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symphonic 发音

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symphonic 中文意思翻译



symphonic 网络释义

adj. 交响乐的;交响性的;和声的

symphonic 词性/词形变化,symphonic变形


symphonic 短语词组

1、symphonic jazz ─── 交响乐爵士乐

2、symphonic suit ─── 交响乐套装

3、symphonic metamorphosis ─── 交响乐变形

4、symphonic music ─── 交响乐

5、symphonic rock ─── 交响摇滚

6、symphonic ballet ─── 交响乐伴奏的芭蕾舞

7、symphonic band ─── 交响乐队

8、symphonic metal bands ─── 交响金属乐队

9、symphonic poem n. ─── 交响诗

10、symphonic distribution ─── 交响乐分布

11、symphonic yes ─── 交响乐是的

12、Symphonic Rain ─── 交响雨

symphonic 相似词语短语

1、symphonia ─── 中世纪各种乐器

2、symphonize ─── vi.协调;奏出和音

3、siphonic ─── adj.水管的;虹吸管状的;虹吸作用的

4、symphonist ─── n.创作交响乐的人

5、dysphonic ─── 发音困难的

6、sulphonic ─── adj.酸性硫酸基的

7、symphonion ─── 交响曲

8、symphonise ─── 交响乐

9、symphonies ─── n.交响曲(symphony的复数)

symphonic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bach's violin concertos were not very much welcomed in the 19th Century and early 20th Century, because their styles are very different from the symphonic concertos of the Classic and Romantic Period. ─── 巴赫的小提琴协奏曲在19世纪和20世纪初并不受特别的欢迎,因为它在风格上和古典主义、浪漫主义的交响式协奏曲太不一样。

2、symphonic jazz ─── 交响爵士乐

3、By the standards of symphonic concerts or micromanaged pop spectacles, the evening was a relatively intimate collaboration with Wang and 85 of his closest friends. ─── 当晚的演出,无论从交响音乐会或是一场流行的演出也好,都是一次力宏与他的85个朋友之间的无间合作。

4、Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Band in concert ─── 在演奏中的香港青年管乐团

5、Shanghai Symphony Orchestra is the earliest and the best-known ensemble of its kind in Asia, through which the Chinese symphonic music develops. ─── 上海交响乐团是亚洲最早建立的、具有广泛影响的专业音乐团体,是中国交响乐的发源地。

6、The view on music theory: "We have the most beautiful romance, that is the most precious in my life symphonic. ─── 乐理上的说法:“我们拥有最美的恋曲,那是我生命中最珍贵的的交响乐。

7、they are regarded as the original Chinese symphonic music creations. ─── 它们可视为中国交响音乐创作的滥觞。

8、"impressionistic doodles, symphonic splashes and dancerly flourishes" (Los Angeles Times) ─── “印象派主义的乱画、交响乐的轰动和舞蹈的繁荣”(洛杉矶时报)

9、Symphonic Variations ─── 交响乐的变奏

10、"Strauss in German followed Wagner and composed the symphonic poem "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks". " ─── 德国的施特劳斯沿袭瓦格纳之风,谱写了交响诗

11、Symphonic metal as a genre takes much of its musical basis from early gothic metal, power metal, and classical music. ─── 交响金属是吸取了早期歌特金属,力量金属和古典音乐的基础。

12、There can be a luxury in our bodily movements, as in the movement of a symphonic poem. ─── 一首音韵和谐的诗歌有放佚的表现;我们身体上的动作也可以有放佚的表现。

13、symphonic ballade ─── 交响叙事曲

14、World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles; ─── 世界交响乐团和合唱团协会;

15、The pavilion is a home for the Grant Park Music Festival. Listen as the Grant Park Symphony plays "Julius Caesar: Symphonic Epilogue After Shakespeare," Opus Twenty-eight. ─── 大帐篷也是大公园音乐节的举办地.请听大公园交响曲演奏恺撒大帝:莎士比亚后期的结尾曲章.

