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08-17 投稿


apostrophize 发音

英:[??p?str?fa?z]  美:[??pɑ?str?fa?z]

英:  美:

apostrophize 中文意思翻译



apostrophize 短语词组

1、apostrophize literature definition ─── 撇号文学定义

2、apostrophize in a sentence ─── 在句子中作撇号

3、apostrophize def ─── 撇号定义

4、apostrophize definition ─── 撇号定义

5、apostrophize synonym ─── 撇除同义词

apostrophize 词性/词形变化,apostrophize变形

动词现在分词: apostrophizing |动词第三人称单数: apostrophizes |动词过去式: apostrophized |动词过去分词: apostrophized |

apostrophize 相似词语短语

1、apostrophise ─── vt.对……述说;向……诵诗

2、apostrophized ─── vt.加省略符号;使用顿呼

3、to apostrophize ─── 撇除

4、apostrophizes ─── vt.加省略符号;使用顿呼

5、apostrophe ─── n.省略符号,撇号;呼语,顿呼

6、apostrophic ─── adj.顿呼法的;使用撇号的

7、apostrophised ─── 撇号

8、apostrophises ─── 撇号

9、apostrophi ─── 撇体

apostrophize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to apostrophize in an article ─── 在文章中使用呼语法

3、apostrophize a speech ─── 在演讲中使用顿呼法

4、to apostrophize the spirit of freedom ─── 向自由精神呼吁

5、 双语使用场景

6、It was evident that Javert must have been exasperated beyond measure before he would permit himself to apostrophize the sergeant as he had done, after the mayor's suggestion that Fantine should be set at liberty. ─── 当然,沙威必须是象我们常说的那样,到了“怒气冲天”才敢在市长有了释放芳汀的指示后还象刚才那样冲撞那中士。

7、But should it happen that such a person might creep in surreptitiously it will be easy enough to identify him and apostrophize him ruthlessly. somewhat thus: "Be off, you scoundrel. ─── 但是如果碰巧有这样的人可能偷偷摸摸的混了进来,那也很容易被识别并且无情的将他拒之门外。

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