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08-17 投稿


emperorship 发音


英:  美:

emperorship 中文意思翻译



emperorship 短语词组

1、emperorship eso ─── 皇帝职位

2、emperorship of marcus aurelius ─── 马库斯·奥雷利乌斯的王位

3、emperorship definition ─── 皇权定义

emperorship 相似词语短语

1、supervisorship ─── n.监督权;监督职务

2、electorship ─── n.选举人,选举团成员

3、emperors ─── 皇帝;君主(emperor的复数)

4、eldership ─── n.长辈;前辈

5、governorship ─── n.州长或总督等的职位;州长或总督等的任期

6、superiorship ─── 上级

7、campership ─── 营员

8、editorship ─── n.编辑;校订;编辑或主笔地位

9、imperatorship ─── n.绝对统治者,最高统治者;古罗马皇帝(imperator的变形)

emperorship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The people all bowed down before the Emperor. ─── 全体给皇帝鞠躬。

2、I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe. ─── 一些现代派绘画具有梦幻色彩。

3、The emperor thought, "What a bother! ─── 什麽时候不好来,就偏拣在这时辰?

4、The emperor was exasperated by his fell words. ─── 国王被他尖锐的话激怒了。

5、Word Emperor A new compelling word puzzle game! ─── 单词工厂高水平的英语单词游戏!

6、If the Emperor knew he seemed to ignore the threat. ─── 帝皇可能知道,但却似乎忽略了这些征兆。

7、His Emperor is all pride, cunning, and ruthlessness. ─── 他饰演的角色傲慢、狡诈、冷酷无情。

8、Charles V elected emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. ─── 1519年的今天,查尔斯五世被选为神圣罗马帝国的皇帝。

9、He was lucky to serve such a great emperor. ─── 大牛:那他一定是碰上了一位好的皇帝。

10、Name of tyrant, last emperor of Shang Dyn. ─── 历史上有名的暴君。

11、I do not personate the stage-play emperor to entrap applause. ─── 我不扮演戏台上的国王骗取掌声。

12、The white dragon is punished by the Jade Emperor. ─── 受玉帝治罪的白龙

13、The mob acclaimed him emperor. ─── 乱民拥立他为皇帝。

14、Those who wished a favour of the emperor had to grovel on hands and knees before him. ─── 凡希望受到皇帝恩宠的人都要拜倒在他面前。

15、They caballed against the emperor's edict. ─── 他们密谋反对皇帝的谕旨。

16、The emperor sanctioned the raising of taxes. ─── 国王批准提高税率。

17、"How's that?" the emperor asked, puzzled. ─── “是什么?”皇帝问道,一脸困惑。

18、The emperor he played was magnanimous. ─── 他扮演的古代皇帝气度恢宏。

19、Have you read the emperor's mew Clothes? ─── 你读过皇帝的新衣么?

20、He proclaimed himself emperor. ─── 他自封为皇帝。

21、That means it was the emperor's tea mill. ─── 也就是说皇家的制茶厂啊。

22、An Analysis of Zhuxi's Strict Requirement of Emperorship Moral Qualification and Competence ─── 朱熹对皇帝职位道德素质能力严格要求探析

23、And the emperor pardons him - the worthless man. ─── 原谅了这个无用的人。

24、Claim it in the name of the Emperor! ─── 以帝皇的名义拿下它!

25、He incurred the wrath of the emperor for defending Li Ling. ─── 他因为替李陵说话,触怒了皇帝。

26、How dare they fire upon the Emperor's Chosen! ─── 他们竟敢朝人皇的冠军进攻!

27、May the Emperor watch over us all! ─── 愿帝皇保佑我等!

28、"Oh, what splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor. ─── "啊,多妙的衣服啊!"皇帝想。

29、Better a living beggar than a buried emperor! ─── 好死不如歹活。

30、She was the daughter of the emperor of China. ─── 她是中国皇帝的女儿。

31、The crown prince was deposed (by the emperor). ─── 太子被废黜了。

32、The sky is high; the emperor is far away. ─── 天高皇帝远

33、The idiom came from what the emperor said. ─── 成语“画饼充饥”就来自于皇帝所说的话。

34、What do you know about Ming Emperor Yongle? ─── 关于明朝的永乐皇帝你知道些什么?

35、The emperor of Russia Peter I was given the appellation" the Great. ─── 俄皇彼得一世被加上了“大帝”的称号。

36、Inside the hall is a gorgeous shrine for the Yellow Emperor. ─── 大殿中间有富丽堂皇的黄帝牌位。

37、He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty. ─── 他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。

38、Franz Josef I becomes Emperor of Austria. ─── 1848年,弗朗茨·约瑟福成为澳大利亚的皇帝。

39、They prostrated themselves before the emperor. ─── 他们拜倒在皇帝的面前。

40、You are impressionable like the Emperor. ─── 你和皇上一样耳软心活。

41、I want to be and have to be emperor. ─── 我一定一定要当皇帝,马上给我去!