16、From 1957 to 1962, symphonic creation became even brisker. ─── 1957年一1962年间,交响音乐创作呈现出更为活跃的局面。

17、Russian composer whose works include ballets,operas,and the symphonic fairy tale Peter and the Wolf(1936) ─── 俄罗斯作曲家,他的作品包括芭蕾、歌剧和童话交响乐彼得与狼(1936年)

18、it also featured experiments with using symphonic forms to express serious historical subject matter. ─── 也出现了远用交响音乐形式表现重大历史事件的尝试;

19、American conductor and composer who has written numerous choral and symphonic works but is best known for his musical comedies, including West Side Story(1957). ─── 伯恩斯坦,伦纳德1918-1990美国指挥家和作曲家,曾写过大量合唱交响乐作品,但以其音乐喜剧最为著名,如西部故事(1957年)

20、symphonic woven body ─── 和声织体

21、" The orchestra had been planning a British symphonic celebration with Hickox for 2010, and a Britten celebration for the Olympic year, 2012. ─── 乐团正与希考克斯一 起计划2010年的英国交响乐盛典,还有2012年奥运年的布里顿庆典。

22、But Li Yiding’s mucic has a certain audibility, her chamber music and symphonic music conduct the modern music techniques as well as the graceful and clear melodies. ─── 但是李一丁的音乐会音乐却有着一定的可听性,她的室内乐、交响乐在运用现代音乐技法的同时,始终贯穿优美、清晰的旋律。

23、The Role of Symphonic Music Appreciation in Training Creative Personnel ─── 交响乐赏析在培养创新人才中的作用

24、and in 1981, 35 works won prizes at the First National Symphonic Music awards Conference. ─── 1981年全国第一次交响音乐作品评奖,获奖作品达35部,可见景况之盛。

25、TCHEREPNIN, N.: Tati-Tati / JANSSEN, W.: Symphonic Paraphrases on Chopsticks (Columbia Symphony, Janssen) (1951 ─── 切列普宁,N.:塔提塔提/简森,W.:筷子上的交响释义曲(哥伦比亚交响乐团,简森)(1951

26、symphonic form. ─── 交响曲

27、Robert Russell Bennett Symphonic Songs for Band ─── 交响歌曲

28、I am wondering if the German national anthem would be symphonic. ─── 不知德国国歌会否很交响乐呢!

29、It demonstrated vividly the possibility of assimilating contemporary popular music into the symphonic tradition. ─── 它生动地展示了将当代流行音乐融入传统交响乐的可能性。

30、the symphonic literature ─── 交响文献

31、In the period 1949-1956, there was a flurry of creation in the field of symphonic music. ─── 1949年一1956年间,交响音乐创作呈现出欣欣向荣的景象,

32、Europe is the home to symphonic music and also home to opera. It has been a cradle of many brilliant music composers. ─── 欧洲是交响乐之乡,也是歌剧之乡,是许多杰出作曲家的摇篮。

33、With regards to the international music exchange, the band had exchange visitors from the Tainan Fu Xing High School Band, Hong Kong CCC Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay) Symphonic Band. ─── 在音乐交流方面,乐团曾与台南巿复兴中学管乐团及香港基湾小学管乐团进行音乐交流及表演。

34、In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman. ─── 在交响乐曲的创作上,他堪称技艺大师。 收藏。

35、"Lenin - nash!" Vocal symphonic cantata on verses by L. Reva for children's choir (1970) ─── "列宁是我们的!"声乐交响大合唱根据里瓦的诗,为儿童合唱团(1970)

36、symphonic chorus ─── 交响合奏效果

37、Symphonic concerts abound in the bigger cities. ─── 在较大的城市中经常上演交响乐演奏会。

38、DIAMOND, D.: Music for Romeo and Juliet / DELLO JOIO, N.: Harp Concerto / TRAVIS, R.: Symphonic Allegro (1947, 1952 ─── 戴蒙德,D.:为罗密欧与朱丽叶而作的音乐/德洛乔伊奥,N.:竖琴协奏曲/特拉维斯,R.:交响乐快板(1947,1952

39、This gave Orchestral and Symphonic works a rare ambience and insight in instrument placement in the Concert Hall. ─── 在音乐厅的乐器位置布置方面,这给管弦乐和交响乐队的工作一个珍贵的气氛和见识。

40、As of wandering in a foreign land, I hope that a harmonious home with the rhythm of the Dianchi Lake this wonderful symphonic music will always play out that people obsessed with the music. ─── 作为身在异乡的游子,但愿故乡与滇池的和谐律动这曲美妙的交响,永远演奏出那让人迷恋的音韵。

41、HINDEMITH: Symphonic Metamorphosis / Nobilissima visione: Suite / SCHUMANN, R.: Symphony No. 1 (Szell, Ormandy, Leinsdorf) (1946-1947 ─── 亨德米特:韦伯主题交响变奏曲/最尊贵的显圣:组曲/舒曼,R.:第1交响曲(塞尔,奥曼迪,莱恩斯多夫)(1946-1947

