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08-17 投稿


copped 发音

英:[k?pt]  美:[kɑ?pt]

英:  美:

copped 中文意思翻译





copped 常用词组

no cop ─── 没价值,不值钱;没用处

traffic cop ─── n. [口]交通警察

cop out ─── [美俚]逃避;放弃;自首并告密;避重就轻地认罪

copped 词性/词形变化,copped变形


copped 相似词语短语

1、clopped ─── n.马蹄声;vi.发出得得声

2、cropped ─── adj.裁切不正的

3、coped ─── v.处理;对付;竞争(cope的过去式和过去分词)

4、copper ─── n.铜;铜币;警察;adj.铜制的;vt.镀铜;n.(Copper)人名;(英)科珀

5、dopped ─── n.钻石夹;小饮料杯;vt.夹住(钻石);n.(Dop)(法、罗)多普(人名)

6、capped ─── adj.(贷款利率)有上限的,封顶的;加盖的;v.给……加盖;使达到高潮;限制;被选为足球队员;授予……大学学位(cap的过去式和过去分词)

7、chopped ─── v.砍;斩碎;大量削减(chop的过去分词)

8、cupped ─── adj.杯形的;凹的

9、bopped ─── 跳舞;击,打(bop的过去式和过去分词)

copped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Henry's in a jam now. He was copped out again by the police yesterday. ─── 亨利这次可惹麻烦了,昨天他又让警察给逮着了。

2、He copped all the hassle after the accident. ─── 他在事故发生后各种的罪都受了。

3、He copped the text carelessly so that it was corrupted. ─── 他抄写原文时很粗心,以致出现讹误。

4、At the last minute they copped out because of their hang-ups on their families. ─── 到最后一刻由于家庭牵挂,困难不小,他们变卦了。

5、Dimpus Burger Guy:Double baco cheeseburger. It's for a cop. ─── 店员:双份熏肉干酪三明治。给警0察的。

6、One cop held downthe robber while another handcuffed him. ─── 一名警察按住强盗,另一名把他铐上。

7、He was a very tough cop and a very fair one. ─── 他是一个非常坚强的警察,同时又是一个非常公正的警察。

8、Who did he cop off with at the party? ─── 他在聚会上与谁调情?

9、He looked quickly around into the face of a cop. ─── 他很快转过头看,和一名警察四目相对。

10、Xiao Zhang's in a jam now. He was copped out again by thepolice yesterday. ─── 小张这次可惹麻烦了,昨天他又让警察给逮着了。

11、You can't cop out of your responsibility to the project. ─── 你不能逃避对这项工程应负的责任。

12、You're not going to cop out at the last minute, are you? ─── 你不是打算临阵脱逃吧?

13、Always have great respect for the traffic cop! Salute! ─── 对交警,我们永远怀着崇敬的心情!

14、Look out! There's a cop on your tail. ─── 小心,有个警察在盯你的梢。

15、Hristo Mitzkov ....Russian narc cop Sequel to the 2002 film. ─── 到2002电影的结果。

16、He has copped out of his responsibilities. ─── 他逃避责任。

17、He is fink. He has copped out. ─── 他是一个工贼;他已经背叛了自己的事业。

18、Paris: Where were you a cop? ─── 帕丽丝:你以前在哪儿当差?

19、He copped a nasty whack on the head. ─── 他头上受一重击。

20、Near the woman he saw a big cop. ─── 在女子的附近他看见一位大块头的警察。

21、No! This cop is writing me a ticket! ─── 不是你!有个警察在给我写罚单!

22、Don't cop out, I need you to be responsible and keep your promise. ─── 别溜啊,我指望着你说到做到。

23、When you install Window95,all the readme files is cop to the directory. ─── 当你安装Windows95时,所有的自述文件被都被拷贝到此目录。

24、He saw the cop watching him. ─── 他看见警察正注意着他。

25、An escaped convict tracks down the cop who put him away. ─── 一个逃跑的囚犯追捕投他入狱的警察。

26、You'll cop it from your teacher for not doing your homework. ─── 你不做作业,会挨老师骂的。

27、Anyone notice that Eugene has copped an attitude? ─── |有人注意尤金的态度吗?

28、COP: Excuse me, sir. Pull over, please. ─── 对不起,请路边停车。

29、Not Officer Krupke, the saintly cop? ─── |不是那警察,那个圣人警察?

30、No problem. There's a traffic cop at the intersection. ─── 司机先生:没问题。十字路口有位交通警察。

31、What use is a cop with a broken heart? ─── 一个心碎的警察有什么用?

32、You look kinda fuckable for a Cop. ─── 你看起来真他妈像个警察.

33、He went on to reprise his role as a cop in both Die Hard sequels. ─── 他又继续在2部《虎胆龙威》系列电影中饰演警察的角色。

34、Poor Old Jim copped out last night. ─── 可怜的老吉姆昨天夜里死掉了。

35、One of the robbers copped out and so they were all caught. ─── 其中一名盗贼向警方坦白交代了,所以他们都被抓了起来。

36、Traffic Cop: Can I see your license please? ─── 交警:我可以看一下你的驾照吗?

37、He is a fink. He has copped out. ─── 他是一个工贼。他已经背叛了自己的事业。

38、He promised to go, but at the last minute he copped out. ─── 他答应去,可是在最后一分钟又反悔了。

39、A sudden fear caught Soapy. No cop was going to arrest him. ─── 休比突然害怕起来。没有警察会来逮捕他。

40、Xiao Zhang's in a jam now. He was copped out again by the police yesterday. ─── 小张这次可惹麻烦了。昨天他又让警察给逮住了。

41、Cop pol. Ice A: Oh! No. My TV and stereo are gone. Who did this? ─── 噢!不!我的电视和音响都不见了。谁干的?