42、But the Emperor has nothing on! ─── 可是皇帝什么也没穿呀!

43、"Crush them!" Jade Emperor demanded. ─── "把他们压成肉酱!"玉皇大帝下了旨。

44、A emperor should never loosen the grasp of power. ─── 君主应永不放松对权力的掌控。

45、They dethroned the last emperor. ─── 他们罢免了最後一个皇帝。

46、Octavian became the first emperor of a new era. ─── 屋大维成为了一个新时代的开国皇帝。

47、Mitterrand : Emperor or great architect ? ─── 密特朗:皇帝或伟大建筑师?

48、Descendants of the Song Dynasty emperor? ─── 宋朝皇帝的后裔呀?

49、Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor's actions. ─── 当时的许多作家都谴责该皇帝的行径。

50、The Emperor came in with his head held high. ─── 人们持有不同的见解。

51、He is notorious for being a foolish emperor. ─── 他是历史上有名的暗弱昏君。

52、The kind and most tolerant Jade Emperor was advised to pacify you. ─── 仁慈宽厚的玉皇大帝听从了别人的建议去安抚你。

53、The general overthrew the last emperor of that country and established a public. ─── 将军推翻了那个国家的最后一个皇帝,建立了共和国。

54、I command in the name of the Emperor! ─── 我以帝皇的名义指挥!

55、Napoleon III becomes Emperor of France. ─── 1852年,拿破仑三世成为法兰西的皇帝。

56、We all have seen the film "The Last Emperor". ─── 我们大家都看过《末代皇帝》这部电影。

57、Only high officials had access to the emperor. ─── 只有高级官员可以接近皇帝。

58、FUMI:No, Japan has an emperor and empress. ─── 不,日本有天皇和女皇。

59、You live up to the title of most brilliant emperor. ─── 您不愧是当今最英明的人主。

60、He asked him to go back to the Han Emperor help. ─── 他要求汉宣帝帮助他回去。

61、He was warned to fly from the emperor's wrath. ─── 他被告知皇帝发怒时离远一点。

62、They were working on the Emperor's new clothes. ─── 他们正在赶制皇帝的新装。

63、Emperors ( Can Claim Antiquity Too: Emperorship and Autocracy Under the New Policies) ─── 君王也能追慕上古:〈新政之下的君位与专制〉

64、Revolts broke out as soon as the first Qin emperor died in 210 B.C. ─── 公元前210年-秦始皇死的那年,起义爆发。

65、Your son kneels before the Emperor. ─── 儿臣拜见父王。

66、Ying Drum in the Jade Emperor Temple. ─── 在玉皇殿内。

67、He was a despotic emperor. ─── 他是一个暴君。

68、It has been a tribute for the past royal emperorship since recommended by Emperor Taizhong in Tang Dynasty. ─── 自唐朝太宗皇帝御膳推崇倍至以来,历代皇家皆为贡品。

69、Emperor Nero attended the bacchanalian orgy . ─── 尼禄皇(罗马暴君)参加了狂饮的祭酒神仪式。

70、Peter I is crowned as Emperor of Brazil. ─── 年,彼得一世被授冠成为巴西的皇帝。

71、The emperor heaped favors on him. ─── 国王对他极为宠信。

72、FUMI: No, Japan has an emperor an empress. ─── 不对, 日本有天皇和皇后.

73、Did you help the late Emperor in this same way? ─── 你也是这样辅佐先帝的吗?

74、Have you read the Emperor's New Clothes? ─── 你读过《皇帝的新衣》吗?

75、He was the firstborn son of Emperor Go-Toba. ─── (在子), daughter of Minamoto no Michichika (源通亲).

76、Excuse me, sir, may I aske where is Emperor Plaza? ─── 1劳驾,先生。请问帝国大厦怎么走?

77、"EMPEROR" Concerto no.5,op.73(3rd mvt. ─── “皇帝”钢琴协奏曲(第三乐章)11'36

78、Give me health a day, and I will make the pomp of emperor ridiculous. ─── 只要给我一天的健康,我会使皇帝的荣华变得荒谬可笑。

79、His Majesty the Emperor approaches. ─── 内侍监:皇上驾到。

80、Why should Horus now do as the Emperor bids? ─── 为什么何鲁斯现在还要听从帝皇的吩咐?

81、tribute for the past royal emperorship since recommended by Emperor Taizhong in Tang Dynasty. ─── 自唐朝太宗皇帝御膳推崇倍至以来,历代皇家皆为贡品。

82、The Emperor Kangxi ruled for 61 years. ─── 康熙皇帝秉政61年。

83、A Byzantine emperor or prince. ─── 君主一个拜占庭帝国皇帝或王子

84、The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream. ─── 冰淇淋之皇是独一的帝。

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