42、"Strauss in German followed Wagner and composed the symphonic poem ""Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks"". " ─── 德国的施特劳斯沿袭瓦格纳之风,谱写了交响诗

43、The later drama music and symphonic music tend to take it as the symbol of landscapes,especially that of the scenes of the Alps. ─── 后世的戏剧音乐和交响音乐 ,常常采用放牧调来描写田园风光 ,特别是描写阿尔卑斯山区的景色。

44、it acknowledges that the meaning of our discourse, as of any symphonic composition, lies not only in the units but in the pauses, the pacing and the phrasing. ─── 它表明,我们说话著文,有如谱写交响乐曲,情意所至,不仅见于整体段落,也见于起落有间,快慢有节以及长短有致。

45、impressionistic doodles, symphonic splashes and dancerly flourishes(bLos Angeles Times) ─── 印象派主义的乱画、交响乐的轰动和舞蹈的繁荣(b洛杉矶时报)

46、Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, ─── 当一个人从收音机中听交响音乐会时,

47、after 1976, Good News from Beijing to Border Villages forecasted an overall revival in symphonic creation, ─── 1976年后,《北京喜讯到边寨》报道了中国交响音乐创作全面复苏的征兆,

48、Chen's output also include the first Chinese harp concerto, the first Chinese oboe concerto, symphonic poems, choral and chamber music. ─── 他还创作了中国第一首竖琴协奏曲和第一首双簧管协奏曲。陈钢的作品还有交响诗,大合唱和室内乐合奏等。

49、Symphonic Suite"The Season of the North Country" ─── 交响组曲“北方四季”

50、Late USSR Composer Aram Khachaturian's symphonic works and Violin Concerto has been widely circulated in China, but not his Piano Concerto, which is also highly valued. ─── 前苏联作曲家哈恰图良的交响乐和小提琴作品在国内广为流传,但他的钢琴协奏曲却很少能听到。

51、Nature's symphonic world was drowned by man's industrial cacophony. ─── 大自然的和声世界被人类的工业噪音淹没了。

52、She was Arnold Bax's favored interpreter for his “Symphonic Variations. ─── 她曾经是Arnold最喜欢的“交响变奏曲”的演奏者。

53、symphonic music ─── 交响乐

54、In the period 1982-1989, the prosperous situation in Chinese symphonic music was assisted by the rise of the New Wave movement. ─── 在1982年一1989年之间,交响音乐创作因"新潮音乐"的崛起而呈现出一派欣欣向荣的景观,形成了一个高潮。

55、Their music combines death and trash metal themes with symphonic, sacral ones and choirs, ethnic/folk melodies, film soundtrack influences, and more to create an unusual, yet epic and bombastic sound. ─── 他们的音乐将死亡金属、垃圾金属和交响、宗教主题结合起来,还有圣歌、民谣旋律、电影原声等,创造出不同凡响的,史诗般的以及夸张的声音。

56、symphonic characteristic ─── 交响性

57、symphonic poem ─── n. 交响诗


59、Music Party by Shanghai Oriental Symphonic Wind Band ─── 东方管乐迎新音乐派对

60、His symphonic works represent the best legacy of the classical tradition, while his songs exemplify the height of romantic lyricism. ─── 他的交响乐作品继承了古典音乐的优秀传统,而他创作出的歌曲成为了浪漫抒情主义的典范。

61、He prefers opera to symphonic music. ─── 他喜欢歌剧胜过交响乐。

62、symphonic creation became even brisker. ─── 交响音乐创作呈现出更为活跃的局面。

63、symphonic structure ─── 交响乐结构

64、symphonic suit ─── 交响组曲

65、DVORAK: Symphony No. 9, "From the New World" / Symphonic Variations (Alsop ─── 德沃夏克:第九交响曲“自新大陆”/交响变奏曲(艾尔索普)

66、After 1976, Good News from Beijing to Border Villages forecasted an overall revival in symphonic creation ─── 1976年后,《北京喜讯到边寨》报道了中国交响音乐创作全面复苏的征兆

67、Structural Characteristics of Saint-Saens's Symphonic Poem ─── 圣-桑交响诗中的结构特征

68、symphonic music thoughts ─── 交响音乐思维

69、The orchestra had been planning a British symphonic celebration with Hickox for 2010, and a Britten celebration for the Olympic year, 2012. ─── 乐团正与希考克斯一起计划2010年的英国交响乐盛典,还有2012年奥运年的布里顿庆典。