42、Brian: Ever since I met you, I've been undercover. I'm a cop. ─── 布莱恩:自从我遇见你开始,我就是卧底,我是警察。

43、Once Olga copped to her real fears, facing and embracing her worst-case scenario was even more liberating. ─── 一旦Olga接受了她的真正恐惧,面临和拥抱她最糟糕一幕带来的是更多的解脱。

44、We had a great plan, but George copped out at the last minute. ─── 我们原来有一个很不错的计划,可是乔治在最后一分钟撒手不干了。

45、He's not much cop as a boxer. ─── 他是个蹩脚的拳击手。

46、The flick has copped four awards. ─── 这部电影获得了四项大奖。

47、VideoGamer.com: Have you copped a lot of flack over this? ─── 在这一点上你做了很多宣传么?

48、He was taken aback at the news that Li Li had been copped out. ─── 他听到李李已经被逮捕的事情大吃一惊。

49、Tough mountaineers;a tough cop. ─── 强壮的山民;身强体壮的警察

50、And the one person who can help him uncover the truth is not a cop at all. ─── 可帮他揭开真相的人却根本不是警察。

51、He was copped for speed ing. ─── 他因超速行车被捕.

52、During the interrogation, the cop slapped the suspect around. ─── 在审讯过程中,警察连续猛击那个嫌疑人。

53、They say he's not much cop as a coach. ─── 他们说他当教练不够称。

54、Old But for goodness sake,don't call any of them "cop" to his face! ─── 可是千万不要当着他们的面喊他们cop!

55、He was boasting about how brave he was at the start, but copped out (of it) at the finish. ─── 他起初夸耀自己勇敢,到头来却打了退堂鼓。

56、Cop a load of this(= Listen to this)! ─── 听听这一大套!

57、The politician copped out on the issue of free trade. ─── 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避

58、They slipped the undercover cop a Mickey Finn. ─── 他们偷偷在那秘密警察的酒中搀了迷药。

59、The gang of hoodlums dusted off a cop. ─── 一批流氓将一个警察狠揍了一顿。

60、A cop standing nearby laughed at him and walked down the street. ─── 一位站在他身旁不远的警察笑他,然后就沿着街走下去了。

61、The murderer of Martin copped a plea of guilty and got away with a life sentence instead of the death penalty . ─── 谋杀马丁的杀人犯认罪乞怜,因而免于死罪改判无期徒刑。

62、Nick: Melanie. There's a cop at the door. ─── 尼克:梅勒妮。有个警察在门口呢。

63、He copped all the hassle after the accident. ─── 他在事故发生后各种的罪都受了。

64、The manager copped out on his employees with the lack of funds. ─── 为了避免陷入困境,经理不对他的雇员说出资金匮乏的真相。

65、He turned out to be the dirty cop. ─── (到最后原来他是坏警察)。

66、Instead of facing the problem, he copped out. ─── 他不面对问题,反而规避了。

67、He is an fink. He has copped out. ─── 他是个工贼,他妥协了。

68、Here,cop hold of the screwdriver while I try the hammer. ─── 喂,握住这把改锥,我用榔头试试。

69、You shouldn't have copped out on a promise. ─── 你不应该言而无信。

70、So far, Europe and emerging markets seem to have copped it the hardest. ─── 到目前为止,似乎欧洲和新兴市场遭受的打击最为沉重。

71、Local cop: I got a problem with a corpse. ─── 当地条子:这出了个问题,有具尸体。

72、He was copped for speeding. ─── 他因超速行车被捕。

73、The cop stopped him from cutting in line. ─── 他试图插队,但是警察制止了他。

74、He is a fink.He has copped out. ─── 他是一个工贼;他已经背叛了自己的事业。

75、He was witness to a murder by a crooked cop. ─── 他是一个邪恶警察谋杀案的目击证人。

76、One cop held down the robber while another handcuffed him. ─── 一名警察按住强盗,另一名把他铐上。

77、Xiao Zhang's in a jam now. He was copped out again by the police yesterday. ─── 小张这次可惹麻烦了,昨天他又让警察给逮着了。

78、Tough mountaineers; a tough cop. ─── 强壮的山民;身强体壮的警察

79、Old Why don't you go and ask a cop? ─── 你干吗不去问警察?

80、He didn't like normal society,so he copped out of it. ─── 他不喜欢过正常的社会生活,因此他逃避社会。

81、Why isn't anyone guarding my father? Cop. ─── 守家父的人是怎么回事?条子。

82、A cop saw a young woman down on her knees under a streetlight. ─── 一个警察看一个年轻女人跪在路灯下。

83、It takes a hard-nosed cop to survive on the streets of New York. ─── 勇敢顽强的警察才能在纽约大街上生存下来。

84、He's not much cop as a singer. ─── 他的歌唱得不怎么样。

85、Here, cop hold of the screwdriver while I try the hammer. ─── 喂,握住这把改锥,我用鎯头试试。

86、In general, be real cop, and do not forget about safety! ─── 一般情况下,是真正的警察,不要忘记了安全!

87、Robby was a maverick vice cop, never doing things in legal way. ─── 华比是个特立独行的黑警察,从不以正当手段行事。

88、They copped Bruno with the evidence right on him. ─── 由于证据确凿,他们逮捕了布鲁诺。

89、Don't try to cop out by telling me you're too busy! ─── 别想跟我推脱说你太忙。

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