─── 纳妾和卖淫之风四处蔓延。

14、Concubinage, which had been almost unknown under the Japanese, was reintroduced into the island. ─── 纳妾的陋俗在日本统治时期已经基本绝迹,现在又在岛上流行起来。

15、Concubinage , which had been almost unknown under the Japanese, was re introduced into the island. ─── 纳妾的陋俗在日本统治时期已经基本绝迹,现在又在岛上流行起来。

16、They inveighed against slavery, concubinage, foot binding, arranged marriage, cruel punishments, and the use of opium. ─── 他们痛骂了反对奴隶制, 非法同居, 脚捆绑, 被安排的婚姻, 残暴的处罚, 并且对鸦片的用途。

17、Incestuous child concubinage ─── 乱伦性儿童非法同居

18、Child concubinage ─── 儿童非法同居

19、A child of a union of concubinage ─── 夫妻关系中的子女

20、Although concubinage and foot-binding have been outlawed, the woman's role is still considered to be in the home. ─── 虽然非法同居和脚束缚被禁止了,妇女的角色仍然认为是在家。

21、consensual union; companionate marriage; concubinage ─── 自愿的结合; 习俗婚姻; 同居; 习惯婚姻

22、Non-incestuous child concubinage ─── 非乱伦性儿童非法同居

23、union of concubinage ─── [法] 纳妾

24、Concubinage is still the privilege of the rich class, but there still exist the phenomenon that the civilian concubinage. ─── 纳妾虽属于富贵阶层的特权,但平民纳妾也不在少数。

25、Philosophical Background of Concubinage and the Wedding Proprieties in the Western Zhou Dynasty ─── 媵婚与西周婚姻礼法的哲学背景

26、This system of marriage and concubinage made women experience a disastrous decline in terms of their social position. ─── 周代这种异姓嫡媵婚制,使周代女性地位一落千丈。

27、Just arrived below market economy condition ability in a way " open " a few, "Concubinage " " small honey " wait for ability to appear somewhat. ─── 只是到了市场经济条件下才稍稍“开放”了一些,“包二奶”“小蜜”等才有所出现。

28、Child of a union of concubinage ─── 夫妾关系中的子女

29、This day, he comes to wife in front of, pretend very confused look says: "The emperor issued a imperial edict today, let my concubinage. ─── 这天,他来到老婆跟前,装作很烦恼的样子说:“今天皇上下了一道圣旨,让我纳妾。

30、Concubinage is the state of a woman or youth in an ongoing, quasi-matrimonial relationship with a man of higher social status. ─── 妾制是妇女或未成年少女与社会地位较高的男人的准婚姻关系。

31、Venal concubinage ─── 受利诱的非法同居

32、Pass into Japan when christian, when the thing that publicizing concubinage, adultery is injustice, a lot of Japanese complain unceasingly, think it disturbed the peace of Japanese family. ─── 当基督教传入日本,宣传纳妾、通奸是罪恶之事时,许多日本人抱怨不已,认为它扰乱了日本家庭的和平。

33、This paper aims to find out the social roots of concubinage, a long-standing custom in ancient China, and analyzes the laws and features of the phenomenon. ─── 本文旨在通过对清代纳妾现像的研究,了解纳妾习俗经久不衰的社会根源,并对这种现象的发展规律和特点进行深入分析。

34、But the story's social context is the concubinage, Zhao Wei's role in the real conditions can share with my husband, how she was in the end the answer? ─── 但故事里的社会情境是可以纳妾的,赵薇的角色在现实条件下可以把丈夫与我分享,她到底该怎么回答?

35、A secondary emphasis was on the need to overthrow feudal practices such as foot binding, concubinage and inequality of women. ─── 其次强调需要破除封建事物,如缠足、纳妾、轻视妇女等等;

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