70、LUENING, O.: Symphonic Fantasia No. 1 / ANTHEIL, G.: Serenade No. 1 / HOWE, M.: Stars / Sand (Adler, Antonini, Strickland) (1957 ─── 卢宁,O:第一交响幻想曲/安泰尔:第一小夜曲/豪:星辰/沙(阿德勒,安东尼尼,斯特里克兰)(1957)

71、"A symphonic album has turned up here," he said, "like a full collaboration with an orchestra. ─── “交响专辑已经出现在这里, ”他说, “就像一个全面合作的乐团。

72、DEBUSSY: La Mer, three symphonic sketches French National Radio Orchestra JEAN MARTINON, Conductor ─── 巴黎法国国家广播乐团,指挥:马蒂尼

73、where dance or symphonic orchestras play, ─── 中央舞台要么上演舞会或交响乐,

74、impressionistic doodles, symphonic splashes and dancerly flourishes(Los Angeles Times) ─── 印象派主义的乱画、交响乐的轰动和舞蹈的繁荣(洛杉矶时报)

75、"Lenin - nash!" vocal symphonic cantata on verses by L. Reva for children's choir (1970 ─── "列宁是我们的!"声乐交响大合唱根据里瓦的诗,为儿童合唱团(1970)

76、In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman. ─── 在交响乐曲的创作上,他堪称技艺大师。

77、I have no definite music style and mix rock drums with symphonic orchestra and ethnic voices with electronic sounds. ─── 我没有明确的音乐风格和混合岩石鼓与交响乐团和民族的声音与电子声音。

78、The sun reveals ponderation for the snow land, drop by drop the melt-ing water joins the rhythm of the return of spring, flows into prolonged af-fection and plays exciting symphonic music with the earth. ─── 太阳为雪地拉开深沉的思索,涓涓滴滴融入回春的节奏,流淌成漫长的情思,与大地合奏一首扣动心弦的交响乐。

79、symphonic [tone] poem ─── 交响诗

80、symphonic ballet ─── 交响芭蕾舞

81、In the film warm touching symphonic sounds like a choir is tie-in, children's chorus of song and pure tone from heaven like the sound. ─── 影片中温暖感人的交响乐曲搭配着唱诗班天籁般的合唱,孩子们的歌声和纯洁的音色犹如来自天堂的声音。

82、He joined the Macau Police Band in 1992.He is under obligation to be conductor of the Macau Youth Symphonic Band(Junior Band. ─── 年幼时已对音乐产生浓厚兴趣,1992年加入澳门治安警察厅银乐队,于工馀时间义务参与澳门青年管乐团训练工作。

83、Who believe that in the bright sunshine after, there will be a symphonic piece of music in a dream sounded. ─── 曾相信,在鲜明的阳光之后,会有在梦里交响着的乐章响起。

84、Landscape Bridge As well as facilitating a magnificent symphonic allegro, some bridges in Tianjin provide for a more lyrical adagio. ─── 景观桥天津的桥不只有宏伟壮阔的交响乐,也不乏低吟浅唱抒情慢板。

85、World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles ─── 世界交响乐团和合唱团协会

86、Dou E's Plaint (music by Ma Jianping), The King of Qin Sweeps Over the Universe (music by Shi Tie), Yellow Earth (music by Tan Dun) and the symphonic dance drama The Blank Monument (music by Yang Liqing and Lu Pei). ─── 《窦娥的呼唤》(马剑平曲)、《秦王扫六合》(石铁曲)、《黄土地》(谭盾曲)、交响舞剧《无字脾》(杨立青、陆培曲)等

87、a new high point was reached in 20th century Chinese symphonic creation when other old and middle-aged composers who clung to the traditional methods of composition were spurred to turn out more excellent works. ─── 加上一批坚持其传统技法写作的中老年作曲家及其优秀作品的推动。从而把20世纪中国交响音乐创作推向一个制高点。

88、American conductor and composer who has written numerous choral and symphonic works but is best known for his musical comedies,including West Side Story(1957). ─── 伯恩斯坦,伦纳德1918-1990美国指挥家和作曲家,曾写过大量合唱交响乐作品,但以其音乐喜剧最为著名,如西部故事(1957年)。

89、The process of the development of the symphonic mimic is the result effected directly by society, economy and philosophical trends. ─── 交响音乐的形成发展过程,是受社会、经济、哲学思潮所影响的交响音乐思维直接作用的结果。

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