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08-17 投稿


solecism 发音

英:[?sɑ?l?s?z?m]  美:[?s?l?s?z?m]

英:  美:

solecism 中文意思翻译



solecism 网络释义

n. 语法错误,文理不通;谬误,失礼

solecism 短语词组

1、solecism means ─── 太阳主义意味着

2、solecism defined ─── 索拉主义定义

3、solecism meaning ─── 索拉主义意义

4、solecism definition ─── 太阳系定义

5、solecism define ─── 太阳主义定义

6、solecism merriam ─── 索莱西斯梅里亚姆

7、solecism origin ─── 太阳神起源

solecism 词性/词形变化,solecism变形

形容词: solecistic |名词: solecist |

solecism 相似词语短语

1、solecises ─── 晴朗的

2、solecist ─── n.失礼者;违反语法者

3、solarism ─── n.太阳中心说;太阳神话论

4、solecised ─── 切除

5、obsoletism ─── n.废弃

6、solecisms ─── n.语法错误,文理不通;谬误,失礼

7、solecize ─── vi.在语法上犯错误

8、solidism ─── 固体病理学说

9、solecise ─── 索莱西

solecism 习惯用语

1、commit a solecism ─── 犯语法上的错误; 失礼; 失仪

solecism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pls help me to check the solecism! Ths a lot! ─── 评论[支持者:0人,反对者:0人,中立者:0人]查看评论信息

2、An observation of the students will not be academically behind or solecism students. ─── 一个有观察力的学生,绝不会是学业成绩落后或者文理不通的学生。

3、Even in France, where the existence of so many varieties of delicious wine had hitherto imposed a judicious connoisseurship and has led to the branding of mere drinking as a brutish solecism. ─── 即使在法国,由于有那么多不同种类的葡萄酒,形成了品酒的鉴赏力,把单纯的喝酒看作粗鲁行为。

4、duke of Wellington was once famously turned away from the doors because he was guilty of the double solecism of arriving 7 minutes late and wearing trousers rather than knee breeches. ─── 惠灵顿公爵就有一次转身离开了门口因为他心虚于自己的双重失礼他迟到了7分钟并且穿的长裤而不是长及膝盖的短裤。

5、The Duke of Wellington was once famously turned away from the doors because he was guilty of the double solecism of arriving 7 minutes late and wearing trousers rather than knee-breeches. ─── 惠灵顿公爵就有一次转身离开了门口,因为他心虚于自己的双重失礼,他迟到了7分钟并且穿的长裤而不是长及膝盖的短裤。

6、word trading doesn`t mean showing off,going around insisting a clanger is a solecism. ─── 词汇的引入或输出并不意味着是一种炫耀。

7、I must siste on learning alought it may be a lot of solecism. ─── 尽管会有语法错误存在,但是我还是必须要坚持学习。

8、Duke of Wellington was once famously turned away from the doors because he was guilty of the double solecism of arriving 7 minutes late and wearing trousers rather than knee-breeches. ─── 惠灵顿公爵就有一次转身离开了门口,因为他心虚于自己的双重失礼,他迟到了7分钟并且穿的长裤而不是长及膝盖的短裤。

9、Anyone who does commit the solecism of talking or writing about class in America is assailed at once by a problem of definition. ─── 在美国历史上,任何在谈论或书写有关阶级的内容中犯了错的人曾经都因该定义受到了攻击。

10、I'm not meam to argue that,but please correct the solecism in your well-wishing first. ─── 我非常自信,自信中国中部在以长沙为省会的湖南省的带领下崛起的梦想会很快实现!

11、When people say, "I looked it up on Google, " they are committing a solecism. ─── 有人说“我在Google上查了一下,”但发现搜索结果有语病。

12、No spelling mistake and solecism. ─── 没有出现拼错单词和语法错误。

13、2、No spelling mistake and solecism. ─── 没有出现拼错单词和语法错误。

14、I don't mean to piss you off.Please don't make a big deal about it.As a matter of fact, it's hard not to make any solecism all the time. ─── 吃苦与委屈是生活的一部分,把它当作是人生的一次折叠好了,相信只要有足够的折叠,它也会变得不平凡,也会拥有奇迹般的厚度!

15、Maybe it's some solecism in my composition for that I had not studied English for some years.I hope readers can plenitude excuse me and give me empressment instruction.Think you very much! ─── 由于荒废的几年,也许我的文章将出现众多的语法错误,希望读者能给予充分的包含以及真诚的指点,本人在这先谢过了!

16、Maybe this blog have alot of inaccuracy and solecism, hence, If you specialize in English, help me correct it,Thanks! ─── 英文中可能会充满了错误与不当,英语好的朋友要帮我指正哦。

17、commit a solecism ─── 犯语法上的错误失礼失仪

18、Please forgive me if there were any unpolite and solecism above. ─── 如言词之间有拙漏、失礼之处敬请见谅!

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